When you left training college the college sent you away with the clear message of congratulating you for your success and warn you of challenges you shall meet in the field.
As you join the lucrative job of teaching ,you must go and test all those principles and theories you have been dying to prove.The college emphasise the use of progressive methods of teaching and application of skills you have aquired and wish you a good luck ,dedication to duty among other professional expectations.
As a new teacher who posted to a particular school and see what awaits you. You may bound to hear the head says ,
"You are chaff ,today colleges are producing chaff .I want teachers I trained myself ,who to do what I say... This school is my school and there are policies and systems of doing things here. Please do not add or subtract anything .Do exactly as you are told."
If you find in a school these systems or policies ,drafted by the head which leave teachers no space to suggest any new ideas. Once you squeeze to bring your changes this head threaten you with words like ,
"I have been a teacher for 30 years ,you college people think that you are so intelligent."
Then as a new energetic and confident teacher see that here there is no place for you because when you do something out of line there is conflict.
This head consequently turn the once understanding ,confident and hardwork new teacher gradually into unco-operative dejected and non-enthusiastic teacher who have lost interests.
Heads like these create division and suspicion among teachers. Their policy is divide and rule.The disruption of the education system perpetuated by forms of groups ,the pro-head and against -head factions who cripple the existance of harmony at the institution.The center of being a school and teachers ,children are being maladjusted and cause to be backward.
The unprofessional teachers who are currently taking relieving positions awaiting training are also threatened to become YES person inorder to secure their job.Some qualified teachers seek favours by becoming agents of head's supremacy.
Do you now come across the new teacher's next action to take? It is to be succumbed in to the situation,transfer ,swop or resigning from the profession.
Please new teacher graduates never succumbed into pre-programmed organisms or machines you are not robots to be controlled in the teaching and learning environments.Please teachers note that the secret of success is doing your ordinary work exceptionally well.
Awareness of Teaching Regulations
I have noticed that a large number of new teachers are not aware of laws and regulation governing their work as teachers.Examples is the education act,official secrets act ,public service regulations regarding discharge ,misconduct ,leave etc.
If my observation is correct . I think new teachers need to have access to the regulations of the state they are serving focusing on each of these laws or regulations. I am quite positive that if teachers get in touch with all the awareness regarding their work will benefit immensely and appreciate greatly.
Communication is the key
I am happy that the advent of internet is useful to share views ,but I would also like to emphasize that communication should not be restricted . I feel the channel sites should allow to air problems with RDs ,unfair directives etc. Without utilising this facility teachers have nowhere for their voices to be heard. I believe teachers worth their salt as true agents for generating new knowledge and will always the major candlelighters for betterment in the field of learning nomatter how poor or developed is the community they are serving.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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