There are many techniques the teacher can use in a lesson to make children develop techniques for communication of which some of them are discussed below.
Speak for yourself:Children can be allowed to speak personal statements based on recent events . They can make more sentences .Variations in themes is for preparation of speaking instructions on the cards which placed in a box . Then pupils take out a card and speaks accordingly.The sentences on the cards may be like:Introduce yourself as if you are greeted by visitors.Describe a disagreement you had with a friend or tell us about your family history.
Ask and Answer:Children are paired to ask and answer one's question and should be guided towards asking authentic questions and focussed for a specific purpose and not close ended questions.Use of games involves asking a long series of questions in this way.Children act a certain situation and take roles.
Variable Dialogue:There are certain words which are variable to pupils ,the dialogue can be adapted from a local situation ,the process of devising variations brings in more pupils for practice ,without much repetition.The children can be guided to make variation to show that they understood the dialogue and are not say it from claiming.Although they can start from reading a text with variation included later during practice with out referring to the written text.
Dramatisation:Children should not be organised on plays for a passive audience.There should be involved in activities whose values has an end product with process. Dramatisation helps children to explore their imagnation and engage them in plays as well as use of language appropriate in variety of situations .This boast the provision of emotional content which is not available in most of classroom activities.
The main objectives of a drama are help children to have a knowledge of what to say ,to whom ,how and when. The correct expression as to learn certain lines of heart through developing the sense of imagination.Drama has a form of which it can be short or long being prepare or spontaneous with or without scripts done in groups.Children can also be allowed to have their own relevant to the play and not interrupt during the play but make corrections at the end.It then can be acted again with more attention to accuracy.The use of clothing aids ,such as police or nurse uniforms or civilian clothing brings the drama in to real life so that it can be convincing and more interesting.The climax of the drama should be when a particular unit or phrase is repeated to reinforce the theme children are learning and then concluded by the teacher's lesson presentation or explanations then formal teaching.
When playing the space is need to allow free play without disturbance of furniture to allow freedom of movement and tolerate little noise in order to enhence seriousness.
Some activities the teacher can do include formal techniques,role plays and information gap technique which the teacher can employ as a recipe to make different lessons more interesting.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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15 October 2010
Education and Culture
The link between Education and culture, seems the cultural functions are an advantage to the educational process in schools.The way culture issue is handled in schools should be linked into education system. For example nomatter how poor the school is but atleast there should be link with cultural activities like music ,art ,drama,social studies ,environmental science,languages , physical education and other disciplines done at school.
Those people who employed as cultural officers are happy if they visited schools which observe and make a link of its education system and cultural activities of the immediate communities.
The primary and secondary Education system is meaningless if its is not linked to the immediate environment of the child. The importance of Education is useful when it promote the cultural values of the community which is only possible when the curriculum is much more relevant to the needs of the community and develop a sense of responsibility in the children through linking Education system and their culture.
Lets support the Education process linked to the cultural issues of the community where the school is serving.
Those people who employed as cultural officers are happy if they visited schools which observe and make a link of its education system and cultural activities of the immediate communities.
The primary and secondary Education system is meaningless if its is not linked to the immediate environment of the child. The importance of Education is useful when it promote the cultural values of the community which is only possible when the curriculum is much more relevant to the needs of the community and develop a sense of responsibility in the children through linking Education system and their culture.
Lets support the Education process linked to the cultural issues of the community where the school is serving.
There is a big difference between acquisition and learning of a language. Acquisition is an unconscious picking of language. Any human being would speak only when exposed to it untutored. When a child is in any community can able to speak the local language commonly spoken within the local environment. Any language the child picks become the first language or mother's. No one teaches a child a language she/he picks initially subconsciously.
Learning applies to second language which relates to biligualism. Therefore one way of exposing children to second language is to involve them to a linguistically rich environment of that second language.
The proper utterances of language fluency from learning by children begins by listening,speaking ,reading and writing. Make children listen to a lot of second language so that they can able to master the skill of speaking ,reading and writing.
Children display amazing abilities to become fluent speakers of any language frequently spoken around them.Acquiring of a language is further remarkable to a comparative speed and perfection. People born with innate ideas of a language. Linguistic is grammar or statements saying how language works.
Children are able to master atleast all words spoken correctly and if exposed to two languges concurrently can learn both languages correctly.
Adults aren't capable of learning a language in a natural spontaneous way than children are doing in novelty of using different words in speaking. A human being is able to listen to novel sentences and verbal habits.
Communicative attempts are useful ,but possible sources of errors and despite the fact that communication never perfect, we are usually successful enough with speech to continue using it with having to worry very much about its effectiveness.
Children learn from a very early age to respond to the sounds and tunes which the elders habitually used when talking around.
As time goes on as pupils they master sounds of the second language ,disposal a vocabulary of any extent on is entirely familiar with arrangements of this language system.
Acquisition of the second language is stimulated from spoken than written form.Primary concern is production transmission and reception of the sound of the language its phonitics. Sound quality produced a variety of vowels and consonants of pitch.
Language is the power which force the formation of the culture in any given society,regulating its institutions,clarifying its knowledge and improving on all particular way of seeing things. A child selects and repeats words from memory which later leads the repeated words from attention.
Language acquisition system ,populary known by Chomsky as Language Aquisition Device(LAD) which helps children to recognise basic arrangement of words which tell us about relationships.The teacher dhould use nouns than pronouns for children to easily acquire the language.Children acquire and understand second language before themselves actually use language ,thus reception precedes production for linguistic efficiency.
Active learning is of great significance as it give the learners the chance to do something fluently and then pupils learn by listening and speaking much. An Educational institution should therefore help children who are shy to speak by creating conducive environment for them.
For the best imitators ,the teacher should avoid wrong expressions or incorrect pronunciation because they become fixed to them.Hence should speak as role models to the pupils as perfect as possible. Learning to speak a language is an art teachers shouldn't take for granted.They should create an environment where pupils motivated to listen and speak the intended language needed to be developed.
The use of audio-visual media such as videos and audio cassettes help a teacher with speaking problems especially fluency and expressions. Teaching both first and second languages ended up the child mastered any of the languages. Language of pupils reflect the environmental influences,thus the language spoken around them in their immediate environment. Moreover no child learn second language without the interference of the first language.
Further Reading
Aitchison, J.(1995)Teach yourself linguistics.
Byne ,D.(1979)Teaching Writing Skills.
Moyo ,J.P(1996)Beginning to Learn.
Sprosty,L(1983)Teaching English Language.
Owen, R.(1984)Language Development:An Introduction.
Wilkson,A.(1971)The Foundation of Language:Module Teaching English in Primary.
Learning applies to second language which relates to biligualism. Therefore one way of exposing children to second language is to involve them to a linguistically rich environment of that second language.
The proper utterances of language fluency from learning by children begins by listening,speaking ,reading and writing. Make children listen to a lot of second language so that they can able to master the skill of speaking ,reading and writing.
Children display amazing abilities to become fluent speakers of any language frequently spoken around them.Acquiring of a language is further remarkable to a comparative speed and perfection. People born with innate ideas of a language. Linguistic is grammar or statements saying how language works.
Children are able to master atleast all words spoken correctly and if exposed to two languges concurrently can learn both languages correctly.
Adults aren't capable of learning a language in a natural spontaneous way than children are doing in novelty of using different words in speaking. A human being is able to listen to novel sentences and verbal habits.
Communicative attempts are useful ,but possible sources of errors and despite the fact that communication never perfect, we are usually successful enough with speech to continue using it with having to worry very much about its effectiveness.
Children learn from a very early age to respond to the sounds and tunes which the elders habitually used when talking around.
As time goes on as pupils they master sounds of the second language ,disposal a vocabulary of any extent on is entirely familiar with arrangements of this language system.
Acquisition of the second language is stimulated from spoken than written form.Primary concern is production transmission and reception of the sound of the language its phonitics. Sound quality produced a variety of vowels and consonants of pitch.
Language is the power which force the formation of the culture in any given society,regulating its institutions,clarifying its knowledge and improving on all particular way of seeing things. A child selects and repeats words from memory which later leads the repeated words from attention.
Language acquisition system ,populary known by Chomsky as Language Aquisition Device(LAD) which helps children to recognise basic arrangement of words which tell us about relationships.The teacher dhould use nouns than pronouns for children to easily acquire the language.Children acquire and understand second language before themselves actually use language ,thus reception precedes production for linguistic efficiency.
Active learning is of great significance as it give the learners the chance to do something fluently and then pupils learn by listening and speaking much. An Educational institution should therefore help children who are shy to speak by creating conducive environment for them.
For the best imitators ,the teacher should avoid wrong expressions or incorrect pronunciation because they become fixed to them.Hence should speak as role models to the pupils as perfect as possible. Learning to speak a language is an art teachers shouldn't take for granted.They should create an environment where pupils motivated to listen and speak the intended language needed to be developed.
The use of audio-visual media such as videos and audio cassettes help a teacher with speaking problems especially fluency and expressions. Teaching both first and second languages ended up the child mastered any of the languages. Language of pupils reflect the environmental influences,thus the language spoken around them in their immediate environment. Moreover no child learn second language without the interference of the first language.
Further Reading
Aitchison, J.(1995)Teach yourself linguistics.
Byne ,D.(1979)Teaching Writing Skills.
Moyo ,J.P(1996)Beginning to Learn.
Sprosty,L(1983)Teaching English Language.
Owen, R.(1984)Language Development:An Introduction.
Wilkson,A.(1971)The Foundation of Language:Module Teaching English in Primary.
The Plight of Poverty for Teachers and Professionalism at Nyanhunzi primary School in Guruve District is deplorable!
Nyanhunzi primary school teachers are walking three kilometres every day to fetch clean water for their domestic use. They shared one room each think about this situation if you have a family with five members living in a single room. Thus the horrible dehuminized of a professional teacher who made great sacrifices and develop personally faced with such unacceptable dirty tricks of poverty. Above all the school has no electricity although some well wishers sponsored 22 poles for lining of the eletric cables. However there is need of dear $13000 to buy the transformer and cables to make the project successful.
Nyanhunzi primary is a school with an enrolment of 850 children and 22 teachers who do not easily be accessible to clean water, need electricity to pump water for use at school otherwise both teachers and school children are vulnerable to outbreak of any water borne diseases, if the situation is not looked at now than yesterday. The 22 member staff is living a deplorable life condition which need noone to doubt the urgent need of well wishers' funds to help this vulnerable people who are seeking Education and those who facilitate the child Education process.
The school is kindly appealing for a donation to those who can write for this cause a check of either $100,200 or even $1000 for their cause to raise $18 000 specifically for joining the eletric grid,establish a borehole and build five houses for the staff.
Anyone who need to assist can do so by write a check directed to Nyanhunzi Primary school Private Bag 2004 Guruve Zimbabwe.
Or contact the School Head Mrs Makusha
The teacher:Mr James Chamunorwa for more information :0026772107508.
We hope your support shall be the great achievement for child Education!
Nyanhunzi primary is a school with an enrolment of 850 children and 22 teachers who do not easily be accessible to clean water, need electricity to pump water for use at school otherwise both teachers and school children are vulnerable to outbreak of any water borne diseases, if the situation is not looked at now than yesterday. The 22 member staff is living a deplorable life condition which need noone to doubt the urgent need of well wishers' funds to help this vulnerable people who are seeking Education and those who facilitate the child Education process.
The school is kindly appealing for a donation to those who can write for this cause a check of either $100,200 or even $1000 for their cause to raise $18 000 specifically for joining the eletric grid,establish a borehole and build five houses for the staff.
Anyone who need to assist can do so by write a check directed to Nyanhunzi Primary school Private Bag 2004 Guruve Zimbabwe.
Or contact the School Head Mrs Makusha
The teacher:Mr James Chamunorwa for more information :0026772107508.
We hope your support shall be the great achievement for child Education!
Language Acquisition Foundation and Development in Education:Behaviourist's Theory!
The interaction of human beings made possible through use of the language.No society around this world no matter ,its economical status operates without its own language.Language help us to express our feelings ,emotions ,ideas and general informations and warnings.
According to Owens(1984:3)defines language as,"a socially shared code of conventional system for representing concepts through the use of it arbitrary symbols that rule governed combination of those symbols."
Lynons(1992:121)adds that,"language is purely human and non instintive method of communicating ideas emotions and desires by means of voluntary symbols."
Therefore the functions of language in the human environments is to facilitate a variety of social experiences ,for example feelings of happiness,grief,labelling ,answering or obtaining information that are calling,requesting ,greeting protesting etc.
The theory of language acquisitions developed by behaviourist.
Behaviourist Theory was propounded by B.F Skinner who carried out an experiment with hungry rats and pigeons in a box through certain patterns of behaviours, rats found out that environment (stimuli)was the main source of knowledge.The rats learnt to press the lever accidentially to get food.The pressing of lever was trial and error.When the rat continued to press the lever inorder to feed itself the persistant of the process is the process of conditioning.Skinner identified his process as operant conditioning.The Skinner's theory is: Stimulus>>Response>>Reinforcement >>Mastery /Extinction
Therefore behaviourist's theory on language is that acquisition can be said to be premised based on the notion that:
♦conditioning is the main unit of the language learning.
♦language is acquired through trial and error and acquisition is an association between stimulus and response from repeated actions.
♦Environment is the main instrument for language acquisition as organism learns from harsh and comfort offered by physical environment.
Behaviourists'Theory its implications to the teaching and learning of language development ,Skinner prepared enviroment for rats/pigeons to operate.In the teaching and learning the environment must be conducive ,be it the language needed to be developed there should be frequently use of giving instructions.The media should reflect the language components need to be developed.
The theory emphasised the importance of environment in the learning of language.A child can learn language from parents,sibblings ,peers ,electronic media like TVs ,PC,Radios ,Music ,Internet etc. A teacher is expected to shape language behaviour in learners by reinforcing what is good and punishing wrong use of language.
Stimulus response recognised the importance of learning by doing. So learners should be involved in dialogues,dramas ,life situations like buying and selling can be role played.Use of objects or flashcards with written words.
The teacher can use response diligently to develop desired behavioural patterns.Correction of language should be reinforced positively.Be aware the negative reinforcement which adversely discourages learning activities to develop language skills.
Feedback is very necessary in language development.Mistakes should be corrected on the spot,written work should be marked as soon as possible.
Behaviourists believe that learning is effective through repetition and immitation.Repetition makes the learning to recall and memorise permanently and immitation develops to spontaneously follow by demostration.Therefore the teacher should be a role model who can teach by demostrating and leading.
The Strength of Skinner's Theory:Children learn the correct things instantly.The communication rapport between the teacher and the pupils is very good.It also encourages the teacher to prepare thoroughly the lesson to make the environment conducive for learning and teaching.
The Weaknesses of Skinner's Theory:Children cannot learn language on their own thus why we acknowledge the persistant mistakes which needs to be corrected time and again. Constant repetition encourages drilling ,rote learning and cramming this eventually return back to the traditional way of learning and learners are drilled to be passive receipients.
Human beings are unique in possessing linguistic capabilities.Therefore the research of identifying how language can be developed in children is ineffective in using animal comparisons which do not have the capability to use language like human beings .
According to Owens(1984:3)defines language as,"a socially shared code of conventional system for representing concepts through the use of it arbitrary symbols that rule governed combination of those symbols."
Lynons(1992:121)adds that,"language is purely human and non instintive method of communicating ideas emotions and desires by means of voluntary symbols."
Therefore the functions of language in the human environments is to facilitate a variety of social experiences ,for example feelings of happiness,grief,labelling ,answering or obtaining information that are calling,requesting ,greeting protesting etc.
The theory of language acquisitions developed by behaviourist.
Behaviourist Theory was propounded by B.F Skinner who carried out an experiment with hungry rats and pigeons in a box through certain patterns of behaviours, rats found out that environment (stimuli)was the main source of knowledge.The rats learnt to press the lever accidentially to get food.The pressing of lever was trial and error.When the rat continued to press the lever inorder to feed itself the persistant of the process is the process of conditioning.Skinner identified his process as operant conditioning.The Skinner's theory is: Stimulus>>Response>>Reinforcement >>Mastery /Extinction
Therefore behaviourist's theory on language is that acquisition can be said to be premised based on the notion that:
♦conditioning is the main unit of the language learning.
♦language is acquired through trial and error and acquisition is an association between stimulus and response from repeated actions.
♦Environment is the main instrument for language acquisition as organism learns from harsh and comfort offered by physical environment.
Behaviourists'Theory its implications to the teaching and learning of language development ,Skinner prepared enviroment for rats/pigeons to operate.In the teaching and learning the environment must be conducive ,be it the language needed to be developed there should be frequently use of giving instructions.The media should reflect the language components need to be developed.
The theory emphasised the importance of environment in the learning of language.A child can learn language from parents,sibblings ,peers ,electronic media like TVs ,PC,Radios ,Music ,Internet etc. A teacher is expected to shape language behaviour in learners by reinforcing what is good and punishing wrong use of language.
Stimulus response recognised the importance of learning by doing. So learners should be involved in dialogues,dramas ,life situations like buying and selling can be role played.Use of objects or flashcards with written words.
The teacher can use response diligently to develop desired behavioural patterns.Correction of language should be reinforced positively.Be aware the negative reinforcement which adversely discourages learning activities to develop language skills.
Feedback is very necessary in language development.Mistakes should be corrected on the spot,written work should be marked as soon as possible.
Behaviourists believe that learning is effective through repetition and immitation.Repetition makes the learning to recall and memorise permanently and immitation develops to spontaneously follow by demostration.Therefore the teacher should be a role model who can teach by demostrating and leading.
The Strength of Skinner's Theory:Children learn the correct things instantly.The communication rapport between the teacher and the pupils is very good.It also encourages the teacher to prepare thoroughly the lesson to make the environment conducive for learning and teaching.
The Weaknesses of Skinner's Theory:Children cannot learn language on their own thus why we acknowledge the persistant mistakes which needs to be corrected time and again. Constant repetition encourages drilling ,rote learning and cramming this eventually return back to the traditional way of learning and learners are drilled to be passive receipients.
Human beings are unique in possessing linguistic capabilities.Therefore the research of identifying how language can be developed in children is ineffective in using animal comparisons which do not have the capability to use language like human beings .
The Plight of Poverty for Teachers and Professionalism in Low income schools!
As a tradition ,newly qualified teachers are deployed in remote undeveloped areas where conditions are abhorrent inorder to develop these schools.It would sound as if it is exaggerating that the plight of poverty in these areas especially in underdeveloped countries .
The schools may not provide new plan books ,stiki-stuff, glue, fuelt- pins ,manila sheets ,pens and other stationery . The most dedicated teachers have to folk out their money to buy exercise books for official records.
Teachers who want to make their work progress are obliged to buy them. Considering their meagre salaries ,what are they going to do to meet both their family expenses and the work.
Does the so-called development through education process in underdeveloped rural areas mean teachers should pump out from their pockets? I would suggest that well wishers ,donors and other concerned people help the less priviledged schools instead of burdening teachers who have already made sacrifices to help these communities . Above all the credits should be given for those who put efforts in developing magnalised communities especially for the concern of the child Education.
The schools may not provide new plan books ,stiki-stuff, glue, fuelt- pins ,manila sheets ,pens and other stationery . The most dedicated teachers have to folk out their money to buy exercise books for official records.
Teachers who want to make their work progress are obliged to buy them. Considering their meagre salaries ,what are they going to do to meet both their family expenses and the work.
Does the so-called development through education process in underdeveloped rural areas mean teachers should pump out from their pockets? I would suggest that well wishers ,donors and other concerned people help the less priviledged schools instead of burdening teachers who have already made sacrifices to help these communities . Above all the credits should be given for those who put efforts in developing magnalised communities especially for the concern of the child Education.
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