Some difficulties is not understanding something.Theoretical occurs within the mind. Practical relate to the actual life experience.Approaches in selecting a research programme: A reading programme,research based on theory and replication.
To check the difference there is something difference,the validity of findings across different population and to check trends of change of time.
Background to the problem, information to be included in the background.A brief description of your socio-economic and cultural characteristics include:
•The pure illustrative statistics if available ,to help describe the context in which the problem occurs.
•A concise description of the nature of the problem (the descrapancy of what is and what should be) and its size distribution and surverity (who is affected ,where ,since ,when and what are the results for those affected and for the services).
•An analysis of the major factors that may influence the problem and a convincing urgument and available knowledge is insufficient to solve the problem.
•A brief description of any solutions that have been in the past,how well they have workedand why further research is needed.
Statement of the problem in one or two paragraphs is an attempt to focus on a clear goal.
Characteristics of a research problem is the problem researchable.Or relevance to our system of Education ,learners and to the teachers.
Conformatory research that is to investigate Education issues ,for example replication.
How to collect data ,observation,historical ,questionnaire?
Questionnaire is an interview which involves respondant and questions.
Madzamba(1989) A questionnaire is a form or document containing questions whose purpose is to draw out some information ,that's some responses from respondants . Constracting the Questionnaire /Some considerations/The administration of the Questionnaire.
How are you going to administer the questions, through whether follow up, printing ,postage, emailing ,fax .telephone etc.
Related research ,how other people did it in the past you have your own idea.
Consider method/meaningful research and also the instrument of the research for example the experimental ,instruction research.
Avoid problems:Respondants may feel interview or questionnaire isn't regitimate and should not be scared by information that it will be used against him/her .Once the problem analysed as well as formulated.
Relevance of the project study:
Once the problem has been analysed and well formulated in the change in research chain. Collection instruments to be effective ,relevence of the study must be carefully considered.This involves:
relevance of goals to the study, questions to the project, individual 's responses to questions.
Relevance of goals make the project worth while,relevant ligitimate to you as well as the respondant.
Relevance of questions after convinced the respondant about the goals of the study then further convince that all questions or items in the questionnaire are relevant to meet the goals of study.
A good tactic is ti decide ,before including an item in the questionnaire,exactly how the feedback is going to be analysed.(what statistical techniques will be used) or how the data will be published or otherwise presented.If you can decide in advance now the data will be used ,don't ask questions because there is no relevance.
Relevence of questions to a particular respondent, there are three main ways to make sure that the respondent is not asked questions that doesn't apply to the personal needs:
•Use to or more seperate questionnaire to the respective populations for example female and male.
•Use multiple wording so that the interviewee can easly pick the appropriate phrase ,for example your uncle,have you ,your wife,your brother and so on.
Steps in Constructing a Questionnaire,define precisely the terms and problems under investigation.List specific objectives or aims (sub-questions or sub-problems) to be achieved by the questionnaire.Keep in mind the method of data analysis.Devise the necessary for appropriate questionnaire.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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