, The interaction of human beings made possible through use of the language.No society around this world no matter ,its economical status operates without its own language.Language help us to express our feelings ,emotions ,ideas and general informations and warnings.
According to Owens(1984:3)defines language as,"a socially shared code of conventional system for representing concepts through the use of it arbitrary symbols that rule governed combination of those symbols."
Lynons(1992:121)adds that,"language is purely human and non instintive method of communicating ideas emotions and desires by means of voluntary symbols."
Therefore the functions of language in the human environments is to facilitate a variety of social experiences ,for example feelings of happiness,grief,labelling ,answering or obtaining information that are calling,requesting ,greeting protesting etc.
Theorist :Naome Chomsky advocates that every child can be able to acquire any language naturally using a special device within our brains called Language Aquisition Device(LAD).
Through collaborating with a Spanish Doctor,on his theory Chomsky identified the LAD as a hypothetical inner mechanism on the left side of the brain .He represented as a box.The LAD sifts and processes all sounds the child hears.This LAD has rules of gramma that apply to all languages inorder for the child to make meaning of each person speaks by selects rules of that particular language being widely spoken in the immediate environment.
Chomsky in Mussened et al,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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07 October 2010
Child Centred Education helps children to learn effectively
Contemporary researches in education had discovered that involving the learner in his/her own learning is making him/her more interested and motivated to meet the aims and objectives of the education.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) was the father of child centered education or progressivism.He was born in Geneva in Switzerland.He was educated as an orthodox Calvinist ,joined catholism and later rejoined Calvinism.Eventually he settled for the religion of nature.
His father was poor ,who combined the professions of cobbler and dancing master.His mother died when he was an infant and he brought up under the guidian of her Aunt.
At the age of 12 Rousseau left schoo and was apprenticed to various professions and he hated them all.He was not stick to one partner as he moved from one love affair to another and eventually ,settled for an illeterate wife.His children was kept at an orphanage home as he didn't able to keep them for himself.
His philosophy put forward a philosophy called naturalism because ,he was a writer ,a philosopher and a social theorist.
Rousseau's naturalism was rooted in environment romanticism ,which is love of nature.The most popular doctrine under his name called noble savage.His philosophy was rooted in utilitarianism (Usefuness of education)Naturalism is a philosophical outlook which calls for the need to return to nature inorder to solve social problems.Rousseau was against civilisation and bookish knowledge which he believed that they corrupt the innocent child.He is against the belief of traditions of many people were born with original sin ,but rather their inherent good which was spoiled by civilisation.Barker(1988)says a child is born good but society spoils him/her.
Rousseau in the novel Emile Rousseau presents a view that the innate goodness will flower when they are kept or raised out of contact in a corrupt society and a free to learn not from books ,but from direct contact with nature (naturalism). Rousseau praised the noble savage man ,that is incivilised premitive person,for his natural state genuineness and honesty.Gordon and Brown (1989)Roussel said God makes all things good ,but man maddles with him so that they become evil.
In educational ideas Rousseau argued that the beginning and ending of education is the child .The child is the most valuable ,so child who should be seen learning and the teacher being the facilitator.
The child's interests and values(the child's world) are completely different from those of adults hence the child is not a miniature adult.(small adult) young immature adult.
He emphasised that children percieve the world differently from the way adult evaluate and solve problems.By this implication the children's interests and values must come first in the children's education.
Rousseau in Bramreld(1950)says ,nature would develop them before they are men.However ,if we try to invert this order we shall produce forced fruit on immature and flavourless fruit which will be rotten before it ripes.By forcing children to become adult by making them do what we want through teaching them to lie ,cheat and decievers so as to get out of trouble.
We succeed in developing pedants(people who stick to rules )do not fit in society because they are not independent thinkers or problem solvers.
Venkates (1998:167)supports this by saying,"we cannot impart information mechanically .We can develop the natural tendencies of children and exite their curiosity."Children should be actively engaged in their education when they are ready to learn.Their learning needs are never identical.
According to Rousseau there are three bad things about the education system of his time:
Corporal punishment was in rampant use in schools.Rousseau argued that young children are very innocent and if the child reacts badly it will be a result of ill treatment.
There was little education to talk about because many people went out uneducated.
The curriculum was prescriptive because classes were at the centre of curriculum at the expense of sciences.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) was the father of child centered education or progressivism.He was born in Geneva in Switzerland.He was educated as an orthodox Calvinist ,joined catholism and later rejoined Calvinism.Eventually he settled for the religion of nature.
His father was poor ,who combined the professions of cobbler and dancing master.His mother died when he was an infant and he brought up under the guidian of her Aunt.
At the age of 12 Rousseau left schoo and was apprenticed to various professions and he hated them all.He was not stick to one partner as he moved from one love affair to another and eventually ,settled for an illeterate wife.His children was kept at an orphanage home as he didn't able to keep them for himself.
His philosophy put forward a philosophy called naturalism because ,he was a writer ,a philosopher and a social theorist.
Rousseau's naturalism was rooted in environment romanticism ,which is love of nature.The most popular doctrine under his name called noble savage.His philosophy was rooted in utilitarianism (Usefuness of education)Naturalism is a philosophical outlook which calls for the need to return to nature inorder to solve social problems.Rousseau was against civilisation and bookish knowledge which he believed that they corrupt the innocent child.He is against the belief of traditions of many people were born with original sin ,but rather their inherent good which was spoiled by civilisation.Barker(1988)says a child is born good but society spoils him/her.
Rousseau in the novel Emile Rousseau presents a view that the innate goodness will flower when they are kept or raised out of contact in a corrupt society and a free to learn not from books ,but from direct contact with nature (naturalism). Rousseau praised the noble savage man ,that is incivilised premitive person,for his natural state genuineness and honesty.Gordon and Brown (1989)Roussel said God makes all things good ,but man maddles with him so that they become evil.
In educational ideas Rousseau argued that the beginning and ending of education is the child .The child is the most valuable ,so child who should be seen learning and the teacher being the facilitator.
The child's interests and values(the child's world) are completely different from those of adults hence the child is not a miniature adult.(small adult) young immature adult.
He emphasised that children percieve the world differently from the way adult evaluate and solve problems.By this implication the children's interests and values must come first in the children's education.
Rousseau in Bramreld(1950)says ,nature would develop them before they are men.However ,if we try to invert this order we shall produce forced fruit on immature and flavourless fruit which will be rotten before it ripes.By forcing children to become adult by making them do what we want through teaching them to lie ,cheat and decievers so as to get out of trouble.
We succeed in developing pedants(people who stick to rules )do not fit in society because they are not independent thinkers or problem solvers.
Venkates (1998:167)supports this by saying,"we cannot impart information mechanically .We can develop the natural tendencies of children and exite their curiosity."Children should be actively engaged in their education when they are ready to learn.Their learning needs are never identical.
According to Rousseau there are three bad things about the education system of his time:
Corporal punishment was in rampant use in schools.Rousseau argued that young children are very innocent and if the child reacts badly it will be a result of ill treatment.
There was little education to talk about because many people went out uneducated.
The curriculum was prescriptive because classes were at the centre of curriculum at the expense of sciences.
DBAE is a comprehensive approach to the teaching of Art Education.It recognises the cognitive aspect has to be highlighted in teaching of Art as a subject ,with its own content made up of knowledge skills and attitudes.It must be accorded the same status as any other subject in the school curriculum.
DBAE is concerned with addressing the issue of content in Art Education.It realises that Art Education is not limited to drawing and painting.In addition to these ,there are also analytical and critical skills to be learnt.
DBAE advocates for the teaching of Art Education that covers content in four areas ie production,history ,criticism and aesthetics.
Art production is concerned with making use of Art media to create works of Art.It provides opportunity for learners to express themselves visually.The learners use materials and visual concepts to convey their own ideas and feelings.Learn about the making of Art gives students an understanding of the efforts and skills used by Artists to communicate ,developing visual communication which deffers from talking and writing.
How to engage learners in Art Production?
Through the use Art media to reflect various aesthetic qualities in both two and three dimensions. Media used to reflect the images found in the visual environment .
Make use of media to produce decorative and functional Art objects.Then direct personal involvement in the creative process of Art production helps learners to understand how artists create and how they express ideas in them.
This understanding provides learners with greater appreciation of the contribution of Artists to human achievement .
Art history contributes to an understanding of Art works by providing information about who created the Art works ,what functions do they serve ,the cultural context in which they were made ,how have they changed overtime ,why have they changed.Art works reflect time and culture of people who produce them.They provided a record of how people,places and things look.
How to engage learners in learning Art History? Involve them in reading and writing social and cultural aspects of Art.Identify different Artists in society and their Art works.
Demostrate the uses or functions of different types of Art in society.Such as pottery and drawings from stones and caves.
Recognise the cultural ,ideological and commercial roles of art.Different Art objects and variations according to time.
Art works help to bring us more immediately and vividly into contact with past and present civilisation.
When people learn Art works from the past and present they begin to understand how Art reflects the values of society and how it is influenced by social ,political and economical beliefs of society and its contributions to the Art.
Art criticism is concerned with making critical judgements and talking about Art.
How do learners engage in Art criticism?
Identify tools and media used produce Art objects and the visual elements in the Art objects .
Use Art vocabulary describe the qualities of art elements/objects .Evaluate their own and other people's art according to selected criteria.Interprete messages portrayed in Art and Art objects.
Identify the source of ideas in Art objects(inspiration). Discourage students from attacking one another.Criticism should enhance confidence in students.They should realise that when criticising their works its not personal attack but a critique of artwork.
Aesthetics is the inner most feeling and appreciation way you respond to Art work.Aesthetic concerned with the appreciation of visual form and also concerned with how people respond to Art works.
How do learners engaged in aesthetics?Respond with feeling to the visual aesthetics aspects of nature .Recognise and admire the roles of art and artists in society.Be emotional to different forms of visual art in the environment. Admire the works of Art produced by other people of other times in other places.
Visit place where Art is found exhibited for various purposes .Partcipate in verbal discussions about Art and Art objects.
Talking about Art appreciation,looking at artwork.
Teaching to be observant,by spotting the difference through realise the relationship between things in the environment that's the harmony in nature and to respect th environment.
The role of the teacher changed from an instructor to that of providing material for learners to express themselves when mainly teach Art for self expression,problem solving ,knowledge to make human producers of Art.
The other purpose is appreciation skills where the human being is a consumer to produce aesthetic aspect of the world.
Our world is full of Art hence we call the Subject Art Education.(DBAE).
DBAE is concerned with addressing the issue of content in Art Education.It realises that Art Education is not limited to drawing and painting.In addition to these ,there are also analytical and critical skills to be learnt.
DBAE advocates for the teaching of Art Education that covers content in four areas ie production,history ,criticism and aesthetics.
Art production is concerned with making use of Art media to create works of Art.It provides opportunity for learners to express themselves visually.The learners use materials and visual concepts to convey their own ideas and feelings.Learn about the making of Art gives students an understanding of the efforts and skills used by Artists to communicate ,developing visual communication which deffers from talking and writing.
How to engage learners in Art Production?
Through the use Art media to reflect various aesthetic qualities in both two and three dimensions. Media used to reflect the images found in the visual environment .
Make use of media to produce decorative and functional Art objects.Then direct personal involvement in the creative process of Art production helps learners to understand how artists create and how they express ideas in them.
This understanding provides learners with greater appreciation of the contribution of Artists to human achievement .
Art history contributes to an understanding of Art works by providing information about who created the Art works ,what functions do they serve ,the cultural context in which they were made ,how have they changed overtime ,why have they changed.Art works reflect time and culture of people who produce them.They provided a record of how people,places and things look.
How to engage learners in learning Art History? Involve them in reading and writing social and cultural aspects of Art.Identify different Artists in society and their Art works.
Demostrate the uses or functions of different types of Art in society.Such as pottery and drawings from stones and caves.
Recognise the cultural ,ideological and commercial roles of art.Different Art objects and variations according to time.
Art works help to bring us more immediately and vividly into contact with past and present civilisation.
When people learn Art works from the past and present they begin to understand how Art reflects the values of society and how it is influenced by social ,political and economical beliefs of society and its contributions to the Art.
Art criticism is concerned with making critical judgements and talking about Art.
How do learners engage in Art criticism?
Identify tools and media used produce Art objects and the visual elements in the Art objects .
Use Art vocabulary describe the qualities of art elements/objects .Evaluate their own and other people's art according to selected criteria.Interprete messages portrayed in Art and Art objects.
Identify the source of ideas in Art objects(inspiration). Discourage students from attacking one another.Criticism should enhance confidence in students.They should realise that when criticising their works its not personal attack but a critique of artwork.
Aesthetics is the inner most feeling and appreciation way you respond to Art work.Aesthetic concerned with the appreciation of visual form and also concerned with how people respond to Art works.
How do learners engaged in aesthetics?Respond with feeling to the visual aesthetics aspects of nature .Recognise and admire the roles of art and artists in society.Be emotional to different forms of visual art in the environment. Admire the works of Art produced by other people of other times in other places.
Visit place where Art is found exhibited for various purposes .Partcipate in verbal discussions about Art and Art objects.
Talking about Art appreciation,looking at artwork.
Teaching to be observant,by spotting the difference through realise the relationship between things in the environment that's the harmony in nature and to respect th environment.
The role of the teacher changed from an instructor to that of providing material for learners to express themselves when mainly teach Art for self expression,problem solving ,knowledge to make human producers of Art.
The other purpose is appreciation skills where the human being is a consumer to produce aesthetic aspect of the world.
Our world is full of Art hence we call the Subject Art Education.(DBAE).
Learning can only take place when the learner is attentive and to be attentive the learner should be motivated to learn.Philosophical adage which says,you can take the donkey to the river but not force it to drink .This is a realistic situation to a learner you can't force a child to learn but make him/her to learn.But learning need to be harnessed by the indispensable pre-requisite of attention ,so that teaching never becomes froth and foam.In this script lets endevour to provide the teacher with clues or suggestions on how to capture learner's attention so as to make learning possible.
Communication in the classroom is very important for interaction as teaching and learning is taking place. Interaction between teacher and pupils should be two way process ,at one time children are active participants ,while the teacher is a passive recipient or vice versa. This situation of incessant changing of roles give room to a maximum participation and drive learners to the maximum attention. A teacher who is stifling to the old school of having tendency to feel as the filled bank of all the source of information is depriving children to participate so that they motivated to be invoved in their own learning. If they subscribed to the confidentiality that the teacher is the only source of information they relax and lose focus in learning process. The idea of reciprocal communication will inject into learners an element of unpredictability as to when they will be involved simply by asked questions.
Stimulus variation according to Cohen and Manion(1977) is whereby the teacher make use of various media,methods of instructions,pupils's organisation so that children will not develop monotony. Varying stimuli is motivating the perpetuation of learning need and an introduction of element of novelty.Stereotypes of instructional aids can hamper learning . The use of pitch in voice projection thus descending and ascending tone of voice can also secure prolonged attention.
Setting good objectives is a technique to secure learner 's attention.Objectives like this:By the end of the lesson children should be able to explain how settlements develop. The stipulation of objectives may obviously require children to be attentive rather than sitting on an open lesson without final expectation.
Instructions is not merely ,ordinary command like 'Close the door' . Gagne says instructions meant to retain the learner's attention. The teacher should use the instructions to draw learners's attention into desired direction of the lesson and give special pointers so that children know what they are doing.
Advanced organisation implies the teacher should outline the skeletal series of the lesson intend to be covered. This programme outline should be clear to the learners to have a direction from point A to point B and then destined to point C. Such organised orientation will be purposeful in learner's mind and guided them to specific details of how learning is going. Advance organisation should be either an introductory statement or programme of stages to be followed step by step. Learners shall have a clear picture of what have covered and what is to follow in such technique of a pruposeful learning. For example the teacher might say ,'We have looked at importance of shelters ,now lets look at why settlements developed?' Such distinctions help the learners to have a comprehensive logic of why they learn.
Prequestioning is whereby the teacher technically poses questions before get into actual lesson. This enhences a psychological disequibilium which agitates a child to be in learning mood.According to Gagne prequestions should not be individualised as some learners may easily become passive onlookers and resort to admiring another one learning alone. Have a look at this example:
(1)What is air pollution?
(2)what are the agents of air pollution?
(3)How does it occur?
•How does air be polluted?
•How do people cause air pollution?
•How do industries cause air polution?
(4)How can we prevent air pollution?
In this attempt of what they lttle they know in a variety of concepts learners may be attentive.
There are so many techniques and methods the teacher can use in various lessons to draw learner's attention .However not all of them are always feasible. The ideal is for practising ,intending and seasoned educational practitioner is to discriminate them in selection of the most viable one only to suit the prevalent learning atmosphere.
Communication in the classroom is very important for interaction as teaching and learning is taking place. Interaction between teacher and pupils should be two way process ,at one time children are active participants ,while the teacher is a passive recipient or vice versa. This situation of incessant changing of roles give room to a maximum participation and drive learners to the maximum attention. A teacher who is stifling to the old school of having tendency to feel as the filled bank of all the source of information is depriving children to participate so that they motivated to be invoved in their own learning. If they subscribed to the confidentiality that the teacher is the only source of information they relax and lose focus in learning process. The idea of reciprocal communication will inject into learners an element of unpredictability as to when they will be involved simply by asked questions.
Stimulus variation according to Cohen and Manion(1977) is whereby the teacher make use of various media,methods of instructions,pupils's organisation so that children will not develop monotony. Varying stimuli is motivating the perpetuation of learning need and an introduction of element of novelty.Stereotypes of instructional aids can hamper learning . The use of pitch in voice projection thus descending and ascending tone of voice can also secure prolonged attention.
Setting good objectives is a technique to secure learner 's attention.Objectives like this:By the end of the lesson children should be able to explain how settlements develop. The stipulation of objectives may obviously require children to be attentive rather than sitting on an open lesson without final expectation.
Instructions is not merely ,ordinary command like 'Close the door' . Gagne says instructions meant to retain the learner's attention. The teacher should use the instructions to draw learners's attention into desired direction of the lesson and give special pointers so that children know what they are doing.
Advanced organisation implies the teacher should outline the skeletal series of the lesson intend to be covered. This programme outline should be clear to the learners to have a direction from point A to point B and then destined to point C. Such organised orientation will be purposeful in learner's mind and guided them to specific details of how learning is going. Advance organisation should be either an introductory statement or programme of stages to be followed step by step. Learners shall have a clear picture of what have covered and what is to follow in such technique of a pruposeful learning. For example the teacher might say ,'We have looked at importance of shelters ,now lets look at why settlements developed?' Such distinctions help the learners to have a comprehensive logic of why they learn.
Prequestioning is whereby the teacher technically poses questions before get into actual lesson. This enhences a psychological disequibilium which agitates a child to be in learning mood.According to Gagne prequestions should not be individualised as some learners may easily become passive onlookers and resort to admiring another one learning alone. Have a look at this example:
(1)What is air pollution?
(2)what are the agents of air pollution?
(3)How does it occur?
•How does air be polluted?
•How do people cause air pollution?
•How do industries cause air polution?
(4)How can we prevent air pollution?
In this attempt of what they lttle they know in a variety of concepts learners may be attentive.
There are so many techniques and methods the teacher can use in various lessons to draw learner's attention .However not all of them are always feasible. The ideal is for practising ,intending and seasoned educational practitioner is to discriminate them in selection of the most viable one only to suit the prevalent learning atmosphere.
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