The development of moral reasoning process by which children learn principles that enables them to judge whether particular behaviour patterns is wrong or right.
Jean Piaget's theory:
Stage 1: Moral realism / Morality of constraint / Heteronomous morality of 10 years old. Nothing is in itself wrong or right or good or bad.
Adults determine what is good or bad and right or wrong , then children must believe in rules to be obeyed as presented to them without questioning or altering. Furthermore the child judges action by looking the consequence of the act and doesn't care about the intention behind the act.
Stage:2 :Morality of cooperation /Autonomous morality /Morality pf reciprocity /Moral flexibility and Moral relativism. Rules are flexible and sudden to change. They(rules) are meant to protects the right of individual rather than forgiving allegence. Tension at this stage now come into consideration.
Kolhberg's theory (1958,1969,1981,1985)researched on people's responses to hypothetical dilema. The wife of a man (Heinz) is about to die ,but there is a drug than can easily save her life which is very expensible out of her husband's affordbility. The manufacturer of the drug is not willing to lower the price of the drug for Heinz to buy so that can save the life of his wife. Out of confused desparation Heinz breaks the laboratory of the essential drug manufacturer and steal the drug.
Level one ,Preconventional level ,Stage one is punishment obidience orientation .children assess what is right or wrong on the base of reward or punishment. Rules are obeyed inorder to avoid punishment. Therefore passive rules are absolute.
Stage two Instrumental relativism orientation. The child view wrong or right on the basis on what makes him/her happy. The child only does good to others so that he is treated well ,as well.
Level two Conventional level ,Stage three Good boy nice girl orientation where rules are obeyed because it makes them good or nice.
Children behave in a manner that doesn't subject to rejection to others. Children now are conformed to majority opinions.
Stage four :Law and order orientation where rules accepted because they are necessary for maintaing law and order. Personality by society depends on conformation of law and order regulations.
Level three :Post conventional level ,Stage five :Social contract orientation. Very small number of adults attain the level of moral development. Rules should protect the right of individual and should be mutual agreement. At this stage they believe in the society to set its own rules and also change to suit different situation.
Stage six -Universal -ethical principle orientation emphasise life as more important than all human laws. Human life is the most holy of which justice is beyond an established order.
Teacher's implication is to facilitate moral development of the children ,the teacher shouldn't waut until the pupils done wrong to discuss moral values. Avoid judge issues in isolation ,but consider the circumstances and promote good peer relationship.
In fact at first level be firm on rules and order to every child without favour. Level two give good comments to children and make classroom rules and laws together with them, agree on rewards or punishments on those who obey or breaks the rules respectively.
The final third level ,especially with older learners involve them in different situations in life and discussing them considering the significance of human life and abuse of human rights rather than laws and rules alone.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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25 September 2010
Multi-faith Approach in Teaching and learning of Religious Moral Education:The Bahã'í Faith!
Moral values deliven from a religious practices are: tolerance,love,sharing,caring,respect,forgiveness,reconciling and unity to name just a few.
Bahã'í is the youngest of world's independent religions. This faith is not a sect of Islam ,but a Bãbí religion ,a faith group in Persia (Iran)that broke away from the height beliefs in more religious expectations of around 1844 which include the coming of Messiah and it was a branch of Shí'tes. Its name comes from the faith Bahã' Ullãh which means glory of God. A Bahã'í is a follower of Bahã' Ullãh who lived between 1817 and 1892 and the most recent in the line of messengers of God that stretches back beyond recorded times of human history starting from Adam. He(Bahã' Ullãh) wrote the scared scriptural book known as 'al-Kitãb al-Aqdas' which developed the Bahã'í faith doctrines into a comprehensive teaching.
The central theme of Bahã'í faith regards humanity as one regardless of race or ethnic background and that the day has come for its unification into one global society.The faith of Bahã' Ullãh is represented in every country on Earth. Bahã'ís are people who formery had different religions and who are united by Bahã'í faith.
Through a common devotion ,different economic status and social backgrounds ,the Bahã'í fulfilled their previous religious needs and expectations. The rich and poor mingle or mixes as equals and work together to establish a new order.
There are people of different nationals and different racial backgrounds. However Bahã'í faith has given them a new loyalty . The loyalty to humanity ,Bahã'í have no racial segregation because they believe that all man are equal before God.
Bahã'í recognise that there is only one God even though many had called him by different names.God had revealed his word throughout history by sending devine messengers who were restated in every age ,that's from Abraham ,Moses ,Zoroaster,Krishna,the Buddha,Jesus,Muhammad and Bahã' Ullãh.These messengers were provided to guide mankind through an evolutionary process in which Bãb initiated a new age for mankind. And final messege by Bahã'í is the fullest revelation of God's will and that is the major God-given instrument which help the world to unite. According to this faith God's revelation through a man is by means of 'Divine Manifestations'
The basic fundamental precepts of Bahã'í is the recognitions of other religions as devine origin and their principles are in complete harmony. Their differences are of no significance in its missions to mankind.
The historical background of this faith dates back in Persia (Iran) in 1844 when a young merchant called the Bãb announced that he was a messenger of God whose special mission was to prepare the people for the coming of the one spoken of in the holy books. The one who would unite the world as one under one shepherd.
Bãb 's faith spread so rapidly due to their mission and experienced massive growth in the early days of its inception that clergy and government were alarmed by nearly
5 000 000 believers worldwide,although adult converts were estimated around
2 300 000. And the consequences were bitter persecution also.This necessitated about 20 000 of the followers to put to death and Bãb himself imprisoned and martyred in 1850.
After Bahã' Ullãh's death ,he was succeeded by his son 'Abd ol -Bahã' resulted in the succession only within the progeny family until the great-grandson Shoghi Effendi Rabbãní who was elected in 1963 by the governing body known as the 'Universal House of Justice.'
Bahã'í is the youngest of world's independent religions. This faith is not a sect of Islam ,but a Bãbí religion ,a faith group in Persia (Iran)that broke away from the height beliefs in more religious expectations of around 1844 which include the coming of Messiah and it was a branch of Shí'tes. Its name comes from the faith Bahã' Ullãh which means glory of God. A Bahã'í is a follower of Bahã' Ullãh who lived between 1817 and 1892 and the most recent in the line of messengers of God that stretches back beyond recorded times of human history starting from Adam. He(Bahã' Ullãh) wrote the scared scriptural book known as 'al-Kitãb al-Aqdas' which developed the Bahã'í faith doctrines into a comprehensive teaching.
The central theme of Bahã'í faith regards humanity as one regardless of race or ethnic background and that the day has come for its unification into one global society.The faith of Bahã' Ullãh is represented in every country on Earth. Bahã'ís are people who formery had different religions and who are united by Bahã'í faith.
Through a common devotion ,different economic status and social backgrounds ,the Bahã'í fulfilled their previous religious needs and expectations. The rich and poor mingle or mixes as equals and work together to establish a new order.
There are people of different nationals and different racial backgrounds. However Bahã'í faith has given them a new loyalty . The loyalty to humanity ,Bahã'í have no racial segregation because they believe that all man are equal before God.
Bahã'í recognise that there is only one God even though many had called him by different names.God had revealed his word throughout history by sending devine messengers who were restated in every age ,that's from Abraham ,Moses ,Zoroaster,Krishna,the Buddha,Jesus,Muhammad and Bahã' Ullãh.These messengers were provided to guide mankind through an evolutionary process in which Bãb initiated a new age for mankind. And final messege by Bahã'í is the fullest revelation of God's will and that is the major God-given instrument which help the world to unite. According to this faith God's revelation through a man is by means of 'Divine Manifestations'
The basic fundamental precepts of Bahã'í is the recognitions of other religions as devine origin and their principles are in complete harmony. Their differences are of no significance in its missions to mankind.
The historical background of this faith dates back in Persia (Iran) in 1844 when a young merchant called the Bãb announced that he was a messenger of God whose special mission was to prepare the people for the coming of the one spoken of in the holy books. The one who would unite the world as one under one shepherd.
Bãb 's faith spread so rapidly due to their mission and experienced massive growth in the early days of its inception that clergy and government were alarmed by nearly
5 000 000 believers worldwide,although adult converts were estimated around
2 300 000. And the consequences were bitter persecution also.This necessitated about 20 000 of the followers to put to death and Bãb himself imprisoned and martyred in 1850.
After Bahã' Ullãh's death ,he was succeeded by his son 'Abd ol -Bahã' resulted in the succession only within the progeny family until the great-grandson Shoghi Effendi Rabbãní who was elected in 1963 by the governing body known as the 'Universal House of Justice.'
With the advent of massive migration and global interaction pupils are easily make relationships with those from Islam world.
Islam is a religion of 1 in 5 of the world population making it one of the largest religion like christians and catholics combined in their numbers. It is the fastest growing major religion with some powerful states like Iran,Algeria,Lybia,United States Emirates,Pakistan,Indonesia and so on are regarded as Islamic states. Even in other christian dominant states like USA,Britain,France, Zimbabwe etc islamic mosques are also found and on Friday most of their business closed at noon to go to the mosques.So it is necessary for multi-faith approach to be adopted in the teaching of religious and moral education in the primary schools to promote tolerance and peace among other morals of mutual depth in learning world religions .For the benefit of the student and substantive teacher they must have a knowledge of the Muslims which started to held its world stage dominance in religious practice around 700 AD.
Islam means submission ,'surrender' or 'commitment' to Allah which expresses the innermost attitude of hearkened to the preaching of Mohammed. Muslim refers to one who makes or does Islam.
Like the the concerns of Buddha about the beliefs of Hindu in many gods, the founder of Islam Muhammad questioned the religious practices of his day. He was born in Mecca Saudi Arabia about 570 AD, or between 560-632 AD.His father , Abd Allãh died before Muhammad's birth and his mother Aminah died when he was six years old.
During that time Arabs worship many gods for instance Sun God,Moon God and other natural things like rocks mountains ,pools etc that was centred in the Mecca valley at the scared site of Ka'bah a simple cubelike building where black meteriote was revered.
Ka'bah was believed in Islam world to be originally built by Adam and was latter re-built by his grand-grandsons Abraham and Ishmael. It become a santuary for the 360 idols ,with each representing a day of their lunar year.
The Prophet Muhammad was worried of the religious practices and vowed interests of religion and honour among the Quraysh chiefs his tribe. He was dissatisfied with primitive survivals in Arabian religion , the idolatrous polytheism and animism , which ,Qur'ãn surah 6:137 states, the immortality of religious convocations and fairs the drinking ,gambling and dancing that were fashionable and the burial alive of unwanted infant daughters practiced all over Arabia. Surah are chapters of their holy book ,Qur'ãn or Koran.
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as populary known in the Islam world was called to be a prophet when he was about 40 years old nearby mountain cave called Ghãr Hirã' where he received revelations from Allah through the Angel Gabriel in the form of visions ,from then on he was convinced that there is only one God 'Allah' and he is the last prophets of Allah for Jesus was one of the prophets , not son of God as reviewed by some Christian counterparts. Jesus in Islam believed that he was a messenger of God who came through the virgin Marry. To them isn't God nor part of the trinity ,but only differs from other prophets in his milaculous works and wasn't crucified and didn't die a natural death.He was taken upto heaven and will return to Earth again towards the day of judgement . Muslims have a high view of Jesus .but equating him to Allah is a blasphemy.
Muslim acknowledges different scared scriptures which include the Torah of Moses,Psalms of David,Gospels of Jesus and the Qur'ãn. The Qur'ãn is Allah's most recent and final word which divided into three categories: (1)Holy Qur'ãn been revealed to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel in its words and meanings are viewed in inspired Arabic.
(2)Hadíth or sunnah deeds of utterance and silent approval of the prophet .A hadíth records actions or sayings of the prophet Muhammad's companons and the successors. The meaning is viewed as inspired in Islam.
(3) Sharí'ah law based on the principles of the Quar'ãn regulates the entire life in the religious ,political and social scene.The acts of man categorised in:
•What is considered absolute duty(fard) thus rewards for acting or punishment for failing to act.
•Commendable or meritorious actions (mustahabb) involving rewards without punishment for omission.
•Permissible actions(jã'iz, mubãh)is legally indifferent.
•Reprehensible actions (makrűh)disapproves but not punishes.
•Forbidden actions(harãm)which calls for punishment.
Islam is a religion of 1 in 5 of the world population making it one of the largest religion like christians and catholics combined in their numbers. It is the fastest growing major religion with some powerful states like Iran,Algeria,Lybia,United States Emirates,Pakistan,Indonesia and so on are regarded as Islamic states. Even in other christian dominant states like USA,Britain,France, Zimbabwe etc islamic mosques are also found and on Friday most of their business closed at noon to go to the mosques.So it is necessary for multi-faith approach to be adopted in the teaching of religious and moral education in the primary schools to promote tolerance and peace among other morals of mutual depth in learning world religions .For the benefit of the student and substantive teacher they must have a knowledge of the Muslims which started to held its world stage dominance in religious practice around 700 AD.
Islam means submission ,'surrender' or 'commitment' to Allah which expresses the innermost attitude of hearkened to the preaching of Mohammed. Muslim refers to one who makes or does Islam.
Like the the concerns of Buddha about the beliefs of Hindu in many gods, the founder of Islam Muhammad questioned the religious practices of his day. He was born in Mecca Saudi Arabia about 570 AD, or between 560-632 AD.His father , Abd Allãh died before Muhammad's birth and his mother Aminah died when he was six years old.
During that time Arabs worship many gods for instance Sun God,Moon God and other natural things like rocks mountains ,pools etc that was centred in the Mecca valley at the scared site of Ka'bah a simple cubelike building where black meteriote was revered.
Ka'bah was believed in Islam world to be originally built by Adam and was latter re-built by his grand-grandsons Abraham and Ishmael. It become a santuary for the 360 idols ,with each representing a day of their lunar year.
The Prophet Muhammad was worried of the religious practices and vowed interests of religion and honour among the Quraysh chiefs his tribe. He was dissatisfied with primitive survivals in Arabian religion , the idolatrous polytheism and animism , which ,Qur'ãn surah 6:137 states, the immortality of religious convocations and fairs the drinking ,gambling and dancing that were fashionable and the burial alive of unwanted infant daughters practiced all over Arabia. Surah are chapters of their holy book ,Qur'ãn or Koran.
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as populary known in the Islam world was called to be a prophet when he was about 40 years old nearby mountain cave called Ghãr Hirã' where he received revelations from Allah through the Angel Gabriel in the form of visions ,from then on he was convinced that there is only one God 'Allah' and he is the last prophets of Allah for Jesus was one of the prophets , not son of God as reviewed by some Christian counterparts. Jesus in Islam believed that he was a messenger of God who came through the virgin Marry. To them isn't God nor part of the trinity ,but only differs from other prophets in his milaculous works and wasn't crucified and didn't die a natural death.He was taken upto heaven and will return to Earth again towards the day of judgement . Muslims have a high view of Jesus .but equating him to Allah is a blasphemy.
Muslim acknowledges different scared scriptures which include the Torah of Moses,Psalms of David,Gospels of Jesus and the Qur'ãn. The Qur'ãn is Allah's most recent and final word which divided into three categories: (1)Holy Qur'ãn been revealed to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel in its words and meanings are viewed in inspired Arabic.
(2)Hadíth or sunnah deeds of utterance and silent approval of the prophet .A hadíth records actions or sayings of the prophet Muhammad's companons and the successors. The meaning is viewed as inspired in Islam.
(3) Sharí'ah law based on the principles of the Quar'ãn regulates the entire life in the religious ,political and social scene.The acts of man categorised in:
•What is considered absolute duty(fard) thus rewards for acting or punishment for failing to act.
•Commendable or meritorious actions (mustahabb) involving rewards without punishment for omission.
•Permissible actions(jã'iz, mubãh)is legally indifferent.
•Reprehensible actions (makrűh)disapproves but not punishes.
•Forbidden actions(harãm)which calls for punishment.
The belief in the cyclic nature of life is that the course of the universe's true time is cyclical ,that's every event has occurred before will occur again in future. This is why Hindus respect animals because these animals may be people who come back to life.Sacrifice is done for purpose not for the sake of killing for religion.
Mohandas Gandhi(1869-1948) also populary known as 'Mahatma' is one of the modern philosophers who civilised Hinduism in which respect of animals was priortised such as cows ,snakes and monkeys. Hindus strictly respect life. Mahatma claimed non violence (ahimsa) as the fundemental moral value and concerned with dignity and well-being of every person. To him anything contrary to ahimsa is not a Hindu holy scripture. He also the brainchild of womenisation in all social and economical spheres of life.Mahatma was deeply concerned if Hinduism failed and he also loved other major world religions Christianity and Islam ,but through Hinduism.
The caste system divided the society into four rigid classes called castes or varnas which means colour.According to Hindu mythology the origin of four major castes are based in the body parts of Purusha and mankind's original father-figure.
Marriage and ford laws are linked to these caste groupings. Hindu literature called the code of the social classes are divinely ordained. Brahman created the brahmans by Kshatriyas,Vaishyas ,Rajanya and Shudras from his face arms ,thighs and feets .
Aryan societies develop categories called 'Vamas'. The top class which is called the Brahmans of priest ,teachers in the second class of chiefs police ,third class are trader and farmers. And the Shudra are the fourth class members of the society who believe in many gods.
Hinduism's pantheon of gods and its mythology is directly related to the sacred river Ganges or Ganga Ma(mother Ganga).The river is closely associated with their daily survival and is believed to formery existed in the heavens as milky way. Most Hindus believed that Maharajah Sagara had 60 000 sons who were killed by the fire of Kapila a manifestation of Vishnu. This necessitated the goddess Ganga to come down from heaven to cleanse the condemned souls in hell and release them from their curse. Sagara's great grandson Bhagiratha interceded with Brahman to allow the sacred Ganga to relocate on Earth. The god Shiva was persuaded by Bhagiratha to stand high above the Earth's amidst of rocks and ice in the Himalayas.Shiva allowed the Ganga to thunder down from the skies in to rocks of Himalayas across the plains flowing water of life to the dry Earth.
Although Vishnu's believers argued that the river Ganges started on the region of holy seat of Vishnu and proceeds to remove all sins.The Hindus has the firm belief that the river Ganges has the holy power to release ,purify ,cleanse and cure believers and they are finally liberated.
The Hindus flock to this holy rivers worshipping(Puja)by offering flowers ,chanting prayers and receiving from priests the tilak on the forehead.Then they bathe the waters or drink it ,despite being polluted by sewarage,chemical and cadavers. The power of their belief in the spiritual attraction of the river Ganges which motivate them to bathe atleast once in their lifetime in this holy river.
Some bring the dead bodies of their loved ones to be burned on pyres by the riverside and ashes sprinkled in the river.This guarantees eternal bliss for the departed soul and the poor who are incapacited to pay for pyre ,they just shroud the body off into the river ,where it can be eaten by scavenger birds or just decomposes in the water.
Mohandas Gandhi(1869-1948) also populary known as 'Mahatma' is one of the modern philosophers who civilised Hinduism in which respect of animals was priortised such as cows ,snakes and monkeys. Hindus strictly respect life. Mahatma claimed non violence (ahimsa) as the fundemental moral value and concerned with dignity and well-being of every person. To him anything contrary to ahimsa is not a Hindu holy scripture. He also the brainchild of womenisation in all social and economical spheres of life.Mahatma was deeply concerned if Hinduism failed and he also loved other major world religions Christianity and Islam ,but through Hinduism.
The caste system divided the society into four rigid classes called castes or varnas which means colour.According to Hindu mythology the origin of four major castes are based in the body parts of Purusha and mankind's original father-figure.
Marriage and ford laws are linked to these caste groupings. Hindu literature called the code of the social classes are divinely ordained. Brahman created the brahmans by Kshatriyas,Vaishyas ,Rajanya and Shudras from his face arms ,thighs and feets .
Aryan societies develop categories called 'Vamas'. The top class which is called the Brahmans of priest ,teachers in the second class of chiefs police ,third class are trader and farmers. And the Shudra are the fourth class members of the society who believe in many gods.
Hinduism's pantheon of gods and its mythology is directly related to the sacred river Ganges or Ganga Ma(mother Ganga).The river is closely associated with their daily survival and is believed to formery existed in the heavens as milky way. Most Hindus believed that Maharajah Sagara had 60 000 sons who were killed by the fire of Kapila a manifestation of Vishnu. This necessitated the goddess Ganga to come down from heaven to cleanse the condemned souls in hell and release them from their curse. Sagara's great grandson Bhagiratha interceded with Brahman to allow the sacred Ganga to relocate on Earth. The god Shiva was persuaded by Bhagiratha to stand high above the Earth's amidst of rocks and ice in the Himalayas.Shiva allowed the Ganga to thunder down from the skies in to rocks of Himalayas across the plains flowing water of life to the dry Earth.
Although Vishnu's believers argued that the river Ganges started on the region of holy seat of Vishnu and proceeds to remove all sins.The Hindus has the firm belief that the river Ganges has the holy power to release ,purify ,cleanse and cure believers and they are finally liberated.
The Hindus flock to this holy rivers worshipping(Puja)by offering flowers ,chanting prayers and receiving from priests the tilak on the forehead.Then they bathe the waters or drink it ,despite being polluted by sewarage,chemical and cadavers. The power of their belief in the spiritual attraction of the river Ganges which motivate them to bathe atleast once in their lifetime in this holy river.
Some bring the dead bodies of their loved ones to be burned on pyres by the riverside and ashes sprinkled in the river.This guarantees eternal bliss for the departed soul and the poor who are incapacited to pay for pyre ,they just shroud the body off into the river ,where it can be eaten by scavenger birds or just decomposes in the water.
river Ganges
Since all religions are regarded as being sent by God, their aims and purposes are the similar on one thing which may differs only in their social ,laws and other teachings. This is because the world is changing , developing and people have different needs at different times in history. The social teaching have to change to meet this needs. Bahã'í acknowledges and proclaims the necessity and inevitability of unification of mankind for the world peace. He claimed that nothing but spirit of God working through his chosen messenger for this day can succeed in bringing this about. The teachings of Bahã' Ullãh were to make the achievements of this goal.
All religons should reduce every kind of discrimination whether race class colour creed ,nation or religion must be abandant.
Bahã'í beliefs include one God,the immortal soul and the evolution(biological ,spiritual and social) of mankind. They don't believe in Angels,trinity, the reincanation and man's fall from perfection and subsequent ransom through the blood of Jesus Christ.As widely believed by Christians.
In his faith man and woman are equal both in rights and brotherhood. Monogamy type of marriage is the only one allowed.
Religion and science should be in harmony with each other such that each individual should investigate truth for himself. Opportunities and priviledges should be free provided of which education is as compulsorily provision for all. There is need for world federation to uphold peace,eliminate extreme of wealth and promote international languages to reduce communication barriers.
Bahã' Ullãh revealed three major prayers on daily basis and a believer should pray atleast one of them.
Fasting practiced during the daylight only in the month of 'Alã which fall in march. In the Bahã'í faith there is no rituals nor clergy ,all members are equal and they should meet for worship on the first day of every Bahã'í month.
They regard themselves as a mission of the spiritual conquest and they try to spread their faith through door to door conversations,information publications and campaigns in the community as well as to participate in other community projects.
The followers are taught to be obedience to their national laws of any country they belong, reside or visited taking part in the activities like participating in polls,but not get involved in political partisionship ,compaigns,nor join the combatant duties of armed forces. Moreover they are not conscientious objectors.
Bahã'í calender has 19 months, each having 19 days with certain intercalary days.
All religons should reduce every kind of discrimination whether race class colour creed ,nation or religion must be abandant.
Bahã'í beliefs include one God,the immortal soul and the evolution(biological ,spiritual and social) of mankind. They don't believe in Angels,trinity, the reincanation and man's fall from perfection and subsequent ransom through the blood of Jesus Christ.As widely believed by Christians.
In his faith man and woman are equal both in rights and brotherhood. Monogamy type of marriage is the only one allowed.
Religion and science should be in harmony with each other such that each individual should investigate truth for himself. Opportunities and priviledges should be free provided of which education is as compulsorily provision for all. There is need for world federation to uphold peace,eliminate extreme of wealth and promote international languages to reduce communication barriers.
Bahã' Ullãh revealed three major prayers on daily basis and a believer should pray atleast one of them.
Fasting practiced during the daylight only in the month of 'Alã which fall in march. In the Bahã'í faith there is no rituals nor clergy ,all members are equal and they should meet for worship on the first day of every Bahã'í month.
They regard themselves as a mission of the spiritual conquest and they try to spread their faith through door to door conversations,information publications and campaigns in the community as well as to participate in other community projects.
The followers are taught to be obedience to their national laws of any country they belong, reside or visited taking part in the activities like participating in polls,but not get involved in political partisionship ,compaigns,nor join the combatant duties of armed forces. Moreover they are not conscientious objectors.
Bahã'í calender has 19 months, each having 19 days with certain intercalary days.
Adoption of multi-faith primary religious moral education of different world religions in most educational curricular help children to learn other major religions and develop valuable moral values derived by this different religions in general.
Hinduism is the religion originated in India and its roots traced back for over 3 500 years ago. Due to migration of the pale -skinned Aryan race who relocated in Indus valley an area which covers parts of India and Pakistan.Hindu a name derived from Indus valley, is mingled of Aryan Indian culture and has a single founder with no specific doctrine or belief held supreme.Hinduism means a host of religions and sects (samapradayas)which appeared and flourished for thousands years ago under the complex of ancient Hindu mythology. Prominent India writer Parthasarathy explains,The Hindus are not polytheistic .Hinduism speaks of one God 'Brahman', but the different gods and goddesses of the Hindu pantheon are really representatives of the powers and functions of the one supreme God in the manifested world. No specific scriptures is regarded as authorative and no moral code emphasis is more on the way of living than on the way of thoughts.
Although Hinduism has holy writings the oldest Vedas a collection of prayers and hymns known as the Rig-veda,the sama-veda ,the Yajur-veda and the Atharva-veda. These are some of the oldest written scared scriptures like the books of Torah written by the prophet Moses. The Vedas were supplemented later by Brahmanas and the Upanishads scared writings.
Brahmanas specialised with ritual and secrifices on domestic and public scenes and also go deeper on how are they performed both in meaning and purpose.
Whilst the Upanishads deals with the the set reason for thought and action in the Hindu's religious faith and are also known as the vendanta.Transmigration of soul(Samsara) and the belief in the deeds of the former existence are the cause of one's present state in life (Karma) were part of the scared writings.
The other set of writings found in the Hindu library include the Puranas which are books of stories ,myths of gods and goddesses and Heroes of Hindu. In this extensive Hindu library a collection of epics of the Ramayana and Mahabharata are also found.
The hero Rama or Ramachandra a story in Hindu viewed as a model son ,brother and husband. His name invoked greeting was the seventh avatar(incarnation of the Vishnu.
Mahabharata is the supreme instruction of morality and the last instruction of Gítã is the final word of motality and religion : Surrender unto Krishna.
The Celestal song of Hindu spiritual wisdom is a conflict of conversation between Krishana and supreme personality of Godhead and Arjuna known as 'Bhagavad Gita instructs the science of self-realization. Bhagavita Gita is the extensive holy library of the Hindu ,whilst the Vedas ,Brahmanas and the Upanishads are Scruti or 'heard which considered only as scared writ.
Other writings composed by human authors from revelation such as the epics and the Puranas are Smriti or 'remembered' contains sets of Hindu religious,outline the caste system and social law.
Hindus' faith 'sanatana dharma' which means eternal law or order.They believe in 'Samsara and Reincarnation which means there is death and re-birth. The fortunes of the soul in each re-birth are determined by its behaviour in the former lives. The principle of 'Karma' literally means every action has its positive or negative consequences for the next life of the transmigrated soul. Deeds or actions may be sins which ever goes unpunished and no venture remains unrewarded. What it means is that ,if somebody didn't reserve punishment or reward in life shall be re-birth at a higher or lower level. Dharma is the law which determines the rightness or wrongness of the acts. Re-birth which is judged by dharma is not necessarily in the form of human form. A man should be loyal to his class and shouldn't covert other people's classes.
Hinduism is the religion originated in India and its roots traced back for over 3 500 years ago. Due to migration of the pale -skinned Aryan race who relocated in Indus valley an area which covers parts of India and Pakistan.Hindu a name derived from Indus valley, is mingled of Aryan Indian culture and has a single founder with no specific doctrine or belief held supreme.Hinduism means a host of religions and sects (samapradayas)which appeared and flourished for thousands years ago under the complex of ancient Hindu mythology. Prominent India writer Parthasarathy explains,The Hindus are not polytheistic .Hinduism speaks of one God 'Brahman', but the different gods and goddesses of the Hindu pantheon are really representatives of the powers and functions of the one supreme God in the manifested world. No specific scriptures is regarded as authorative and no moral code emphasis is more on the way of living than on the way of thoughts.
Although Hinduism has holy writings the oldest Vedas a collection of prayers and hymns known as the Rig-veda,the sama-veda ,the Yajur-veda and the Atharva-veda. These are some of the oldest written scared scriptures like the books of Torah written by the prophet Moses. The Vedas were supplemented later by Brahmanas and the Upanishads scared writings.
Brahmanas specialised with ritual and secrifices on domestic and public scenes and also go deeper on how are they performed both in meaning and purpose.
Whilst the Upanishads deals with the the set reason for thought and action in the Hindu's religious faith and are also known as the vendanta.Transmigration of soul(Samsara) and the belief in the deeds of the former existence are the cause of one's present state in life (Karma) were part of the scared writings.
The other set of writings found in the Hindu library include the Puranas which are books of stories ,myths of gods and goddesses and Heroes of Hindu. In this extensive Hindu library a collection of epics of the Ramayana and Mahabharata are also found.
The hero Rama or Ramachandra a story in Hindu viewed as a model son ,brother and husband. His name invoked greeting was the seventh avatar(incarnation of the Vishnu.
Mahabharata is the supreme instruction of morality and the last instruction of Gítã is the final word of motality and religion : Surrender unto Krishna.
The Celestal song of Hindu spiritual wisdom is a conflict of conversation between Krishana and supreme personality of Godhead and Arjuna known as 'Bhagavad Gita instructs the science of self-realization. Bhagavita Gita is the extensive holy library of the Hindu ,whilst the Vedas ,Brahmanas and the Upanishads are Scruti or 'heard which considered only as scared writ.
Other writings composed by human authors from revelation such as the epics and the Puranas are Smriti or 'remembered' contains sets of Hindu religious,outline the caste system and social law.
Hindus' faith 'sanatana dharma' which means eternal law or order.They believe in 'Samsara and Reincarnation which means there is death and re-birth. The fortunes of the soul in each re-birth are determined by its behaviour in the former lives. The principle of 'Karma' literally means every action has its positive or negative consequences for the next life of the transmigrated soul. Deeds or actions may be sins which ever goes unpunished and no venture remains unrewarded. What it means is that ,if somebody didn't reserve punishment or reward in life shall be re-birth at a higher or lower level. Dharma is the law which determines the rightness or wrongness of the acts. Re-birth which is judged by dharma is not necessarily in the form of human form. A man should be loyal to his class and shouldn't covert other people's classes.
The differences between western and Africa paradigms ,the superimposition of the western morality on Africans led to the creation of morally confused people.
The africans were colonised by the west and presented in the ideal culture ,the ideal humanity and ideal history.(Ezel ,1997:13)
This plunched the African in this model of dilemma resulting in the current mortal malaise ,thus the African doubt their roots and seems to face more demands in moral decision making.
The western notions of good or bad or right or wrong celebrate the triumph of the individual as moral agent versus the African view which is determined by collective aught.
The rights of the individual are protected even more than the person herself /himself. Maclntyre (1966:264) says,the individual is his/her own final authority in the most extreme sense.
The western education centres on individual excellence and high competition ,thus educational skills orientation versus African holistic moral education centred on characters of development in the moulding and incalcution of proper moral traits in learners.
People are educated as far as they have bookish knowledge and skills ,but lacks humanistic dimension (person among others).
African morality emanates from and embarded in African antology. God (the ultimate blameless supreme being) followed by spirits (common) next ancestors (living -dead and specific) down to sage or elderly (living or wise -age) and at the bottom social members ,thus (commoners governed by this strict ovaer.
There is an order unit of these forces in all human actions and behaviour that are determined by and should comply with this order of things. The quality of our actions (right/wrong ,good /bad ,dos /don'ts ,oughts /aught not).The quality of our actions is depended on whether actions contribute to the stability or instability of the order of the society.Moral uprightness is tried to one's ancestry ,that's 'like father like son.'
Africans are therefore communistic and highly collective in their approach to issues of morality.The base line is ''I am person because we are people''.
Africans are pre-occupied with social justice,equetable distribution of resources and individuals are part of the whole and can never stand apart.Gelfand (1973:101) says,''There is something stronger in the culture than any individual or any number of individual likes and dislikes have been subordinated,''
They are progressive in education for moral uprightness or goodness. In Zimbabwe the Shona and Ndebele people adopt terms ''Hunhu /ubuntu education'' They acknowledges that by ''hunhu/ubuntu'' is meant personhood that derives from one's history and rooted in an ongoing human community.(Makuvaza 1996:257) A person acquires personhood as he/she lives in accordance with the expectations of the community.
According to Nziramasanga commission's recommendations on the educational report regards 'hunhu /ubuntu as denoting a good human being as well behaved person showing such qualities as responsibility ,honest ,justice ,trustworthness ,hardwork ,integrity ,co-operative spirit ,solidarity ,hospitality,gerentocracy ,devotion to family and loyaltyto the community.
An idividual's educatedness is viewed in the context of the African communistic philosohpy because that is were one's roots are from.
Please bare in mind that community that gives or takes away one's personhood but because of colonial influences on educational institutions produced the educated and uneducated professionals characterised by lack of worth ethics,commitment and absentism,drunkness improper association with other people ,thus corruption,theft ,lies etc (Makuvaza 1996).
Educational goals must prepare individuals who can live effectively and efficiently in their
communities against the abundant evidence of products that are highly skilled but deficient in 'Hunhu /Ubunt' ,thus there is moral decadence in schools and equals which is the work force that is corrupt and destructive of everything a nation should cherish (causing pain and suffering to many through own pleasure and happiness).
Hunhu /Ubuntu is a notion that marries skills acquisition with sympathy for others and respect for property and duty as a means for national building and attainance of peace.
The africans were colonised by the west and presented in the ideal culture ,the ideal humanity and ideal history.(Ezel ,1997:13)
This plunched the African in this model of dilemma resulting in the current mortal malaise ,thus the African doubt their roots and seems to face more demands in moral decision making.
The western notions of good or bad or right or wrong celebrate the triumph of the individual as moral agent versus the African view which is determined by collective aught.
The rights of the individual are protected even more than the person herself /himself. Maclntyre (1966:264) says,the individual is his/her own final authority in the most extreme sense.
The western education centres on individual excellence and high competition ,thus educational skills orientation versus African holistic moral education centred on characters of development in the moulding and incalcution of proper moral traits in learners.
People are educated as far as they have bookish knowledge and skills ,but lacks humanistic dimension (person among others).
African morality emanates from and embarded in African antology. God (the ultimate blameless supreme being) followed by spirits (common) next ancestors (living -dead and specific) down to sage or elderly (living or wise -age) and at the bottom social members ,thus (commoners governed by this strict ovaer.
There is an order unit of these forces in all human actions and behaviour that are determined by and should comply with this order of things. The quality of our actions (right/wrong ,good /bad ,dos /don'ts ,oughts /aught not).The quality of our actions is depended on whether actions contribute to the stability or instability of the order of the society.Moral uprightness is tried to one's ancestry ,that's 'like father like son.'
Africans are therefore communistic and highly collective in their approach to issues of morality.The base line is ''I am person because we are people''.
Africans are pre-occupied with social justice,equetable distribution of resources and individuals are part of the whole and can never stand apart.Gelfand (1973:101) says,''There is something stronger in the culture than any individual or any number of individual likes and dislikes have been subordinated,''
They are progressive in education for moral uprightness or goodness. In Zimbabwe the Shona and Ndebele people adopt terms ''Hunhu /ubuntu education'' They acknowledges that by ''hunhu/ubuntu'' is meant personhood that derives from one's history and rooted in an ongoing human community.(Makuvaza 1996:257) A person acquires personhood as he/she lives in accordance with the expectations of the community.
According to Nziramasanga commission's recommendations on the educational report regards 'hunhu /ubuntu as denoting a good human being as well behaved person showing such qualities as responsibility ,honest ,justice ,trustworthness ,hardwork ,integrity ,co-operative spirit ,solidarity ,hospitality,gerentocracy ,devotion to family and loyaltyto the community.
An idividual's educatedness is viewed in the context of the African communistic philosohpy because that is were one's roots are from.
Please bare in mind that community that gives or takes away one's personhood but because of colonial influences on educational institutions produced the educated and uneducated professionals characterised by lack of worth ethics,commitment and absentism,drunkness improper association with other people ,thus corruption,theft ,lies etc (Makuvaza 1996).
Educational goals must prepare individuals who can live effectively and efficiently in their
communities against the abundant evidence of products that are highly skilled but deficient in 'Hunhu /Ubunt' ,thus there is moral decadence in schools and equals which is the work force that is corrupt and destructive of everything a nation should cherish (causing pain and suffering to many through own pleasure and happiness).
Hunhu /Ubuntu is a notion that marries skills acquisition with sympathy for others and respect for property and duty as a means for national building and attainance of peace.
The holy scriptures of Islam
Qur'ãn believed to be a copy of eternal scriptures written in heaven and reviewed chapter by chapter to the Prophet Muhammad. It is the direct word of Allah which guides the muslims what is in the Qur'ãn is sufficient and complete for Muslims. In as far as what is contained in other books if the Qur'ãn confirms the Muslims confirm as well. If the Qur'ãn rejects ,the Muslims also reject it. Moreso if the Qur'ãn doesn't speak about it ,the Muslims don't need it and don't accept or reject it.
Muslims from the prophet's teachings believed in one Supreme God Allah the almight,creator and sustainer of life. Allah is invisible ,eternal ,omnipotent(great power without limit),omniscient(present everywhere) and nothing else can be called Allah as the name has no plural.
Islam contradict the idea of some christians of trinity . The idea of trinity doctrine implies that God is in partnership with other divine beings thereby compromising his oneness to the Islam beliefs it amounts to a form of idolatry.
In the existence of the angels Muslims concur that angels created by Allah ,although he is alone as the God figure is surrounded and assisted by angels. These angels perform a variety of functions for example recording the deeds of a man throughout human life and they don't consider as divine in their own right.
Prophets are regarded as Allah's messengers whom his revelations has brought to mankind. The list of prophets include names like:Abraham,Ishmael,Isaac,Jacb,Moses ,Jesus and others. Muhammad was the last and the final of these messengers who was the greatest of all Allah's messengers.
Muslims believe in the day of judgement ,that upon death the body returns to Earth and the soul gets in to a state of sleep until ressurection day when Allah will judge. Man's deeds will be weighed on the judgement day and will be assigned to 'Jannah or Johannam' which are equivelant to heaven or hell respectively.One destiny depends on the moral records during the period of his /her stay on Earth. There is room for repentence during one's life. This is according to Qur'ãn:Surah 39:42, ''Allah receiveth souls at the time of their death ,and that which dieth not in its sleep .He keepth that for which He hath ordained death''.On resurrection Surah 75 devote to ''Qiyamat''(AYA) which means resurection or ''The rising of the dead'' (MMP).
Surah 75:1,3,6,40,AYA, ''I do call to witness the Resurrection Day ...Man think we cannot assemble his bones...Allah has the power to give life to the dead''.
According to the Islam the soul can have different destinies which may be either in heavenly gardern of paradise or the punishment of a burning hell.Surah 51:12-14( MMP)states the judgement day as when they will be tormented at the fire. So for the sinners taste your torment in the life of the world which is more painful and have no defender from Allah.
After the death a person's soul goes to the Barzakh or 'Partition' a place in which people will be after death waiting the judgement day.(Surah 23:99,100,AYA)The soul is conscious in the ''Chastisement of the Tomb''
In marriage views Islam promote polygamy ,nevertheless many Muslims are monogamous.This is because of the burden faced by many widows and orphans. Quran made room for polygamy as to marry two,three or four wives and do justice to them.
Another form of marriage called mut'ah is defined marriage as a special contract between couples through offer and acceptance of marriage for a specific period of time. Dowry (Islamuna) is the permanent marriage. But Sunnis regard Shíãh as marriage for pleasure and the children are legitimate and have the same rights like those in the permanent marriage. Apparently Islam is one of the religion which force its followers to practice circumcision which believed started by Abraham to his sons Ishmael and Isaac. The major benefits of cirmcision is reduction of sexually transmitted disease including HIV and AIDS by 50-65% according to researches. Cancer both to a man and his wife as approved by medical practitioners. It also give ultimate sexual pleasure and good hygiene.
The daily life of a devout Muslim is to turn to Mecca five times a day in prayer (salãt) . On Friday is the sabbath day when the Muslims gathered in their Mosque for prayer and hear the haunting call of muezzin from the minaret of the Mosque. The Mosque is the place of worship where they call to Allah,study,legal and judicial activities ,consultation ,preaching ,guidance,education and preparation.For every place there is Muslim society there must be a Mosque. These Mosque are now found everywhere in the world even in non Islamic states.
The Muslims must observe five pillars found in Surah 33:40,2:144,24:56,2:183-1853,3:97 These are:
•(shahãddah)Muhammad the prophet is the messenger of Allah. No god but Allah.
•(salãt)A prayer facing towards Mecca five times a day.
•(zakãh)A charity to give a percentage of one's valueable property or income.
•(sawm)Fasting especially month-long of Ramadan celebration.
•(hajj)Pilgrimage, an obligation to every Muslim male to visit the holy city Mecca. Excuses is extended to those ill and poor.
When Muslim pilgrims at Mecca walk seven times around the Ka'bah and touch or kiss the black stone.
The Prophet Muhammad's death leads to massive division between the Sunní and the Shí'ite Muslims ,The unity was later restored by succesors. However the Muslim tradition says the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ascended to heaven from the rock in the D
Muslims from the prophet's teachings believed in one Supreme God Allah the almight,creator and sustainer of life. Allah is invisible ,eternal ,omnipotent(great power without limit),omniscient(present everywhere) and nothing else can be called Allah as the name has no plural.
Islam contradict the idea of some christians of trinity . The idea of trinity doctrine implies that God is in partnership with other divine beings thereby compromising his oneness to the Islam beliefs it amounts to a form of idolatry.
In the existence of the angels Muslims concur that angels created by Allah ,although he is alone as the God figure is surrounded and assisted by angels. These angels perform a variety of functions for example recording the deeds of a man throughout human life and they don't consider as divine in their own right.
Prophets are regarded as Allah's messengers whom his revelations has brought to mankind. The list of prophets include names like:Abraham,Ishmael,Isaac,Jacb,Moses ,Jesus and others. Muhammad was the last and the final of these messengers who was the greatest of all Allah's messengers.
Muslims believe in the day of judgement ,that upon death the body returns to Earth and the soul gets in to a state of sleep until ressurection day when Allah will judge. Man's deeds will be weighed on the judgement day and will be assigned to 'Jannah or Johannam' which are equivelant to heaven or hell respectively.One destiny depends on the moral records during the period of his /her stay on Earth. There is room for repentence during one's life. This is according to Qur'ãn:Surah 39:42, ''Allah receiveth souls at the time of their death ,and that which dieth not in its sleep .He keepth that for which He hath ordained death''.On resurrection Surah 75 devote to ''Qiyamat''(AYA) which means resurection or ''The rising of the dead'' (MMP).
Surah 75:1,3,6,40,AYA, ''I do call to witness the Resurrection Day ...Man think we cannot assemble his bones...Allah has the power to give life to the dead''.
According to the Islam the soul can have different destinies which may be either in heavenly gardern of paradise or the punishment of a burning hell.Surah 51:12-14( MMP)states the judgement day as when they will be tormented at the fire. So for the sinners taste your torment in the life of the world which is more painful and have no defender from Allah.
After the death a person's soul goes to the Barzakh or 'Partition' a place in which people will be after death waiting the judgement day.(Surah 23:99,100,AYA)The soul is conscious in the ''Chastisement of the Tomb''
In marriage views Islam promote polygamy ,nevertheless many Muslims are monogamous.This is because of the burden faced by many widows and orphans. Quran made room for polygamy as to marry two,three or four wives and do justice to them.
Another form of marriage called mut'ah is defined marriage as a special contract between couples through offer and acceptance of marriage for a specific period of time. Dowry (Islamuna) is the permanent marriage. But Sunnis regard Shíãh as marriage for pleasure and the children are legitimate and have the same rights like those in the permanent marriage. Apparently Islam is one of the religion which force its followers to practice circumcision which believed started by Abraham to his sons Ishmael and Isaac. The major benefits of cirmcision is reduction of sexually transmitted disease including HIV and AIDS by 50-65% according to researches. Cancer both to a man and his wife as approved by medical practitioners. It also give ultimate sexual pleasure and good hygiene.
The daily life of a devout Muslim is to turn to Mecca five times a day in prayer (salãt) . On Friday is the sabbath day when the Muslims gathered in their Mosque for prayer and hear the haunting call of muezzin from the minaret of the Mosque. The Mosque is the place of worship where they call to Allah,study,legal and judicial activities ,consultation ,preaching ,guidance,education and preparation.For every place there is Muslim society there must be a Mosque. These Mosque are now found everywhere in the world even in non Islamic states.
The Muslims must observe five pillars found in Surah 33:40,2:144,24:56,2:183-1853,3:97 These are:
•(shahãddah)Muhammad the prophet is the messenger of Allah. No god but Allah.
•(salãt)A prayer facing towards Mecca five times a day.
•(zakãh)A charity to give a percentage of one's valueable property or income.
•(sawm)Fasting especially month-long of Ramadan celebration.
•(hajj)Pilgrimage, an obligation to every Muslim male to visit the holy city Mecca. Excuses is extended to those ill and poor.
When Muslim pilgrims at Mecca walk seven times around the Ka'bah and touch or kiss the black stone.
The Prophet Muhammad's death leads to massive division between the Sunní and the Shí'ite Muslims ,The unity was later restored by succesors. However the Muslim tradition says the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ascended to heaven from the rock in the D
Judaism like Hinduism is rooted in history not ,not mythology and originated from the blessings left by his father sometime ago in the Jacob's era.
The Jewish people originated from Semitic race and their forefather Abraham migrated to the land known as Canaan of which the God promised him and his offsprings.(Genesis 12:7) From this promised of best land ,the Jews lineage from Isaac,Jacob whose name after wrestled with an angel changed to be Israel (Genesis 32:27-29)
Israel had 12 sons among the popular are Joseph ,the most loved one by his father,Judah the most blessed one and Levy and simeon the most hardmen.
According to Genesis (49:8-10) Judah was given an everlasting kingdom which Christians also believed rooted from his grand-grandson David ,Solomon upto to Messiah whom they believe shall be the ever ruler. Judah's kingdom first appeared in 2 kings (16:6) Moses himself was from the Levites race.
Judaism is the religion of all the Jews ,thus Abraham's seeds, became a nation of priests,prophets and kings who waded in the wilderness ,under the leadership of Moses and Aaron they worship their one God in a portable tent or tabernacle. By the time they arrived in their promised land, 'Canaan' the kingship exchanged from the most popular Joshua,Samsom,Saul and David of Judah tribe installed in around 1 077 BC both the kingship and the priesthood were firmly established at the national centre in Jerusalem. After David's death his son Solomon succeeded him and his son kingdom became even much stronger which succeeded to built the house of God.
Judaism is influenced by the strong rulership of the Greek ,Romans and Germany which all disturbed their true worship and their scared writings destroyed. Moses Mendelssohn(1727-86) says the Jews free themselves from their traditonal restraints to turn into western cultures ,rejected the ideas of personal Messiah and devise new ways to establish their own state in a compaign called 'Zionism'. The holocaust of six million Jews by Hitler pushed the new United Nations to establish a state of Israel in 1948.
Judaists believed in one God and that a man has an immortal soul that survives the death of his body. And the Messiah is yet to come as proclaimed by Christians and other religions.Encyclopedia Judaica,says that Judaists' expectations of the Messiah was very high in the first century AD, who is ''a charismatically endowed decendant of David who the Jews of the Roman period believed would be raised up by God to break the yoke of the heathen and to reign over a restored kingdom of Israel''.They don't believe in the Jesus Christ who was put on the torturing cross or stake.
The scared writings of Judaism are: The book of Torah(law) which are the five books written by Moses in the Mount Sinai.
Nevi'im are the books of the prophets,Kethivim ,poetics and songs and the Talmud is the commentries of the five books of Torah which divided into two sections Mishinah(scriptural law) and Gemara(collection of commentries).
Important festvals are Shabbat(Sabbath),Yom Kippur(Day of Atonement),Sukkot(Celebration of the harvest in october), Hanukkah(Independence from Syro-Grecian and the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem in Decmber), Purim(festival of Lots in February/March in commemoration of the deliverance of Jews in Persia ) and Pesach(Festival of Passover ,deliverance of Israel from captivity in Egypt)
Some customs are circumcision, males converted to Judaism must be circumcised,Bar Mitzvah is the attainment of religious and legal maturity for boys at 13 years plus one day. Yarmulke skullcap for males,as a sign of allegigiance to Jewish tradition and Mezuzah a small parchment on which are inscribed words then fixed to every door for each room used for occupancy.
The Judaism is one of the few religion not concerned with getting more converts ,but they need those who are dedicated to their tradition and customs.
The difference created by the harsh history they came across resulted in the three major groups of Judaists which are:
Orthodox Judaism the group which accepts the 'Hebrew (Tanakh) is inspired scripture ,Moses received on Mount Sinai as oral law. And Messiah is still to appear to bring Israel to a golden age.
Reform Judaism(Liberal and Progressive) is the movement beginning of the 19th century and is bease on the ideas of Moses Melndelssohn who denied the Torah as divinely revealed truth. They believed the Messianic era is of unversal brotherhood. The Jewish laws ,diet ,purity and dress is reviewed as obsolete.
Conservative Judaism rejected too many traditional Jewish practices. They don't believe in oral law received by Moses from God,but stick to the fact that the Rabbis sought to adapt Judaism to new era and invented the oral Torah. They use Hebrew and English intheir liturgy and uphold to dietary laws. Men and women should sit together during worship which is unacceptable in Orthodox.
The Jewish people originated from Semitic race and their forefather Abraham migrated to the land known as Canaan of which the God promised him and his offsprings.(Genesis 12:7) From this promised of best land ,the Jews lineage from Isaac,Jacob whose name after wrestled with an angel changed to be Israel (Genesis 32:27-29)
Israel had 12 sons among the popular are Joseph ,the most loved one by his father,Judah the most blessed one and Levy and simeon the most hardmen.
According to Genesis (49:8-10) Judah was given an everlasting kingdom which Christians also believed rooted from his grand-grandson David ,Solomon upto to Messiah whom they believe shall be the ever ruler. Judah's kingdom first appeared in 2 kings (16:6) Moses himself was from the Levites race.
Judaism is the religion of all the Jews ,thus Abraham's seeds, became a nation of priests,prophets and kings who waded in the wilderness ,under the leadership of Moses and Aaron they worship their one God in a portable tent or tabernacle. By the time they arrived in their promised land, 'Canaan' the kingship exchanged from the most popular Joshua,Samsom,Saul and David of Judah tribe installed in around 1 077 BC both the kingship and the priesthood were firmly established at the national centre in Jerusalem. After David's death his son Solomon succeeded him and his son kingdom became even much stronger which succeeded to built the house of God.
Judaism is influenced by the strong rulership of the Greek ,Romans and Germany which all disturbed their true worship and their scared writings destroyed. Moses Mendelssohn(1727-86) says the Jews free themselves from their traditonal restraints to turn into western cultures ,rejected the ideas of personal Messiah and devise new ways to establish their own state in a compaign called 'Zionism'. The holocaust of six million Jews by Hitler pushed the new United Nations to establish a state of Israel in 1948.
Judaists believed in one God and that a man has an immortal soul that survives the death of his body. And the Messiah is yet to come as proclaimed by Christians and other religions.Encyclopedia Judaica,says that Judaists' expectations of the Messiah was very high in the first century AD, who is ''a charismatically endowed decendant of David who the Jews of the Roman period believed would be raised up by God to break the yoke of the heathen and to reign over a restored kingdom of Israel''.They don't believe in the Jesus Christ who was put on the torturing cross or stake.
The scared writings of Judaism are: The book of Torah(law) which are the five books written by Moses in the Mount Sinai.
Nevi'im are the books of the prophets,Kethivim ,poetics and songs and the Talmud is the commentries of the five books of Torah which divided into two sections Mishinah(scriptural law) and Gemara(collection of commentries).
Important festvals are Shabbat(Sabbath),Yom Kippur(Day of Atonement),Sukkot(Celebration of the harvest in october), Hanukkah(Independence from Syro-Grecian and the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem in Decmber), Purim(festival of Lots in February/March in commemoration of the deliverance of Jews in Persia ) and Pesach(Festival of Passover ,deliverance of Israel from captivity in Egypt)
Some customs are circumcision, males converted to Judaism must be circumcised,Bar Mitzvah is the attainment of religious and legal maturity for boys at 13 years plus one day. Yarmulke skullcap for males,as a sign of allegigiance to Jewish tradition and Mezuzah a small parchment on which are inscribed words then fixed to every door for each room used for occupancy.
The Judaism is one of the few religion not concerned with getting more converts ,but they need those who are dedicated to their tradition and customs.
The difference created by the harsh history they came across resulted in the three major groups of Judaists which are:
Orthodox Judaism the group which accepts the 'Hebrew (Tanakh) is inspired scripture ,Moses received on Mount Sinai as oral law. And Messiah is still to appear to bring Israel to a golden age.
Reform Judaism(Liberal and Progressive) is the movement beginning of the 19th century and is bease on the ideas of Moses Melndelssohn who denied the Torah as divinely revealed truth. They believed the Messianic era is of unversal brotherhood. The Jewish laws ,diet ,purity and dress is reviewed as obsolete.
Conservative Judaism rejected too many traditional Jewish practices. They don't believe in oral law received by Moses from God,but stick to the fact that the Rabbis sought to adapt Judaism to new era and invented the oral Torah. They use Hebrew and English intheir liturgy and uphold to dietary laws. Men and women should sit together during worship which is unacceptable in Orthodox.
The unique major religious practice for enlightment without a supreme being ,but based on the belief of no personal God. Human potential and experience promote good living with transcend of the world material. The Buddhists don't belief in God or Creator. "A growing mind can easily digest the idea of universe guided by unswerving Law as it can the concept of distant personage that it may never see,who dwells it knows not where, and who has at some time created out of nothing a Universe which is permeated by enmity ,injustice,inequality of opportunity and endless suffering and strife.'' (The book What is Buddhism?)
About 10-15% of the world population is believed to be members of the Buddhism. Where most of the believers are concentrated in Asian countries like Burma,Thailand ,Japan ,Korea and China. However because of the despersion of its members worldwide Buddhism claimed to be a major world religion which deserves multi-faith approach in teachings of religious Education.
Siddhãrtha Gautama Buddha,the founder of Buddhism lived in northern India in the sixth century B.C. According the pali canon and Buddha-charita ,Buddha's mother Queen Mah-Maya conceive him in a dream in which a haloed white elephant entering the right side of the Queen Maya to impregnate her ,this depicts Buddha's future had become a superb white elephant. The interpretation of her dream after told her husband ,the king who later summoned 64 priests who said the dream means ,the king shall have a son ,if continue to live a household life will become a universal monarch, however if leave the household life and retire from the world ,he will become a Buddha and the clouds of sin and folly of this world will be rolled back. Thereafter atleast 32 miracles happened which include the all the ten thousand worlds suddenly quaked ,quivered and shook,fires went out in all hells,diseases ceased among man,seawater became sweet and musical instruments produced sounds without being played among others. And his birth also records some miraculous activities. Nevertheless some people dismiss all this accounts as legends and myths.
Buddha questioned the hinduism beliefs in many gods and some lots of confusion within the practices. He saw a sick man,old man and a dead man and questioned also the meaning of life! Why man born to suffer grow old and die? This as result forced him to pursue the truth and left his family,possessions and loyal life to spend six years with Hindu teachers and gurus without finding the answer which further pushed him to meditate ,fasting ,yoga and extreme self-denial and again the spiritual peace or enlightment was hardly to come by.
All of a sudden Buddha abandoned his extreme course of self -denial and opt for a middle way which he should avoid extremes of life-styles. Instictively he believed that he shall found his own consciousness as he meditate under Indian fig tree.The meditation need to be steadfast inorder to resist devil Mara 's attacks and temptations for atleast four weeks until transcended all knowledge and understanding to reach enlightenment.
Upto now Buddhaists believed in Awakened or enlightened to attain the ultimate goal Nirvana the mental state of perfection in peace and enlightenment ,as freed from desires and sufferings.
After Buddha got enlightenment he started to teach new truth ,his dharma(law,order,truth,duty,righteousness) to his disciple or monks in the city of Benares. The teachings emphasised that all existence is sufferings arises from the desire or craving. Cessation of desire means no suffering and cessation of desire is only achieved by controlling one's conduct of thinking and belief.
After this five monks accepted his teachings they become sangha . This builds up the triratna (three jewels) thus the Buddha,the dharma ,and the sagna who helped people to get enlightenment. Buddha preached in the ganges valley and many people of all social status joined him to be his disciples and became so popular and well respected. He died aged 80.
The holy scriptures in Buddhism are known as Pali which consists of 31 books packed into three collections known as Tipitaka (three Baskets) These are: The Vinaya Pitaka(basket of Discipline)rules and regulations for monks and nuns written, The Sutta Pikata (Basket of Discourses)sermons,proverbs and parables by Buddha and some disciples and The Abhidhama Pitaka(Basket of Ultimate Doctrines)commentries on Buddhist doctrines.
The major teachings of Buddhism is the quest for true happiness and peace for all beings ,people live misery ,suffering and nothing lasts this is caused by ignorance and selfishness. Human beings change but soul never changes . When one's life ends another life begins in the world of suffering and development of life come from our thoughts and actions. We make happiness and unhapiness the way out is rebirth. Therefore Buddhists believe in rebirth.
Buddhism is grouped into Theravada(the way of elders)followed in Sri lanka ,Burma ,Thailand ,Laos and Cambodia, is also known called Southern Buddhism or Pali Buddism after its native language of Buddha. And Mahayana (the universal)varieties of Buddaism practised in the Northern and far Eastern countries.
About 10-15% of the world population is believed to be members of the Buddhism. Where most of the believers are concentrated in Asian countries like Burma,Thailand ,Japan ,Korea and China. However because of the despersion of its members worldwide Buddhism claimed to be a major world religion which deserves multi-faith approach in teachings of religious Education.
Siddhãrtha Gautama Buddha,the founder of Buddhism lived in northern India in the sixth century B.C. According the pali canon and Buddha-charita ,Buddha's mother Queen Mah-Maya conceive him in a dream in which a haloed white elephant entering the right side of the Queen Maya to impregnate her ,this depicts Buddha's future had become a superb white elephant. The interpretation of her dream after told her husband ,the king who later summoned 64 priests who said the dream means ,the king shall have a son ,if continue to live a household life will become a universal monarch, however if leave the household life and retire from the world ,he will become a Buddha and the clouds of sin and folly of this world will be rolled back. Thereafter atleast 32 miracles happened which include the all the ten thousand worlds suddenly quaked ,quivered and shook,fires went out in all hells,diseases ceased among man,seawater became sweet and musical instruments produced sounds without being played among others. And his birth also records some miraculous activities. Nevertheless some people dismiss all this accounts as legends and myths.
Buddha questioned the hinduism beliefs in many gods and some lots of confusion within the practices. He saw a sick man,old man and a dead man and questioned also the meaning of life! Why man born to suffer grow old and die? This as result forced him to pursue the truth and left his family,possessions and loyal life to spend six years with Hindu teachers and gurus without finding the answer which further pushed him to meditate ,fasting ,yoga and extreme self-denial and again the spiritual peace or enlightment was hardly to come by.
All of a sudden Buddha abandoned his extreme course of self -denial and opt for a middle way which he should avoid extremes of life-styles. Instictively he believed that he shall found his own consciousness as he meditate under Indian fig tree.The meditation need to be steadfast inorder to resist devil Mara 's attacks and temptations for atleast four weeks until transcended all knowledge and understanding to reach enlightenment.
Upto now Buddhaists believed in Awakened or enlightened to attain the ultimate goal Nirvana the mental state of perfection in peace and enlightenment ,as freed from desires and sufferings.
After Buddha got enlightenment he started to teach new truth ,his dharma(law,order,truth,duty,righteousness) to his disciple or monks in the city of Benares. The teachings emphasised that all existence is sufferings arises from the desire or craving. Cessation of desire means no suffering and cessation of desire is only achieved by controlling one's conduct of thinking and belief.
After this five monks accepted his teachings they become sangha . This builds up the triratna (three jewels) thus the Buddha,the dharma ,and the sagna who helped people to get enlightenment. Buddha preached in the ganges valley and many people of all social status joined him to be his disciples and became so popular and well respected. He died aged 80.
The holy scriptures in Buddhism are known as Pali which consists of 31 books packed into three collections known as Tipitaka (three Baskets) These are: The Vinaya Pitaka(basket of Discipline)rules and regulations for monks and nuns written, The Sutta Pikata (Basket of Discourses)sermons,proverbs and parables by Buddha and some disciples and The Abhidhama Pitaka(Basket of Ultimate Doctrines)commentries on Buddhist doctrines.
The major teachings of Buddhism is the quest for true happiness and peace for all beings ,people live misery ,suffering and nothing lasts this is caused by ignorance and selfishness. Human beings change but soul never changes . When one's life ends another life begins in the world of suffering and development of life come from our thoughts and actions. We make happiness and unhapiness the way out is rebirth. Therefore Buddhists believe in rebirth.
Buddhism is grouped into Theravada(the way of elders)followed in Sri lanka ,Burma ,Thailand ,Laos and Cambodia, is also known called Southern Buddhism or Pali Buddism after its native language of Buddha. And Mahayana (the universal)varieties of Buddaism practised in the Northern and far Eastern countries.
Biologists' social development concept stands on the difference on how people feel about themselves and get along with others to get moral cautions which are controlled by their parents. Bandura (1963)says ,difference in the social behaviour are acquired through observational learning and immitations . Psycho-analysts view personality diferences as resulted from complex interplay of biological ,maturation forces and experiences. The great emphasis is on the early childhood development.
Woolfolk (1995) refers Social development to changes in the way an individual relates to others. Whilst Cole and Cole (2001) regards Social development as involving changes in interaction patterns in relationships with others.And Power cited in Sharma(1992) defines Social development as the progressive improvement of individual in the comprehension social heritage and the formulation of flexible conducts of reasonable conformity with the heritage ,that's acquiring behaviours habits ,values ,attributes ,interests and so on.
These authorities implies that Social development is also included in the acquisition of ability to behave in accordance with the social expactations. In addition it improves the ability to get on well with others and ourselves. The child's culture is the bases of his/her social development and it is acquired as individual grows. Therefore social development is an ongoing process from infants through adulthood to old age.
Stages of Social Development:
♦Infants (0-3 years old)Social life begins with the child's mother ,sibblings and other member found within the family.
When the child communicate with others ,the response may be in the form of body movements and sounds such as rocking and laughing. But the baby's attachment with his/her mother or caretaker as outlined by Schickedaz et al (1993)who say attachment is the emotional tie between the mother and her baby which is crucial in the social and emotional development of the child.
After 12 months of age a child might begin to reflect signs of empathy ,for example by responding to distress of others by showing distress themselves.
Around the age of two to three years the child learns to follow simple commands and instruction and is able to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behaviours.
♦Early childhood (3-6 years old) social interaction goes beyond the family extending the children in the neighbourhood. Their behaviours influenced by their social cognition values they have acquired from their parents biologically and socially . The child is now exposed to new situations ,problems,ideas and roles as he/she explore the immediate environment independently.
Usually toddlers and young pre-scholars tend to be more physically aggressive than school aged children who use more verbal aggression. Adults significantly train their young ones to exercise self control to acquire pro -social behaviours.
♦Middle childhood is the period when most children are at school and these children are now influenced into three categories at home ,school and peer group. At this age they understand others' emotions ,intention and thinking. They also capable at discrimination between accidential and deliberate in tension and are responding accordingly.
♦Friends and peers become increasingly important as they spend more time as peers.
Peer group is formed by children of the same age group who play together influenced by interests to each other and share the same values. The influence of peer group is more absolute during adolescence.Teenagers are at the adolescence phase where they rely on peers to help them to become emotionally independent from their family and discover a dear sense of identity.In other words they prefer their peers like themselves whom they seem to match with for a moment before being autonomous. They also engaged in gestro sexual relationships and contradict frequently with their teachers ,parents and involve in violent of rules and regulations with some of them tried and abused drugs or alcohol.Girls mature faster than boys as characterised by sexual maturity and begin to socialise with older boys.
Adolescents are grouped as:
(1)Conformist group of teenagers who agree and abide by the school ,social rules and means to attain goals.
(2)Innovaters group accepts the goals of the school and social rules ,but not the means prescribed by these institutions to achieve them.
(3)Rebels don't accept both goals and needs and they ended up drop out of school and abandon their homes.Most of this group are alcohol and drug abusers and commit crimes.
Therefore the teacher should coach children on life skills to adopt social skills and techniques to suit effectively. The anti-social distructive children should be helped to change their interaction. Teacher can then counsel pupils to correct their unrealistic thinking especially teenagers who are at crisis phase of changing into adulthood. Teenagers should avoid away from dangers of alcohol and drug abuse and sexual relationships which results in STIs and unwanted pregnancies. Hence it is the role of the teacher to be good models and assist learners to identify a real life model to emulate and create an opportunity for them to learn from some people's experiences and reinforce positive behaviours.
Woolfolk (1995) refers Social development to changes in the way an individual relates to others. Whilst Cole and Cole (2001) regards Social development as involving changes in interaction patterns in relationships with others.And Power cited in Sharma(1992) defines Social development as the progressive improvement of individual in the comprehension social heritage and the formulation of flexible conducts of reasonable conformity with the heritage ,that's acquiring behaviours habits ,values ,attributes ,interests and so on.
These authorities implies that Social development is also included in the acquisition of ability to behave in accordance with the social expactations. In addition it improves the ability to get on well with others and ourselves. The child's culture is the bases of his/her social development and it is acquired as individual grows. Therefore social development is an ongoing process from infants through adulthood to old age.
Stages of Social Development:
♦Infants (0-3 years old)Social life begins with the child's mother ,sibblings and other member found within the family.
When the child communicate with others ,the response may be in the form of body movements and sounds such as rocking and laughing. But the baby's attachment with his/her mother or caretaker as outlined by Schickedaz et al (1993)who say attachment is the emotional tie between the mother and her baby which is crucial in the social and emotional development of the child.
After 12 months of age a child might begin to reflect signs of empathy ,for example by responding to distress of others by showing distress themselves.
Around the age of two to three years the child learns to follow simple commands and instruction and is able to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behaviours.
♦Early childhood (3-6 years old) social interaction goes beyond the family extending the children in the neighbourhood. Their behaviours influenced by their social cognition values they have acquired from their parents biologically and socially . The child is now exposed to new situations ,problems,ideas and roles as he/she explore the immediate environment independently.
Usually toddlers and young pre-scholars tend to be more physically aggressive than school aged children who use more verbal aggression. Adults significantly train their young ones to exercise self control to acquire pro -social behaviours.
♦Middle childhood is the period when most children are at school and these children are now influenced into three categories at home ,school and peer group. At this age they understand others' emotions ,intention and thinking. They also capable at discrimination between accidential and deliberate in tension and are responding accordingly.
♦Friends and peers become increasingly important as they spend more time as peers.
Peer group is formed by children of the same age group who play together influenced by interests to each other and share the same values. The influence of peer group is more absolute during adolescence.Teenagers are at the adolescence phase where they rely on peers to help them to become emotionally independent from their family and discover a dear sense of identity.In other words they prefer their peers like themselves whom they seem to match with for a moment before being autonomous. They also engaged in gestro sexual relationships and contradict frequently with their teachers ,parents and involve in violent of rules and regulations with some of them tried and abused drugs or alcohol.Girls mature faster than boys as characterised by sexual maturity and begin to socialise with older boys.
Adolescents are grouped as:
(1)Conformist group of teenagers who agree and abide by the school ,social rules and means to attain goals.
(2)Innovaters group accepts the goals of the school and social rules ,but not the means prescribed by these institutions to achieve them.
(3)Rebels don't accept both goals and needs and they ended up drop out of school and abandon their homes.Most of this group are alcohol and drug abusers and commit crimes.
Therefore the teacher should coach children on life skills to adopt social skills and techniques to suit effectively. The anti-social distructive children should be helped to change their interaction. Teacher can then counsel pupils to correct their unrealistic thinking especially teenagers who are at crisis phase of changing into adulthood. Teenagers should avoid away from dangers of alcohol and drug abuse and sexual relationships which results in STIs and unwanted pregnancies. Hence it is the role of the teacher to be good models and assist learners to identify a real life model to emulate and create an opportunity for them to learn from some people's experiences and reinforce positive behaviours.
In teaching and learning situations disciplinary action is taken when children displaying undesired or wrong behaviours at school which may disrupt normal running of the Education system and there is a need to control this ,for instance making noise where they are suppose to be quiet.
Teachers therefore use reasonable measures to enforce this discipline for example isolating the noise makers out from the rest of the group in the classroom ,but not depriving their right to learn. Discipline enforces social accepted behaviour at a particular place and time.
The term discipline comes from Latin word 'disco' which means 'I learn' this then means discipline isn't inborn or natural social law,but structured by community members,thus the people decide and distinguish on what discipline and indiscipline behaviours.
To be more precise the brief definition by Hamm(1989:108)says,''Discipline is submission to rules''. The rules must be known to the children and cannot punished one for a rule which he/she doesn't know. There children must allowed to learn these rules before they applied in their disciplinary process.
Since discipline is practiced on different places under variety of strategic systems ,for example discipline at home children are supposed to follow orders without much questioning ,whilst at school children are given opportunities to be ratinale as they can speak out their minds.
Discipline can be self imposed(instrinsic) where a child accepts and complies with the rules on his /her own without external pressure. A self disciplined person conforms with the rules because he likes the rules and see the benefits of the rules. The self imposed discipline is more desirable in Education system the externally imposed discipline in that it develops efficiency in learning new concepts ,encourages the child to be autonomous ,promotes intrinsic motivation and more so is permanent.
Externally imposed discipline (extrinsic) is achieved by the teachers or parents who manipulate children so that they submit to their authority by injecting fears ,emotions or desires to them. Rewards are used as a relish to motivate pupils to learn for example giving presents at prize giving days ,comments after marked their good work and many others
Discipline can be also a mixture of instrinsic and extrinsic (hybrid discipline) imposed carrot and stick method.
Some challenges to discipline can be from home background,teacher's lack of experience or other related problems,pupils' attitudes ,peer pressure ,school and community culture and the influence of the media.
Disciplinary problems commonly found at school:late coming,theft,noise making ,cheating dodging ,bullying ,truancy and other form of deviance.
However Hamm(1989) observes discipline as oftenly confused with punishment ,but the two are not similar, although they appear to be two sides of the same coin because there is an obvious connection between discipline and punishment. In other words lack of discipline results in punishment and a disciplined child avoids punishment.
Vermuelen(1995) views that,"punishment is a procedure that decreases the likelihood of wrong behaviour.'' Whilst Hamm (1989)puts punishment as,''Intentional infliction of pain or unpleasantness by an authority on an offender for a breach of a social rule.''
Therefore punishment is not an accidental happening but imposed by an authority with specific intention to do so. To be effective punishment should be painful and unpleasant experience if not so it ceases to be a punishment. Be careful also not to punish yourself instead of children!
According to Kasambira (1993)''Punishment is a penalt which may be psychological or physical in nature imposed on an individual for wrong doing''. Punishment can be directed in the minds using harsh or rude remarks and withdrawal of priviledges. It can also be exercised physically as corporal or manual labour. Some teachers combine both psychological and physical punishments.
Punishment must be inflicted by someone who has the authority ,for example if child bullied and hit back that is not a punishment, because these two doesn't have the authority to do so. Infact they all must be punished by the authority.
Since punishment is used to shape the conducive of Education system it must be a device used to the offenders who are guilty and disrupts normal learning process.But not to someone who has not committed the offence.'Never punish the innocent' and remember punishment should be fair and justice.
Hence teachers should avoid the system of 'blanket punishment 'thus punishing the whole class for making noise on the expense of only three noise makers.
Therefore punishment must be given for breaking known rules. Usually rules must be intentional or deliberate ,for example a child cannot be punished for making errors in mathematics unless the error is deliberate. Hamm(1989)worns that a child cannot be guilty of inability to understand.
Inconclusion proper use of discipline and punishment help to bring normalcy in the Education system and shapes it to be the tool for behaviour change in children.
Teachers therefore use reasonable measures to enforce this discipline for example isolating the noise makers out from the rest of the group in the classroom ,but not depriving their right to learn. Discipline enforces social accepted behaviour at a particular place and time.
The term discipline comes from Latin word 'disco' which means 'I learn' this then means discipline isn't inborn or natural social law,but structured by community members,thus the people decide and distinguish on what discipline and indiscipline behaviours.
To be more precise the brief definition by Hamm(1989:108)says,''Discipline is submission to rules''. The rules must be known to the children and cannot punished one for a rule which he/she doesn't know. There children must allowed to learn these rules before they applied in their disciplinary process.
Since discipline is practiced on different places under variety of strategic systems ,for example discipline at home children are supposed to follow orders without much questioning ,whilst at school children are given opportunities to be ratinale as they can speak out their minds.
Discipline can be self imposed(instrinsic) where a child accepts and complies with the rules on his /her own without external pressure. A self disciplined person conforms with the rules because he likes the rules and see the benefits of the rules. The self imposed discipline is more desirable in Education system the externally imposed discipline in that it develops efficiency in learning new concepts ,encourages the child to be autonomous ,promotes intrinsic motivation and more so is permanent.
Externally imposed discipline (extrinsic) is achieved by the teachers or parents who manipulate children so that they submit to their authority by injecting fears ,emotions or desires to them. Rewards are used as a relish to motivate pupils to learn for example giving presents at prize giving days ,comments after marked their good work and many others
Discipline can be also a mixture of instrinsic and extrinsic (hybrid discipline) imposed carrot and stick method.
Some challenges to discipline can be from home background,teacher's lack of experience or other related problems,pupils' attitudes ,peer pressure ,school and community culture and the influence of the media.
Disciplinary problems commonly found at school:late coming,theft,noise making ,cheating dodging ,bullying ,truancy and other form of deviance.
However Hamm(1989) observes discipline as oftenly confused with punishment ,but the two are not similar, although they appear to be two sides of the same coin because there is an obvious connection between discipline and punishment. In other words lack of discipline results in punishment and a disciplined child avoids punishment.
Vermuelen(1995) views that,"punishment is a procedure that decreases the likelihood of wrong behaviour.'' Whilst Hamm (1989)puts punishment as,''Intentional infliction of pain or unpleasantness by an authority on an offender for a breach of a social rule.''
Therefore punishment is not an accidental happening but imposed by an authority with specific intention to do so. To be effective punishment should be painful and unpleasant experience if not so it ceases to be a punishment. Be careful also not to punish yourself instead of children!
According to Kasambira (1993)''Punishment is a penalt which may be psychological or physical in nature imposed on an individual for wrong doing''. Punishment can be directed in the minds using harsh or rude remarks and withdrawal of priviledges. It can also be exercised physically as corporal or manual labour. Some teachers combine both psychological and physical punishments.
Punishment must be inflicted by someone who has the authority ,for example if child bullied and hit back that is not a punishment, because these two doesn't have the authority to do so. Infact they all must be punished by the authority.
Since punishment is used to shape the conducive of Education system it must be a device used to the offenders who are guilty and disrupts normal learning process.But not to someone who has not committed the offence.'Never punish the innocent' and remember punishment should be fair and justice.
Hence teachers should avoid the system of 'blanket punishment 'thus punishing the whole class for making noise on the expense of only three noise makers.
Therefore punishment must be given for breaking known rules. Usually rules must be intentional or deliberate ,for example a child cannot be punished for making errors in mathematics unless the error is deliberate. Hamm(1989)worns that a child cannot be guilty of inability to understand.
Inconclusion proper use of discipline and punishment help to bring normalcy in the Education system and shapes it to be the tool for behaviour change in children.
Cognition means all events and processes of human mind ,for instance memory ,knowledge ,reasoning ,thinking ,perception and so on.
Development refers to the changes of these events and process according to the growth of the mind and other body parts.
According to the theorist Jean Piaget cognitive development the mind passes through certain stages according to age,thus the mind changes and the processes help to explain these changes.
In the theory of cognitive develpoment 'knowledge is structured' . The mind developes in stages and they are four of them.
(1)Sensorimotor stage 0-2 years old,
(2)Pre-operational stage 2-6 years old,
(3)Concrete operational stage 7-12 years old and,
(4)Formal operations 12-20 years old.
The schema basic unit of knowledge encoporates in the existing knowledge assimilation.
People acquire knwledge through accomodation ,or adaptation of knowledge and accommodation .
A sensorimotor type of schema the child have ,sucking ,crying ,grasping ,looking ,rooting and gradually engages in primary circular . At about 18 months develops object permanently.
Preoperational stage ,this is the phase where one is not yet operational when child starts to use symbols and sounds to represent thoughts. The way of thinking is egocentric and preoperational is captivated by surface features when children cannot classify things according to their attributes.
The concrete operational stage thinking becomes formal , thus operational thinking allow children to combine and arrange them in order. Children can transform objects and action 'desentriation' and they thinking capacity become reversible and properties of object remain the same even when altered.
Formal operational thinking become systematic ,the person can deal with symbols ,think abstruct ,hypothesise.
Implications in the teaching and learning process and materials for methods of instructions and aid learng must be plenty with a variety of concrete objects to be used by child to develop their language rapidly.
Development refers to the changes of these events and process according to the growth of the mind and other body parts.
According to the theorist Jean Piaget cognitive development the mind passes through certain stages according to age,thus the mind changes and the processes help to explain these changes.
In the theory of cognitive develpoment 'knowledge is structured' . The mind developes in stages and they are four of them.
(1)Sensorimotor stage 0-2 years old,
(2)Pre-operational stage 2-6 years old,
(3)Concrete operational stage 7-12 years old and,
(4)Formal operations 12-20 years old.
The schema basic unit of knowledge encoporates in the existing knowledge assimilation.
People acquire knwledge through accomodation ,or adaptation of knowledge and accommodation .
A sensorimotor type of schema the child have ,sucking ,crying ,grasping ,looking ,rooting and gradually engages in primary circular . At about 18 months develops object permanently.
Preoperational stage ,this is the phase where one is not yet operational when child starts to use symbols and sounds to represent thoughts. The way of thinking is egocentric and preoperational is captivated by surface features when children cannot classify things according to their attributes.
The concrete operational stage thinking becomes formal , thus operational thinking allow children to combine and arrange them in order. Children can transform objects and action 'desentriation' and they thinking capacity become reversible and properties of object remain the same even when altered.
Formal operational thinking become systematic ,the person can deal with symbols ,think abstruct ,hypothesise.
Implications in the teaching and learning process and materials for methods of instructions and aid learng must be plenty with a variety of concrete objects to be used by child to develop their language rapidly.
Stealing as Deviant Behaviour done by Children
Lee (1977:109) postulates that ,"children develop a factual idea of ownership and property right when they are well into the junior school period ." The period is around six to ten years. Many teachers have difficulties in determining children 's habit whether it is verging or stealing. Beside the age of the children ,observations can help us to distinguish whether it is stealing or verging .Verging on stealing can be concluded thoroughly on these observations that:
♦A child constantly takes things that do not belong to him/her.The taken things are they been hidden by the perpetrator and these articles taken exchanged for money or other valuables. Are things taken used on his/her work or not.
♦If we find out that these things taken are influenced by the child's motives ,then it is
stealing. Because a child can take articles because of induced by other factors ,without incalculates a criminal aim.
♦Then we concluded that the child is stealing ,we should make efforts to remove stealing habits. Remember many teachers or adults resort to some form of punishment ,it is not always a good corrective measure. This is simply because it can worsen the problem instead of removing the habit. The child can develop lying strategies inorder to defend his/her thieving.
Stealing is a major problem both for the perpetrators and the victims who deprived their properties. The pupil who develops thieving will be backward in all learning performance because of persistant worries ,lack of concentration as it can inhibit learning in the sense that it is diluted by shade deviant behaviours.
♦A child constantly takes things that do not belong to him/her.The taken things are they been hidden by the perpetrator and these articles taken exchanged for money or other valuables. Are things taken used on his/her work or not.
♦If we find out that these things taken are influenced by the child's motives ,then it is
stealing. Because a child can take articles because of induced by other factors ,without incalculates a criminal aim.
♦Then we concluded that the child is stealing ,we should make efforts to remove stealing habits. Remember many teachers or adults resort to some form of punishment ,it is not always a good corrective measure. This is simply because it can worsen the problem instead of removing the habit. The child can develop lying strategies inorder to defend his/her thieving.
Stealing is a major problem both for the perpetrators and the victims who deprived their properties. The pupil who develops thieving will be backward in all learning performance because of persistant worries ,lack of concentration as it can inhibit learning in the sense that it is diluted by shade deviant behaviours.
The Gifted Children are generally associated with high performance on intelligence tests and academic achievement.However the high intelligence test scores and outstanding academic performance contribute to the determination of giftedness ,but there are other more considerations need to put forward.
The intelligence do not measure other giftedness charateristic nor influenced by academic achievement. These characteristics include leadership ability,originality ,foresight and outstanding performance in co-curricular activities are not measured by intelligence.
The only use of intelligence tests and academic performance as determinants of giftedness fails short of distinguish a gifted child. Because it sidelines pupils who have superior potential in other disciplines and below average in other areas. When we identifying giftedness we should be very specific in order to assist those pupils whom we say are gifted.
Lets have a look of some characteristics of giftedness:
When learning the gifted child usually learns easily even the work which is more challenging, has the capability and ability to comprehends it quickly whilst doing these tasks self motivated happly and in a fun mood. A gifted child has self driven intiatives in his/her own learning as it is simple ,more interesting and quest for more facts for him/her to independently learn effectively with very little explanation on new concepts and skills as compared to an average learner.
Characteristics of a gifted child in speech and vocabulary is oftenly evidenced by precosity ,that's knowledge or intelligence more than normal for the age . The gifted child use unusual words and the phraseology might reflect that of a person who is much years older,for example a child of eight years can work concepts level to a 13 years pupil. Even if average learners can have eloquence(fluent speaking) the gifted child is super above as far as expressing ideas and relationships.
Gifted child usually identfied as very active .The child cannot content with accepting passively what the teacher tells. The child has curiosity to explore and to discover things on his/her own. The creativity in gifedness tend to have wide range of interests and hobbies.The gifted child probes and seeks more knowledge at the fast pace that other learners.
The vivid imaginatination in abstract ideas ,gifted child has the will power to enjoy being occupied in planning and organising projects.
A gifted child has no problem of associating with any person of any calibre .That's why some analysts tend to believe that this is because of his/her rich vocabulary and ideas which are far advanced than their peers. The gifted child is more concerned about feelings of different age groups,professionals regardless of any status.
The intelligence do not measure other giftedness charateristic nor influenced by academic achievement. These characteristics include leadership ability,originality ,foresight and outstanding performance in co-curricular activities are not measured by intelligence.
The only use of intelligence tests and academic performance as determinants of giftedness fails short of distinguish a gifted child. Because it sidelines pupils who have superior potential in other disciplines and below average in other areas. When we identifying giftedness we should be very specific in order to assist those pupils whom we say are gifted.
Lets have a look of some characteristics of giftedness:
When learning the gifted child usually learns easily even the work which is more challenging, has the capability and ability to comprehends it quickly whilst doing these tasks self motivated happly and in a fun mood. A gifted child has self driven intiatives in his/her own learning as it is simple ,more interesting and quest for more facts for him/her to independently learn effectively with very little explanation on new concepts and skills as compared to an average learner.
Characteristics of a gifted child in speech and vocabulary is oftenly evidenced by precosity ,that's knowledge or intelligence more than normal for the age . The gifted child use unusual words and the phraseology might reflect that of a person who is much years older,for example a child of eight years can work concepts level to a 13 years pupil. Even if average learners can have eloquence(fluent speaking) the gifted child is super above as far as expressing ideas and relationships.
Gifted child usually identfied as very active .The child cannot content with accepting passively what the teacher tells. The child has curiosity to explore and to discover things on his/her own. The creativity in gifedness tend to have wide range of interests and hobbies.The gifted child probes and seeks more knowledge at the fast pace that other learners.
The vivid imaginatination in abstract ideas ,gifted child has the will power to enjoy being occupied in planning and organising projects.
A gifted child has no problem of associating with any person of any calibre .That's why some analysts tend to believe that this is because of his/her rich vocabulary and ideas which are far advanced than their peers. The gifted child is more concerned about feelings of different age groups,professionals regardless of any status.
The Intelligence characteristics of a gifted Child
The Gifted Children are generally associated with high performance on intelligence tests and academic achievement.However the high intelligence test scores and outstanding academic performance contribute to the determination of giftedness ,but there are other more considerations need to put forward.
The intelligence do not measure other giftedness charateristic nor influenced by academic achievement. These characteristics include leadership ability,originality ,foresight and outstanding performance in co-curricular activities are not measured by intelligence.
The only use of intelligence tests and academic performance as determinants of giftedness fails short of distinguish a gifted child. Because it sidelines pupils who have superior potential in other disciplines and below average in other areas. When we identifying giftedness we should be very specific in order to assist those pupils whom we say are gifted.
Lets have a look of some characteristics of giftedness:
When learning the gifted child usually learns easily even the work which is more challenging, has the capability and ability to comprehends it quickly whilst doing these tasks self motivated happly and in a fun mood. A gifted child has self driven intiatives in his/her own learning as it is simple ,more interesting and quest for more facts for him/her to independently learn effectively with very little explanation on new concepts and skills as compared to an average learner.
Characteristics of a gifted child in speech and vocabulary is oftenly evidenced by precosity ,that's knowledge or intelligence more than normal for the age . The gifted child use unusual words and the phraseology might reflect that of a person who is much years older,for example a child of eight years can work concepts level to a 13 years pupil. Even if average learners can have eloquence(fluent speaking) the gifted child is super above as far as expressing ideas and relationships.
Gifted child usually identfied as very active .The child cannot content with accepting passively what the teacher tells. The child has curiosity to explore and to discover things on his/her own. The creativity in gifedness tend to have wide range of interests and hobbies.The gifted child probes and seeks more knowledge at the fast pace that other learners.
The vivid imaginatination in abstract ideas ,gifted child has the will power to enjoy being occupied in planning and organising projects.
A gifted child has no problem of associating with any person of any calibre .That's why some analysts tend to believe that this is because of his/her rich vocabulary and ideas which are far advanced than their peers. The gifted child is more concerned about feelings of different age groups,professionals regardless of any status.
The intelligence do not measure other giftedness charateristic nor influenced by academic achievement. These characteristics include leadership ability,originality ,foresight and outstanding performance in co-curricular activities are not measured by intelligence.
The only use of intelligence tests and academic performance as determinants of giftedness fails short of distinguish a gifted child. Because it sidelines pupils who have superior potential in other disciplines and below average in other areas. When we identifying giftedness we should be very specific in order to assist those pupils whom we say are gifted.
Lets have a look of some characteristics of giftedness:
When learning the gifted child usually learns easily even the work which is more challenging, has the capability and ability to comprehends it quickly whilst doing these tasks self motivated happly and in a fun mood. A gifted child has self driven intiatives in his/her own learning as it is simple ,more interesting and quest for more facts for him/her to independently learn effectively with very little explanation on new concepts and skills as compared to an average learner.
Characteristics of a gifted child in speech and vocabulary is oftenly evidenced by precosity ,that's knowledge or intelligence more than normal for the age . The gifted child use unusual words and the phraseology might reflect that of a person who is much years older,for example a child of eight years can work concepts level to a 13 years pupil. Even if average learners can have eloquence(fluent speaking) the gifted child is super above as far as expressing ideas and relationships.
Gifted child usually identfied as very active .The child cannot content with accepting passively what the teacher tells. The child has curiosity to explore and to discover things on his/her own. The creativity in gifedness tend to have wide range of interests and hobbies.The gifted child probes and seeks more knowledge at the fast pace that other learners.
The vivid imaginatination in abstract ideas ,gifted child has the will power to enjoy being occupied in planning and organising projects.
A gifted child has no problem of associating with any person of any calibre .That's why some analysts tend to believe that this is because of his/her rich vocabulary and ideas which are far advanced than their peers. The gifted child is more concerned about feelings of different age groups,professionals regardless of any status.
Social studies and religious and moral Education subjects in Zimbabwe primary schools are designed and implemented to train or make the school children aware and be responsible citizens who can perpetuate those aspects of their society vital for its existence as a progressive culture. This doesn't mean to perpetuate aspects which are anachronistic ,for example subjunction of women.
A society which ignores its children's Education is also neglecting it own future. The children as future leaders for social development should be able to enhance the importance of their society. Hence social studies ,religious and moral Education and other primary disciplines are used as tools to train children to fit into any socio-cultural set -up.
Beard in Joyce (1965)says ,the creation of rich many sided personalities equipped with practical knowledge and inspired by ideals so that they can make their way and fulfill their mission in a changing society which is part of a world complex. Children should therefore have a firm will for without will nothing great will be accomplished. Naturally children are filled with this aspirations which needs to be nurtured for their human race ,for this aspiration there is need for motivation power to make actions work.
In primary schools through social sciences children can be developed into citizens who know the heritage of their society and are equipped to participate fully in the political ,social and economic sectors of their society.
Children should also be aware of the social world's fast changing pace ,because of technological advancements that it becomes useless to formulate dogmas that can fix what the citizen should know. The school Education system must therefore help growing children to be able to take part in the transformation of their society rather than maintenance of its legacies.
The acquiring of skills,use of ICTs and new ideas that will change the face of society and its civilisation. Unless the curriculum is also prepared to change at the same time Educational practitioners review the reasons for changes accordingly then there may be without a future in which to change at all.
Children must also learn that naturally human being has resistance to change deep-rooted in their minds. Change is a new stimuli which we may not know triggered in our minds to react. Although it threatens feelings of security ,which also thrives when the familiar environment doesn't change ,despite all its disadvantages . This state of conservatism that the changing society in its process of transformation should thereafter smashed in order to realised in practical terms in the new social order. There is much objectivity needed in the society and human understanding on the problems of social responsibility in particular and that of individual in general.
Citizenship Education should be the pillar of development of children to be able to understand the formulation of propositions and advocacy for direct progress in the society. The purpose of citizenship Education is to provide stability in the society . If citizens fail to grow and appreciate social freedom ,justice,equality and its development then the struggle for realisation these ideals forced people to agree on these social ills.
Social responsibility concerned certainly with appreciation and deepening of the meaning of freedom ,equality and development . To encourage this primary school children should learn about their society as a fundamental responsibility . Schools therefore are the chief agents of social solidarity.
The social dynamism influenced the social institutions to be shakened as they should adapt even more radically . Citizen Education act as a stabiliser or perpetuator of society ,hence Education is in harmony with society's values of transformation.
In the schools and its classrooms children should experience all kinds of human interaction and problems that will face in the future. Children should be involved in activities to learn the commitments to social processes and the skills that will make them effective.For instance children can discuss the importance of rules and laws to protect their environment and social interactions for economic and social needs.
Expose them to discussions of the social movements and problems that are shaping the world in which they live. This enables them to cope with a changing world.
Systematic studies of social scientists (psychologists,sociologists,anthropologists) through providing children the tactics to become effective citizens and develop their personalities. Above all by exploring other heritages from other societies help them to sharpen their heritage and cooperate with the whole world.
Inconclusion the teacher should help chidren to be responsible citizens. The mere study of environment isn't sufficient and simply presenting the child with information will not provide them with realisation of all potentialities ,but Education makes a child a complete citizen as it gives a chance think and discuss the concepts taught.To achieve social responsibility goals lets utilise children uniqueness in a classroom which is not a homogeneous group and analyse Educational purposes in their unique intellectual social and individual development.
A society which ignores its children's Education is also neglecting it own future. The children as future leaders for social development should be able to enhance the importance of their society. Hence social studies ,religious and moral Education and other primary disciplines are used as tools to train children to fit into any socio-cultural set -up.
Beard in Joyce (1965)says ,the creation of rich many sided personalities equipped with practical knowledge and inspired by ideals so that they can make their way and fulfill their mission in a changing society which is part of a world complex. Children should therefore have a firm will for without will nothing great will be accomplished. Naturally children are filled with this aspirations which needs to be nurtured for their human race ,for this aspiration there is need for motivation power to make actions work.
In primary schools through social sciences children can be developed into citizens who know the heritage of their society and are equipped to participate fully in the political ,social and economic sectors of their society.
Children should also be aware of the social world's fast changing pace ,because of technological advancements that it becomes useless to formulate dogmas that can fix what the citizen should know. The school Education system must therefore help growing children to be able to take part in the transformation of their society rather than maintenance of its legacies.
The acquiring of skills,use of ICTs and new ideas that will change the face of society and its civilisation. Unless the curriculum is also prepared to change at the same time Educational practitioners review the reasons for changes accordingly then there may be without a future in which to change at all.
Children must also learn that naturally human being has resistance to change deep-rooted in their minds. Change is a new stimuli which we may not know triggered in our minds to react. Although it threatens feelings of security ,which also thrives when the familiar environment doesn't change ,despite all its disadvantages . This state of conservatism that the changing society in its process of transformation should thereafter smashed in order to realised in practical terms in the new social order. There is much objectivity needed in the society and human understanding on the problems of social responsibility in particular and that of individual in general.
Citizenship Education should be the pillar of development of children to be able to understand the formulation of propositions and advocacy for direct progress in the society. The purpose of citizenship Education is to provide stability in the society . If citizens fail to grow and appreciate social freedom ,justice,equality and its development then the struggle for realisation these ideals forced people to agree on these social ills.
Social responsibility concerned certainly with appreciation and deepening of the meaning of freedom ,equality and development . To encourage this primary school children should learn about their society as a fundamental responsibility . Schools therefore are the chief agents of social solidarity.
The social dynamism influenced the social institutions to be shakened as they should adapt even more radically . Citizen Education act as a stabiliser or perpetuator of society ,hence Education is in harmony with society's values of transformation.
In the schools and its classrooms children should experience all kinds of human interaction and problems that will face in the future. Children should be involved in activities to learn the commitments to social processes and the skills that will make them effective.For instance children can discuss the importance of rules and laws to protect their environment and social interactions for economic and social needs.
Expose them to discussions of the social movements and problems that are shaping the world in which they live. This enables them to cope with a changing world.
Systematic studies of social scientists (psychologists,sociologists,anthropologists) through providing children the tactics to become effective citizens and develop their personalities. Above all by exploring other heritages from other societies help them to sharpen their heritage and cooperate with the whole world.
Inconclusion the teacher should help chidren to be responsible citizens. The mere study of environment isn't sufficient and simply presenting the child with information will not provide them with realisation of all potentialities ,but Education makes a child a complete citizen as it gives a chance think and discuss the concepts taught.To achieve social responsibility goals lets utilise children uniqueness in a classroom which is not a homogeneous group and analyse Educational purposes in their unique intellectual social and individual development.
The main emphasis of this write up is finding the right path -Jesus as the right way. One may ask this:
Who was saul?
How did he find the right path?
What did he do after finding the right path?
The stoned to death of Stephen by anti-jesus gangs ,Saul was present and left keeping the clothes of those attakers. Saul a Judaist extremist was angered by the preachings of Jesus Christ because it was against the Jewish law, even worse of it Jesus never attended the Jewish school in Jerusalem as was expected of one to be a Rabbi(teacher).
Thus Saul strongly requested a permission to stop the influence of Christianity in the Jewish communities. This radical greatest persecutor of newly converted Christians triggered the despersion of them from Jerusalem to other parts of the world.
Although to them(Christians)it was a blessing in disguise because this forced them to spread the word of Jesus to other parts of the world.
According to the letter wrote to the Romans ,Saul born at Tarsus cilicia of pure Jewish race (Romans 1:1)He was persecutor,sinner,philosopher,traitor ,lawyer ,heather and could able to speak several languages with a Roman citizenship. His parents were devolted Jews who nurtured their son and sent him to Jerusalem temple to be the greatest Rabbi under the lectureship of Gamaliel the great teacher of the Pharisees and famous interpreter of of the Torah (Jewish law). Saul received excellent Greek Education and qualified to do the great work to become the member of Sanhedrin(Jewish Council of Law)and strong supporter of Judaism.
After their mission to desperse the Christians in Jerusulem bear fruits ,the next mission was to Damascus . On his way to Damascus according to Acts chapter 9 Saul was changed both his name and deeds to Paul the apostle by a fraction of light ,he heard the voice ,verse 4 "Saul Saul why want to perscute me" .It was near Damascus and last three days neither drinking nor eating anything and was also blinded in which he thought it was a punishment .To him it also symbolises the Jesus' death and his claim to be one of the apostles. He become convinced that the disciples were right about Jesus. He realised that Jesus' crucification,resurrection and ascention had before fore told by the prophets.After this he was prayed by Annanious and get baptised,he received the holy spirit .
Acts (9:19-25)Once he himself became a Christian ,Paul boldly declared his faith in resurrected Messiah.''On arriving in Jerusalem he made efforts to join himself to the disciples ,but they were all afraid of him,because they did not believe he was a disciples.''(Acts 9:26).later he was accompanied by Barnabas and accepted him.
After few weeks from the day of conversion paul commissioned directly from Jesus without need for human intervention. Paul acknowledges this on his letter to the Galatians (Galatians 1 :11,12).
Because of his Roman citizenship and fluently prowess in Greek,Hebrew and Aramatic languages Paul become the most travelled early christian missionary such that he could address all the Jewish in the Roman empire and the Gentiles.
Paul chose the right path after a complete reorientation of the Christian understanding and chanelled his zeal into what he was convinced was the right path.
His extremist power against christian turn to be a hero christian preacher and missionary.
Paul the greatest writer of Greek 14 Pauline letters found in the new testament.
Through his conversion Paul was convinced that God had granded him special revelation of the Lord who had appeared to the disciples in the days immediately after the resurrection.
The disciples themselves in the reality of Paul's visions and accepted him on the strength of it as an apostle of the risen Christ.
Paul established the right path of spreading the Christianity through his great knowledge of the scriptures he became a billiant preacher. The true vicious opponent of Christianity turned a stronger supporter hence many people converted. In Athens with Barnabas they were called the gods.
Through his ability to speak different languages was managed to write letters to different communities to further propagate Christianity and also spread the gospel through missionary journeys. This was only after Paul find the right path of preaching the gospel,thus moving the right direction.
Who was saul?
How did he find the right path?
What did he do after finding the right path?
The stoned to death of Stephen by anti-jesus gangs ,Saul was present and left keeping the clothes of those attakers. Saul a Judaist extremist was angered by the preachings of Jesus Christ because it was against the Jewish law, even worse of it Jesus never attended the Jewish school in Jerusalem as was expected of one to be a Rabbi(teacher).
Thus Saul strongly requested a permission to stop the influence of Christianity in the Jewish communities. This radical greatest persecutor of newly converted Christians triggered the despersion of them from Jerusalem to other parts of the world.
Although to them(Christians)it was a blessing in disguise because this forced them to spread the word of Jesus to other parts of the world.
According to the letter wrote to the Romans ,Saul born at Tarsus cilicia of pure Jewish race (Romans 1:1)He was persecutor,sinner,philosopher,traitor ,lawyer ,heather and could able to speak several languages with a Roman citizenship. His parents were devolted Jews who nurtured their son and sent him to Jerusalem temple to be the greatest Rabbi under the lectureship of Gamaliel the great teacher of the Pharisees and famous interpreter of of the Torah (Jewish law). Saul received excellent Greek Education and qualified to do the great work to become the member of Sanhedrin(Jewish Council of Law)and strong supporter of Judaism.
After their mission to desperse the Christians in Jerusulem bear fruits ,the next mission was to Damascus . On his way to Damascus according to Acts chapter 9 Saul was changed both his name and deeds to Paul the apostle by a fraction of light ,he heard the voice ,verse 4 "Saul Saul why want to perscute me" .It was near Damascus and last three days neither drinking nor eating anything and was also blinded in which he thought it was a punishment .To him it also symbolises the Jesus' death and his claim to be one of the apostles. He become convinced that the disciples were right about Jesus. He realised that Jesus' crucification,resurrection and ascention had before fore told by the prophets.After this he was prayed by Annanious and get baptised,he received the holy spirit .
Acts (9:19-25)Once he himself became a Christian ,Paul boldly declared his faith in resurrected Messiah.''On arriving in Jerusalem he made efforts to join himself to the disciples ,but they were all afraid of him,because they did not believe he was a disciples.''(Acts 9:26).later he was accompanied by Barnabas and accepted him.
After few weeks from the day of conversion paul commissioned directly from Jesus without need for human intervention. Paul acknowledges this on his letter to the Galatians (Galatians 1 :11,12).
Because of his Roman citizenship and fluently prowess in Greek,Hebrew and Aramatic languages Paul become the most travelled early christian missionary such that he could address all the Jewish in the Roman empire and the Gentiles.
Paul chose the right path after a complete reorientation of the Christian understanding and chanelled his zeal into what he was convinced was the right path.
His extremist power against christian turn to be a hero christian preacher and missionary.
Paul the greatest writer of Greek 14 Pauline letters found in the new testament.
Through his conversion Paul was convinced that God had granded him special revelation of the Lord who had appeared to the disciples in the days immediately after the resurrection.
The disciples themselves in the reality of Paul's visions and accepted him on the strength of it as an apostle of the risen Christ.
Paul established the right path of spreading the Christianity through his great knowledge of the scriptures he became a billiant preacher. The true vicious opponent of Christianity turned a stronger supporter hence many people converted. In Athens with Barnabas they were called the gods.
Through his ability to speak different languages was managed to write letters to different communities to further propagate Christianity and also spread the gospel through missionary journeys. This was only after Paul find the right path of preaching the gospel,thus moving the right direction.
The goal of social Education is to introduce children to different modes of thinking. In this regards social Education help children to comprehend their world and prepare them for citizenship. The social Education ,however need to be taught as disciplines or subjects such as mathemeatics or languages.
As in some societies social Education taught as Social studies,Religious and moral Education ,law etc subjects. They fulfill the intellectual experiences in order to be educative ,must lead out into subjects matter of facts ,information and ideas concerning human beings and their society. This condition supported by Joyce(1965:12)says ,social Education satisfied only by teachers who review the teaching and learning as a continuous process of reconstruction of experiences.
According to Freire(1980)calls it praxis to knowledge which comes from action and reflection. Knowledge is an active thing which cannot found anywhere lying idle doing nothing. And mental processes works adequately if the child exposed fully with his/her environment.
Therefore the school 's role is to invove children in the state of intellectual development to interact with wise minds and inventive people to fully get involved into the social ,physical ,political and economic situations. School 's purpose is to enable children to live ,act and reflect at the level of the best ideas and actions of the times in which they are living. Social Education is objectively exposed children to these ideas and learn them as come to possess the most complete description and action of the social world in which they live.
Social Education has its disposal the effective methods with which to analyse human events and problems. As children are glowing to be mature they can learn these methods in a pragmatic fashion which is more sophisticated form of analysing the affairs of their world.
When presented with a specific problem ,children should be able to examine it and come up with various ways of solving them. Allen(1965)asserts ,the acquiring of skills instructions are divided according to children's cognitive development so as to make provisions of a foundation for attacking these problematic situations. Teachers should then avoid giving information which suits neither the whole group of the class nor a specific individual learners. Instead they should teach the skills only when the children are ready for them. Thus children perceive the need for a particular skill and when reached that level of intellectual maturity making them capable of benefiting from instructions in that skill.
Hence children must see the meaning in the learning of the skill ,since the skills are tools necessary for tackling specific problems faced by children and solve them, so a maturity level for a specific skills is needed to enable them to cope with all technicalities in the learning process.
Besides these skills to operate efficiently there is also a need for motivational stimulus for them to learn above their apperant capacity. Vygotsky and Montessori in their ideas concerning children that if they taught to write when mature to do so their responses are abundant and imaginative in use of written speech that is never found in children even few years older than they are. Therefore teachers should should prepare lessons in such a way that they are provokative to children to think even more deeply. The best way to do it is simply expose them to the ideas that would like to acquire social Education.
As in some societies social Education taught as Social studies,Religious and moral Education ,law etc subjects. They fulfill the intellectual experiences in order to be educative ,must lead out into subjects matter of facts ,information and ideas concerning human beings and their society. This condition supported by Joyce(1965:12)says ,social Education satisfied only by teachers who review the teaching and learning as a continuous process of reconstruction of experiences.
According to Freire(1980)calls it praxis to knowledge which comes from action and reflection. Knowledge is an active thing which cannot found anywhere lying idle doing nothing. And mental processes works adequately if the child exposed fully with his/her environment.
Therefore the school 's role is to invove children in the state of intellectual development to interact with wise minds and inventive people to fully get involved into the social ,physical ,political and economic situations. School 's purpose is to enable children to live ,act and reflect at the level of the best ideas and actions of the times in which they are living. Social Education is objectively exposed children to these ideas and learn them as come to possess the most complete description and action of the social world in which they live.
Social Education has its disposal the effective methods with which to analyse human events and problems. As children are glowing to be mature they can learn these methods in a pragmatic fashion which is more sophisticated form of analysing the affairs of their world.
When presented with a specific problem ,children should be able to examine it and come up with various ways of solving them. Allen(1965)asserts ,the acquiring of skills instructions are divided according to children's cognitive development so as to make provisions of a foundation for attacking these problematic situations. Teachers should then avoid giving information which suits neither the whole group of the class nor a specific individual learners. Instead they should teach the skills only when the children are ready for them. Thus children perceive the need for a particular skill and when reached that level of intellectual maturity making them capable of benefiting from instructions in that skill.
Hence children must see the meaning in the learning of the skill ,since the skills are tools necessary for tackling specific problems faced by children and solve them, so a maturity level for a specific skills is needed to enable them to cope with all technicalities in the learning process.
Besides these skills to operate efficiently there is also a need for motivational stimulus for them to learn above their apperant capacity. Vygotsky and Montessori in their ideas concerning children that if they taught to write when mature to do so their responses are abundant and imaginative in use of written speech that is never found in children even few years older than they are. Therefore teachers should should prepare lessons in such a way that they are provokative to children to think even more deeply. The best way to do it is simply expose them to the ideas that would like to acquire social Education.
The goal of social Education is to introduce children to different modes of thinking. In this regards social Education help children to comprehend their world and prepare them for citizenship. The social Education ,however need to be taught as disciplines or subjects such as mathemeatics or languages.
As in some societies social Education taught as Social studies,Religious and moral Education ,law etc subjects. They fulfill the intellectual experiences in order to be educative ,must lead out into subjects matter of facts ,information and ideas concerning human beings and their society. This condition supported by Joyce(1965:12)says ,social Education satisfied only by teachers who review the teaching and learning as a continuous process of reconstruction of experiences.
According to Freire(1980)calls it praxis to knowledge which comes from action and reflection. Knowledge is an active thing which cannot found anywhere lying idle doing nothing. And mental processes works adequately if the child exposed fully with his/her environment.
Therefore the school 's role is to invove children in the state of intellectual development to interact with wise minds and inventive people to fully get involved into the social ,physical ,political and economic situations. School 's purpose is to enable children to live ,act and reflect at the level of the best ideas and actions of the times in which they are living. Social Education is objectively exposed children to these ideas and learn them as come to possess the most complete description and action of the social world in which they live.
Social Education has its disposal the effective methods with which to analyse human events and problems. As children are glowing to be mature they can learn these methods in a pragmatic fashion which is more sophisticated form of analysing the affairs of their world.
When presented with a specific problem ,children should be able to examine it and come up with various ways of solving them. Allen(1965)asserts ,the acquiring of skills instructions are divided according to children's cognitive development so as to make provisions of a foundation for attacking these problematic situations. Teachers should then avoid giving information which suits neither the whole group of the class nor a specific individual learners. Instead they should teach the skills only when the children are ready for them. Thus children perceive the need for a particular skill and when reached that level of intellectual maturity making them capable of benefiting from instructions in that skill.
Hence children must see the meaning in the learning of the skill ,since the skills are tools necessary for tackling specific problems faced by children and solve them, so a maturity level for a specific skills is needed to enable them to cope with all technicalities in the learning process.
Besides these skills to operate efficiently there is also a need for motivational stimulus for them to learn above their apperant capacity. Vygotsky and Montessori in their ideas concerning children that if they taught to write when mature to do so their responses are abundant and imaginative in use of written speech that is never found in children even few years older than they are. Therefore teachers should should prepare lessons in such a way that they are provokative to children to think even more deeply. The best way to do it is simply expose them to the ideas that would like to acquire social Education.
As in some societies social Education taught as Social studies,Religious and moral Education ,law etc subjects. They fulfill the intellectual experiences in order to be educative ,must lead out into subjects matter of facts ,information and ideas concerning human beings and their society. This condition supported by Joyce(1965:12)says ,social Education satisfied only by teachers who review the teaching and learning as a continuous process of reconstruction of experiences.
According to Freire(1980)calls it praxis to knowledge which comes from action and reflection. Knowledge is an active thing which cannot found anywhere lying idle doing nothing. And mental processes works adequately if the child exposed fully with his/her environment.
Therefore the school 's role is to invove children in the state of intellectual development to interact with wise minds and inventive people to fully get involved into the social ,physical ,political and economic situations. School 's purpose is to enable children to live ,act and reflect at the level of the best ideas and actions of the times in which they are living. Social Education is objectively exposed children to these ideas and learn them as come to possess the most complete description and action of the social world in which they live.
Social Education has its disposal the effective methods with which to analyse human events and problems. As children are glowing to be mature they can learn these methods in a pragmatic fashion which is more sophisticated form of analysing the affairs of their world.
When presented with a specific problem ,children should be able to examine it and come up with various ways of solving them. Allen(1965)asserts ,the acquiring of skills instructions are divided according to children's cognitive development so as to make provisions of a foundation for attacking these problematic situations. Teachers should then avoid giving information which suits neither the whole group of the class nor a specific individual learners. Instead they should teach the skills only when the children are ready for them. Thus children perceive the need for a particular skill and when reached that level of intellectual maturity making them capable of benefiting from instructions in that skill.
Hence children must see the meaning in the learning of the skill ,since the skills are tools necessary for tackling specific problems faced by children and solve them, so a maturity level for a specific skills is needed to enable them to cope with all technicalities in the learning process.
Besides these skills to operate efficiently there is also a need for motivational stimulus for them to learn above their apperant capacity. Vygotsky and Montessori in their ideas concerning children that if they taught to write when mature to do so their responses are abundant and imaginative in use of written speech that is never found in children even few years older than they are. Therefore teachers should should prepare lessons in such a way that they are provokative to children to think even more deeply. The best way to do it is simply expose them to the ideas that would like to acquire social Education.
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