In the previous article we discussed the major reasons of integration.How and some principles of intergrating? Lets discuss ways of integrating.
There are several ways in which the school curriculum can be integrated.Themical approach is one way of integrating . The root word 'theme' a subject being discussed and related to aspects of an issue and grouped together at the same time.Themes are chosen with the learner in mind.The cognitive level ,active involvement of the learner ,the progression of the learning and the requirements of the syllabus ,aims of the subjects chosen for integration.There are five ways of integrating using themical approach.
The first is curriculum correlation where topic is fragmented into different subjects ,but its teaching and learning is not related and coordinated.The only relationship is that the topic is found in the different subjects ,but its timing of teaching in different subjects is lacking.For example on the topic Health which is in english,social studies ,home economics or environmental science.The teacher can scheme teach in the first term in social studies ,second term in environmental science and home economics and in third term and taught in english.This can be done in other subjects as a referencing in this type of teaching.
A second view of integration starts with and audit of the topic from the different subjects and then the objectives ,skills and attitudes are re-arranged in some form of activities chronologically in learning progression.The teacher's order of activities doesn't indicate which subject is taught although they can identified .It can include all subjects or only a few of the subjects.The scheme is of activities and scheduled timetable is of activities not subjects.
The third view of integration is the selection of topic from one subject and then infuse or relate it to other aspects related to it from other subjects.The subject is still one which only draws some activities from other subjects .This makes learners realise that the topic is related to many subjects.
The fourth view of integration is where an audit of topic is done from all subject taught in a school.In this case audit refers to identifying related and common aspects of concepts from the different subjects and list them down.The results of this audit can then used to scheme and teach the information in the same period of time.The teacher in this case ignores the order of the subject syllabus and textbooks,but follow the related and common aspects when delivering lessons of the day,week or term.Note that no subject objectives missed.The concept can be repeated in different subjects or can be emphasised in one subject and reinforced in other subjects.
The last view is of relating education with the need of the community where the learners live.The issues affecting the community or school can be highlighted as problems.The teacher then plan some activities with the learners such as public speaking ,drama,role plays ,music ,debates or any other events.This can be done as an awareness compaigns at various gatherings such as school assembly,clinics,dip tanks ,beerhalls,parents'open days,shows or church gatherings. The period is determined by the nature of the issue and how the school wants to make the people aware of the issue.This is the best way of developing leaners to be aware and be the compaigners of their social issues starting from their classrooms.
The integration of subjects requires considerable time,skills and management abilities as one must be conversant with content in other subject areas.It is best accomplished by teachers working together as a team.
Principles of Integration:
Teachers should view the curriculum in terms of activity and experience and not knowledge and facts to be acquired and stored.
The methods must include the learner physically,mentally and emotionally.Since learning situations can be linked to poetry,singing ,dancing and games which have aspects appealing to emotional aspects.
Teachers should teach for concepts and skills development ,not for facts only.Therefore teaching should be for recognition of principles and not for the storage of information.
Conceptual and skill development can be identified in all subjects using same topics.
For effective promotion of learning we should aim for the coherent sets of relationships.This would make learners widen their horizons in view of the world and see implications of their learning.
Teachers should allow the curiosity and free inquiry of pupils to be an integrating factor in their learning.The quality of curiosity should further be extended in all learning activities.
It is imperative to use real life experiences,problems ,interests,events as basis for lessons.The knowledge should be based on child's experience and linked to the view of the world.Real life situations are not related only to one subject ,but to all disciplines in the curriculum.
Learning should be the need for the total development of the child in all aspects of life .Children must be morally developed human being with feelings of love ,hate,fear and belonging.
Bare in mind to mutual link between curriculum balance and the product of the school .If this curriculum is fully integrated ,the school leaver becomes an integrated being.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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04 October 2010
Most teachers teach without familising their pupils and the subjects interrelated.This will obviously help learners to understand concepts on different subjects and how they are important in their life situations.
What is integration? The idea of integration is linked to Education premise which viewed as life itself , a complete system where all life activities are modelled, developed and perfected.People are interdependent ,which means they share ideas ,technological skills in all their relationships.In other words it relates similar concepts and skills across the curriculum. Integration refers to a way of bringing all related issues or concepts together.The system is the break down of system into further sub-systems which are absolutely related and connected .This can best understood in relation to each other as a whole system.Integration in teaching helps the learner to easily relate ideas ,issues ,concepts ,skills and attitudes in the same time instead of being dealt with in framents which are uncoordinated in different subjects and somehow confuse the learner as he tries to bring them together as related aspects of issues.This reduces compartmentalization of subjects.Subjects integration enhances the development of skills since skills are not confined to one subject only ,but also noticed in other subject areas.For instance ,investigating skills can be developed in social studies or languages.This approach helps learners to link related concepts in different subjects and the teacher can also teach the same concepts in several subjects.
Why integrate? Integration focuses on coordination of concepts acquired by the learner in different subjects ,be it mathematics,languages,sciences , moral social development subjects and the life experiences as ,he/she undergoes in decisions to utilise them in life situations.
Integration emphases content to be balanced to the process of learning.Methods,beliefs and value systems one would have inorder to act.
Integrated teaching help to look at a field of study as viewpoint of links to other disciplines.It had being argued that it can increase the transfer of learning because learners perceive the similarities of concepts ,principles and strategies better than those who learn separate discipline with little emphasis on the interrelationships ,for example pupils have the opportunity to use the concepts learnt in one situation in different fields,like pupils might use mathematical concepts to solve science problems.Integrated curricula are more free to select familiar objects ,topics ,which can stimulate learners' interests and motivate them to learn.Integrated teaching have a better opportunity to build up a substantial relationship as they would meet to plan and teach cooperatively integrated unit.Interdepartmental relationship and cooperation usually increases.
Guidelines to the Subjects Integration:According to Ausubel and Robnson (1969:169)when integrating ,it is important to apply the principle of integrative reconciliation .This means putting out significant similarities and differences ,to reconcile real or apparent inconsistencies between successive ideas presented in sequential arrangement.This comes about when new knowledge is linked or merged with previously learnt knowledge -hence the need to link concepts in all subjects with what the child might have learnt in life experiences.
Barker(1988)emphasizes that teachers should know why they teach various subjects in the curriculum .He further adds that noone can teach effectively if he does not know why he is teaching the subject.Intergration can be done by teaching language across the curriculum.For example ,comprehension passages can be given where one is dealing with concepts in all subjects. Since language embodies concepts of varying nature ,links with other subjects are necessary.
Once the teacher has the wide view of teaching various subjects and appreciates the need to integrate these subjects ,since all subjects have the philosophical justifications similar to each other.This point was supported by Dearden (1970:90)who says ,teachers should view disciplines as different ways of being critical and diferent ways in which we may be curious ,creative and imaginative.This implies that we can see the world from different points of view ,but should appreciate other people's points of view.
The teacher should let the needs of the children be a unifying factor in determining the balance of the curriculum .For example ,pupils enjoy music and games.These can be included in some lesson activities. Makinde in Williams (2003) makes it clear that,remembering whether a factor is historical or geographical doesn't matter a bit of the children ,but is important to planners who design the curriculum and increase that knowledge.
Primary learning and teaching process is effective if the subject integration is practiced effectively.How integration could be done in a classroom situation? let follow the next article.
What is integration? The idea of integration is linked to Education premise which viewed as life itself , a complete system where all life activities are modelled, developed and perfected.People are interdependent ,which means they share ideas ,technological skills in all their relationships.In other words it relates similar concepts and skills across the curriculum. Integration refers to a way of bringing all related issues or concepts together.The system is the break down of system into further sub-systems which are absolutely related and connected .This can best understood in relation to each other as a whole system.Integration in teaching helps the learner to easily relate ideas ,issues ,concepts ,skills and attitudes in the same time instead of being dealt with in framents which are uncoordinated in different subjects and somehow confuse the learner as he tries to bring them together as related aspects of issues.This reduces compartmentalization of subjects.Subjects integration enhances the development of skills since skills are not confined to one subject only ,but also noticed in other subject areas.For instance ,investigating skills can be developed in social studies or languages.This approach helps learners to link related concepts in different subjects and the teacher can also teach the same concepts in several subjects.
Why integrate? Integration focuses on coordination of concepts acquired by the learner in different subjects ,be it mathematics,languages,sciences , moral social development subjects and the life experiences as ,he/she undergoes in decisions to utilise them in life situations.
Integration emphases content to be balanced to the process of learning.Methods,beliefs and value systems one would have inorder to act.
Integrated teaching help to look at a field of study as viewpoint of links to other disciplines.It had being argued that it can increase the transfer of learning because learners perceive the similarities of concepts ,principles and strategies better than those who learn separate discipline with little emphasis on the interrelationships ,for example pupils have the opportunity to use the concepts learnt in one situation in different fields,like pupils might use mathematical concepts to solve science problems.Integrated curricula are more free to select familiar objects ,topics ,which can stimulate learners' interests and motivate them to learn.Integrated teaching have a better opportunity to build up a substantial relationship as they would meet to plan and teach cooperatively integrated unit.Interdepartmental relationship and cooperation usually increases.
Guidelines to the Subjects Integration:According to Ausubel and Robnson (1969:169)when integrating ,it is important to apply the principle of integrative reconciliation .This means putting out significant similarities and differences ,to reconcile real or apparent inconsistencies between successive ideas presented in sequential arrangement.This comes about when new knowledge is linked or merged with previously learnt knowledge -hence the need to link concepts in all subjects with what the child might have learnt in life experiences.
Barker(1988)emphasizes that teachers should know why they teach various subjects in the curriculum .He further adds that noone can teach effectively if he does not know why he is teaching the subject.Intergration can be done by teaching language across the curriculum.For example ,comprehension passages can be given where one is dealing with concepts in all subjects. Since language embodies concepts of varying nature ,links with other subjects are necessary.
Once the teacher has the wide view of teaching various subjects and appreciates the need to integrate these subjects ,since all subjects have the philosophical justifications similar to each other.This point was supported by Dearden (1970:90)who says ,teachers should view disciplines as different ways of being critical and diferent ways in which we may be curious ,creative and imaginative.This implies that we can see the world from different points of view ,but should appreciate other people's points of view.
The teacher should let the needs of the children be a unifying factor in determining the balance of the curriculum .For example ,pupils enjoy music and games.These can be included in some lesson activities. Makinde in Williams (2003) makes it clear that,remembering whether a factor is historical or geographical doesn't matter a bit of the children ,but is important to planners who design the curriculum and increase that knowledge.
Primary learning and teaching process is effective if the subject integration is practiced effectively.How integration could be done in a classroom situation? let follow the next article.
The objective on practically equipped pupils plan and serve balanced meals.The teacher can use demostrations by resource persons whereby pupils should know how to serve balanced meals.
Then the teacher should explain on how to plan the meals ,preparation and serving of food. The teacher should thereafter make sure pupils will be able to plan and serve balanced meals practically.
Pupils are expected to prepare meals for specific occassions.Both theory work and practical work are called for in this objective.The teacher can achieve the objective by exposing pupils in the community projects , for example catering for community functions.By so doing the skill of preparing meals for specific occassions is developed in pupils and pupils can be able to choose and prepare for their examinations .So the teacher can measure the skill by involving pupils in practicals.
The objective of applying rules of hygiene in handling of food ,use of equipment and care of environment applies to both theory and practical work. The teacher should achieve this objective first by explaining and demostrating practically how pupils should observe and apply rules of hygiene .This can be done when teacher is demostrating and can check the pupils working towards this objective as a supervisor.
The objective of describing ,observing and applying safety precautions in the kitchen.This objective has to be achieved in both theory and practical work. In trying to achieve this objective the teacher should explain clearly and make pupils discuss in groups about safety in the kitchen .During practical lessons the teacher can now explain about safety in home and show pupils examples of precaution to be taken in the kitchen.By so doing the skill should be developed. The objective of cooking and serving nutritious dishes, attractively apply to only practical work .The teacher should achieve this objective by demostrating how to cook and serve nutritious dishes attractively.Pupils should do practical work and the teacher should monitor pupils when cooking and serving food .The objective also ensures economising of food whereby the use of the locally available foods .This ensures self reliance on the part of pupils.
Finally the objective on management and organisational skills to food preparation in relation to efficient use of time ,money ,fuel and equipment. Pupils should apply the objective theory by tying to know how management skills can be tested on how they can economise fuel when cooking .The objective is to be achieved both theoretically and practically.
Inconclusion, the teacher can achieve objectives by making pupils do practical in the classroom situation and even pupils to practice at home. The teacher commands pupils to have time plan.By this pupils are expected to know timing and suitable dishes to cook for the external examinations. Whatever decisions the teacher makes should always be based on assessment objectives and these help develop skills in students that are to be tested in the national examinations.
Further Reading
Ashworth,A.E.(1982) Testing for Continous Assessment,Evans Brothers LTD,London.
Farrant, J.S.(1980)Principles and Practice of Education ,Longman ,Hong Kong.
Gay, L.R.(1979)Educational Evaluation and Measurement Competences For Analysis and Application,Charles Merrill Publishers ,London.
Ogunniyi,M.B.(1984)Educational Measurement and Education ,Longman,Abuja.
Rowntree,D.(1977)Assessing Students :How shall we know them?,Harper and Row ltd ,London.
Salvia ,J. and Ysseldyke ,J.E.(1995)Assessment ,Hooughton Mifflin company,New York.
Then the teacher should explain on how to plan the meals ,preparation and serving of food. The teacher should thereafter make sure pupils will be able to plan and serve balanced meals practically.
Pupils are expected to prepare meals for specific occassions.Both theory work and practical work are called for in this objective.The teacher can achieve the objective by exposing pupils in the community projects , for example catering for community functions.By so doing the skill of preparing meals for specific occassions is developed in pupils and pupils can be able to choose and prepare for their examinations .So the teacher can measure the skill by involving pupils in practicals.
The objective of applying rules of hygiene in handling of food ,use of equipment and care of environment applies to both theory and practical work. The teacher should achieve this objective first by explaining and demostrating practically how pupils should observe and apply rules of hygiene .This can be done when teacher is demostrating and can check the pupils working towards this objective as a supervisor.
The objective of describing ,observing and applying safety precautions in the kitchen.This objective has to be achieved in both theory and practical work. In trying to achieve this objective the teacher should explain clearly and make pupils discuss in groups about safety in the kitchen .During practical lessons the teacher can now explain about safety in home and show pupils examples of precaution to be taken in the kitchen.By so doing the skill should be developed. The objective of cooking and serving nutritious dishes, attractively apply to only practical work .The teacher should achieve this objective by demostrating how to cook and serve nutritious dishes attractively.Pupils should do practical work and the teacher should monitor pupils when cooking and serving food .The objective also ensures economising of food whereby the use of the locally available foods .This ensures self reliance on the part of pupils.
Finally the objective on management and organisational skills to food preparation in relation to efficient use of time ,money ,fuel and equipment. Pupils should apply the objective theory by tying to know how management skills can be tested on how they can economise fuel when cooking .The objective is to be achieved both theoretically and practically.
Inconclusion, the teacher can achieve objectives by making pupils do practical in the classroom situation and even pupils to practice at home. The teacher commands pupils to have time plan.By this pupils are expected to know timing and suitable dishes to cook for the external examinations. Whatever decisions the teacher makes should always be based on assessment objectives and these help develop skills in students that are to be tested in the national examinations.
Further Reading
Ashworth,A.E.(1982) Testing for Continous Assessment,Evans Brothers LTD,London.
Farrant, J.S.(1980)Principles and Practice of Education ,Longman ,Hong Kong.
Gay, L.R.(1979)Educational Evaluation and Measurement Competences For Analysis and Application,Charles Merrill Publishers ,London.
Ogunniyi,M.B.(1984)Educational Measurement and Education ,Longman,Abuja.
Rowntree,D.(1977)Assessing Students :How shall we know them?,Harper and Row ltd ,London.
Salvia ,J. and Ysseldyke ,J.E.(1995)Assessment ,Hooughton Mifflin company,New York.
Most teachers teach without familising their pupils and the subjects interrelated.This will obviously help learners to understand concepts on different subjects and how they are important in their life situations.
What is integration? The idea of integration is linked to Education premise which viewed as life itself , a complete system where all life activities are modelled, developed and perfected.People are interdependent ,which means they share ideas ,technological skills in all their relationships.In other words it relates similar concepts and skills across the curriculum. Integration refers to a way of bringing all related issues or concepts together.The system is the break down of system into further sub-systems which are absolutely related and connected .This can best understood in relation to each other as a whole system.Integration in teaching helps the learner to easily relate ideas ,issues ,concepts ,skills and attitudes in the same time instead of being dealt with in framents which are uncoordinated in different subjects and somehow confuse the learner as he tries to bring them together as related aspects of issues.This reduces compartmentalization of subjects.Subjects integration enhances the development of skills since skills are not confined to one subject only ,but also noticed in other subject areas.For instance ,investigating skills can be developed in social studies or languages.This approach helps learners to link related concepts in different subjects and the teacher can also teach the same concepts in several subjects.
Why integrate? Integration focuses on coordination of concepts acquired by the learner in different subjects ,be it mathematics,languages,sciences , moral social development subjects and the life experiences as ,he/she undergoes in decisions to utilise them in life situations.
Integration emphases content to be balanced to the process of learning.Methods,beliefs and value systems one would have inorder to act.
Integrated teaching help to look at a field of study as viewpoint of links to other disciplines.It had being argued that it can increase the transfer of learning because learners perceive the similarities of concepts ,principles and strategies better than those who learn separate discipline with little emphasis on the interrelationships ,for example pupils have the opportunity to use the concepts learnt in one situation in different fields,like pupils might use mathematical concepts to solve science problems.Integrated curricula are more free to select familiar objects ,topics ,which can stimulate learners' interests and motivate them to learn.Integrated teaching have a better opportunity to build up a substantial relationship as they would meet to plan and teach cooperatively integrated unit.Interdepartmental relationship and cooperation usually increases.
Guidelines to the Subjects Integration:According to Ausubel and Robnson (1969:169)when integrating ,it is important to apply the principle of integrative reconciliation .This means putting out significant similarities and differences ,to reconcile real or apparent inconsistencies between successive ideas presented in sequential arrangement.This comes about when new knowledge is linked or merged with previously learnt knowledge -hence the need to link concepts in all subjects with what the child might have learnt in life experiences.
Barker(1988)emphasizes that teachers should know why they teach various subjects in the curriculum .He further adds that noone can teach effectively if he does not know why he is teaching the subject.Intergration can be done by teaching language across the curriculum.For example ,comprehension passages can be given where one is dealing with concepts in all subjects. Since language embodies concepts of varying nature ,links with other subjects are necessary.
Once the teacher has the wide view of teaching various subjects and appreciates the need to integrate these subjects ,since all subjects have the philosophical justifications similar to each other.This point was supported by Dearden (1970:90)who says ,teachers should view disciplines as different ways of being critical and diferent ways in which we may be curious ,creative and imaginative.This implies that we can see the world from different points of view ,but should appreciate other people's points of view.
The teacher should let the needs of the children be a unifying factor in determining the balance of the curriculum .For example ,pupils enjoy music and games.These can be included in some lesson activities. Makinde in Williams (2003) makes it clear that,remembering whether a factor is historical or geographical doesn't matter a bit of the children ,but is important to planners who design the curriculum and increase that knowledge.
Primary learning and teaching process is effective if the subject integration is practiced effectively.How integration could be done in a classroom situation? let follow the next article.
What is integration? The idea of integration is linked to Education premise which viewed as life itself , a complete system where all life activities are modelled, developed and perfected.People are interdependent ,which means they share ideas ,technological skills in all their relationships.In other words it relates similar concepts and skills across the curriculum. Integration refers to a way of bringing all related issues or concepts together.The system is the break down of system into further sub-systems which are absolutely related and connected .This can best understood in relation to each other as a whole system.Integration in teaching helps the learner to easily relate ideas ,issues ,concepts ,skills and attitudes in the same time instead of being dealt with in framents which are uncoordinated in different subjects and somehow confuse the learner as he tries to bring them together as related aspects of issues.This reduces compartmentalization of subjects.Subjects integration enhances the development of skills since skills are not confined to one subject only ,but also noticed in other subject areas.For instance ,investigating skills can be developed in social studies or languages.This approach helps learners to link related concepts in different subjects and the teacher can also teach the same concepts in several subjects.
Why integrate? Integration focuses on coordination of concepts acquired by the learner in different subjects ,be it mathematics,languages,sciences , moral social development subjects and the life experiences as ,he/she undergoes in decisions to utilise them in life situations.
Integration emphases content to be balanced to the process of learning.Methods,beliefs and value systems one would have inorder to act.
Integrated teaching help to look at a field of study as viewpoint of links to other disciplines.It had being argued that it can increase the transfer of learning because learners perceive the similarities of concepts ,principles and strategies better than those who learn separate discipline with little emphasis on the interrelationships ,for example pupils have the opportunity to use the concepts learnt in one situation in different fields,like pupils might use mathematical concepts to solve science problems.Integrated curricula are more free to select familiar objects ,topics ,which can stimulate learners' interests and motivate them to learn.Integrated teaching have a better opportunity to build up a substantial relationship as they would meet to plan and teach cooperatively integrated unit.Interdepartmental relationship and cooperation usually increases.
Guidelines to the Subjects Integration:According to Ausubel and Robnson (1969:169)when integrating ,it is important to apply the principle of integrative reconciliation .This means putting out significant similarities and differences ,to reconcile real or apparent inconsistencies between successive ideas presented in sequential arrangement.This comes about when new knowledge is linked or merged with previously learnt knowledge -hence the need to link concepts in all subjects with what the child might have learnt in life experiences.
Barker(1988)emphasizes that teachers should know why they teach various subjects in the curriculum .He further adds that noone can teach effectively if he does not know why he is teaching the subject.Intergration can be done by teaching language across the curriculum.For example ,comprehension passages can be given where one is dealing with concepts in all subjects. Since language embodies concepts of varying nature ,links with other subjects are necessary.
Once the teacher has the wide view of teaching various subjects and appreciates the need to integrate these subjects ,since all subjects have the philosophical justifications similar to each other.This point was supported by Dearden (1970:90)who says ,teachers should view disciplines as different ways of being critical and diferent ways in which we may be curious ,creative and imaginative.This implies that we can see the world from different points of view ,but should appreciate other people's points of view.
The teacher should let the needs of the children be a unifying factor in determining the balance of the curriculum .For example ,pupils enjoy music and games.These can be included in some lesson activities. Makinde in Williams (2003) makes it clear that,remembering whether a factor is historical or geographical doesn't matter a bit of the children ,but is important to planners who design the curriculum and increase that knowledge.
Primary learning and teaching process is effective if the subject integration is practiced effectively.How integration could be done in a classroom situation? let follow the next article.
The transformation of man from animal kingdom and developed settlements which help him to have unique sounds and symbols later known as language.
The development of settlements to have a society is believed to be facilitated by capturing of fire as its appears in lightning and mountains. Then the fire used to mobilise people and used in almost all inventions which led to the formation of human kingdom.
According to Weiten (1989) a language is a collection of sounds , symbols and rules in combination to be used to create an infinity variety of messeges. Language is symbolic structured and generative. Hence it is a tool for communication used to express thoughts,feelings and emotions to differentiate man from animals.
Structures of language:phonemes>>>morphemes>>>words
Phonemes are the smallest units of sound in spoken language. Morphemes generate meaning combined phonemes into morphomes that are more meaningful than phonemes. Morphomes are combined into words ,words into phrases and phrases into sentences.
Syntax is a system of rules that specify how words can be combined into phrases and sentences.
Crying is the first form of language to signify hunger ,pain ,discomfort and so on. There is need to consider the reason why the baby is crying? Cooing by the end of the first month babies make other sounds besided crying. They produce cooing sound by putting tongue near the back of the mouth then rounding up their lips.
Babbling around six months infants can produce many sounds that correspond to phonemes used in many languages. Babbling includes all phonemes in a language and acts as fore runner to the words used later. Travors(1982)says babbling is universal implying that it is found in all languages. Chomsky claims that anybody can learn any language perfectly upto the age of 10 years old. Trevor(1982) puts any features unique to a language are acquired much later. Before six months a child's babbling is unsystematic and random but after six months it contains macro syllables which adults can identify. At this stage the same sounds are repeated indicating that the child is talking and babbling is a circular and reflex actions. Child(1997) asserts babbling as can be interpreted to indicate frustration ,request ,greeting ,surprises etc.
Speech at about a year infants can alter out single words ,for example 'mama' for mother and this are technically known as holophrase ,that's single words atterences that represent the meaning of several words.
Around the age of three the child has mastered a vocabulary of 300-900 words and engages in egocentric a social speech. About 50% is social speech which involves interaction between two or more people saving functions of socialisation ,entertainment ,requesting ,persuading ,instructing etc.
At 14 years old the child has vocabulary of about 1 500 words and the way he/she uses the first language approaches that of adults (Bowel et al 1982)
People learn their language the same way as they learn everything else ,through immitation and reinforcement . Nativist Chomsky argued that people born with Language Acquisition Device (LAD)which permits the interpretation of the language.
The development of settlements to have a society is believed to be facilitated by capturing of fire as its appears in lightning and mountains. Then the fire used to mobilise people and used in almost all inventions which led to the formation of human kingdom.
According to Weiten (1989) a language is a collection of sounds , symbols and rules in combination to be used to create an infinity variety of messeges. Language is symbolic structured and generative. Hence it is a tool for communication used to express thoughts,feelings and emotions to differentiate man from animals.
Structures of language:phonemes>>>morphemes>>>words
Phonemes are the smallest units of sound in spoken language. Morphemes generate meaning combined phonemes into morphomes that are more meaningful than phonemes. Morphomes are combined into words ,words into phrases and phrases into sentences.
Syntax is a system of rules that specify how words can be combined into phrases and sentences.
Crying is the first form of language to signify hunger ,pain ,discomfort and so on. There is need to consider the reason why the baby is crying? Cooing by the end of the first month babies make other sounds besided crying. They produce cooing sound by putting tongue near the back of the mouth then rounding up their lips.
Babbling around six months infants can produce many sounds that correspond to phonemes used in many languages. Babbling includes all phonemes in a language and acts as fore runner to the words used later. Travors(1982)says babbling is universal implying that it is found in all languages. Chomsky claims that anybody can learn any language perfectly upto the age of 10 years old. Trevor(1982) puts any features unique to a language are acquired much later. Before six months a child's babbling is unsystematic and random but after six months it contains macro syllables which adults can identify. At this stage the same sounds are repeated indicating that the child is talking and babbling is a circular and reflex actions. Child(1997) asserts babbling as can be interpreted to indicate frustration ,request ,greeting ,surprises etc.
Speech at about a year infants can alter out single words ,for example 'mama' for mother and this are technically known as holophrase ,that's single words atterences that represent the meaning of several words.
Around the age of three the child has mastered a vocabulary of 300-900 words and engages in egocentric a social speech. About 50% is social speech which involves interaction between two or more people saving functions of socialisation ,entertainment ,requesting ,persuading ,instructing etc.
At 14 years old the child has vocabulary of about 1 500 words and the way he/she uses the first language approaches that of adults (Bowel et al 1982)
People learn their language the same way as they learn everything else ,through immitation and reinforcement . Nativist Chomsky argued that people born with Language Acquisition Device (LAD)which permits the interpretation of the language.
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