17 October 2010

The Role of the Teacher for Community Development

We identified the functions of the school to the community.However there is no schooling
without the teacher.The teacher is an important element in the organisation of the school.
Community development is the process of social and economic transformation of the society .The community members are at the centre of transformation from the beginning to the end .They are deeply involved in all the programmes.The people plan projects which they want to carry out.These projects originate from the needs and interests of the community .
The projects such as:
•Transformation of Agriculture currently done in Zimbabwe for rural farmers to conserve the resources such as soil ,water and plants.
•Development of Arts and crafts backyard industries mainly found in the locality ,such as drawing and painting,sculpting,mat -making and basketry,bamboos for making furniture,weaving and embroidery.
•Developing a system social services for example recreational facilities for the community through schools .
•Providing infrastructures such as roads,dams ,horticultural projects ,markets for the support of local community for its enterprises and other activities.
These activities are carried out inorder to improve the socio-economic conditions of the community's standards of living. They also integrate the various communities into social life as it help communities to help themselves that is to be self reliant as they contribute to global development.
The process of transforming education requires the mobilisation and planned use of careful management of the available materials and human resources.
The knowledge of the existing situation and understanding of the forces that promote or frustrate change in the desired direction.For example political ideologies and communication breakdown. Political ideologies exists where the community suspects the intentions of the government policies because it is not a government of their interests.
Communication breakdown occurs when the government fails to keep the people fully informed about its proposed policies and activities.The knowledge of the machinery for implementing and monitoring the desired change activities.
Therefore community development calls upon the services of many agencies and people including teachers.So what is the role of the teacher in community development?
The teacher is to act as a change agent,who facilitate social ,economic and political change in society.
It is the responsibility of the teacher to facilitate the integration of the school with the life of the community in which the school is located. The teacher can effectively do this by improving the mechanism for expanding and equalising acces to educational services and mobilising local resources to meet basic needs of the community.The task is too big for the teacher alone.Hence the teacher should share it with the community ,the school and other stakeholders.
The teacher as a respected professional in the community can confidently call upon the services of community civic groups ,parents to build schools ,clinics,roads,bridges,recreational centres and other projects to serve the local community.Already many communities around the world together with local teachers are exercising their intiatives to mobilise local resources ,such as providing labour,funds and building materials to expand local educational and health facilities.These services provided by the teachers are appropriate to the needs of the society.
The teacher is also expected to possess knowledge of the local community and organisational skills in order to be successful as an agent for change, as is expected to:
•be identified by local community and to become strong part of the struggle for better life.
•be aware of the development activities in both local community and the society as a
•keenly be sensitive to problems as there is need for social change and relate his role in the process to facilitate it.
•realise and appreciate the importance of working with different groups of people found in the community to facilitate development in the community.
•accept and utilise the services of local expertise and experience in the teaching profession.
•utilise the services of local organisations and international agencies involved in the community development efforts.
•aquaint with overall developmental goals and identify teaching role and that of the school to the community.
•implement innovations in many areas of community and social development and to serve as a source of new ideas in community development.

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