Discipline brings order for the sake of learning to take place ,it is so important since it also enhances interaction amongst pupils as they engaged in meaningful well organised mood of learning. Discipline is one of the influential factors for making a learning environment conducive. In constrasts indiscipline disrupts normal flow of lessons,vandalism of classroom property and irritates most of the pupils to be scared and then drawn away the atmosphere of learning which makes education impossible. Therefore indiscipline is unacceptable in the schools and its classrooms so it is important for the teacher to stand firm against all aggressive tendencies of misbahaviours at school and in the classrooms in particular.
According to Cohen and Manion (1977)discipline is promoted by power and authority.
Power as is used by the teacher denote ways in which learners are subjected to the general consensus of their teacher. The teacher can exercise this by inflicting pain ,imposing restrictions ,withdrawal of necessities to name just a few .However the teacher in the classroom is found to be too extreme to make pupils submisible to his/her needs alone.
On the other hand authority involves an appeal to an impersonal normative order or value.It regulates behaviour on the part of those who comply.
When dealing with misbehaviour the teacher should be aware of what is taking place in the classroom everytime. Brown (1975) states signals to look out for the teacher when using disciplinary method:
•Face:Teacher should face the pupils and pupils face their teacher ,so that the teacher can check the kind of attitudes on facial expressions of the pupils to judge whether interested or not ? Are they awake, when lessons are taking place?
•Response :How do pupils react when asked questions?
•Activity :Are they busy on the assigned task or they are not kept themselves busy to the needs of their learning activities?
•Head orientation and Posture: The teacher should be able to interpret the bodies figiting of learners and command them to be well-tuned towards the lesson and their heads are not turned elsewhere to be easily attracted outside. On posture the teacher should monitor children to directly facing the subject of the lesson.
Some pupils has tendencies of drifting away from the lesson unnecessarily as misbehavioural attitudes.Some developed mannerism that disrupt their attention. When dealing with repeated misbehaviour the teacher should try to establish an eye contact with concerned child. The child should strategically positioned in the place where he/she can directly face the teacher. Otherwise one should not waste time by looking at a pupils who is facing elsewhere.
Misbehaving children in their small group should sit proximite to their teacher such that when the teacher wants to control them can just touch or give signs such that can not disturb others when doing their work.
The teacher should also invite responses from mischievous children ,the question must be task centred . A task-centred question would be one which open ended such that the child give own views ,for example,'Why was this action correct, John?' Rather than teacher centered question like:'What did I say ,John?. This is because teacher centred question children try to grasp what their teacher says as they came to believe that whatever said by their teacher is the only correct (Cohen and Manion 1977).
Depends on the influence of the teacher's authority ,the teacher can use this method of advancing towards misbehaving children while the lesson is taking place. However it is also necessary for the teacher to be friendly to the pupils in the teacher pupil relationship. This again is not rule out exercising authority on disciplining the class. Otherwise the teacher and pupils become equal in this respect no-one will directs and controls the pace of learning procedures ,thus compromising the education system of children. A teacher who is friendly to pupils but adopt firm principle is regarded as the good teacher.
Inconclusion class control is determined by different things which some may not necessarily nothing to do with misbehaving as they are beyond the control of classroom discipline.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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