From the Greek word 'Philos' which means love and 'sophia'refers to wisdom. Philosophy of education is concerned with inquiry into the most comprehensive principles of reality in general.
It is the love of wisdom and search for it by logical reasoning for understanding of the basic truths and principles of the universal life ,thus morals and human perception on understanding the needs of life.
Philosophy has branches which are:
♦Epistemology which is the branch of seeking truth and fountain of knowledge. It closely linked to teaching and learning ,with sources of information from revealed scared religious documents ,for example,bible,qur'ãn,upanishards,dreams ,vedas,etc. Rational from general reasoning,Intuitive thus beneath the thresh hold of conscience. Authorative of great books,encyclopedia, And empirical that scientific researches which then proved as real facts.
♦Metaphysics deals with issues of reality and abstract principles. Meta means after beyond and physics concerned with spiritual issues.
♦Axiology deals with values and standards ethics ,moral values and standards. Aesthetics concerns with values in beauty and art.
Logic is the tool used in philosophy with the reasonableness in an argument. There are two types of logic: Inductive thus particular instance moving towads generalisation and deductive which is general pprinciples to a particular application.
Semantics is meaning of symbols or sounds produced by people in their communication language. The teacher ensures that the messege gets across. What is about to be delived is clear that the language is being used is appropriate to the audience.
Plato says education means training which gives suitable habits to the first instincts of virtues(goodnes) in children,so that pleasure and pain are rightly planted in non-rational(unreasonable).
Please note Plato like all other traditionalists has strong negative view of the child. He sees children like unreasonable people. He sticks a lot to the emphasis of giving them training because skills and knowledge are not inborn. Education also teaches moral values.
Schefield (1972:31)asserts, ''Education is that which fits a man to perform just skilfully ,thoroughly and magnanimously in all offices both in peace and in war.''
Freire(1972:45)gives a very short but precise and controversial definition when says ,''Education is suffering from narration sickness''. He views education as a diseases which makes learners to retell what they have been taught without any input of their own.
Children are seen as empty headed and the teacher is regarded as a jug full of knowledge into the 'Tarbula-rasa' empty sheet of paper .
The banking method of education according to traditionalists ,the child 's mind is seen as an empty bank account in which the teacher deposits knowledge.
The teacher talks about reality as if it is where motionless static and predicatable. The task is to fill up the child's mind with contents of his/her narration.
Pupils memorise and repeat what they had learnt from their teacher even without understanding it, and this is what referred by Paulo Freire as the 'pedagogy of teaching of the oppressed people. To remove this 'evil' he advocates for education for liberation.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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06 October 2010
Drawing as a means of communication should be as effective as the verbal language .It should put in mind the massage ,as expressed by Berejena et al (1987:59) Communicating massages also include comprehending the pictures showing the sad,happy faces and other facial expressions.
One should easily distinquish smilling face from a sad face if drawn effectively.Other massages include picture stories revealing stages in an activity or process such as a farmer sowing seeds.
Obonyo et al gave a number of working definitions for imaginative drawing .They say imaginative drawing is ,"the act of creating new images or ideas by combining previous experience."Their definition makes drawing from imagination and drawing from memory overlap ,since both of them are based on experience as a source of inspiration.
However a slight difference exists between the two as asserted by Obonyo et al.Imagination drawing though based on experience ,seeks ideas and images that add uniqueness to the composition.
Obonyo et al also further put imaginative drawing as ,"The act of forming mental imagess of what has never been actually experienced "One might have acquired the idea about some living things existing in places quite distant and out of your reach.One can only imagine of what they are and how they behave ,for instance life on the moon or life under water or in oceans.
Imaginanative drawings is also defined as the creation of mental images from what does not exist in the world of reality as asserted by Obonyo et al.Examples of such objects are a two headed giant ,a talking hare or frying elephants.Children in this case ,create images of things they have never seen or heard of but merely from their imagination.All the details of such drawings are not linked to any past experiences.Inspiration here is varied ,drawings could be of real objects around us,stories and ideas that may reach us,dreams and fantasies that exist in the real world.
Teachers should give children opportunities to explore and experiment with their imagination.Some children are highly talented in creativity so teachers should try to assist them to express their creativity through imaginative drawing.
Teachers should vary their teaching methods ,A variation in these approaches ,motivates and stimulates children's creativity and avoid introducing unnecessary restrictions when promoting creativity.
School administrators should get involved in prioritise treat art like any other subject and make available the necessary materials ,in drawing pencils,drawing pads ,colours etc.This will make teachers their work easier and learners will enjoy to explore creativity through art.
Making regular staff development courses is important to enrich teachers with difference techniques and approaches necessary for teaching drawing and teachers should join art clubs and get much help in drawing programmes.
Exploratory approach is best to stimulate children to develop drawing and creativity skills.
Teachers should give adequate time for any art works and curriculum designers should and emphasise drawing in elimentary schools.
From the observations made by the writer ,children enjoy learning creative drawing ,through learning by experimenting with different objects in drawing.The teacher should use variety of approaches in doing drawing ,hence children get help to further their skills or to consolidate what children already possessed.
Some teachers think that imaginative drawing is difficult topic and they also underate children's performance in the area .Children are not allowed to explore their creativity ,rather they are commanded what exactly to draw.Some teachers say they only want to do art ,when they have nothing else to do with their pupils . The only kind of art proposed is "free period " which deprives children of their freedom of expression,resulting in children showing a negative attitudes towards let them be creativity through drawing or teacher will never let them have any knowledge of drawing.
In most schools especially those from low earned families they lack materials for doing art such as newsprints ,colours and knowledge on the different approaches and media that can be used in teaching
drawing to develop creativity.
One should easily distinquish smilling face from a sad face if drawn effectively.Other massages include picture stories revealing stages in an activity or process such as a farmer sowing seeds.
Obonyo et al gave a number of working definitions for imaginative drawing .They say imaginative drawing is ,"the act of creating new images or ideas by combining previous experience."Their definition makes drawing from imagination and drawing from memory overlap ,since both of them are based on experience as a source of inspiration.
However a slight difference exists between the two as asserted by Obonyo et al.Imagination drawing though based on experience ,seeks ideas and images that add uniqueness to the composition.
Obonyo et al also further put imaginative drawing as ,"The act of forming mental imagess of what has never been actually experienced "One might have acquired the idea about some living things existing in places quite distant and out of your reach.One can only imagine of what they are and how they behave ,for instance life on the moon or life under water or in oceans.
Imaginanative drawings is also defined as the creation of mental images from what does not exist in the world of reality as asserted by Obonyo et al.Examples of such objects are a two headed giant ,a talking hare or frying elephants.Children in this case ,create images of things they have never seen or heard of but merely from their imagination.All the details of such drawings are not linked to any past experiences.Inspiration here is varied ,drawings could be of real objects around us,stories and ideas that may reach us,dreams and fantasies that exist in the real world.
Teachers should give children opportunities to explore and experiment with their imagination.Some children are highly talented in creativity so teachers should try to assist them to express their creativity through imaginative drawing.
Teachers should vary their teaching methods ,A variation in these approaches ,motivates and stimulates children's creativity and avoid introducing unnecessary restrictions when promoting creativity.
School administrators should get involved in prioritise treat art like any other subject and make available the necessary materials ,in drawing pencils,drawing pads ,colours etc.This will make teachers their work easier and learners will enjoy to explore creativity through art.
Making regular staff development courses is important to enrich teachers with difference techniques and approaches necessary for teaching drawing and teachers should join art clubs and get much help in drawing programmes.
Exploratory approach is best to stimulate children to develop drawing and creativity skills.
Teachers should give adequate time for any art works and curriculum designers should and emphasise drawing in elimentary schools.
From the observations made by the writer ,children enjoy learning creative drawing ,through learning by experimenting with different objects in drawing.The teacher should use variety of approaches in doing drawing ,hence children get help to further their skills or to consolidate what children already possessed.
Some teachers think that imaginative drawing is difficult topic and they also underate children's performance in the area .Children are not allowed to explore their creativity ,rather they are commanded what exactly to draw.Some teachers say they only want to do art ,when they have nothing else to do with their pupils . The only kind of art proposed is "free period " which deprives children of their freedom of expression,resulting in children showing a negative attitudes towards let them be creativity through drawing or teacher will never let them have any knowledge of drawing.
In most schools especially those from low earned families they lack materials for doing art such as newsprints ,colours and knowledge on the different approaches and media that can be used in teaching
drawing to develop creativity.
The rationale of musical instruments in the teaching of music in Primary schools
Through general observations and investigations ,in most primary schools particulary in Zimbabwe there is apparent absence of instruments ,chase and time cards for use in the lessons .Music is an important subject which need to be taught adequately to make it useful to the children.
The observations also show that most of pupils together with slow learners enjoy music .This has concluded the assumptions that neglecting music lead to lack of knowledge ,concepts and skills.
Helping pupils to grasp concepts ,process skills ,attitudes and values through the activities like singing,listening ,immitation ,moving ,dancing ,playing and reading,children's knowledge in music should be improved,through the use of various attractive colourful ,plentiful as well as relevant media.
The effective use of musical instruments make children develop musical skills easily.When the afore mentioned skills are persued pupils produce good and pleasing results and competitiveness in lessons a satisfactory response is definitely noted.(Rwambiwa et al 1982)
Implications to the teacher and teaching of music.From my observations I made in most primary schools in Zimbabwe , I had identified that children's poor performance is due to lack of teaching /learning media in music lessons, so teachers are recommended that:
♥Teaching /learning musical media should be relevant suiting the targeted group and musical instruments should be used in music lessons.
♥Teacher's training colleges should vigorously train student teachers on how to improvise prepare and use learning /teaching aids in music.Teachers must give clear instructions on how to use the instruments during the music lessons.
♥School and district level seminars should be done to equip teachers with knowledge of preparing and using instruments effectively.
♥Teachers should make use of resource persons who are specialists in music to make use of instruments effectively.
In conclusion as supported by various authorities above effective use of instruments make music lessons live and develop the whole child.Teachers should always make available all instruments relevant and suitable that they should encourage understanding on the part of the learner.
Further Reading and References
Asworth, A.E(1980)The teaching of primary maths ,Stoughton and Holder,Sydney.
Baker ,R.E.(1986)Progressive Teaching in the Primary School,College Press ,Harare.
Bentley ,A.(1975)Music in Education,N.F.E.R., London.
Bickerstaffe,D.(1975)And so teach:A general Methods course ,Evans Brothers,Ibadan.
Brown ,S.(1987)Rhythm and song ,College Press ,Harare.
Castle ,E.B.(1966)Principles of Education for teachers in Africa ,Oxford University Press,London.
C.D.U(1989)Music Syllabus for Primary School,Government Printers,Harare.
Copen ,C.(1979)Aids to Teaching /Learning ,Longman ,London.
Dummy ,P.A.(1979)A general Teaching Methods ,College Press ,Harare.
Elison and Jenkins (1986)A Practical Guide to Early Reading.
Farrant ,J.S.(1980) Principles and Practice of Education ,Longman,London.
Jacinta,M. and Regina ,M.(1981) Primary Methods handbook,Hodder and Stoughton ,Sydney.
Lamleck, J.k.(1984)Curriculum and Instructional Methods for Elemen
tary Schools,Mcmillan Publishers,London.
Kasambira, K.P.(1993)Teaching Method ,College Press ,Harare
Rwarinda,J.P. ,Driscol, J.P. and Wikland ,B.I.(1982)Education Technology for Teachers ,Government Printers,Harare.
The observations also show that most of pupils together with slow learners enjoy music .This has concluded the assumptions that neglecting music lead to lack of knowledge ,concepts and skills.
Helping pupils to grasp concepts ,process skills ,attitudes and values through the activities like singing,listening ,immitation ,moving ,dancing ,playing and reading,children's knowledge in music should be improved,through the use of various attractive colourful ,plentiful as well as relevant media.
The effective use of musical instruments make children develop musical skills easily.When the afore mentioned skills are persued pupils produce good and pleasing results and competitiveness in lessons a satisfactory response is definitely noted.(Rwambiwa et al 1982)
Implications to the teacher and teaching of music.From my observations I made in most primary schools in Zimbabwe , I had identified that children's poor performance is due to lack of teaching /learning media in music lessons, so teachers are recommended that:
♥Teaching /learning musical media should be relevant suiting the targeted group and musical instruments should be used in music lessons.
♥Teacher's training colleges should vigorously train student teachers on how to improvise prepare and use learning /teaching aids in music.Teachers must give clear instructions on how to use the instruments during the music lessons.
♥School and district level seminars should be done to equip teachers with knowledge of preparing and using instruments effectively.
♥Teachers should make use of resource persons who are specialists in music to make use of instruments effectively.
In conclusion as supported by various authorities above effective use of instruments make music lessons live and develop the whole child.Teachers should always make available all instruments relevant and suitable that they should encourage understanding on the part of the learner.
Further Reading and References
Asworth, A.E(1980)The teaching of primary maths ,Stoughton and Holder,Sydney.
Baker ,R.E.(1986)Progressive Teaching in the Primary School,College Press ,Harare.
Bentley ,A.(1975)Music in Education,N.F.E.R., London.
Bickerstaffe,D.(1975)And so teach:A general Methods course ,Evans Brothers,Ibadan.
Brown ,S.(1987)Rhythm and song ,College Press ,Harare.
Castle ,E.B.(1966)Principles of Education for teachers in Africa ,Oxford University Press,London.
C.D.U(1989)Music Syllabus for Primary School,Government Printers,Harare.
Copen ,C.(1979)Aids to Teaching /Learning ,Longman ,London.
Dummy ,P.A.(1979)A general Teaching Methods ,College Press ,Harare.
Elison and Jenkins (1986)A Practical Guide to Early Reading.
Farrant ,J.S.(1980) Principles and Practice of Education ,Longman,London.
Jacinta,M. and Regina ,M.(1981) Primary Methods handbook,Hodder and Stoughton ,Sydney.
Lamleck, J.k.(1984)Curriculum and Instructional Methods for Elemen
tary Schools,Mcmillan Publishers,London.
Kasambira, K.P.(1993)Teaching Method ,College Press ,Harare
Rwarinda,J.P. ,Driscol, J.P. and Wikland ,B.I.(1982)Education Technology for Teachers ,Government Printers,Harare.
The Integration of skills in the teaching and learning Environment
Teaching using games helps in integration of skills .Several language games involve speaking ,
listening ,reading and writing skills.Learners using game's activities ,instructions and roles in specific situation to subconciously learn language items by simply involved in games as guided by their teacher in learning situations.
Later we shall look at some games the teacher can use to teach language items in language lessons.
By using child centred approach whereby the actual learner is actively involved in his/her own learning activities. The teacher can use games in the language which can integrate skills need to be developed when developing language to the children.According to Byrne(1976)games are ways of play controlled by rules and regulations and usually it begins and ends within a given time frame.Bruner(1960)concurs that teachers can use direct how a subject relates to other subjects or activities in a meaningful way.
Therefore as how children are excited by playing games ,the use of them in lesson activities and methods reduces boredom and monotony in both the learners of mixed abilities and their teacher who directs them and control order to play games in a purposeful manner.The introduction of conducive environment for playing games is a boast to children to enjoy playing and grasp concepts included in this forms of play and then learning is taking place as they play.
The games found to be the good source of promoting teamwork as it is difficulty or rare to involve in physical games alone .but it needs others to make them competitive and effective.In children they develop a sense of interacting which is useful in organise them into groupwork as they are learning. Organised themselves and give each other a time to participate whilst others are observing as they are learning from one another. That way they get used to skills of talking and listening.This way they correct each other when make mistakes.
The teacher who plan games in language lessons need also to plan teaching media such as charts ,flashcards in spelling games as an example. Pupils will play a game like pada stepping in each box with one leg up reading words written on the flashcards placed in each box.This way their attention is enhenced as they a attentive to recognise the work for them to continue playing since if able to read many words there is good chance of continue playing.These types of gaming help a lot in spelling as it supported by Barker(1990:47) says,'It always adds interest and stimulates oral work if it is supported by various aids.' Pupils will be very happy playing with media in every game situations ,so that's integration of all skills.Spellings are taught to establish principles and rules which can be used when problems arise(Barker 1990)Spelling games should follow a period of study of these words on the flashcards ,then the teacher grouped pupils into groups to play games which they usually be familiar with using these words like in pada as being alluded above.
Sentence construction if planned in children 's games ,according to Lee(1986) they produce a certain patterns in communication. The use of structured games to construct sentence will help pupils to be capture whilst playing to learn constructing sentences in a pure natural way subconsciously.
There are numerous of game the teacher can plan language items especially to teach L2 to help children to master the language skills some of the games include fish-fish which play using a rope swinged by two pupils at each end and two or three or four jump the rope at the middle whilst saying out the words in this way they are developing fluency in speaking the language words
Odd one out is another game which can be used to integrate skills where the four words are written on charts in a line and four line can be written. Then children write the word which are odd one and volunteer to go on front to explain why odd one like:
(table , spoon .knife ,fork) They can say table is odd one out because is a furniture and the rest are utensils.Word bingo is another good games and intergrated project which involve all language skills.
listening ,reading and writing skills.Learners using game's activities ,instructions and roles in specific situation to subconciously learn language items by simply involved in games as guided by their teacher in learning situations.
Later we shall look at some games the teacher can use to teach language items in language lessons.
By using child centred approach whereby the actual learner is actively involved in his/her own learning activities. The teacher can use games in the language which can integrate skills need to be developed when developing language to the children.According to Byrne(1976)games are ways of play controlled by rules and regulations and usually it begins and ends within a given time frame.Bruner(1960)concurs that teachers can use direct how a subject relates to other subjects or activities in a meaningful way.
Therefore as how children are excited by playing games ,the use of them in lesson activities and methods reduces boredom and monotony in both the learners of mixed abilities and their teacher who directs them and control order to play games in a purposeful manner.The introduction of conducive environment for playing games is a boast to children to enjoy playing and grasp concepts included in this forms of play and then learning is taking place as they play.
The games found to be the good source of promoting teamwork as it is difficulty or rare to involve in physical games alone .but it needs others to make them competitive and effective.In children they develop a sense of interacting which is useful in organise them into groupwork as they are learning. Organised themselves and give each other a time to participate whilst others are observing as they are learning from one another. That way they get used to skills of talking and listening.This way they correct each other when make mistakes.
The teacher who plan games in language lessons need also to plan teaching media such as charts ,flashcards in spelling games as an example. Pupils will play a game like pada stepping in each box with one leg up reading words written on the flashcards placed in each box.This way their attention is enhenced as they a attentive to recognise the work for them to continue playing since if able to read many words there is good chance of continue playing.These types of gaming help a lot in spelling as it supported by Barker(1990:47) says,'It always adds interest and stimulates oral work if it is supported by various aids.' Pupils will be very happy playing with media in every game situations ,so that's integration of all skills.Spellings are taught to establish principles and rules which can be used when problems arise(Barker 1990)Spelling games should follow a period of study of these words on the flashcards ,then the teacher grouped pupils into groups to play games which they usually be familiar with using these words like in pada as being alluded above.
Sentence construction if planned in children 's games ,according to Lee(1986) they produce a certain patterns in communication. The use of structured games to construct sentence will help pupils to be capture whilst playing to learn constructing sentences in a pure natural way subconsciously.
There are numerous of game the teacher can plan language items especially to teach L2 to help children to master the language skills some of the games include fish-fish which play using a rope swinged by two pupils at each end and two or three or four jump the rope at the middle whilst saying out the words in this way they are developing fluency in speaking the language words
Odd one out is another game which can be used to integrate skills where the four words are written on charts in a line and four line can be written. Then children write the word which are odd one and volunteer to go on front to explain why odd one like:
(table , spoon .knife ,fork) They can say table is odd one out because is a furniture and the rest are utensils.Word bingo is another good games and intergrated project which involve all language skills.
The Importance of Music Education
Some people regard music as exclusively for entertainment ,while others take it as a practical aid in praising and worship or promoting patriotism,or otherwise help the individuals to establish identity and social relationships. Very few people take it as a profession where they can earn a living through composing,playing ,dancing music on organised shows or marketing music products.
Baker(1984:16) says ,"Music is a language in its own right."Being a language music can be used to convey feelings ,mood,messages and emotions.Thus music is everything in the growth of human being .In support of the same sentiments ,Janet Mills(1991:24) states that,"music carries the whole daily life of a society and makes that music.
Bentley(1975:13)adds that ,"songs enable pupils to investigate past and present situations of society ." He goes on to say ,"songs involve the children's emotions and as a result pupils appreciate this." This implies, that songs appeal to the human mind.They broaden the contents of all subjects and reinforce concepts.
Bessie(1969:5)classifies the rationale of music under headings:
•As personal enrichment
•As identification
•As means of expression
She goes on to explain that music helps a person to grow morally ,spiritually ,emotionally ,intellectually as well as physically.This is also supported by Bentley(1975:15) who says " contributes to our life, makes a child an understanding listener and helps in developing the skillls and knowledge ." Through in a child will express himself/herself through music in every situation.
Music is an expression of feelings ,it expresses culture through dressing,dancing instruments and types of music .It plays an important role in facilitating extending understanding of appreciation of other people's culture.
Campbell (1991:78) puts,"... music education alone is a substantial body of literature on the development of listening ,discriminating ,creative and analytical thinking,conceptual understanding ,performance ,skills and effective response."
Muzambi (1995:9)concurs with the above opinion when he stated that ,"music is an organised sound ,it appeals to the sense of hearing which transmit messages to the whole body." This implies that the body reacts to music and expresses various emotions such as shading of tears ,if a sad memory is stirred by musical tune.
Teaching and learning of music is an ongoing process starting from birth until death.There are objectives behind the teaching and learning of music .The music framework for California Public School(1977:4-5) cited the purpose of teaching music as basically to:
♦Promote sensitivity to expressive qualities of music.
♦Encourage musical responsiveness involvement and discrimination.
♦Develop skills including aural activity and promote understanding of the nature, meaning and structure of music.
♦Promote awareness and understanding of music literature of various periods and forms,style and idioms that are characteristic of various national culture including our own.
♦Provide a sound base of musical experience which pupils can use in making intelligent judgement of musical value.
In support of the above idea Zondo(1994:11) comments that,"Realisation of musical objectives calls for a teacher to employ all skills necessary through the involvement of a media thouroughly prepared."
As I round up my literature reviews of the authorities I have stated ,one would say music is very essential as it conveys feelings ,moods ,messeges as well as emotions .A child will be able to express himself/herself clearly in every situation through listening to the messeges in different musical styles.
Implications to the teacher and teaching of music.From my observations I made in most primary schools in Zimbabwe , I had identified that children's poor performance is due to lack of teaching /learning media in music lessons, so teachers are recommended that:
♥Teaching /learning musical media should be relevant suiting the targeted group and musical instruments should be used in music lessons.
♥Teacher's training colleges should vigorously train student teachers on how to improvise prepare and use learning /teaching aids in music.Teachers must also learn to give clear instructions on how to use the instruments during the music lessons.
♥School and district level seminars should be done to equip teachers with knowledge of preparing and using instruments effectively.
♥Teachers should make use of resource persons who are specialists in music to make use of instruments effectively.
In conclusion as supported by various authorities above effective use of instruments make music lessons live and develop the whole child.Teachers should always make available all instruments relevant and suitable that they should encourage understanding on the part of the learner.
Baker(1984:16) says ,"Music is a language in its own right."Being a language music can be used to convey feelings ,mood,messages and emotions.Thus music is everything in the growth of human being .In support of the same sentiments ,Janet Mills(1991:24) states that,"music carries the whole daily life of a society and makes that music.
Bentley(1975:13)adds that ,"songs enable pupils to investigate past and present situations of society ." He goes on to say ,"songs involve the children's emotions and as a result pupils appreciate this." This implies, that songs appeal to the human mind.They broaden the contents of all subjects and reinforce concepts.
Bessie(1969:5)classifies the rationale of music under headings:
•As personal enrichment
•As identification
•As means of expression
She goes on to explain that music helps a person to grow morally ,spiritually ,emotionally ,intellectually as well as physically.This is also supported by Bentley(1975:15) who says " contributes to our life, makes a child an understanding listener and helps in developing the skillls and knowledge ." Through in a child will express himself/herself through music in every situation.
Music is an expression of feelings ,it expresses culture through dressing,dancing instruments and types of music .It plays an important role in facilitating extending understanding of appreciation of other people's culture.
Campbell (1991:78) puts,"... music education alone is a substantial body of literature on the development of listening ,discriminating ,creative and analytical thinking,conceptual understanding ,performance ,skills and effective response."
Muzambi (1995:9)concurs with the above opinion when he stated that ,"music is an organised sound ,it appeals to the sense of hearing which transmit messages to the whole body." This implies that the body reacts to music and expresses various emotions such as shading of tears ,if a sad memory is stirred by musical tune.
Teaching and learning of music is an ongoing process starting from birth until death.There are objectives behind the teaching and learning of music .The music framework for California Public School(1977:4-5) cited the purpose of teaching music as basically to:
♦Promote sensitivity to expressive qualities of music.
♦Encourage musical responsiveness involvement and discrimination.
♦Develop skills including aural activity and promote understanding of the nature, meaning and structure of music.
♦Promote awareness and understanding of music literature of various periods and forms,style and idioms that are characteristic of various national culture including our own.
♦Provide a sound base of musical experience which pupils can use in making intelligent judgement of musical value.
In support of the above idea Zondo(1994:11) comments that,"Realisation of musical objectives calls for a teacher to employ all skills necessary through the involvement of a media thouroughly prepared."
As I round up my literature reviews of the authorities I have stated ,one would say music is very essential as it conveys feelings ,moods ,messeges as well as emotions .A child will be able to express himself/herself clearly in every situation through listening to the messeges in different musical styles.
Implications to the teacher and teaching of music.From my observations I made in most primary schools in Zimbabwe , I had identified that children's poor performance is due to lack of teaching /learning media in music lessons, so teachers are recommended that:
♥Teaching /learning musical media should be relevant suiting the targeted group and musical instruments should be used in music lessons.
♥Teacher's training colleges should vigorously train student teachers on how to improvise prepare and use learning /teaching aids in music.Teachers must also learn to give clear instructions on how to use the instruments during the music lessons.
♥School and district level seminars should be done to equip teachers with knowledge of preparing and using instruments effectively.
♥Teachers should make use of resource persons who are specialists in music to make use of instruments effectively.
In conclusion as supported by various authorities above effective use of instruments make music lessons live and develop the whole child.Teachers should always make available all instruments relevant and suitable that they should encourage understanding on the part of the learner.
Questioning Techniques in Teaching and learning Environment
Questions are very important in the teaching learning environment.Lets review the characteristics of questions,its essence in the classroom interactions , the cognitive level and how it implemented to enhace learning.
What is a Question? It is a statement aimed at solicitating or elisiting a response,for the purpose of teaching and learning.The emphasis is on the conception and not on the question mark.
The questioning technique is a socratic method which is of great importance in the classroom interaction.
Why Questistioning ? The socratic methods serve basically two purposes:
•To test previous knowledge and this purpose is associated with direct and factual questioning.Direct or factual questions are associated with interrogatives.Four interrogatives are what,where,when and whose.These are low order type of questions ,they are basically help learners to recall factual knowledge.
•To stimulate thought ,questions which serve this purpose are non factual.They deal with more weight factors .Two interrogatives that dominate are how and why.These questions help learners to demostrate high level reasoning.The questions are provocative and they stimulate thought forcibly.
Other Purposes of Questioning:
•clarifying students response
•developing appreciation
•diagnozing learning difficulties
•emphasizing major points
•encouraging learners
•establishing sound rapport
•evaluating learning
•giving learners in practice and self expression
•probing deeper into a learner's thinking
•capturing attention of wondering mind
•encouraging learners to talk constructively.
Types of Cognitive Questions there are seven levels of cognitive domains given by Bloom:
Memory and translation fall in the recall type of questions.
Interpretation and application can be called higher order questions .We lack precision in classification of question meaning at times ,different authors say different things about types of questions.In the recall questions there are like data input questions which involve information remembering and gathering.This focus on retrieving information in the memory which is solicited.
The first level /Lower order Questions:
The words associated with recall questions a are: complete,list,retell,state,recall,recite,select,observe,name,match,describe,define and count.
The second level /Middle Order Questions:
This is like the manufacturing where data processing takes place.The key words are:classify,compare ,conclude,contrast,predict,estimate,infer,summarise,apply,make use ,transfer,explain,group,plan ,distinguish etc
The focus is on drawing cause and effect.
Third level /Higher Order Questions:
In the manufacturing they are regarded as data output phase.They focus on evaluating in new situations .Learners are encouraged to think intuitively ,creatively ,hypothetically ,to imagine and make their own judgements.The key words associated with the high order level are:evaluate ,analyse,synthese,speculate,forecast,predict,hypothesize and generalise.
Guidelines for Using Questions:
Questioning skills are highly abused in the classroom situations .Brown and Wagg(1993:203)say ,"... knowledge of details is frequently overstressed in our schools.Too many questions that I asked in the classroom deal with details." This means they are showing concern with how questions ,one being abused .Research has also shown that learners who are exposed to low order questions tends to be passive ,docile and low thinkers.
What is a Question? It is a statement aimed at solicitating or elisiting a response,for the purpose of teaching and learning.The emphasis is on the conception and not on the question mark.
The questioning technique is a socratic method which is of great importance in the classroom interaction.
Why Questistioning ? The socratic methods serve basically two purposes:
•To test previous knowledge and this purpose is associated with direct and factual questioning.Direct or factual questions are associated with interrogatives.Four interrogatives are what,where,when and whose.These are low order type of questions ,they are basically help learners to recall factual knowledge.
•To stimulate thought ,questions which serve this purpose are non factual.They deal with more weight factors .Two interrogatives that dominate are how and why.These questions help learners to demostrate high level reasoning.The questions are provocative and they stimulate thought forcibly.
Other Purposes of Questioning:
•clarifying students response
•developing appreciation
•diagnozing learning difficulties
•emphasizing major points
•encouraging learners
•establishing sound rapport
•evaluating learning
•giving learners in practice and self expression
•probing deeper into a learner's thinking
•capturing attention of wondering mind
•encouraging learners to talk constructively.
Types of Cognitive Questions there are seven levels of cognitive domains given by Bloom:
Memory and translation fall in the recall type of questions.
Interpretation and application can be called higher order questions .We lack precision in classification of question meaning at times ,different authors say different things about types of questions.In the recall questions there are like data input questions which involve information remembering and gathering.This focus on retrieving information in the memory which is solicited.
The first level /Lower order Questions:
The words associated with recall questions a are: complete,list,retell,state,recall,recite,select,observe,name,match,describe,define and count.
The second level /Middle Order Questions:
This is like the manufacturing where data processing takes place.The key words are:classify,compare ,conclude,contrast,predict,estimate,infer,summarise,apply,make use ,transfer,explain,group,plan ,distinguish etc
The focus is on drawing cause and effect.
Third level /Higher Order Questions:
In the manufacturing they are regarded as data output phase.They focus on evaluating in new situations .Learners are encouraged to think intuitively ,creatively ,hypothetically ,to imagine and make their own judgements.The key words associated with the high order level are:evaluate ,analyse,synthese,speculate,forecast,predict,hypothesize and generalise.
Guidelines for Using Questions:
Questioning skills are highly abused in the classroom situations .Brown and Wagg(1993:203)say ,"... knowledge of details is frequently overstressed in our schools.Too many questions that I asked in the classroom deal with details." This means they are showing concern with how questions ,one being abused .Research has also shown that learners who are exposed to low order questions tends to be passive ,docile and low thinkers.
As the name suggests that wise old Greek socrates, created the system.These socrates never lectured. Instead they taught by asking questions as actively engaged the learners in active learning with the intention of keeping the students awake and perhaps even making them think. Bill Gates(2007/2/10)in sentinel says "learning is mostly about creating a context for motivation.It's about creating why you should learn things."
The probing questions help to assess the assumed knowledge to be revealed for the edification of people in those areas of learning.
Questioning is one of the most essential technique human being conduct for their testing for understanding,reinforcement of information, motivation to arouse curiosity and to encourage independent thinking
Types of Questioning are:High order questions people will be forced to think deeply ,reason explore and analyse.And low order questions, people will just recall.
As a teacher have you ever count the number of questions you have asked in a class period ? Do you know how many questions pupils have asked you in the same lesson?
Questions are statements from which a replies are expected and same questions are answered quickly ,for example "what is your name?"Whilst some maybe answered differently as time passes ,for instance "What do you want to do for your life's sake?"
Whilst questions are tools for instructions requiring different types of responses ,they also confront pupils with challenges when questioned.Questions require demostrations and justfication of knowledge and beliefs.
The responses "I don't know" or "I don't want to answer" are usually not acceptable in the classroom and often pupils feel bad when they fail to respond correctly.
Many times teachers pay attention for child learning which requires pupils to simply recall information or memorise.They may neglect the higher level of thinking that direct pupils to define or refine relationships between ideas drawing inference, explaining facts make judgements from generalisations ,interprete ,analyse,applies given understanding to new situations and create new ideas ,all of which are necessary for the development of critical thinking .Teachers also avoid effective aspects of learning these are critically analysing and justifying a way of learning ,which direct pupils to make judgements and consider values ,attitudes ,feelings,interests ,beliefs and motions they have influence of their actions.
There is a growing concern that schools have not been developing citizens that may make reflective decisions on their own,about those things that concern them and the society that large .They neglect the higher order of thinking .Any child can and does use those different types of thoughts processes.
Given the opportunity students of all ages do study ,investgate,analyse and evaluate their environment.But some teachers don't believe that students can reason at different levels of thinking and as such they are not willing to lead their students to thinking in these ways.Similary teachers who have no experience of using different should rely on easily presented or recalling.Such an approach doesn't train in the skills of making use of data to solve problems consider values and determine proper actions .
Higher levels of thinking are required if pupils are to solve problems which demand reflective decision making.To develop these skills teachers need to give pupils the opprtunity to think for themselves and by asking and responding to the questions that go beyond recall of information that has been presented to them.
Teachers should encourage pupils to think critically by guiding them in forming concepts and generalization developing skills and choosing values that they can use in life ,giving them the freedom to raise questions and interest and concern to them, hence pupils and teachers use questions effectively to help pupils develop and use critical thinking abilities.
What are purposes of questions?:In the classroom questions are used for a number of purpose and the following will help teacher to expand their use of questioning instructions:
•To develop processes of thinking and guide enquiry and decision making.
•To acquire and clarify information ,answer concern and develop skills
•To determine the knowledge students bring to the class so lessons can be made to meet their demands.
•To provide motivation by encouraging active participation and learning.
•To lead pupils to consider new ideas to make use of ideas already made.
•To help students clarify their ideas ,structure their ideas and learn about things.
•Encourage students to ask their own questions .
•To information from pupils on which to judge performance and understanding.
•To provoke students and teachers teachers to share ideas.
•To challenge beliefs and guide reconsideration or values guide reconsideration of values that pupils know.
•To help teachers asses effectiveness of their teaching.
The probing questions help to assess the assumed knowledge to be revealed for the edification of people in those areas of learning.
Questioning is one of the most essential technique human being conduct for their testing for understanding,reinforcement of information, motivation to arouse curiosity and to encourage independent thinking
Types of Questioning are:High order questions people will be forced to think deeply ,reason explore and analyse.And low order questions, people will just recall.
As a teacher have you ever count the number of questions you have asked in a class period ? Do you know how many questions pupils have asked you in the same lesson?
Questions are statements from which a replies are expected and same questions are answered quickly ,for example "what is your name?"Whilst some maybe answered differently as time passes ,for instance "What do you want to do for your life's sake?"
Whilst questions are tools for instructions requiring different types of responses ,they also confront pupils with challenges when questioned.Questions require demostrations and justfication of knowledge and beliefs.
The responses "I don't know" or "I don't want to answer" are usually not acceptable in the classroom and often pupils feel bad when they fail to respond correctly.
Many times teachers pay attention for child learning which requires pupils to simply recall information or memorise.They may neglect the higher level of thinking that direct pupils to define or refine relationships between ideas drawing inference, explaining facts make judgements from generalisations ,interprete ,analyse,applies given understanding to new situations and create new ideas ,all of which are necessary for the development of critical thinking .Teachers also avoid effective aspects of learning these are critically analysing and justifying a way of learning ,which direct pupils to make judgements and consider values ,attitudes ,feelings,interests ,beliefs and motions they have influence of their actions.
There is a growing concern that schools have not been developing citizens that may make reflective decisions on their own,about those things that concern them and the society that large .They neglect the higher order of thinking .Any child can and does use those different types of thoughts processes.
Given the opportunity students of all ages do study ,investgate,analyse and evaluate their environment.But some teachers don't believe that students can reason at different levels of thinking and as such they are not willing to lead their students to thinking in these ways.Similary teachers who have no experience of using different should rely on easily presented or recalling.Such an approach doesn't train in the skills of making use of data to solve problems consider values and determine proper actions .
Higher levels of thinking are required if pupils are to solve problems which demand reflective decision making.To develop these skills teachers need to give pupils the opprtunity to think for themselves and by asking and responding to the questions that go beyond recall of information that has been presented to them.
Teachers should encourage pupils to think critically by guiding them in forming concepts and generalization developing skills and choosing values that they can use in life ,giving them the freedom to raise questions and interest and concern to them, hence pupils and teachers use questions effectively to help pupils develop and use critical thinking abilities.
What are purposes of questions?:In the classroom questions are used for a number of purpose and the following will help teacher to expand their use of questioning instructions:
•To develop processes of thinking and guide enquiry and decision making.
•To acquire and clarify information ,answer concern and develop skills
•To determine the knowledge students bring to the class so lessons can be made to meet their demands.
•To provide motivation by encouraging active participation and learning.
•To lead pupils to consider new ideas to make use of ideas already made.
•To help students clarify their ideas ,structure their ideas and learn about things.
•Encourage students to ask their own questions .
•To information from pupils on which to judge performance and understanding.
•To provoke students and teachers teachers to share ideas.
•To challenge beliefs and guide reconsideration or values guide reconsideration of values that pupils know.
•To help teachers asses effectiveness of their teaching.
Case Study from Gwebi College Primary Committee School.
Gwebi college committee primary school has 290 pupils ,10 teachers and learning environment is normal conventional Education system.
The school is situated in the Gwebi college of Agriculture compass. Where school children come from the families which serve as manual labourers of the college and five other sorrounding estates which are Mwenevazvo,Bell inn, Mhlanga ,Madzorera and Gram.
From the environment where the children come from,that's farming community where Education on its own is viewed as useless in their lives since they rely on farmlords for every welfare including payment of school fees.
In most cases some children can absent themselves from school for a month.
The staff members ,teachers and social workers are obliged to teach by example in
speech ,dress and hard work. Despite their homely atmosphere in the institution as much as possible. In school there are lot maladjustments and backwardness caused mainly by the home environments. Even if the teachers give their pupils homework ,at times most of the parents don't know this elementary concepts as they never foot in school in their lifetime.
Because of poor performance in their academic development the school established a special class to cater for those pupils who have difficulties of grasping concepts during their infancy. The special class is mentored by a specialist who teach at most 20 pupils and only specialise on her classroom upto 12 o'clock noon everyday.
At school which is in the government compass teachers show a very good example. Education is a means of social development by making it very attractive. The school at most situations take part in college open days,children can do compaign awareness to the community parents in concepts such as HIV &AIDS,other outbreaks of certain diseases and environmental conservation.
The parents are invited in the speech and prize days, parents days ,school development meetings and discuss school issues to make the school a centre of community development.
The school created a democratic atmosphere where the pupils are free to say what they think is not correct and even inform the School Development Committee and parents for whatever clarifications needed. Teachers who are not giving children enough respect are put on the agenda to be role models and do they work seriously, as they are monitored by the children and their parents.
The pupils choose their own subjects discussions in the juniour classes and vent out their feelings even against any forms of punishments.Teachers are firm and strict ,but democratic.When children do wrong they are punished. All punishments are administered according to punishment regulation code issued by the parliament of Zimbabwe. Canning is not allowed at all situations. The school head must approve all punishments before they are executed. Child must accept that he/she done wrong before punishment is administered.The forms of punishment are watering the garden and flower or picking scattered papers after lessons.The punishments ends only as corrective measure far removed from abusing the child.
There is more of peer group control than that from teachers . Prefects have the duty to look for wrongdoers range from latecomers,bullers,teasers etc.They discuss with the offenders and convinced that is fit to be punished.Children help each other to do right thing.
After the discussions the children must see their grievances being attended to. The child's egoism is fully supported if shattered at home. The school authorities are trying to help these children who come to a backward environment to reinstate the importance Education and make them discover their worth. They want to reassure the pupils that they are unique citizens who is capable of succeeding as well as any other children.
The school's efforts are also hidded by the private christian school Gateway's outreach programme where they support orphans at schools through paying their own school fees and buying stationery needed. During the open days especially at the weekends the Gateway provide with transport to ferry these children to their good facilities and the children spent the day marvelling with computers,enjoy good sporting facilities and also use their classrooms.
In most of the occassion the children from Gwebi perform well despite living in abrupt poverty in their own backyards
The school is in a confined environment in which beating is absent. This boast children to have interests in schooling and at times ceases to be truent. Most of them then enjoy schooling despite how poor they are.Because 90% of the children come to school without school shoes ,without winter wear as they brave in to walk in winter season to get the much needed Education.
The school offer sporting services in soccer,netball ,volleyball and cricket was recently introduced by sports coordinator where children use simple batt and tennis balls ,as cricket facilities are hardly to comeby.The school competes in the cluster,districts and provincial competitions.
The school is situated in the Gwebi college of Agriculture compass. Where school children come from the families which serve as manual labourers of the college and five other sorrounding estates which are Mwenevazvo,Bell inn, Mhlanga ,Madzorera and Gram.
From the environment where the children come from,that's farming community where Education on its own is viewed as useless in their lives since they rely on farmlords for every welfare including payment of school fees.
In most cases some children can absent themselves from school for a month.
The staff members ,teachers and social workers are obliged to teach by example in
speech ,dress and hard work. Despite their homely atmosphere in the institution as much as possible. In school there are lot maladjustments and backwardness caused mainly by the home environments. Even if the teachers give their pupils homework ,at times most of the parents don't know this elementary concepts as they never foot in school in their lifetime.
Because of poor performance in their academic development the school established a special class to cater for those pupils who have difficulties of grasping concepts during their infancy. The special class is mentored by a specialist who teach at most 20 pupils and only specialise on her classroom upto 12 o'clock noon everyday.
At school which is in the government compass teachers show a very good example. Education is a means of social development by making it very attractive. The school at most situations take part in college open days,children can do compaign awareness to the community parents in concepts such as HIV &AIDS,other outbreaks of certain diseases and environmental conservation.
The parents are invited in the speech and prize days, parents days ,school development meetings and discuss school issues to make the school a centre of community development.
The school created a democratic atmosphere where the pupils are free to say what they think is not correct and even inform the School Development Committee and parents for whatever clarifications needed. Teachers who are not giving children enough respect are put on the agenda to be role models and do they work seriously, as they are monitored by the children and their parents.
The pupils choose their own subjects discussions in the juniour classes and vent out their feelings even against any forms of punishments.Teachers are firm and strict ,but democratic.When children do wrong they are punished. All punishments are administered according to punishment regulation code issued by the parliament of Zimbabwe. Canning is not allowed at all situations. The school head must approve all punishments before they are executed. Child must accept that he/she done wrong before punishment is administered.The forms of punishment are watering the garden and flower or picking scattered papers after lessons.The punishments ends only as corrective measure far removed from abusing the child.
There is more of peer group control than that from teachers . Prefects have the duty to look for wrongdoers range from latecomers,bullers,teasers etc.They discuss with the offenders and convinced that is fit to be punished.Children help each other to do right thing.
After the discussions the children must see their grievances being attended to. The child's egoism is fully supported if shattered at home. The school authorities are trying to help these children who come to a backward environment to reinstate the importance Education and make them discover their worth. They want to reassure the pupils that they are unique citizens who is capable of succeeding as well as any other children.
The school's efforts are also hidded by the private christian school Gateway's outreach programme where they support orphans at schools through paying their own school fees and buying stationery needed. During the open days especially at the weekends the Gateway provide with transport to ferry these children to their good facilities and the children spent the day marvelling with computers,enjoy good sporting facilities and also use their classrooms.
In most of the occassion the children from Gwebi perform well despite living in abrupt poverty in their own backyards
The school is in a confined environment in which beating is absent. This boast children to have interests in schooling and at times ceases to be truent. Most of them then enjoy schooling despite how poor they are.Because 90% of the children come to school without school shoes ,without winter wear as they brave in to walk in winter season to get the much needed Education.
The school offer sporting services in soccer,netball ,volleyball and cricket was recently introduced by sports coordinator where children use simple batt and tennis balls ,as cricket facilities are hardly to comeby.The school competes in the cluster,districts and provincial competitions.
Characteristics Developed negatively by Children as a Result of a Peer Group Influences
The peer group may pressurise a child to develop some of the following characteristics:
Nagativism a resistance to pressures from others to believe in a certain way.This may be expressed by temper tantrums or verbal refusal to do what children have been told to do.At school members of the peer group may refuse to do what they told to do by
their teachers. This peer group become a social group which cause disrepute for going against school norms and rules.
Aggression is an actual or threatened act of hostility ,usually unprovoked by another person. Children can express their hostility either verbally or physically by bullying young children .These perpetrators deprived other children their peace and time to concentrate on valuable activities.The aggressors are seriously retarded because of wasting valuable time disturbing other children.
Quarelling these are angry disputes that are generally starts when a person makes an unprovoked attack on another. Quarrelling involves two people or more and one of the people involved adopts a defensive role ,the other an aggressive role. Quarrells arise
when children of the same age develop a dispute. It may ended up fighting . Some
children waste time quarrelling than attenting to lessons at the end the pupils become backward in their school work.
Teasing is verbal attack on another child with the intention of making the victim feel ridiculed. The peers laugh at anything they consider to be funny about that child. The teased child is usually helpless and defenceless.This diverts the attention of the victim from the actual problems of learning to the immediate problems of being ridiculed,leading to retardation in learning. The teaser lose because of devoting more time to useless plotting of useful work.
The physical attack of one child by another is bullying. The perpetrators victimise others because they want to see someone misery or said something unbecoming. The victim is generally weaker ,younger ,because of being frightened lose concetration in school work and tries to please bullers or withdrawn.Some children no longer come to school to avoid bullers.Consequently their academic performance is declining dismally.
Ascendant Behaviour is the tendency to dominate others and push them around. A child with ascerndant behaviour deprives victims of their right to peace and freedom of conscience. The child may disturb other to get in the classroom during teacher's
absence for example. As a result this child is rejected by social peer group because of causing unnecessary problems in their lives. This child waste lot of time seeking an associate group and being recognised instead of concentrating on learning.
Egocentricism naturally children develops egocentric behaviours. As they grow up and through the peer group influence they start to lose some of egocentricism as exposed to the control of of peers. The child ceases to be master of own situation as the group become egocentric that it can deprive the rest of the school of its freedom by implementing some of the ideas agreed upon by the group. In some school there can be egocentric peer group which monopolise school facilities like open space for sporting and deprive those who don't belong to the group the right to freely use this facilities. In the classroom they can dominate the whole situation to disturb others to use learning facilities available.
Prejudice in early childhood ,children can notice that some people are different in appearance and behaviour from them. This is the fooundation of prejudice.
The differences are taken to be signs of inferiority of that social group.The extreme descrimination against those who are considered to be inferior. Children may regard certain family members as inferior because of poverty and are deprived to enjoy some social benefits because of wanting. These children from poor family descriminated ,can not do well in their school work as they found it hard to discuss learning ideas. The limits of social freedom of the disadvantaged child who becomes socially backward.
Nagativism a resistance to pressures from others to believe in a certain way.This may be expressed by temper tantrums or verbal refusal to do what children have been told to do.At school members of the peer group may refuse to do what they told to do by
their teachers. This peer group become a social group which cause disrepute for going against school norms and rules.
Aggression is an actual or threatened act of hostility ,usually unprovoked by another person. Children can express their hostility either verbally or physically by bullying young children .These perpetrators deprived other children their peace and time to concentrate on valuable activities.The aggressors are seriously retarded because of wasting valuable time disturbing other children.
Quarelling these are angry disputes that are generally starts when a person makes an unprovoked attack on another. Quarrelling involves two people or more and one of the people involved adopts a defensive role ,the other an aggressive role. Quarrells arise
when children of the same age develop a dispute. It may ended up fighting . Some
children waste time quarrelling than attenting to lessons at the end the pupils become backward in their school work.
Teasing is verbal attack on another child with the intention of making the victim feel ridiculed. The peers laugh at anything they consider to be funny about that child. The teased child is usually helpless and defenceless.This diverts the attention of the victim from the actual problems of learning to the immediate problems of being ridiculed,leading to retardation in learning. The teaser lose because of devoting more time to useless plotting of useful work.
The physical attack of one child by another is bullying. The perpetrators victimise others because they want to see someone misery or said something unbecoming. The victim is generally weaker ,younger ,because of being frightened lose concetration in school work and tries to please bullers or withdrawn.Some children no longer come to school to avoid bullers.Consequently their academic performance is declining dismally.
Ascendant Behaviour is the tendency to dominate others and push them around. A child with ascerndant behaviour deprives victims of their right to peace and freedom of conscience. The child may disturb other to get in the classroom during teacher's
absence for example. As a result this child is rejected by social peer group because of causing unnecessary problems in their lives. This child waste lot of time seeking an associate group and being recognised instead of concentrating on learning.
Egocentricism naturally children develops egocentric behaviours. As they grow up and through the peer group influence they start to lose some of egocentricism as exposed to the control of of peers. The child ceases to be master of own situation as the group become egocentric that it can deprive the rest of the school of its freedom by implementing some of the ideas agreed upon by the group. In some school there can be egocentric peer group which monopolise school facilities like open space for sporting and deprive those who don't belong to the group the right to freely use this facilities. In the classroom they can dominate the whole situation to disturb others to use learning facilities available.
Prejudice in early childhood ,children can notice that some people are different in appearance and behaviour from them. This is the fooundation of prejudice.
The differences are taken to be signs of inferiority of that social group.The extreme descrimination against those who are considered to be inferior. Children may regard certain family members as inferior because of poverty and are deprived to enjoy some social benefits because of wanting. These children from poor family descriminated ,can not do well in their school work as they found it hard to discuss learning ideas. The limits of social freedom of the disadvantaged child who becomes socially backward.
Ways to help gifted child to excel in academic excellency
The social concern is the context in which education is selected. Hence to recognise this factor might lead to utilise talents in our children. There is need for careful planning and programming of educational process to avoid producing technocrats(technical experts) interested in and bent on the pragmatic(practical results) use of their talents only.
Gifted children should be given provisions to learn along with others of equal level. Among the intellectual equals ,the gifted child will enjoy a competitive environment to learn effectively.
There is no time to sit back and relax because of others with a match. However the fast learner should be not shielded from making contacts with peers of average ability. The children gain valuable experience through interacting with peers ,regardless of intellectual ability. A gifted child might learn effectively if also given the challenging work which even experiencing failure. A challenging learning environment could discipline the fast learner to be kept always busy. For instance if a fast learn finishes mathematical problems earlier than the rest , the teacher should plan extension work which is more challenging to help this child to learn effectively.
Because of creative capabilities of gifted children ,their creative ability could be catered for by giving them opportunities to carry projects work alone. It could be in community research, building models or setting up experiments. The provisions is to help the talented child to persue own line of research and to exercise special talent.
A gifted child learn much more effective by being guided than being directed. Directing a talented child may be depriving the interests and opportunities of using own initiative.
Gifted children should be given provisions to learn along with others of equal level. Among the intellectual equals ,the gifted child will enjoy a competitive environment to learn effectively.
There is no time to sit back and relax because of others with a match. However the fast learner should be not shielded from making contacts with peers of average ability. The children gain valuable experience through interacting with peers ,regardless of intellectual ability. A gifted child might learn effectively if also given the challenging work which even experiencing failure. A challenging learning environment could discipline the fast learner to be kept always busy. For instance if a fast learn finishes mathematical problems earlier than the rest , the teacher should plan extension work which is more challenging to help this child to learn effectively.
Because of creative capabilities of gifted children ,their creative ability could be catered for by giving them opportunities to carry projects work alone. It could be in community research, building models or setting up experiments. The provisions is to help the talented child to persue own line of research and to exercise special talent.
A gifted child learn much more effective by being guided than being directed. Directing a talented child may be depriving the interests and opportunities of using own initiative.
Ways to help gifted child to excel in academic excellency
The social concern is the context in which education is selected. Hence to recognise this factor might lead to utilise talents in our children. There is need for careful planning and programming of educational process to avoid producing technocrats(technical experts) interested in and bent on the pragmatic(practical results) use of their talents only.
Gifted children should be given provisions to learn along with others of equal level. Among the intellectual equals ,the gifted child will enjoy a competitive environment to learn effectively.
There is no time to sit back and relax because of others with a match. However the fast learner should be not shielded from making contacts with peers of average ability. The children gain valuable experience through interacting with peers ,regardless of intellectual ability. A gifted child might learn effectively if also given the challenging work which even experiencing failure. A challenging learning environment could discipline the fast learner to be kept always busy. For instance if a fast learn finishes mathematical problems earlier than the rest , the teacher should plan extension work which is more challenging to help this child to learn effectively.
Because of creative capabilities of gifted children ,their creative ability could be catered for by giving them opportunities to carry projects work alone. It could be in community research, building models or setting up experiments. The provisions is to help the talented child to persue own line of research and to exercise special talent.
A gifted child learn much more effective by being guided than being directed. Directing a talented child may be depriving the interests and opportunities of using own initiative.
Gifted children should be given provisions to learn along with others of equal level. Among the intellectual equals ,the gifted child will enjoy a competitive environment to learn effectively.
There is no time to sit back and relax because of others with a match. However the fast learner should be not shielded from making contacts with peers of average ability. The children gain valuable experience through interacting with peers ,regardless of intellectual ability. A gifted child might learn effectively if also given the challenging work which even experiencing failure. A challenging learning environment could discipline the fast learner to be kept always busy. For instance if a fast learn finishes mathematical problems earlier than the rest , the teacher should plan extension work which is more challenging to help this child to learn effectively.
Because of creative capabilities of gifted children ,their creative ability could be catered for by giving them opportunities to carry projects work alone. It could be in community research, building models or setting up experiments. The provisions is to help the talented child to persue own line of research and to exercise special talent.
A gifted child learn much more effective by being guided than being directed. Directing a talented child may be depriving the interests and opportunities of using own initiative.
Methods of Instruction used in Education System should assist both the society and the child
Teachers must use methods of instruction that would help pupils to develop away from social maladjustment. Teachers can successfully do this with the help of the whole community.Also teachers need to make the community aware of the problems facing the socially maladjusted children .They (teachers) try to explain to the family and community members the importance of changing their attitudes towards the child for the better community. Where there was hatred and victimization they should be substituted with love and considerate treatment of the child.The child is then able to develop a sense of self-image.
Although it is difficult in many low income schools to have low teacher/pupil ratio.That's fewer pupils per teacher.This is because of shortage of teachers,poor teacher incentive and other contributing factors. This gives teachers a chance to concentrate on individuals and their problems. The teacher can able to train pupils to use ideas based on skilled observation of and personal interaction with the child. When the teacher spend time with individual pupils make feel that they are loved and are also interested in them and helping them to solve their problems.
The teachers must utilise every time they are with pupils and offer periods of purposeful activity and avoid periods of inactivity when the child falls back into bad habits. It is necessary devise programmes for individual pupils so that we can discuss their problems with them.
The provision of equipments which facilitates children to investigate their environment for example toys . The presence of adults make the atmosphere motivational stimulus as child feel the importance of Education system in their learning process. Children need to use all senses to explore objects and use them.
The use of colours makes the environment more conducive for learning . Moreover if the different sounds introduced help to stimulate pupils into exciting activities.
Children should allowed to mix with others and help each other to do some of the things the other children are doing. Such as assuming responsibility ,attitudes of cooperating with others ,music ,etc. Persistance on the part of teacher -devotion is very important.
The purpose of learning of socially maladjusted children provides us with opportunities to learn a great deal about early stages of learning and effective methods of teaching ,even the normal children.Learning situations may be more interesting if the teacher use reflective teaching combined with well timed stimulus variations. Thus teachers' understanding of the socio-psychological background of the child can be included in the teaching strategy so as to make learning more effective.
Although it is difficult in many low income schools to have low teacher/pupil ratio.That's fewer pupils per teacher.This is because of shortage of teachers,poor teacher incentive and other contributing factors. This gives teachers a chance to concentrate on individuals and their problems. The teacher can able to train pupils to use ideas based on skilled observation of and personal interaction with the child. When the teacher spend time with individual pupils make feel that they are loved and are also interested in them and helping them to solve their problems.
The teachers must utilise every time they are with pupils and offer periods of purposeful activity and avoid periods of inactivity when the child falls back into bad habits. It is necessary devise programmes for individual pupils so that we can discuss their problems with them.
The provision of equipments which facilitates children to investigate their environment for example toys . The presence of adults make the atmosphere motivational stimulus as child feel the importance of Education system in their learning process. Children need to use all senses to explore objects and use them.
The use of colours makes the environment more conducive for learning . Moreover if the different sounds introduced help to stimulate pupils into exciting activities.
Children should allowed to mix with others and help each other to do some of the things the other children are doing. Such as assuming responsibility ,attitudes of cooperating with others ,music ,etc. Persistance on the part of teacher -devotion is very important.
The purpose of learning of socially maladjusted children provides us with opportunities to learn a great deal about early stages of learning and effective methods of teaching ,even the normal children.Learning situations may be more interesting if the teacher use reflective teaching combined with well timed stimulus variations. Thus teachers' understanding of the socio-psychological background of the child can be included in the teaching strategy so as to make learning more effective.
Importance and Challenges of Measurement Categories
It allows a more precise description of pupils' performance. In evaluation terms of performance of different pupils may be stated as fairy good.
Teachers easily communicate pupils results to all stakeholders
Measurements are more economical than subjectivity.
Types of Measurements
Norm Reference Assessment(NRA)
A norm is a group .Therefore its comparisons of one child's performance to that of another.It is concerned with arrangement into order of merit.The teacher can be able to position each child according to scores obtained in relation to other classmates.The teacher can place pupils in their appropriate ability groups and helps the teacher to make pupils engage in academic competitions.
Advantages:It is useful for classification ,for example grouping, helps for selection and is useful for decisions making.
Disadvantages:The final grade counts the student's understanding.The class ,cluster or district position doesn't signifies other assessments like national examination or overall outstandings.
Criterion Reference Assessment(CRA)
The form of comparison in this assessment is not between one learner and others,but between what the learner has learnt or achieved and what to be achieved totally.It is concerned with the individual learner and helps the teacher to decide on whether the learner needs more work or remedial work.
Advantages:The teacher can diagonise the student difficulties hence giving remedial work and can evaluate individualised learning programmes.The teacher also estimate the ability of a child on particular concept or topic.
Disadvantages are unrealistic and too much is expected of the teacher to do because of high teacher-pupil ratio. It also discourages the use of problem-solving method.
Frequency of Measurement
Continuous Assessment
Continuous assessment which keeps students on toes.Continuous depends on the school policy and the teacher either weekly,fortnightly or monthly.
Weaknesses of Continuous Assessment
It stresses pupils since pupils should get prepared each and every time especially on weekly Tests.
Periodic Assessment
For example termly examanations.
Terminal Assessment
It is done at the end of the programme ,for example grade seven examinations in Zimbabwe or Ordinary level course etc.
These examinations has wide range of concepts
Methods of Measurements
Written and oral assessments.
Written Assessments
These are written tests ,examination tests,objectives tests and essay tests.
According to Ebel and Damrin(1960:1502)tests are,"...series of question task design to measure the knowledge or skill of an individual."
Tests are meant to measure the extent to which instuctional goals are realised.Tests and examinations are the same.
There are a series of types of tests, but can be categorised into two major categories which are objectives and subjective tests
Teachers easily communicate pupils results to all stakeholders
Measurements are more economical than subjectivity.
Types of Measurements
Norm Reference Assessment(NRA)
A norm is a group .Therefore its comparisons of one child's performance to that of another.It is concerned with arrangement into order of merit.The teacher can be able to position each child according to scores obtained in relation to other classmates.The teacher can place pupils in their appropriate ability groups and helps the teacher to make pupils engage in academic competitions.
Advantages:It is useful for classification ,for example grouping, helps for selection and is useful for decisions making.
Disadvantages:The final grade counts the student's understanding.The class ,cluster or district position doesn't signifies other assessments like national examination or overall outstandings.
Criterion Reference Assessment(CRA)
The form of comparison in this assessment is not between one learner and others,but between what the learner has learnt or achieved and what to be achieved totally.It is concerned with the individual learner and helps the teacher to decide on whether the learner needs more work or remedial work.
Advantages:The teacher can diagonise the student difficulties hence giving remedial work and can evaluate individualised learning programmes.The teacher also estimate the ability of a child on particular concept or topic.
Disadvantages are unrealistic and too much is expected of the teacher to do because of high teacher-pupil ratio. It also discourages the use of problem-solving method.
Frequency of Measurement
Continuous Assessment
Continuous assessment which keeps students on toes.Continuous depends on the school policy and the teacher either weekly,fortnightly or monthly.
Weaknesses of Continuous Assessment
It stresses pupils since pupils should get prepared each and every time especially on weekly Tests.
Periodic Assessment
For example termly examanations.
Terminal Assessment
It is done at the end of the programme ,for example grade seven examinations in Zimbabwe or Ordinary level course etc.
These examinations has wide range of concepts
Methods of Measurements
Written and oral assessments.
Written Assessments
These are written tests ,examination tests,objectives tests and essay tests.
According to Ebel and Damrin(1960:1502)tests are,"...series of question task design to measure the knowledge or skill of an individual."
Tests are meant to measure the extent to which instuctional goals are realised.Tests and examinations are the same.
There are a series of types of tests, but can be categorised into two major categories which are objectives and subjective tests
Class Organisation Discipline and Motivation
A teacher may speak of being well organised when feels on top of his work ,that is when able to motivate dicipline or control his class,at the same time when have the capability to discipline one self.As we going together to explore the class organisation is discovered to closely linked to class dicipline and motivation.However it is an undoubted fast that the the three factors that are discipline,organisation and motivation hand in glove.
Where there is no organisation the class lacks discipline and motivation.In real teaching and learning situation a good or quality teaching style brings about quality learning and clear understanding of pupils in a classroom environment.
According to Paisely (1981),"Organisation is a programme of activities for every part of teacher's teaching work that has been thought through and prepared ahead of time." Therefore it is important for every teacher to be well organised when carrying out the duty in the four corners of teaching and learning environment.
Firstly one may ask why the teacher should be organised when s/he discharging his/her the duty?Because s/he supposed to provide a purposeful learning activities,be well confident when strategising teaching methods and using teaching and learning media in time when drafting notes ,well prepared with the full knowledge of the subject content.
Valerie(1992)agrees that,"the teacher should provide a purposeful and stimulating learning activities that will interest students."This is a challenge that must be met inorder to achieve an environment that is conducive to learning.
Contrary if the the conducive learning invironment is not been fully implemented in the classroom situation ,that is the preparation for teaching ,the pupils are not going to be motivated at all and the control of the class is going to be doomed threatening its discipline.
If learners realised that the teacher has a sort of confusion and no thorough preparatory work done for their learning ,this inturn trigger them to become frustrated as a consequences at the end od the lesson nothing they had learnt .The controlling itself will be humpered in the sense that pupils will resort to lot of pockets whisperings in their corridors ,whilst looking in one another's eyes and a lot of laughing without listening what the teacher is saying.
Having the full knowledge of the subject content contributes a lot to learners' concentration and respect their teacher the way they imparts them with knowledge.School children are developing the maturity habit, so they easily laugh even to those confused people.So pupils should never be exposed that the teacher is shivering and have no confidence ,this obviousily make thenm easily back to no serious situation and become demotivated and indiscipline.
Inorder to avoid this unbecoming behaviour in learning and teaching environment .There are many ways the teacher can get prepared .Kasambira (1993)postulates,"to keep the class moving smoothly ,to avoid dead spots and avoid confusion ." The teacher should adopt "movement management".To achieve this the teacher should be careful to avoid interupting the progress of the lessons.As a teacher should ensure that the learning environment is conducive and learners are ready to learn. The teacher must allow pupils to be natural and if not done properly it will consequently leads to nisconduct hence affecting motivation on the part of pupils.
The teacher should well in advance prepare the teaching media.The teaching aids should be thoroughly scrutinised and should be adequate so that they will help the teacher to deliver the lesson in a way that will clearly make pupils understand concepts. A well prepared in advance teaching aids will obviously enhences motivation and understanding.Pupils are logically driven from one step to the next ,objectives clearly stated and this will help to maintain discipline as children are visualise the importance of learning.When using the aids coorectly the teacher will not confuse pupils .When there is confusion in the classroom this will absolutely results in a lot of noise and misconducts behaviour.
The teaching methods should be well organised ,so that it will not disrupt the learning process.For example the teacher can organise pupils into group discussions according to their mixed abilities or abilities,field trips,questioning and answering, and lecturing.These methods have its own advantages and disadvantages.Any method planned and implemented by the teacher should regards pupils' capabilities.
Mixed grouping for instances ,it encourages fast learners to help the slow ones.It destroys individualistic show off and negletion as it doesn't label some children as dull .As a result pupils noted that they can assist each other to achieve best in learning.Learners will inclusively get motivated throughout the lesson and indiscipline tendencies are limited.
The other teaching methods create teacher pupil interaction whereby the teacher will observe the differences of children in learning so that everyone will be given the treatment deserves.It strengthen teacher ,pupil relationship which will be a step further for the teacher to be able to manage the class more effectively.
Where there is no organisation the class lacks discipline and motivation.In real teaching and learning situation a good or quality teaching style brings about quality learning and clear understanding of pupils in a classroom environment.
According to Paisely (1981),"Organisation is a programme of activities for every part of teacher's teaching work that has been thought through and prepared ahead of time." Therefore it is important for every teacher to be well organised when carrying out the duty in the four corners of teaching and learning environment.
Firstly one may ask why the teacher should be organised when s/he discharging his/her the duty?Because s/he supposed to provide a purposeful learning activities,be well confident when strategising teaching methods and using teaching and learning media in time when drafting notes ,well prepared with the full knowledge of the subject content.
Valerie(1992)agrees that,"the teacher should provide a purposeful and stimulating learning activities that will interest students."This is a challenge that must be met inorder to achieve an environment that is conducive to learning.
Contrary if the the conducive learning invironment is not been fully implemented in the classroom situation ,that is the preparation for teaching ,the pupils are not going to be motivated at all and the control of the class is going to be doomed threatening its discipline.
If learners realised that the teacher has a sort of confusion and no thorough preparatory work done for their learning ,this inturn trigger them to become frustrated as a consequences at the end od the lesson nothing they had learnt .The controlling itself will be humpered in the sense that pupils will resort to lot of pockets whisperings in their corridors ,whilst looking in one another's eyes and a lot of laughing without listening what the teacher is saying.
Having the full knowledge of the subject content contributes a lot to learners' concentration and respect their teacher the way they imparts them with knowledge.School children are developing the maturity habit, so they easily laugh even to those confused people.So pupils should never be exposed that the teacher is shivering and have no confidence ,this obviousily make thenm easily back to no serious situation and become demotivated and indiscipline.
Inorder to avoid this unbecoming behaviour in learning and teaching environment .There are many ways the teacher can get prepared .Kasambira (1993)postulates,"to keep the class moving smoothly ,to avoid dead spots and avoid confusion ." The teacher should adopt "movement management".To achieve this the teacher should be careful to avoid interupting the progress of the lessons.As a teacher should ensure that the learning environment is conducive and learners are ready to learn. The teacher must allow pupils to be natural and if not done properly it will consequently leads to nisconduct hence affecting motivation on the part of pupils.
The teacher should well in advance prepare the teaching media.The teaching aids should be thoroughly scrutinised and should be adequate so that they will help the teacher to deliver the lesson in a way that will clearly make pupils understand concepts. A well prepared in advance teaching aids will obviously enhences motivation and understanding.Pupils are logically driven from one step to the next ,objectives clearly stated and this will help to maintain discipline as children are visualise the importance of learning.When using the aids coorectly the teacher will not confuse pupils .When there is confusion in the classroom this will absolutely results in a lot of noise and misconducts behaviour.
The teaching methods should be well organised ,so that it will not disrupt the learning process.For example the teacher can organise pupils into group discussions according to their mixed abilities or abilities,field trips,questioning and answering, and lecturing.These methods have its own advantages and disadvantages.Any method planned and implemented by the teacher should regards pupils' capabilities.
Mixed grouping for instances ,it encourages fast learners to help the slow ones.It destroys individualistic show off and negletion as it doesn't label some children as dull .As a result pupils noted that they can assist each other to achieve best in learning.Learners will inclusively get motivated throughout the lesson and indiscipline tendencies are limited.
The other teaching methods create teacher pupil interaction whereby the teacher will observe the differences of children in learning so that everyone will be given the treatment deserves.It strengthen teacher ,pupil relationship which will be a step further for the teacher to be able to manage the class more effectively.
Classroom Management and Organisation Promote Effective Teaching and Learning.
A well managed classroom is essential for successful teaching and learning .Most teachers however find this extemely difficulty. Teachers who manages their classrooms effectively enjoy teaching and have greater confidence in their work.
A class is a group of pupils who gather to get the knowledge,attitudes and skills.
Classroom is a room whereby pupils gather to get the said knowledge,attitudes and skills.
Organisation is making all the necessary arrangements the way they can work ,events ,activities are planned and done.Kasambira(1993) says,organisation is the art of carefully preparing ,presenting ,disciplining,controlling activities. Jacobs (1981:105)puts classroom organisation as," the complex set of plans and actions which the teacher uses to ensure that learning in a classroom is effective and efficient." Organisation involves teaching children how to manage their own behaviour in a classroom settings. A good classroom organisation should allow,order that enhances learning .
It process plans and actions ,effectively and in teaching to manage pupils' behaviour.
Grouping is part of classroom organisation because it promotes pupil to pupil interaction.This means pupils are freely talk to each other and teach each other.
Management is the active process of making decisions so that the use of the available human and material resources of the organisation are planned to achieve specific objectives efficiently.
Classroom management ,expectations include time because we cannot create time ,keep timetable and strictly follow it. A good teacher should set deadlines as target for checking what has been completed and delegate different duties to pupils.
Routine Management is refering to the daily activities which are command ,for example be pantual.Class monitors and group leaders are entitled to led other pupils during teacher's absence.Hence there should be effective and effective class monitors and group leaders.
Making of attendance register should be done daily on a particular time ,the teacher should also be friendly to pupils and love them.
Motivates your pupils to love you and assign pupils the work they can afford to do.
Grouping stratergy depends on the task in hand which the teacher should do to manage the grouping system.Pupils should be able to choose partners in certain activities .
The use of live pictures is good in lessons,however avoid using live media ,unless you can carefully manage it,for instance insects ,snakes ,donkeys etc.
Classroom Interaction ,according to John locke ,children are born with their minds like tabula rasa ,which means blank slates.It is the environment which writes its story on the blank minds ,so adults teach children to be knowledgeable.
John Dewey proposes an attempt democracy in Education in the community.It has to start in the classroom.Children being exposed to democracy in Education ,teaching and learning must be guided by the paradigm.
The mordern Philosopher Flanders is also an Educational guru who studied classroom interaction and came up with 2/3 system in classroom interaction.
In every lesson there is 2/3 dominant talking ,out of 2/3 the teacher does 2/3 of talking ,which means the teacher talk for about 13 munites.
A teacher should discourage dominant talking in the classroom.Teachers should be equipped with the principle in an attempt to equip them.They should develop and appreciation to develop optimum classroom interaction.Teachers' talk should be kept to the barest minimum.
A class is a group of pupils who gather to get the knowledge,attitudes and skills.
Classroom is a room whereby pupils gather to get the said knowledge,attitudes and skills.
Organisation is making all the necessary arrangements the way they can work ,events ,activities are planned and done.Kasambira(1993) says,organisation is the art of carefully preparing ,presenting ,disciplining,controlling activities. Jacobs (1981:105)puts classroom organisation as," the complex set of plans and actions which the teacher uses to ensure that learning in a classroom is effective and efficient." Organisation involves teaching children how to manage their own behaviour in a classroom settings. A good classroom organisation should allow,order that enhances learning .
It process plans and actions ,effectively and in teaching to manage pupils' behaviour.
Grouping is part of classroom organisation because it promotes pupil to pupil interaction.This means pupils are freely talk to each other and teach each other.
Management is the active process of making decisions so that the use of the available human and material resources of the organisation are planned to achieve specific objectives efficiently.
Classroom management ,expectations include time because we cannot create time ,keep timetable and strictly follow it. A good teacher should set deadlines as target for checking what has been completed and delegate different duties to pupils.
Routine Management is refering to the daily activities which are command ,for example be pantual.Class monitors and group leaders are entitled to led other pupils during teacher's absence.Hence there should be effective and effective class monitors and group leaders.
Making of attendance register should be done daily on a particular time ,the teacher should also be friendly to pupils and love them.
Motivates your pupils to love you and assign pupils the work they can afford to do.
Grouping stratergy depends on the task in hand which the teacher should do to manage the grouping system.Pupils should be able to choose partners in certain activities .
The use of live pictures is good in lessons,however avoid using live media ,unless you can carefully manage it,for instance insects ,snakes ,donkeys etc.
Classroom Interaction ,according to John locke ,children are born with their minds like tabula rasa ,which means blank slates.It is the environment which writes its story on the blank minds ,so adults teach children to be knowledgeable.
John Dewey proposes an attempt democracy in Education in the community.It has to start in the classroom.Children being exposed to democracy in Education ,teaching and learning must be guided by the paradigm.
The mordern Philosopher Flanders is also an Educational guru who studied classroom interaction and came up with 2/3 system in classroom interaction.
In every lesson there is 2/3 dominant talking ,out of 2/3 the teacher does 2/3 of talking ,which means the teacher talk for about 13 munites.
A teacher should discourage dominant talking in the classroom.Teachers should be equipped with the principle in an attempt to equip them.They should develop and appreciation to develop optimum classroom interaction.Teachers' talk should be kept to the barest minimum.
Sources of Discipline Problems in Education system
Disciplinary problems are caused both by wider community and internal school environment ,however most of them eminate from within the classroom.
Children are influenced in their immediate home environment and their behaviours is influenced by what the family members cherish.Some of the children at times lack guidance and self-esteem and even their basic needs like food,clothing ,proper sleeping or love leads to poor health if not met.The children may be emotionaly affected by their parents who frequently fighting or parents being unfaithful to each other ,then the child feel insecured from parential care which consequently led to irregular school attendance and poorly motivated of low achievements.These behaviours influenced at home have impacts on the classroom behaviours.
The larger social order with all it's ills has a bearing on the behaviour of the child at school, for example the impact of TV ,radio,internet,print media in which they see and witness things like cheating or illegal conducts.However the child tends to practice those patterns of behaviour that make them survive on a particular environment.
Peer Pressure can be nagative or positive at times.Peer pressure can socialise children into rebelling against school or class rules to prove their self worth.
Children, some of them have physical problems such as defects in hearing and poor vision.Loneliness due to lack of friends at school,rigid home environment or religious practising.
Lack of academic success creates pressure to pass and hence becomes disruptive due to disappointment.Shortage of basic needs creates uncomfortable conditions for children to learn.Boredom by just being bored by the school work because to them its a passive activity they are told what to do.Pupils need attention as they sit alone in a crowd, isolated personality which may cause them to fail to mix with others at school.Frustrated parents sometimes failed to meet the needs of their children.Then at school these children completely develop some negative attitudes towards their Education.Peer groups inflences strongly on the child and may be negatively affected.Pupils may neglected by physical organisation of the classroom sitting arrangement which probably affect them.
The teacher lacks professionalism or inexperienced to handle children during the learning processes , the teacher may be a source of disciplinary problems.Kyriacou (1994:108) says that,much ineffective teaching or the behaviour by the teacher which is felt to be unfair.Learners want to interact with a teacher who is firm and fair. Poor communication skills either verbally or non verbally ,for example making unprofessional statements in front of school children .Teachers' behaviours with pupils and failure to provide relevant learning experience can often lead to disrupt incidence in the classroom .The way a teacher can conduct with colleagues ,poor planning ,unpreparedness ,improper dressing , drunkness and failure to provide adequate tasks for children .Hence the teacher should make children occupied for them to concentrate and not creating problems.The teacher who don't have interests in pupils and not consider their cognitive development level in their learning for them to start from simple to complex and not giving activities which are very simple or too tough.Being insensitive to pupils' needs ,failure to treat them as unique individuals with self identity showing poor knowledge or mastering of one subject area. And the teacher who cannot allow personal problems to affect professionalism.The teaching methods which are not varied and child centred tend to bore pupils who find nothing challenging and motivating.The management style of instruction not moderate .but firm.All this together with poor timekeeping,being always late for duty are the potential sources of displinary problems in the classroom.
The Curriculum, according to Mwamwenda(1995) many African societies children obtaining an education is a pre-requisite for securing a job.However in most of these societies majority of children ,especially school leavers fail to secure employment and thus remain poor while those who are not educated become the richest.Pupils may end up admiring those who are not educated and this leads to misbehaviour.
Punishment is also part of discipline.There are forms of punishment that can be applied,the dos and don'ts of punishment.
Burden(1995) says,"Punishment is an act of imposing a penalty with the impressing of suppressing undesirable behaviours." While Mwamwenda (1995) puts ,punishment as needs subjected to a painful stimulus or having a pleasant one removed due to engaging in undesirable behaviour.
Punishment might be in form of :
corporal punishment by the head
manual work
detention after school
deprivating of certain priviledges etc
Children are influenced in their immediate home environment and their behaviours is influenced by what the family members cherish.Some of the children at times lack guidance and self-esteem and even their basic needs like food,clothing ,proper sleeping or love leads to poor health if not met.The children may be emotionaly affected by their parents who frequently fighting or parents being unfaithful to each other ,then the child feel insecured from parential care which consequently led to irregular school attendance and poorly motivated of low achievements.These behaviours influenced at home have impacts on the classroom behaviours.
The larger social order with all it's ills has a bearing on the behaviour of the child at school, for example the impact of TV ,radio,internet,print media in which they see and witness things like cheating or illegal conducts.However the child tends to practice those patterns of behaviour that make them survive on a particular environment.
Peer Pressure can be nagative or positive at times.Peer pressure can socialise children into rebelling against school or class rules to prove their self worth.
Children, some of them have physical problems such as defects in hearing and poor vision.Loneliness due to lack of friends at school,rigid home environment or religious practising.
Lack of academic success creates pressure to pass and hence becomes disruptive due to disappointment.Shortage of basic needs creates uncomfortable conditions for children to learn.Boredom by just being bored by the school work because to them its a passive activity they are told what to do.Pupils need attention as they sit alone in a crowd, isolated personality which may cause them to fail to mix with others at school.Frustrated parents sometimes failed to meet the needs of their children.Then at school these children completely develop some negative attitudes towards their Education.Peer groups inflences strongly on the child and may be negatively affected.Pupils may neglected by physical organisation of the classroom sitting arrangement which probably affect them.
The teacher lacks professionalism or inexperienced to handle children during the learning processes , the teacher may be a source of disciplinary problems.Kyriacou (1994:108) says that,much ineffective teaching or the behaviour by the teacher which is felt to be unfair.Learners want to interact with a teacher who is firm and fair. Poor communication skills either verbally or non verbally ,for example making unprofessional statements in front of school children .Teachers' behaviours with pupils and failure to provide relevant learning experience can often lead to disrupt incidence in the classroom .The way a teacher can conduct with colleagues ,poor planning ,unpreparedness ,improper dressing , drunkness and failure to provide adequate tasks for children .Hence the teacher should make children occupied for them to concentrate and not creating problems.The teacher who don't have interests in pupils and not consider their cognitive development level in their learning for them to start from simple to complex and not giving activities which are very simple or too tough.Being insensitive to pupils' needs ,failure to treat them as unique individuals with self identity showing poor knowledge or mastering of one subject area. And the teacher who cannot allow personal problems to affect professionalism.The teaching methods which are not varied and child centred tend to bore pupils who find nothing challenging and motivating.The management style of instruction not moderate .but firm.All this together with poor timekeeping,being always late for duty are the potential sources of displinary problems in the classroom.
The Curriculum, according to Mwamwenda(1995) many African societies children obtaining an education is a pre-requisite for securing a job.However in most of these societies majority of children ,especially school leavers fail to secure employment and thus remain poor while those who are not educated become the richest.Pupils may end up admiring those who are not educated and this leads to misbehaviour.
Punishment is also part of discipline.There are forms of punishment that can be applied,the dos and don'ts of punishment.
Burden(1995) says,"Punishment is an act of imposing a penalty with the impressing of suppressing undesirable behaviours." While Mwamwenda (1995) puts ,punishment as needs subjected to a painful stimulus or having a pleasant one removed due to engaging in undesirable behaviour.
Punishment might be in form of :
corporal punishment by the head
manual work
detention after school
deprivating of certain priviledges etc
Discipline how it influences Teaching and Learning situations?
Discipline denotes the maintenance of order and control.It involves listening and sustaining attention and motivation.
According to Kasambira (1993)discipline has many definitions simplified as ,habits of obidients to produce self control or training of mind and character or the act of using the reasonable control inorder to produce desired behaviour.
Owens(1993)says discipline is word simply means ,"one who gives instruction."
Dubey(1986:142)puts discipline as a verb means to punish ,as noun it means having developed self control and how to behave within a given context.
Morrison (1986:38)says,
"discipline generally refers to correctly and directing children towards acceptable behaviour that is getting children to obey ,do what they are told to do ,listening to instructions ,obeying rules and laws ,obeying those in authority and respecting others."
Therefore from these above authorities discipline is a mode of life in accordance with some rules governing the classroom or school climate ,which involves order that is maintained by control it ,concerns some restraints and punishment to ordery conduct based on definite standards of behaviour.
Each class or school must have rules regulations,a code of conduct ,policies to guide the behaviour of learners so that everyone works in an orderly manner.
Discipline goes beyond the confined of the short term .It influences children's future behaviour.
Some categories of Deviant Behaviour
Aggression and violent attacks on the teachers by pupils.
Delibarate vandalism of school property.
Failing to put on school uniform.
Defiance of the teacher's authority.
Untideness in dress and in school work in general.
Noise making
failure to do their work.
Lying,stealing etc.
Some basic principles of Discipline:The teacher in the classroom gives instructions that enables pupils to attend to a given task.Discipline is dynamic of helping pupils to focus their attention towards learning goals.Discipline enables learners to be self driven and change according to children's stage of development and help them to move to the next stage.For one to be disciplined enough should fully meet the basic needs such as food ,security ,safety,warmth etc.Effective discipline is strongly related to refrective teaching and learning.
Importance of discipline it helps to maintain order and regulates behaviour.Children become self guide and independent, meet their intellectual and emotional needs easily and helps the teacher to deliver professionally,effeciently and effectively all planned duties ,hence the children and the teacher become socially acceptable.
Implications for the Teacher must be just fair,firm and friendly.Should be consistence and tough to principles .Examine the motivation behind indiscipline and need to be approachable.
Less formal relationships with the community and focus on always preparing proper work to prevent poor performance.
In conclusion good discipline prevails children and the teacher will willingly follow rules ,they will realise that that they are working for the good of the whole group ,the whole school ,class and their own good teacher.
Pupils will also realise that they do not benefit from wrong doing and therefore seek to avoid actions that interferes.
According to Kasambira (1993)discipline has many definitions simplified as ,habits of obidients to produce self control or training of mind and character or the act of using the reasonable control inorder to produce desired behaviour.
Owens(1993)says discipline is word simply means ,"one who gives instruction."
Dubey(1986:142)puts discipline as a verb means to punish ,as noun it means having developed self control and how to behave within a given context.
Morrison (1986:38)says,
"discipline generally refers to correctly and directing children towards acceptable behaviour that is getting children to obey ,do what they are told to do ,listening to instructions ,obeying rules and laws ,obeying those in authority and respecting others."
Therefore from these above authorities discipline is a mode of life in accordance with some rules governing the classroom or school climate ,which involves order that is maintained by control it ,concerns some restraints and punishment to ordery conduct based on definite standards of behaviour.
Each class or school must have rules regulations,a code of conduct ,policies to guide the behaviour of learners so that everyone works in an orderly manner.
Discipline goes beyond the confined of the short term .It influences children's future behaviour.
Some categories of Deviant Behaviour
Aggression and violent attacks on the teachers by pupils.
Delibarate vandalism of school property.
Failing to put on school uniform.
Defiance of the teacher's authority.
Untideness in dress and in school work in general.
Noise making
failure to do their work.
Lying,stealing etc.
Some basic principles of Discipline:The teacher in the classroom gives instructions that enables pupils to attend to a given task.Discipline is dynamic of helping pupils to focus their attention towards learning goals.Discipline enables learners to be self driven and change according to children's stage of development and help them to move to the next stage.For one to be disciplined enough should fully meet the basic needs such as food ,security ,safety,warmth etc.Effective discipline is strongly related to refrective teaching and learning.
Importance of discipline it helps to maintain order and regulates behaviour.Children become self guide and independent, meet their intellectual and emotional needs easily and helps the teacher to deliver professionally,effeciently and effectively all planned duties ,hence the children and the teacher become socially acceptable.
Implications for the Teacher must be just fair,firm and friendly.Should be consistence and tough to principles .Examine the motivation behind indiscipline and need to be approachable.
Less formal relationships with the community and focus on always preparing proper work to prevent poor performance.
In conclusion good discipline prevails children and the teacher will willingly follow rules ,they will realise that that they are working for the good of the whole group ,the whole school ,class and their own good teacher.
Pupils will also realise that they do not benefit from wrong doing and therefore seek to avoid actions that interferes.
Discipline how it influences Teaching and Learning situations?
Discipline denotes the maintenance of order and control.It involves listening and sustaining attention and motivation.
According to Kasambira (1993)discipline has many definitions simplified as ,habits of obidients to produce self control or training of mind and character or the act of using the reasonable control inorder to produce desired behaviour.
Owens(1993)says discipline is word simply means ,"one who gives instruction."
Dubey(1986:142)puts discipline as a verb means to punish ,as noun it means having developed self control and how to behave within a given context.
Morrison (1986:38)says,
"discipline generally refers to correctly and directing children towards acceptable behaviour that is getting children to obey ,do what they are told to do ,listening to instructions ,obeying rules and laws ,obeying those in authority and respecting others."
Therefore from these above authorities discipline is a mode of life in accordance with some rules governing the classroom or school climate ,which involves order that is maintained by control it ,concerns some restraints and punishment to ordery conduct based on definite standards of behaviour.
Each class or school must have rules regulations,a code of conduct ,policies to guide the behaviour of learners so that everyone works in an orderly manner.
Discipline goes beyond the confined of the short term .It influences children's future behaviour.
Some categories of Deviant Behaviour
Aggression and violent attacks on the teachers by pupils.
Delibarate vandalism of school property.
Failing to put on school uniform.
Defiance of the teacher's authority.
Untideness in dress and in school work in general.
Noise making
failure to do their work.
Lying,stealing etc.
Some basic principles of Discipline:The teacher in the classroom gives instructions that enables pupils to attend to a given task.Discipline is dynamic of helping pupils to focus their attention towards learning goals.Discipline enables learners to be self driven and change according to children's stage of development and help them to move to the next stage.For one to be disciplined enough should fully meet the basic needs such as food ,security ,safety,warmth etc.Effective discipline is strongly related to refrective teaching and learning.
Importance of discipline it helps to maintain order and regulates behaviour.Children become self guide and independent, meet their intellectual and emotional needs easily and helps the teacher to deliver professionally,effeciently and effectively all planned duties ,hence the children and the teacher become socially acceptable.
Implications for the Teacher must be just fair,firm and friendly.Should be consistence and tough to principles .Examine the motivation behind indiscipline and need to be approachable.
Less formal relationships with the community and focus on always preparing proper work to prevent poor performance.
In conclusion good discipline prevails children and the teacher will willingly follow rules ,they will realise that that they are working for the good of the whole group ,the whole school ,class and their own good teacher.
Pupils will also realise that they do not benefit from wrong doing and therefore seek to avoid actions that interferes.
According to Kasambira (1993)discipline has many definitions simplified as ,habits of obidients to produce self control or training of mind and character or the act of using the reasonable control inorder to produce desired behaviour.
Owens(1993)says discipline is word simply means ,"one who gives instruction."
Dubey(1986:142)puts discipline as a verb means to punish ,as noun it means having developed self control and how to behave within a given context.
Morrison (1986:38)says,
"discipline generally refers to correctly and directing children towards acceptable behaviour that is getting children to obey ,do what they are told to do ,listening to instructions ,obeying rules and laws ,obeying those in authority and respecting others."
Therefore from these above authorities discipline is a mode of life in accordance with some rules governing the classroom or school climate ,which involves order that is maintained by control it ,concerns some restraints and punishment to ordery conduct based on definite standards of behaviour.
Each class or school must have rules regulations,a code of conduct ,policies to guide the behaviour of learners so that everyone works in an orderly manner.
Discipline goes beyond the confined of the short term .It influences children's future behaviour.
Some categories of Deviant Behaviour
Aggression and violent attacks on the teachers by pupils.
Delibarate vandalism of school property.
Failing to put on school uniform.
Defiance of the teacher's authority.
Untideness in dress and in school work in general.
Noise making
failure to do their work.
Lying,stealing etc.
Some basic principles of Discipline:The teacher in the classroom gives instructions that enables pupils to attend to a given task.Discipline is dynamic of helping pupils to focus their attention towards learning goals.Discipline enables learners to be self driven and change according to children's stage of development and help them to move to the next stage.For one to be disciplined enough should fully meet the basic needs such as food ,security ,safety,warmth etc.Effective discipline is strongly related to refrective teaching and learning.
Importance of discipline it helps to maintain order and regulates behaviour.Children become self guide and independent, meet their intellectual and emotional needs easily and helps the teacher to deliver professionally,effeciently and effectively all planned duties ,hence the children and the teacher become socially acceptable.
Implications for the Teacher must be just fair,firm and friendly.Should be consistence and tough to principles .Examine the motivation behind indiscipline and need to be approachable.
Less formal relationships with the community and focus on always preparing proper work to prevent poor performance.
In conclusion good discipline prevails children and the teacher will willingly follow rules ,they will realise that that they are working for the good of the whole group ,the whole school ,class and their own good teacher.
Pupils will also realise that they do not benefit from wrong doing and therefore seek to avoid actions that interferes.
How Motivation promotes effective Teaching and learning conducive Environment?
According to Wolfork(1995:370)motivation is the internal state that arouses directs and maintains behaviour.Farant(1988) puts motivation as that which causes us to act.
Motivation is derived from the word motive ,for example motive to succeed ,satisfy the need ,motive to gain recognition ,motive for reward ,motive for self actualisation ,self concept or esteem.
Therefore motivation is an act of stimulating ,inspiring or the inner desire , drive to succeed.Motivation stimulates interests.
Motivation can be inside a child or influence externally.
Intrinsic Motivation is the best type of motivation is compiled to work because the pupil likes the subject matter and everything that has to do with teaching and learning.Such a child doesn't need any encouragement.The conducive environment just aroused the pupils interests and also has an abid interests in whatever takes place in the school environment.
Extrinsic Motivation is coerced compliance which is from the conducive environment.It is always as a result from outside influences and derived from external factors outside learning ,for instance,very good ,well done,material rewards,high marks,good comments like praising.
The Role of the Teacher in Motivation is listen to with interests to children and accept their ideas.Teacher who shows interests in the pupils's work ,using language which clearly understood by learners.
Motivational Strategies:
Varying the stimulus in the learning process:kinetic variation ,that's vary movements around the classroom .Focus behaviour ,by use of verbal and non verbal gestures to focus on their attention,for example verbal gestures,acknowledgements ,evaluative comments .
Non verbal gestures ,smiles,nod ,eye conduct,use of arm.Change in speech pattern that's raising and lowering your voice.Make variations in interaction style that's teacher/pupil or pupil/pupil or pupil/teacher interaction. And make pause.
Make various sizes of instructional media,or colours on the media or highlighting focal points on the media.Also vary your appearance through change of clothes daily and hair style.
Use Humour:Include jokes ,riddles and share cartoons with your learners in the teaching /learning process.
Use Concrete Instructional Media:Make provision of visual representation of information when something concerete is used ,children can touch it ,smell it,and also feel it ,for example newspaper cutting ,spacemen. Children like to look at instruction.
Use Enquiry Technique:Allow children to seek information.
Make children to actively participate in the Learning Process:Children's minds will wonder if they are not provided with something to do,hence they need something to do ,for example use of groupwork,games and role play.Children can be asked to write their answers down before responding.
Help Pupils to understand How the lesson activities relate to them now and in future:Make use of pupils' experiences.Use role models to demonstrates relevance of lesson activities or yourself as a role model.
Boost Children 's Confidence:Praise children.Some authorities say praise is like a drug ,too much of it might spoil the whole thing.Remember that all children might have an opportunity to succeed.
Use Feedback:Make the work in time and you give their work in time.Children want to know if they are progressing and marks should not be kept a secret.Marks in most cases motivate high achievers so slow learners need comments.Plan Work According to Children's Maturation:Too easy work or too difficult work will create problems.
Reasons for Lack of Motivation!:Children's work is too easy or too difficult.Other physical reasons children may be tired ,hungry,cold ,or feel hot conditions.
Maturation problems ,for instance mensurating .
Some problems are emotional problems ,unvaried teaching methods ,lack of feedback .The learners are get motivated by use of well clear voice ,fluently,eloquently spoken and understood by learners.
Role of Motivation:Motivation eliminates boredom.It sustains interest in prolonged mental efforts.It also encourages pupils to put more effort and builds learners' self-esteem.It also improves pupils attitudes towards work and make children to develop an interes in learning activities.
Principles of Motivations
Environment should be conducive to learning.Competition encourage motivation but too much competition discourage motivation.A highly motivated child learns more easily that the demotivated one.
Children work harder to tasks when they feel the results are important to them.Purpose of goals should be appropriate to the interest ,activities and maturity of the learners .
Motivation by rewards is more successful than punishment.Unearned rewards or praises that are given too much or competition discourages children.Good competition can increases motivation.
Children who like their teacher tend to be motivated.They tend to have higher level of motivation ,when they understand the standard of work that is expected of them.
Motivation is derived from the word motive ,for example motive to succeed ,satisfy the need ,motive to gain recognition ,motive for reward ,motive for self actualisation ,self concept or esteem.
Therefore motivation is an act of stimulating ,inspiring or the inner desire , drive to succeed.Motivation stimulates interests.
Motivation can be inside a child or influence externally.
Intrinsic Motivation is the best type of motivation is compiled to work because the pupil likes the subject matter and everything that has to do with teaching and learning.Such a child doesn't need any encouragement.The conducive environment just aroused the pupils interests and also has an abid interests in whatever takes place in the school environment.
Extrinsic Motivation is coerced compliance which is from the conducive environment.It is always as a result from outside influences and derived from external factors outside learning ,for instance,very good ,well done,material rewards,high marks,good comments like praising.
The Role of the Teacher in Motivation is listen to with interests to children and accept their ideas.Teacher who shows interests in the pupils's work ,using language which clearly understood by learners.
Motivational Strategies:
Varying the stimulus in the learning process:kinetic variation ,that's vary movements around the classroom .Focus behaviour ,by use of verbal and non verbal gestures to focus on their attention,for example verbal gestures,acknowledgements ,evaluative comments .
Non verbal gestures ,smiles,nod ,eye conduct,use of arm.Change in speech pattern that's raising and lowering your voice.Make variations in interaction style that's teacher/pupil or pupil/pupil or pupil/teacher interaction. And make pause.
Make various sizes of instructional media,or colours on the media or highlighting focal points on the media.Also vary your appearance through change of clothes daily and hair style.
Use Humour:Include jokes ,riddles and share cartoons with your learners in the teaching /learning process.
Use Concrete Instructional Media:Make provision of visual representation of information when something concerete is used ,children can touch it ,smell it,and also feel it ,for example newspaper cutting ,spacemen. Children like to look at instruction.
Use Enquiry Technique:Allow children to seek information.
Make children to actively participate in the Learning Process:Children's minds will wonder if they are not provided with something to do,hence they need something to do ,for example use of groupwork,games and role play.Children can be asked to write their answers down before responding.
Help Pupils to understand How the lesson activities relate to them now and in future:Make use of pupils' experiences.Use role models to demonstrates relevance of lesson activities or yourself as a role model.
Boost Children 's Confidence:Praise children.Some authorities say praise is like a drug ,too much of it might spoil the whole thing.Remember that all children might have an opportunity to succeed.
Use Feedback:Make the work in time and you give their work in time.Children want to know if they are progressing and marks should not be kept a secret.Marks in most cases motivate high achievers so slow learners need comments.Plan Work According to Children's Maturation:Too easy work or too difficult work will create problems.
Reasons for Lack of Motivation!:Children's work is too easy or too difficult.Other physical reasons children may be tired ,hungry,cold ,or feel hot conditions.
Maturation problems ,for instance mensurating .
Some problems are emotional problems ,unvaried teaching methods ,lack of feedback .The learners are get motivated by use of well clear voice ,fluently,eloquently spoken and understood by learners.
Role of Motivation:Motivation eliminates boredom.It sustains interest in prolonged mental efforts.It also encourages pupils to put more effort and builds learners' self-esteem.It also improves pupils attitudes towards work and make children to develop an interes in learning activities.
Principles of Motivations
Environment should be conducive to learning.Competition encourage motivation but too much competition discourage motivation.A highly motivated child learns more easily that the demotivated one.
Children work harder to tasks when they feel the results are important to them.Purpose of goals should be appropriate to the interest ,activities and maturity of the learners .
Motivation by rewards is more successful than punishment.Unearned rewards or praises that are given too much or competition discourages children.Good competition can increases motivation.
Children who like their teacher tend to be motivated.They tend to have higher level of motivation ,when they understand the standard of work that is expected of them.
How to Intergrate Schools and Its Communities?
We now agree that school is the centre for community education for development.Therefore how can we complete integration of these schools with its communities ?We believe there must be facilitation, which can be facilitate by the following:
♦The school children and the teachers can make frequent visits to community leaders and members of the community in general to discuss matters of mutual interest and identify the need to be developed for the benefit of the whole society.For example engaging schools in construction of roads and bridges,building clinics and other health centres.Make children aware of community activities such as co-operatives or clubs.
♦Parents should be voluntarily allowed to form or voted into School Development Commitees(SDCs) which involve parents in the running of schools.The parents should be motivated to feel free and welcome to serve on school boards and commitees.
♦Invite parents with programmes conceived and planned by local level at the school.The programmes should be centred on the needs and interests of the community.
♦The school must be the resource centre for information materials to increase the community interests and activities in the school for community affairs.
The school is a crucial factor in overall development of education.It educates the young children to perform their roles today or in future appropriate in the society.It does this by instilling in them values that are favourable for development as well as by giving them knowledge and skills that are necessary for development .
Progressive education is an important educational innovation in the world ,as it aims at ,among other things produce self-reliant,responsible citizens,intergrating what is learned at school with what happens in daily life making schooling less boring place and helping pupils to love and respect themselves and others.The progressive education is of great importance to socio-economic values both to the school and the community development.
The school as a community education centre ,therefore has a big role to play in the struggle to equalise educational opportunities in this planet by spearhead the reduction illiteracy and helping to spread new knowledge and skills in the development of community in areas such as primary health care,nutrition ,child care and the list is endless.
♦The school children and the teachers can make frequent visits to community leaders and members of the community in general to discuss matters of mutual interest and identify the need to be developed for the benefit of the whole society.For example engaging schools in construction of roads and bridges,building clinics and other health centres.Make children aware of community activities such as co-operatives or clubs.
♦Parents should be voluntarily allowed to form or voted into School Development Commitees(SDCs) which involve parents in the running of schools.The parents should be motivated to feel free and welcome to serve on school boards and commitees.
♦Invite parents with programmes conceived and planned by local level at the school.The programmes should be centred on the needs and interests of the community.
♦The school must be the resource centre for information materials to increase the community interests and activities in the school for community affairs.
The school is a crucial factor in overall development of education.It educates the young children to perform their roles today or in future appropriate in the society.It does this by instilling in them values that are favourable for development as well as by giving them knowledge and skills that are necessary for development .
Progressive education is an important educational innovation in the world ,as it aims at ,among other things produce self-reliant,responsible citizens,intergrating what is learned at school with what happens in daily life making schooling less boring place and helping pupils to love and respect themselves and others.The progressive education is of great importance to socio-economic values both to the school and the community development.
The school as a community education centre ,therefore has a big role to play in the struggle to equalise educational opportunities in this planet by spearhead the reduction illiteracy and helping to spread new knowledge and skills in the development of community in areas such as primary health care,nutrition ,child care and the list is endless.
How Integration could be done and Principles of Integration
There are several ways in which an issue in the school curriculum can be integrated.Thermatical approach is one way of integrating .A theme can be related to aspects of an issue and grouped together at the same time.Themes are chosen with the learner in mind.The cognitive level ,active involvement of the learner ,the progression of the learning and the requirements of the syllabus ,aims of the subjects chosen for integration.There are five ways of integrating using themical approach.
The first is curriculum correlation where topic is fragmented into different subjects ,but its teaching and learning is not related and coordinated.The only relationship is that the topic is found in the different subjects ,but its timing of teaching in different subjects is lacking.For example on the topic Health which is in language,social studies ,home economics ,environmental science and social studies.The teacher can scheme teach in the first term in social studies ,second term schemed and taught in environmental science and home economics and in third term schemed and taught in languages.This can be done in other subjects as a referencing in this type of teaching.
A second view of integration starts with and audit of the topic from the different subjects and then the objectives ,skills and attitudes are re-arranged in some form of activities chronologically in learning progression.The teacher's order of activities doesn't indicate which subject is taught although they can identified .It can include all subjects or only a few of the subjects.The scheme is of activities and scheduled timetable is of activities not subjects.
The third view of integration is the selection of topic from one subject and then infuse or relate it to other aspects related to it from other subjects.The subject is still one which only draws some activities from other subjects .This makes learners realise that the topic is related to many subjects.
The fourth view of integration is where an audit of topic is done from all subject taught in a school.In this case audit refers to identifying related and common aspects of concepts from the different subjects and list them down.The results of this audit can then used to scheme and teach the information in the same period of time.The teacher therefore ignores the order of the subject syllabus and textbooks,but follow the related and common aspects when delivering lessons of the day,week or term.Note that no subject objectives missed.The concept can be repeated in different subjects or can be emphasised in one subject and reinforced in other subjects.
The last view is of relating education with the need of the community where the learners live.The issues affecting the community or school can be highlighted as problems.The teacher then plan some activities with the learners such as public speaking ,drama,role plays ,music ,debates or any other events.This can be done as an awareness compaigns at various gatherings such as school assembly,clinics,dip tanks ,beerhalls,parents'open days shows or church gatherings. The period is determined by the nature of the issue and how the school wants to make the people aware of the certain issues. This is the best way of developing leaners to be aware and be the compaigners of their social issues starting from their classrooms.
The integration of subjects requires considerable time,skills and management abilities as one must be conversant with content in other subject areas.It is best accomplished by teachers working together as a team.
Teachers should view the curriculum in terms of activity and experience and not knowledge and facts to be acquired and stored.The methods must include the learner physically,mentally and emotionally.Since learning situations can be linked to poetry,singing ,dancing and games which have aspects appealing to emotional aspects.
Teachers should teach for concepts and skills development ,not for facts only.Therefore teaching should be for recognition of principles and not for the storage of information.
Conceptual and skill development can be identified in all subjects using same topics.
For effective promotion of learning we should aim for the coherent sets of relationships.This would make learners widen their horizons in view of the world and see implications of their learning.Teachers should allow the curiosity and free inquiry of pupils to be an integrating factor in their learning.The quality of curiosity should further be extended in all learning activities.
It is imperative to use real life experiences,problems ,interests,events as basis for lessons.The knowledge should be based on child's experience and linked to the view of the world.Real life situations are not related only to one subject ,but to all disciplines in the curriculum.Learning should be the need for the total development of the child in all aspects of life .Children must be morally developed human being with feelings of love ,hate,fear and belonging.
Bare in mind to mutual link between curriculum balance and the product of the school .If this curriculum is fully integrated ,the school leaver becomes an integrated being. When integrating the teacher make both teaching and learning easier as the learners can learn and consciously relate concepts in different angles and spheres of community life.
The first is curriculum correlation where topic is fragmented into different subjects ,but its teaching and learning is not related and coordinated.The only relationship is that the topic is found in the different subjects ,but its timing of teaching in different subjects is lacking.For example on the topic Health which is in language,social studies ,home economics ,environmental science and social studies.The teacher can scheme teach in the first term in social studies ,second term schemed and taught in environmental science and home economics and in third term schemed and taught in languages.This can be done in other subjects as a referencing in this type of teaching.
A second view of integration starts with and audit of the topic from the different subjects and then the objectives ,skills and attitudes are re-arranged in some form of activities chronologically in learning progression.The teacher's order of activities doesn't indicate which subject is taught although they can identified .It can include all subjects or only a few of the subjects.The scheme is of activities and scheduled timetable is of activities not subjects.
The third view of integration is the selection of topic from one subject and then infuse or relate it to other aspects related to it from other subjects.The subject is still one which only draws some activities from other subjects .This makes learners realise that the topic is related to many subjects.
The fourth view of integration is where an audit of topic is done from all subject taught in a school.In this case audit refers to identifying related and common aspects of concepts from the different subjects and list them down.The results of this audit can then used to scheme and teach the information in the same period of time.The teacher therefore ignores the order of the subject syllabus and textbooks,but follow the related and common aspects when delivering lessons of the day,week or term.Note that no subject objectives missed.The concept can be repeated in different subjects or can be emphasised in one subject and reinforced in other subjects.
The last view is of relating education with the need of the community where the learners live.The issues affecting the community or school can be highlighted as problems.The teacher then plan some activities with the learners such as public speaking ,drama,role plays ,music ,debates or any other events.This can be done as an awareness compaigns at various gatherings such as school assembly,clinics,dip tanks ,beerhalls,parents'open days shows or church gatherings. The period is determined by the nature of the issue and how the school wants to make the people aware of the certain issues. This is the best way of developing leaners to be aware and be the compaigners of their social issues starting from their classrooms.
The integration of subjects requires considerable time,skills and management abilities as one must be conversant with content in other subject areas.It is best accomplished by teachers working together as a team.
Teachers should view the curriculum in terms of activity and experience and not knowledge and facts to be acquired and stored.The methods must include the learner physically,mentally and emotionally.Since learning situations can be linked to poetry,singing ,dancing and games which have aspects appealing to emotional aspects.
Teachers should teach for concepts and skills development ,not for facts only.Therefore teaching should be for recognition of principles and not for the storage of information.
Conceptual and skill development can be identified in all subjects using same topics.
For effective promotion of learning we should aim for the coherent sets of relationships.This would make learners widen their horizons in view of the world and see implications of their learning.Teachers should allow the curiosity and free inquiry of pupils to be an integrating factor in their learning.The quality of curiosity should further be extended in all learning activities.
It is imperative to use real life experiences,problems ,interests,events as basis for lessons.The knowledge should be based on child's experience and linked to the view of the world.Real life situations are not related only to one subject ,but to all disciplines in the curriculum.Learning should be the need for the total development of the child in all aspects of life .Children must be morally developed human being with feelings of love ,hate,fear and belonging.
Bare in mind to mutual link between curriculum balance and the product of the school .If this curriculum is fully integrated ,the school leaver becomes an integrated being. When integrating the teacher make both teaching and learning easier as the learners can learn and consciously relate concepts in different angles and spheres of community life.
Subjective and Objective Tests
These are also known as essay tests because they don't have single or particular answers .The guide used is to moderate the subjectivity.
An essay responses may vary in length from single answers.The response is generally free depending on the students experimental background.The three features that determine a free essay tests are:
Examination is given is given in freedom to answer questions in own words.There is no single answer to a given question .It takes the prose form. Answers to a question are assessed to merit or quality.
The importance of essay tests are that it basis on records learner's progress and monitor learning progress.It maps the programme to see areas of strengths and weaknesses to seek help for placement purpose of promotion into learning groups the determination skills mastered or knowledge development ,for work covered or mastered and for motivational purposes.
Advantages of Subjective Tests are higher learning skills are utilised by learners ,for example the synthesis,analysis and evaluation. Brevity and consciousness ,precious of expression is developed among learners.It can quickly and easily constructed and eliminates guessing.
Disadvantages of Subjective Tests are subjectivity the same piece of work can get different marks.Pupils with poor language prowess tend to fail .
Time is consumed when answering these questions ,usually it is limited in scope do not cover much content.
Objective Tests are opposite to subjectivity tests.The objective tests demand one specific answer,for example "Which continent Zimbabwe found?"There is a definite answer which is Africa.
There are two variations to objective test are short answer items ,here candidate write answer as a word,number or phrase and multiple choice items ,they present several alternatives ,the candidate incase the best from the distractors.
Multiple choice questions consist on item stem ,it could be a question or incomplete question and carefully chosen alternatives.Four or five distractors and not three.
Advantages of Multiple Choice Questions Can measure all level of student ability from memory to synthesis. It enable wide sampling of subject content. Quick and easy to score.Scoring quite objectives which can be analysed for effectiveness.
Disadvantages of Multiple Choice Questions they are difficult to construct good items. There is also tendency to measure recall.Consideration underpinning construction of a satisfactory objective test.
Generely measurements make all our recommendations towards any system more easier as we analyse the outcomes of the project.
Through evaluation we deal with appraisal of value inorder to reach meaningful decisions .A critical analysis and interpretation of of the learners' results inorder to come up with judgements about their standard and value for example 90%.When a pupil gets 90% their comments you going to make as teacher like "very good" ,"well done" etc.By so doing the teacher is evaluating.However when commenting like ,"That's a milacle".
Areas for evaluation in education are pupils' participation ,their academic performance ,co-curricular performance or behaviours of learners ,for example morals.
Content ,the adequacy of content ,the relevance to the level of learners or the coverage ,that's link to the syllabus.Learning dormains ' coverage whether effective in cognitive and psychomotor.
Classroom instructions that's schemes ,lesson plans ,teaching methods ,sources of matter or test are they syllabus based.
Objective whether they are SMART (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time framed)
Philosophers use evaluation as to basically promote an individual's work.Therefore teachers need to be aware of individual differences among their learners.The teacher should be flexible and willing to do something about such learner's differences .Pupils need to be motivated to be successful in their work, as teacher provide with opportunities to excel.As a stimulus teachers should further expose their learners to the opportunities for setting their own standards of self evalution.
The learner can evaluates his/her own performance against the standards s/he sets for
An essay responses may vary in length from single answers.The response is generally free depending on the students experimental background.The three features that determine a free essay tests are:
Examination is given is given in freedom to answer questions in own words.There is no single answer to a given question .It takes the prose form. Answers to a question are assessed to merit or quality.
The importance of essay tests are that it basis on records learner's progress and monitor learning progress.It maps the programme to see areas of strengths and weaknesses to seek help for placement purpose of promotion into learning groups the determination skills mastered or knowledge development ,for work covered or mastered and for motivational purposes.
Advantages of Subjective Tests are higher learning skills are utilised by learners ,for example the synthesis,analysis and evaluation. Brevity and consciousness ,precious of expression is developed among learners.It can quickly and easily constructed and eliminates guessing.
Disadvantages of Subjective Tests are subjectivity the same piece of work can get different marks.Pupils with poor language prowess tend to fail .
Time is consumed when answering these questions ,usually it is limited in scope do not cover much content.
Objective Tests are opposite to subjectivity tests.The objective tests demand one specific answer,for example "Which continent Zimbabwe found?"There is a definite answer which is Africa.
There are two variations to objective test are short answer items ,here candidate write answer as a word,number or phrase and multiple choice items ,they present several alternatives ,the candidate incase the best from the distractors.
Multiple choice questions consist on item stem ,it could be a question or incomplete question and carefully chosen alternatives.Four or five distractors and not three.
Advantages of Multiple Choice Questions Can measure all level of student ability from memory to synthesis. It enable wide sampling of subject content. Quick and easy to score.Scoring quite objectives which can be analysed for effectiveness.
Disadvantages of Multiple Choice Questions they are difficult to construct good items. There is also tendency to measure recall.Consideration underpinning construction of a satisfactory objective test.
Generely measurements make all our recommendations towards any system more easier as we analyse the outcomes of the project.
Through evaluation we deal with appraisal of value inorder to reach meaningful decisions .A critical analysis and interpretation of of the learners' results inorder to come up with judgements about their standard and value for example 90%.When a pupil gets 90% their comments you going to make as teacher like "very good" ,"well done" etc.By so doing the teacher is evaluating.However when commenting like ,"That's a milacle".
Areas for evaluation in education are pupils' participation ,their academic performance ,co-curricular performance or behaviours of learners ,for example morals.
Content ,the adequacy of content ,the relevance to the level of learners or the coverage ,that's link to the syllabus.Learning dormains ' coverage whether effective in cognitive and psychomotor.
Classroom instructions that's schemes ,lesson plans ,teaching methods ,sources of matter or test are they syllabus based.
Objective whether they are SMART (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time framed)
Philosophers use evaluation as to basically promote an individual's work.Therefore teachers need to be aware of individual differences among their learners.The teacher should be flexible and willing to do something about such learner's differences .Pupils need to be motivated to be successful in their work, as teacher provide with opportunities to excel.As a stimulus teachers should further expose their learners to the opportunities for setting their own standards of self evalution.
The learner can evaluates his/her own performance against the standards s/he sets for
Implications of the Children's Rights in School Education Process!
The school has the obligation to observe and respect the rights of the children.The school should be a safe environment for all children ,a place where they can expect not only to find safe clean water and decent sanitation facilities ,but also a respectful environments.
Children need to be cared for and respected ,the school should ensure that it is responsive to children's needs ,especially the girl child in every possible way.Gender inequality must not be treated as a matter of tradition ,but rather as an issue of human rights.Discrimination of human rights that can and must be addressed.Give children a chance to express their views and opinions freely in all matters affecting them,this requires policy changes in them that currently deny children's opportunities to question decisions and influence school or teacher's policy .
The school that encourage critical thinking and democratic participation contribute to fostering and understanding of the essence human rights.In turn this can make education an enabling force for individuals society as a whole and bring to life the entire range of human rights.
Sensitising other members of school on chidren's rights.
School as a Place of Safety .Teachers need to act a protectors of children ,safe guiding their right within the school ,free from sexual exploitation and violence.
Schools must be a community centre for supportive and nurturing place for children with special needs including those with physical disabilities.
A health Environment in a school there is a need of safe water ,sanitation and a respectful environment ,without these children will not be able to practice what they learn about hygiene or smartness.
A place where diseases can be dictated and prevented.Some illness and unhealthy conditions can be simply and affordbly treated by health workers Teachers should recognise children with hearing challenges which often mistaken for learning environment.
A school that teachs life skills ,schools should provide learning for life .This requires equipping children with basic education in literacy and numeracy as well as the more advanced complex skills for living that can save as the foundation for life.
Teachers and pupils should therefore relate in ways which ensure that the classroom experience becomes a preparation responsibility.
Teaching should be a process of guiding and facilitating in which children learn and the classroom must be an atmosphere of democratic participation.
Children need relevant information to make health choices.They may need to develop skills in First Aid or learn to use rehydration therapy to treat diarrhoea.
Providing opportunities for play and recreation ,the learning environment must be active and child centred.It must promote development and abilities of learners.In play -way in teaching and learning must be employed and children must be able to express their views,thoughts and ideas ,inorder to develop a sense of self esteem ,they need opportunities for joy and play.Children need to be comfortable with themselves and with others ,should be treated with respect.
Providing Quality Education ,the teacher should encompass children's cognitive needs,physical ,emotional,moral and spiritual needs.
All children must have teachers who plan properly and encourage them to learn.This also extend to issues of gender equality ,equity ,health nutrition,parental and community ,its involvements in the education system.
Physical Environment is an important aspect which must be provided by the school.It helps children to feel safe ,secure and nurtured.Buildings and furniture should be suitable for the children and take into considerations of children 's first language and their community culture.
Children need to be cared for and respected ,the school should ensure that it is responsive to children's needs ,especially the girl child in every possible way.Gender inequality must not be treated as a matter of tradition ,but rather as an issue of human rights.Discrimination of human rights that can and must be addressed.Give children a chance to express their views and opinions freely in all matters affecting them,this requires policy changes in them that currently deny children's opportunities to question decisions and influence school or teacher's policy .
The school that encourage critical thinking and democratic participation contribute to fostering and understanding of the essence human rights.In turn this can make education an enabling force for individuals society as a whole and bring to life the entire range of human rights.
Sensitising other members of school on chidren's rights.
School as a Place of Safety .Teachers need to act a protectors of children ,safe guiding their right within the school ,free from sexual exploitation and violence.
Schools must be a community centre for supportive and nurturing place for children with special needs including those with physical disabilities.
A health Environment in a school there is a need of safe water ,sanitation and a respectful environment ,without these children will not be able to practice what they learn about hygiene or smartness.
A place where diseases can be dictated and prevented.Some illness and unhealthy conditions can be simply and affordbly treated by health workers Teachers should recognise children with hearing challenges which often mistaken for learning environment.
A school that teachs life skills ,schools should provide learning for life .This requires equipping children with basic education in literacy and numeracy as well as the more advanced complex skills for living that can save as the foundation for life.
Teachers and pupils should therefore relate in ways which ensure that the classroom experience becomes a preparation responsibility.
Teaching should be a process of guiding and facilitating in which children learn and the classroom must be an atmosphere of democratic participation.
Children need relevant information to make health choices.They may need to develop skills in First Aid or learn to use rehydration therapy to treat diarrhoea.
Providing opportunities for play and recreation ,the learning environment must be active and child centred.It must promote development and abilities of learners.In play -way in teaching and learning must be employed and children must be able to express their views,thoughts and ideas ,inorder to develop a sense of self esteem ,they need opportunities for joy and play.Children need to be comfortable with themselves and with others ,should be treated with respect.
Providing Quality Education ,the teacher should encompass children's cognitive needs,physical ,emotional,moral and spiritual needs.
All children must have teachers who plan properly and encourage them to learn.This also extend to issues of gender equality ,equity ,health nutrition,parental and community ,its involvements in the education system.
Physical Environment is an important aspect which must be provided by the school.It helps children to feel safe ,secure and nurtured.Buildings and furniture should be suitable for the children and take into considerations of children 's first language and their community culture.
Rousseau's Proposition on Education System and its implications
He proposed a four fold system /stage of education.
Infanthood stage One(0-2 years)
It begins from birth to the age of two.Characterised by hardening the child's body through introduced to walk with no shoes,fetching water or taking salt ,moving around naked or semi-naked.He was strongly against the idea of bookish knowledge ,no reading or writing at this stage.No to artificial rules to this identity stage.
Childhood Stage Two (2-5 years)
The child is not expected to get knowledge from books again ,although elementary reading and writing could be introduced.Child learn best from experience.
The boyhood or Rational Stage Three(5-12 years)
It suit the boyhood of primary school children.The children are not supposed to rely on books .They were only supposed to read only one novel called Robinson Croucae written by John Doe.
The teachers are not supposed to impose their ideas on the children.Children learn best from the natural environment .Environment is the best source of knowledge.No religion or morals to be preached to children,other than morals provetuls ,the child is able to pick by himself.
The adolescent /social stage four.
The child is able to analyse ,criticise ,evaluate and critique issues.The child is now able to solve problems.Here again the child is not supposed to learn from books .The teacher needs not to improve his ideas on the learner.The teacher needs not to impose his religious beliefs and perceptions on the learner .The children should be left to their own decisions as far as religious affilliations is concerned.The main emphasis is on religion and morality ,that's natural religion rather than theology and religious denominations is encouraged.
Many modern education implementers take into considerations Rousseau's educational ideas.
The government of Zimbabwe through the ministry of Education Sports ,Arts and Culture on circular P35 abolished any form of corporal punishment in which beating of school children prohibited.
Teachers worldover subscribed to the idea of learner's interests in the learning situation.Pupils are now introduced to the new content when they are ready.
Children learn better by doing through involved in methods and activities like ,discovery learning,projects,field trips ,project work ,experimentation etc.
Selection of content to be linked to real life experiences (experiential learning) where taught from known to unknown or simple to complex.Teachers a now revert to education is life by making learners aware of their immediate environment and sort out strategies to keep it clean ,preserve threatened plant or animals species nearing extnction and learn how others elsewhere doing to their environments.Teaching of social sciences where children learn about human behaviours,living together ,moral values ,multi-faith approaches and so on.
Through playing activities where playing is now involved in learning through free play role plays,dramas,simulations ,immitations and demostrations.
Education system now caters for individual differences because Rousseau says every individual is unique hence the need to use individualised instruction or use of graded work or child centred education system.
Child centred learning ,make children responsible for their learning this motivates them to investigate or explore with undisturbed interests through the use of appropriate teaching /learning media.Rousseau in Gordone and Brown (1988)says using concrete rather than abstract materials for young children is still one of the corner stones of developmental appropriate curriculum in the early age.
A critic of Rousseau's Theory of Education
The strengths associated with Rousseau's naturalism:
The well laid down foundation of children psychological stages of development.
A new curriculum based on the needs of the learner at each progressive stage was presented.
Rousseau emphasised the internal growth of the child not growth through punishment.
He was the father of child centred education which calls for the need for teachers to be sensitive to the needs of their learners.Malownsky (1968)says to every child I give my heart.
The weaknesses/limitations of Rosseau's theory of education:
The role of the teachers to facilitate major parts in education system is discouraged.
Firm guidance of the primary task of education and if not exercised by teachers it would lead to mediocre standards for the individual and the society.
He discouraged the use of corporal punishment to correct behaviour whilst nature's punishment may may come too late or not at all.
The reasoning capacity of children comes rather too late.Children generally start to reason after their rapid changes to adulthood at 15 years and above.
A complete return to nature is not a viable solution to both problems in the society and to education.
He thought that men and women were not equal and therefore need for different curriculum.
Infanthood stage One(0-2 years)
It begins from birth to the age of two.Characterised by hardening the child's body through introduced to walk with no shoes,fetching water or taking salt ,moving around naked or semi-naked.He was strongly against the idea of bookish knowledge ,no reading or writing at this stage.No to artificial rules to this identity stage.
Childhood Stage Two (2-5 years)
The child is not expected to get knowledge from books again ,although elementary reading and writing could be introduced.Child learn best from experience.
The boyhood or Rational Stage Three(5-12 years)
It suit the boyhood of primary school children.The children are not supposed to rely on books .They were only supposed to read only one novel called Robinson Croucae written by John Doe.
The teachers are not supposed to impose their ideas on the children.Children learn best from the natural environment .Environment is the best source of knowledge.No religion or morals to be preached to children,other than morals provetuls ,the child is able to pick by himself.
The adolescent /social stage four.
The child is able to analyse ,criticise ,evaluate and critique issues.The child is now able to solve problems.Here again the child is not supposed to learn from books .The teacher needs not to improve his ideas on the learner.The teacher needs not to impose his religious beliefs and perceptions on the learner .The children should be left to their own decisions as far as religious affilliations is concerned.The main emphasis is on religion and morality ,that's natural religion rather than theology and religious denominations is encouraged.
Many modern education implementers take into considerations Rousseau's educational ideas.
The government of Zimbabwe through the ministry of Education Sports ,Arts and Culture on circular P35 abolished any form of corporal punishment in which beating of school children prohibited.
Teachers worldover subscribed to the idea of learner's interests in the learning situation.Pupils are now introduced to the new content when they are ready.
Children learn better by doing through involved in methods and activities like ,discovery learning,projects,field trips ,project work ,experimentation etc.
Selection of content to be linked to real life experiences (experiential learning) where taught from known to unknown or simple to complex.Teachers a now revert to education is life by making learners aware of their immediate environment and sort out strategies to keep it clean ,preserve threatened plant or animals species nearing extnction and learn how others elsewhere doing to their environments.Teaching of social sciences where children learn about human behaviours,living together ,moral values ,multi-faith approaches and so on.
Through playing activities where playing is now involved in learning through free play role plays,dramas,simulations ,immitations and demostrations.
Education system now caters for individual differences because Rousseau says every individual is unique hence the need to use individualised instruction or use of graded work or child centred education system.
Child centred learning ,make children responsible for their learning this motivates them to investigate or explore with undisturbed interests through the use of appropriate teaching /learning media.Rousseau in Gordone and Brown (1988)says using concrete rather than abstract materials for young children is still one of the corner stones of developmental appropriate curriculum in the early age.
A critic of Rousseau's Theory of Education
The strengths associated with Rousseau's naturalism:
The well laid down foundation of children psychological stages of development.
A new curriculum based on the needs of the learner at each progressive stage was presented.
Rousseau emphasised the internal growth of the child not growth through punishment.
He was the father of child centred education which calls for the need for teachers to be sensitive to the needs of their learners.Malownsky (1968)says to every child I give my heart.
The weaknesses/limitations of Rosseau's theory of education:
The role of the teachers to facilitate major parts in education system is discouraged.
Firm guidance of the primary task of education and if not exercised by teachers it would lead to mediocre standards for the individual and the society.
He discouraged the use of corporal punishment to correct behaviour whilst nature's punishment may may come too late or not at all.
The reasoning capacity of children comes rather too late.Children generally start to reason after their rapid changes to adulthood at 15 years and above.
A complete return to nature is not a viable solution to both problems in the society and to education.
He thought that men and women were not equal and therefore need for different curriculum.
The Theory of Instruction and Discovery learning
Mode of representation:is the basic method by which people understand and make use of their environments.The modes give us three fundamental ways by which we know something .We can construe them in a similar manner to Piaget 's four stages approach:Bruner's Theory of Instruction:
The enactive representation:Infants can use this mode only.The verb enact involves processing information using only one response :motor skills/responses. Crawling across a room by an infant towards some objects is an example of this mode of representation when learning something new or difficult to visualize.
The Iconic representation:This mode develops gradually from enact as the child grows older. An icon is an illustration ,a pictorial representation.A child sketching a hut or other such object it has seen is using the iconic mode . It is more advanced stage of thought than the previous one as events and things in the world are concretely represented.
The symbolic representation:is the most advanced than the other two for it provides a means of going beyond what is immediately perceptible in a situation. Language plays a pivotal role as the world is represented in symbols and in abstract ways.This mode is similiar to Piaget 's formal operational stage. Bruner believes that teachers can combine knowledge of developmental stages and modes of representation to determine language and content appropriate for teaching the structure of a discipline at different periods of childhood. Pre-school children can be introduced to the basic theory of family by playing mock family roles for example father , mother or child with these roles are assigned to each actor.
The same idea can be taught older children using pictures and by symbolic mode (language) or children acting buying and selling to demostrate basic economic theory.Pictures can be used to show the flow and distribution of money ,good and services from provider and to the consumer. Then in symbolic fashions the child can learn concept using mathematics.
Economy:in Bruner's sense economy is related to the structure of a subject.It involves the amount of information a student must learn and remember inorder to understand the subject. The larger the amount ,the less the economy.
Power:of the material being learned is its value in terms of its applicability.Thus a summary of atopic is a very economical means of presentation ,but is probably not very powerful as a more thorough description of the same material that teaches meaning and use.
Proper sequencing of information:
Bruner emohasised the importance of representing a subject in a careful ,logical ,insightful and coherent sequence of increasing difficulty . What is referred to as spiral curriculum.
This implies that the sequence of structured material is the order in which the component parts of the subject are presented. Included and interesting too is the idea ,the act of learning .It involves the process of learning a subject takes place in a series of episodes , each of which involves three integrated steps:
Acquisition is the process of obtaining new information that can be used to either replace or refine something previously known.
Transformation is the second step which is the manipulation of information to make it fit new situation.
Evaluation is the process of checking whether the acquired information has been manipulated approximately and correctly.
Discovery learning:is an important concept in the philosophy of child-centred education to which Bruner's theory culminates.It is characterized as progressive learning as at its roots is an attempt to plan the curriculum on child .It seeks from a philosophical perspective, a justification of the content of education not in the nature of child, the one who is being educated .This concept originated in the idea of such prominent educationists Rousseau,Freire,Pestalozzl,Dewey and Piaget before Bruner refined it.
Discovery learning maybe taken to mean a teaching strategy that avoids instruction and encourages children to find out things for themselves. Deardon, R.F.(1972)suggests that by discovery learning the teacher may reasonably expect children to learn something new and to do so through some initiative of their own .Bruner's remarks on discovery learning,"discovery .like surprise ,favours the well prepared mind."
Bruner argues that children learn most actively and remember best when they generate concepts and principles on their own.Discovery learning encourages the learner to become active in making the learning meaningful to himself. It is interesting to note that Bruner 's approach is similar to what Freire advocates.
The enactive representation:Infants can use this mode only.The verb enact involves processing information using only one response :motor skills/responses. Crawling across a room by an infant towards some objects is an example of this mode of representation when learning something new or difficult to visualize.
The Iconic representation:This mode develops gradually from enact as the child grows older. An icon is an illustration ,a pictorial representation.A child sketching a hut or other such object it has seen is using the iconic mode . It is more advanced stage of thought than the previous one as events and things in the world are concretely represented.
The symbolic representation:is the most advanced than the other two for it provides a means of going beyond what is immediately perceptible in a situation. Language plays a pivotal role as the world is represented in symbols and in abstract ways.This mode is similiar to Piaget 's formal operational stage. Bruner believes that teachers can combine knowledge of developmental stages and modes of representation to determine language and content appropriate for teaching the structure of a discipline at different periods of childhood. Pre-school children can be introduced to the basic theory of family by playing mock family roles for example father , mother or child with these roles are assigned to each actor.
The same idea can be taught older children using pictures and by symbolic mode (language) or children acting buying and selling to demostrate basic economic theory.Pictures can be used to show the flow and distribution of money ,good and services from provider and to the consumer. Then in symbolic fashions the child can learn concept using mathematics.
Economy:in Bruner's sense economy is related to the structure of a subject.It involves the amount of information a student must learn and remember inorder to understand the subject. The larger the amount ,the less the economy.
Power:of the material being learned is its value in terms of its applicability.Thus a summary of atopic is a very economical means of presentation ,but is probably not very powerful as a more thorough description of the same material that teaches meaning and use.
Proper sequencing of information:
Bruner emohasised the importance of representing a subject in a careful ,logical ,insightful and coherent sequence of increasing difficulty . What is referred to as spiral curriculum.
This implies that the sequence of structured material is the order in which the component parts of the subject are presented. Included and interesting too is the idea ,the act of learning .It involves the process of learning a subject takes place in a series of episodes , each of which involves three integrated steps:
Acquisition is the process of obtaining new information that can be used to either replace or refine something previously known.
Transformation is the second step which is the manipulation of information to make it fit new situation.
Evaluation is the process of checking whether the acquired information has been manipulated approximately and correctly.
Discovery learning:is an important concept in the philosophy of child-centred education to which Bruner's theory culminates.It is characterized as progressive learning as at its roots is an attempt to plan the curriculum on child .It seeks from a philosophical perspective, a justification of the content of education not in the nature of child, the one who is being educated .This concept originated in the idea of such prominent educationists Rousseau,Freire,Pestalozzl,Dewey and Piaget before Bruner refined it.
Discovery learning maybe taken to mean a teaching strategy that avoids instruction and encourages children to find out things for themselves. Deardon, R.F.(1972)suggests that by discovery learning the teacher may reasonably expect children to learn something new and to do so through some initiative of their own .Bruner's remarks on discovery learning,"discovery .like surprise ,favours the well prepared mind."
Bruner argues that children learn most actively and remember best when they generate concepts and principles on their own.Discovery learning encourages the learner to become active in making the learning meaningful to himself. It is interesting to note that Bruner 's approach is similar to what Freire advocates.
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