Primary school children tell lies much because they are concerned with attraction of attention and appear equal in strength and possession to peers. These young children develops the way of exaggerating things to achieve the desired impressions. Exaggeration is to prompt the desire to make a impression.This exaggeration tendencies usually becomes bad when children boasting about imaginary things and ended up being a habit. Hence the primary school children begin to distinguish truths from lies. These children who exaggerate could be doing so because of failure to impress peers and exaggeration becomes the means to bridging the gap using words instead of deeds. This form of behaviours has negative impacts might cause massive backwardness at primary school Education system because the children are likely to turn into day-dreaming. The lose of self-confidence and might even have no pride in their abilities and accuracy when doing a given task.
Lying and Imagination:In this context imagination is the major contributing factor to lying.Children use lying as a means of escaping from doing some work, for example they may pretend to be ill in order not to go to school. This imaginary illness has detrimental effects to the teacher. However this trait of imagination should be discouraged ,but with caution ,because at times these children may be really ill, only that they cannot clearly express the kind of illness.We should not ignore a sick child. Some teachers has tendencies of turning the sickness into a drama and more satisfying than necessary. This will definitely encourage most of children to play the sick game whenever there is a difficult task to be tackled.
Some children may take a blame and stand punishment in order to protect friends or sibblings. Thus children can lie just because of protecting others. These nepotic lies need to be discouraged. It is good for children to be loyalty ,but lying for the sake of being loyal has consequency to the children in near future. The children become goody-goody or habitual liars .
Children should develop an awareness that protecting a wrong person is wise and noble to them, but for the good of the society the person should be left to face the consequences of own faults or mistakes.
Story telling can stem out children to be lie playfully. This is as a result of the child may be very successful with higher scores than other children of equal or less factual experiences. This motivate the child to proceed on telling lies to everyone even to adults and teachers. Reinforcing the lying habit in story telling is likely if there is no questioning of the story to develop a sense of rationality in their minds.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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03 October 2010
Deviance as a social problem which needs are holistic approach ,by all community members.According to symbolic interactionism and functionalism perspective deviance is considered as doing something different from what the society considered normal.
Lemerk in Halarambos and Holborn(2008) defines deviance as a behaviour that violates and contradicts the norms and values of social group in which that behaviour exists.Giddens (2001)says, deviance is a behaviour which doesn't fit the expectators of a social group . And Hargerdon (1993) views deviance as variation from a norm made socially important through the reaction of others. This therefore implies that action should be taken against deviance in the society ,however one group regards certain actions as deviance whilst elsewhere in another group is necessarily not a deviance. What other society says is deviance is perfectly taken as human's right in other societies ,for example homosexuality,pornography or polyandry.
According to symbolic interactionists deviant behavours are as a result of social interaction and the act only become deviant only when labelled as such,thus deviant beahaviours is enhanced and reinforced by rebels. Deviant by the child's significant others. Frequently labelling a child as deviant makes that child a true deviant.
Functionalist perspective view deviant behaviour as a result of dysfunctional in one or more of socialing institutions. Deviant behaviour might be functional . Merton in Giddens (2001) claims that deviance araise from where society structured.Inaddition societal consensus over success goals and legitimate attainment of good Education ,hard work and self discipline.
However the disadvantages to members have scarce of attaining these success goals in this regard those who fail to achieve the goals may suffer anarchy and resort to deviant behaviours.
Deviant behaviours are generally influenced by those who live among deviant people when young children associate with rebels in the community they are likely to become deviant. Intimacy deviance or anti-cultural peers in terms of taking deviants as role models. In other words those deviant people frequently in contact with the more children are likely to become deviant. The degree to which deviance behaviour produce positive results. School rules and regulation thus a behaviour that contradicts or violets them constitutes deviant behaviours at the school environment, for example bullying,stealing ,sexual harrassment ,abuse and negligence.
Normally pupils who practiced these deviant behaviours form anti-school subcultural groups. It is the duty of the teacher to observe and dismentle this groups because deviant behaviours socialised faster in this group and influence more children to become deviant. Remember young children's conscience is more evil than good ,what if there is one to perpetuate such deviance.
Moreover teacher should avoid labelling children ,thus self concepts tend to be shaped by these teachers ,definitions ,attitudes and expectations. And labelling creates a master status which takes precedence over all statuses children occupies.
Symbolic interactionists argued that punishment or sunctions makes deviant behaviour to be repeated hence teachers should resort to private counselling.
Above all teachers should be good models of good behaviour because pupils may emulate them is they are significant others. When learners are involved in formulating school and class rules they understand more clearly the importance of observing them. Social sciences and moral subjects should planned to inculcate moral behaviours.
Forms of deviant are categorised into primary and secondary. Primary or transtory is that which is one of the deviation from norm ,that's the behaviour is not repeated or normalised. And secondary deviance refers to the act of having being noticed and difined as deviant. The actor is labelled by those who interacts with him/her and ended up accept it ,therefore the actor takes this deviant behaviours as an identity.
Inconclusion we can't rule to eladicate deviance but to reduce the deviant behavioural tendencies. A USA security officer once says ,we enforce laws in order to supress crime although we can't eladicate it because it appears naturally and natural things are difficulty to stop.
Lemerk in Halarambos and Holborn(2008) defines deviance as a behaviour that violates and contradicts the norms and values of social group in which that behaviour exists.Giddens (2001)says, deviance is a behaviour which doesn't fit the expectators of a social group . And Hargerdon (1993) views deviance as variation from a norm made socially important through the reaction of others. This therefore implies that action should be taken against deviance in the society ,however one group regards certain actions as deviance whilst elsewhere in another group is necessarily not a deviance. What other society says is deviance is perfectly taken as human's right in other societies ,for example homosexuality,pornography or polyandry.
According to symbolic interactionists deviant behavours are as a result of social interaction and the act only become deviant only when labelled as such,thus deviant beahaviours is enhanced and reinforced by rebels. Deviant by the child's significant others. Frequently labelling a child as deviant makes that child a true deviant.
Functionalist perspective view deviant behaviour as a result of dysfunctional in one or more of socialing institutions. Deviant behaviour might be functional . Merton in Giddens (2001) claims that deviance araise from where society structured.Inaddition societal consensus over success goals and legitimate attainment of good Education ,hard work and self discipline.
However the disadvantages to members have scarce of attaining these success goals in this regard those who fail to achieve the goals may suffer anarchy and resort to deviant behaviours.
Deviant behaviours are generally influenced by those who live among deviant people when young children associate with rebels in the community they are likely to become deviant. Intimacy deviance or anti-cultural peers in terms of taking deviants as role models. In other words those deviant people frequently in contact with the more children are likely to become deviant. The degree to which deviance behaviour produce positive results. School rules and regulation thus a behaviour that contradicts or violets them constitutes deviant behaviours at the school environment, for example bullying,stealing ,sexual harrassment ,abuse and negligence.
Normally pupils who practiced these deviant behaviours form anti-school subcultural groups. It is the duty of the teacher to observe and dismentle this groups because deviant behaviours socialised faster in this group and influence more children to become deviant. Remember young children's conscience is more evil than good ,what if there is one to perpetuate such deviance.
Moreover teacher should avoid labelling children ,thus self concepts tend to be shaped by these teachers ,definitions ,attitudes and expectations. And labelling creates a master status which takes precedence over all statuses children occupies.
Symbolic interactionists argued that punishment or sunctions makes deviant behaviour to be repeated hence teachers should resort to private counselling.
Above all teachers should be good models of good behaviour because pupils may emulate them is they are significant others. When learners are involved in formulating school and class rules they understand more clearly the importance of observing them. Social sciences and moral subjects should planned to inculcate moral behaviours.
Forms of deviant are categorised into primary and secondary. Primary or transtory is that which is one of the deviation from norm ,that's the behaviour is not repeated or normalised. And secondary deviance refers to the act of having being noticed and difined as deviant. The actor is labelled by those who interacts with him/her and ended up accept it ,therefore the actor takes this deviant behaviours as an identity.
Inconclusion we can't rule to eladicate deviance but to reduce the deviant behavioural tendencies. A USA security officer once says ,we enforce laws in order to supress crime although we can't eladicate it because it appears naturally and natural things are difficulty to stop.
Severe Subnormality Moderately and Mental Dull Retarded Children
These children have a very low intellectual competence.They cannot be fitted into ordinary schools. They need to go to special schools where they are attended by specialists and with medical facilities,if they have physical complications.
They can learn only to read and writing. Most of them need a help especially to develop motor ,perceptual and simple language skills so that they can be competent in serving themselves in their lives.
They can be taught to feed,dress and take themselves to the toilet and to do other home routines,however some children maybe able to look for themselves after being intensively trained for very long time.They need constant supervision , when performing simple task in closely monitored situations.
The speech of these children is very limited or completely absent.The most severely affected can never able to serve themselves and are permanently hospitalised and depend on health personnel for all their daily upkeep.
The Moderately Retarded children look normal like others and can care for themselves ,having the capability of relating with others ,but cannot able to read,write and solve complex mathematical problems.
Normally in classrooms we can have such children who are mentally retarded with no physical defects. Their psycho-motor development is relatively normal.
These children' s handicaps cannot commonly detected until they begin school.They are troublesome in the classroom as they require much individual attention. They are some of the major cause of disciplinary problems.
However they can able to learn basic skills and crafts like graghics,arts and physical education.When they are adults are capable of doing simple community works which involve the use of their hands.
Mental Handicap sometimes cause physicaly disability.That's a child can not able to walk propery as a result of damages to the part of the brain that controls the limbs. Children with mental handicap do not benefit from the usual educational methods and content offered in normal community schools.The children are special children and usually fall in the category of slow learners. The slow learner is a child who is taking long time to cope with the task expected of him at a certain age.Mentally handicapped comprises both mental dullness and mental retardation. The Mental Dull Children ,according to Child(1978:267),"by nature have limited intellectual endowment and would not be expected to become bright adults after receiving specialised education".The idea supported by Chimedza and Peters(2003)who state that mentally retarded children cannot grasp concepts quickly .These children suffer from low intelligence ,multiple handicaps such as blindness and deafness.Sometimes these children are called profoundly retarded children.The children has difficulties in speaking and their psycho-motor development is extremely limited.Most of them need life long care institutions because they need to be supervised constantly and are unable to care for themselves.
The Mentally Retarded Children have poor academic achievements because of environmental factors and their mental abilities.However they can do much better after provided with remedial aid and carefully handled. Poor socio-economic home background is one of the environmental factors which cause mental retardation ,children from such homes may not get enough food,poor learning facilities at home ,that's speech and reading skills ,lack adequate sleep and general adverse parential attitudes towards education.
The school itself can also be an environmental factor which cause retardation .Take for instance a situation where the classes are too large ,making the teacher unable to attend to individual problems or where teaching methods are not child centred ,like using the quick lecture method and give quickly children's work , using unsuitable media eventually retardation develops.
Some children become retarded through constant changes of locations and schools ,which consequently cause changes of methods of teaching and content coverage.
Retardation can be caused by clashes of personality between the teacher and the child.The child failed to perform assigned tasks,which leads the child to feel inadequate ,then lost confidence and initiatives.Therefore this child becomes anxious , timid and performs badly.
However no matter how severe is the abnormality ,disability is not in ability so lets help those we disability to cope with life by developing some of the basic skills essential for their life.
They can learn only to read and writing. Most of them need a help especially to develop motor ,perceptual and simple language skills so that they can be competent in serving themselves in their lives.
They can be taught to feed,dress and take themselves to the toilet and to do other home routines,however some children maybe able to look for themselves after being intensively trained for very long time.They need constant supervision , when performing simple task in closely monitored situations.
The speech of these children is very limited or completely absent.The most severely affected can never able to serve themselves and are permanently hospitalised and depend on health personnel for all their daily upkeep.
The Moderately Retarded children look normal like others and can care for themselves ,having the capability of relating with others ,but cannot able to read,write and solve complex mathematical problems.
Normally in classrooms we can have such children who are mentally retarded with no physical defects. Their psycho-motor development is relatively normal.
These children' s handicaps cannot commonly detected until they begin school.They are troublesome in the classroom as they require much individual attention. They are some of the major cause of disciplinary problems.
However they can able to learn basic skills and crafts like graghics,arts and physical education.When they are adults are capable of doing simple community works which involve the use of their hands.
Mental Handicap sometimes cause physicaly disability.That's a child can not able to walk propery as a result of damages to the part of the brain that controls the limbs. Children with mental handicap do not benefit from the usual educational methods and content offered in normal community schools.The children are special children and usually fall in the category of slow learners. The slow learner is a child who is taking long time to cope with the task expected of him at a certain age.Mentally handicapped comprises both mental dullness and mental retardation. The Mental Dull Children ,according to Child(1978:267),"by nature have limited intellectual endowment and would not be expected to become bright adults after receiving specialised education".The idea supported by Chimedza and Peters(2003)who state that mentally retarded children cannot grasp concepts quickly .These children suffer from low intelligence ,multiple handicaps such as blindness and deafness.Sometimes these children are called profoundly retarded children.The children has difficulties in speaking and their psycho-motor development is extremely limited.Most of them need life long care institutions because they need to be supervised constantly and are unable to care for themselves.
The Mentally Retarded Children have poor academic achievements because of environmental factors and their mental abilities.However they can do much better after provided with remedial aid and carefully handled. Poor socio-economic home background is one of the environmental factors which cause mental retardation ,children from such homes may not get enough food,poor learning facilities at home ,that's speech and reading skills ,lack adequate sleep and general adverse parential attitudes towards education.
The school itself can also be an environmental factor which cause retardation .Take for instance a situation where the classes are too large ,making the teacher unable to attend to individual problems or where teaching methods are not child centred ,like using the quick lecture method and give quickly children's work , using unsuitable media eventually retardation develops.
Some children become retarded through constant changes of locations and schools ,which consequently cause changes of methods of teaching and content coverage.
Retardation can be caused by clashes of personality between the teacher and the child.The child failed to perform assigned tasks,which leads the child to feel inadequate ,then lost confidence and initiatives.Therefore this child becomes anxious , timid and performs badly.
However no matter how severe is the abnormality ,disability is not in ability so lets help those we disability to cope with life by developing some of the basic skills essential for their life.
Teacher Expectations in Helping Disabled Children
When children come to school ,the teachers should expect children with impartial to severe physical and other forms of disabilities. In an inclusive education ,social learning and socialisation, teachers should know the difficulties which can come with different categories of children. Despite the handicap ,it is the teacher's mandate to devise suitable ways to assist any child to cope with learning ability as simple as possible.
Disabled children must take part in all the activities like all other children ,for example in field trips,scouting ,games ,sports ,creative dance and music. Those pupils with difficulties in walking for example make have provisions of games played when seated in areas like chase ,quizword ,cross-word puzzle or jigsaw puzzle.
Disabled children must be paired with other children who help them in the learning activities like field trips,scouting where the partially blind child paired with another child with good sight.They also contribute well in small groups ,so teachers must encourage children to work in groups .The able children can also learn the spirit of interacting with disabled children in any social functions. Hence the children can fully develop the sense of learn and live with the handicap children right from their childhood and accept them for what they are. This is good for any socialisation because society ceases to be normal with out disabled people.
Teachers must realise what interests disabled children and develop lessons around their interests. This will draw their attention and keep them motivated to actively involved in learning.For example because of feelings of distress many disabled children enjoy moral choral music,so teacher can plan and organise children into activities around musical background and story telling.And they should plan lessons so that it becomes child -centred . The actively invoving learners in their own learning through their efforts and initiative will make them learn effectively ,provided also the teacher make provisions of suitable stimulation. Make use of various teaching aids and rewarding pupils by praising them for their achievements in learning .This will help them repeat what they have learned.
Children must express themselves through art in exploring different drawing skills and other artistic activities,do physical exercise so that they develop a sense of being staying fit and given opportunities to develop ideas they can utilise during their free time. Children must be taught aquatic skills as a measure to help them to survive when involved in water accidents.Especially in rural areas where they usually used to cross the rivers flooded.
When teaching disabled children .These children because of their difference in difficulties ,teachers should effectively make use of voice,writing on the board,gestures,facial expressions ,pictures ,drawings ,models ,films or any other aids so that the disabled children can use their senses in learning. One of these methods can be more successful with some children than with other methods .Hence the teacher should try to use all to conclude which one is the most effective.This easily breaks monotony ,boredom and lack of attention. The teacher should notice how restless children become when talking for too long in just a single lesson.
In the case of many disabled children for the staff to cope with . The school head should request another specialised helper. The helper assists the disabled children and also the teacher on technical ways of helping the disabled child. In some developing countries there are challenges in finding the helpers,however there are so many organisations which can help the school locate volunteers to help such children in learning. Helpers are useful in giving children and extra help in need ,thereby relieving the teacher during those times. In other serious situations ,if children taught to help the disabled people can assume the role of a helper.For example can help them in reading or calculation or helping them other skills which may involve walking or proper dressing.
The teacher should emphasize practical learning so that learners can acquire their skills required in the society. Theory and practice must be in harmony to ensure meaningful learning and simple. The main emphasis should be on skills to empower learners for their daily lives and activities which is helpful in their traditional life ,for instance conserving the resources ,such as keeping our environment clean,conservation farming,awareness of balanced diet ,avoid traffic accidents, etc.
Every child need friends to have a sense of security . The school environment should promote an environment where children have friendships with disabled children and have love offer help needed by disabled child like feeding and moving him/her. However the friendships must not over protect the disabled ,as it impedes the development of necessary skills leading to self -reliance .Over protection has detrimental impacts to disabled as shall lose that friend in one situation or another leading to misery ,inferiority as grown to depend on other people .Children can developed to have awareness of disability through strory-telling or can do role plays which help to develop attitudes towards the disabled children.
Disabled children must take part in all the activities like all other children ,for example in field trips,scouting ,games ,sports ,creative dance and music. Those pupils with difficulties in walking for example make have provisions of games played when seated in areas like chase ,quizword ,cross-word puzzle or jigsaw puzzle.
Disabled children must be paired with other children who help them in the learning activities like field trips,scouting where the partially blind child paired with another child with good sight.They also contribute well in small groups ,so teachers must encourage children to work in groups .The able children can also learn the spirit of interacting with disabled children in any social functions. Hence the children can fully develop the sense of learn and live with the handicap children right from their childhood and accept them for what they are. This is good for any socialisation because society ceases to be normal with out disabled people.
Teachers must realise what interests disabled children and develop lessons around their interests. This will draw their attention and keep them motivated to actively involved in learning.For example because of feelings of distress many disabled children enjoy moral choral music,so teacher can plan and organise children into activities around musical background and story telling.And they should plan lessons so that it becomes child -centred . The actively invoving learners in their own learning through their efforts and initiative will make them learn effectively ,provided also the teacher make provisions of suitable stimulation. Make use of various teaching aids and rewarding pupils by praising them for their achievements in learning .This will help them repeat what they have learned.
Children must express themselves through art in exploring different drawing skills and other artistic activities,do physical exercise so that they develop a sense of being staying fit and given opportunities to develop ideas they can utilise during their free time. Children must be taught aquatic skills as a measure to help them to survive when involved in water accidents.Especially in rural areas where they usually used to cross the rivers flooded.
When teaching disabled children .These children because of their difference in difficulties ,teachers should effectively make use of voice,writing on the board,gestures,facial expressions ,pictures ,drawings ,models ,films or any other aids so that the disabled children can use their senses in learning. One of these methods can be more successful with some children than with other methods .Hence the teacher should try to use all to conclude which one is the most effective.This easily breaks monotony ,boredom and lack of attention. The teacher should notice how restless children become when talking for too long in just a single lesson.
In the case of many disabled children for the staff to cope with . The school head should request another specialised helper. The helper assists the disabled children and also the teacher on technical ways of helping the disabled child. In some developing countries there are challenges in finding the helpers,however there are so many organisations which can help the school locate volunteers to help such children in learning. Helpers are useful in giving children and extra help in need ,thereby relieving the teacher during those times. In other serious situations ,if children taught to help the disabled people can assume the role of a helper.For example can help them in reading or calculation or helping them other skills which may involve walking or proper dressing.
The teacher should emphasize practical learning so that learners can acquire their skills required in the society. Theory and practice must be in harmony to ensure meaningful learning and simple. The main emphasis should be on skills to empower learners for their daily lives and activities which is helpful in their traditional life ,for instance conserving the resources ,such as keeping our environment clean,conservation farming,awareness of balanced diet ,avoid traffic accidents, etc.
Every child need friends to have a sense of security . The school environment should promote an environment where children have friendships with disabled children and have love offer help needed by disabled child like feeding and moving him/her. However the friendships must not over protect the disabled ,as it impedes the development of necessary skills leading to self -reliance .Over protection has detrimental impacts to disabled as shall lose that friend in one situation or another leading to misery ,inferiority as grown to depend on other people .Children can developed to have awareness of disability through strory-telling or can do role plays which help to develop attitudes towards the disabled children.
Mother Father-child Relationship its impacts on mental and emotional development of the child: The Hyperactive Child
Child develop well if they have their parents live together. The mother's love is like a drug and is difficult to lack. A good mother could viewed among other qualities as the one who creates a child 's feelings of safety ,being wanted and freedom. Due to breakdown of families because of HIV & AIDS pandemic ,high rates of divorce ,prostitution and poverty motherly love is difficulty to comeby and left most children feel neglected. The children might lack comfort and grow up suspiciously,unfriendly towards other people. These children might not understand why other people show affection to them.They become indifferent to life and even feel rejected by the community and society as whole. Such feelings and attitudes could affect them in their education and likely to feel grieved and develop poor relationships with their peers . These children eventually might find it difficult to appreciate any affection shown by the teachers.Whilst lack of motherly love and care might have an adverse effects on child's development, too much motherly love and care might also affect the child's performance in school. Like an overdosed drug lacks its importance of relieving pain. A mother who is over protective tries to keep her child for as long as possible . She does most of the things for her child .The child is kept away from other children lest they might hurt him /her.This child is never treated as a grown up boy or girl and therefore lacks necessary experience ,and this results in retardation.
A restrictive Mother:Children develop motor skills through manipulating things. They need freedom of movement to discover and to master the movement of their hands and other parts of their bodies. They are very active at this stage. At school, the mother will not be there to impose her motives to her child. The child will evenually become retarded,helpless and even lazy this leads to lack of self-confidence,initiative and perseverence.
The Father: In most societies and religious belief the father is regarded as the head of the family. He is a disciplinarian and protector of the whole family.The father has the task of winning both love and respect from his children ,this is a formidable task.
The disciplinary attitudes of many fathers has adverse effects on their children later in school. The father who mercilessly punishes his child is likely to lose the child's love. The child will fear and hate him. The said child will become a pretender,cheator,cloak, or a lier when only doing things that will please this father .The child lose self-confidence and withdrawn.These qualities are likely to be carried in the classroom.
The spirit of individuality in child is turned down by the needlessly harsh father and the child is afraid to express himself/herself and might upset this father.
The child develop to be submissive ,silent and socially backward , in which becomes a rebel,bully and at times a coward.
A very lenient father who is not firm is likely to spoil the child. A father who lets
his child get away with everything s/he does wrong could be spoiling the child. This child would falsely believe that everyone will let him get his own way. The child might eventually become selfish ,conceited ,bossy and lazy.
The emotionally Disturbed Child who have difficulty in adjusting to their environments.The child with problem behaviour.Lets look at this emotionally disturbed child who exhibit problem behaviour like hyperactivity ,the withdrawal and runaway reaction ,and over -anxiousness.
Hyperactivity refer to a neurological impairment .It is highly visible in the classroom .A hyperactive child is generally overactive ,restless ,excitable and impulsive in the classroom.This child rarely completes assignments ,as is constantly in motion and never seem want to sit still and concentrate on a given work. Frequently this child resort to fighting ,lying ,stealing ,vandalism and cruelty to other children.
Hyperactive children aren't ,however characterised by inferior mental ability .They may have high intellectual potential ,but their impulsiveness and restlessness prevent them from achieving this potential.(Gibson 1976:418)
The possible causes of hyperactivity have been attributed to health problems occurring when the child is young.Poor coordination and delayed speech are but a few of the many possible causes.
A restrictive Mother:Children develop motor skills through manipulating things. They need freedom of movement to discover and to master the movement of their hands and other parts of their bodies. They are very active at this stage. At school, the mother will not be there to impose her motives to her child. The child will evenually become retarded,helpless and even lazy this leads to lack of self-confidence,initiative and perseverence.
The Father: In most societies and religious belief the father is regarded as the head of the family. He is a disciplinarian and protector of the whole family.The father has the task of winning both love and respect from his children ,this is a formidable task.
The disciplinary attitudes of many fathers has adverse effects on their children later in school. The father who mercilessly punishes his child is likely to lose the child's love. The child will fear and hate him. The said child will become a pretender,cheator,cloak, or a lier when only doing things that will please this father .The child lose self-confidence and withdrawn.These qualities are likely to be carried in the classroom.
The spirit of individuality in child is turned down by the needlessly harsh father and the child is afraid to express himself/herself and might upset this father.
The child develop to be submissive ,silent and socially backward , in which becomes a rebel,bully and at times a coward.
A very lenient father who is not firm is likely to spoil the child. A father who lets
his child get away with everything s/he does wrong could be spoiling the child. This child would falsely believe that everyone will let him get his own way. The child might eventually become selfish ,conceited ,bossy and lazy.
The emotionally Disturbed Child who have difficulty in adjusting to their environments.The child with problem behaviour.Lets look at this emotionally disturbed child who exhibit problem behaviour like hyperactivity ,the withdrawal and runaway reaction ,and over -anxiousness.
Hyperactivity refer to a neurological impairment .It is highly visible in the classroom .A hyperactive child is generally overactive ,restless ,excitable and impulsive in the classroom.This child rarely completes assignments ,as is constantly in motion and never seem want to sit still and concentrate on a given work. Frequently this child resort to fighting ,lying ,stealing ,vandalism and cruelty to other children.
Hyperactive children aren't ,however characterised by inferior mental ability .They may have high intellectual potential ,but their impulsiveness and restlessness prevent them from achieving this potential.(Gibson 1976:418)
The possible causes of hyperactivity have been attributed to health problems occurring when the child is young.Poor coordination and delayed speech are but a few of the many possible causes.
Learning is a permanent change in behaviour. It is concerned with cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains.
Behaviourists subscribed to the idea that in the study of psychology it is important to study the relationship between external observable input which they regard as the stimulus and the output stimulus response. Without concerning with such abstracts concepts such as mind, purpose ,free will and so on. The behaviourists connected to stimulus and response. In their view learning occurs on the basis of an association between stimulus and response and sweetens with some the form of rewards and also spied with punishments.
Ivoun Pavlov(1849-1936) a Russian physiologist produced the theory of learning through classical conditioning. The word 'classical' means the first theories of learning. And the word 'conditioning' refers to learning a behaviour modification.
Therefore in classical conditioning ,Pavlov basically discovered that learning is when there is some other previous neutral stimulus appeared at or just before the preventation of stimuli. In fact Pavlov collected saliva from a dog through a tube from its cheeks after being presented with food. In this way the dog salivated in the sight of food.
The theory is a reflex action which he observed the dog salivated in front of food container and even in the sound if experimented the footsteps of the food bearer.
Another neutral stimulus Pavlov experimented was a bell ringing to find out if the dog salivates when giving it food first by rang the bell ,but it didn't. He then involves the bell immediately followed by food and continuously ringing the bell first and then accompany the bell sound with the food, since the food salivates the dog. This was done in a number of times.
After the conditioning the bell sound without being accompanied by food salivates the dog.It is a reflex action. At first the bell is neutral ,but it ceases to be neutral after conditioning hence it is now a conditioning stimulus.
Stimulus generalisation ,Pavlov shifted to the sound of buzer instead of a bell till the dog salivated because the sound of the buzer sounded like a bell.
Differential conditioning according to Pavlov the dog presented with a horn sound like of a bell then it salivated.
Lets come back to the bell paired with food of course the dog salivates ,but changing to the horn paired with the bell only ,then horn alone without being paired ,the dog is now in position to distinguish the sound of the bell and the horn.
Extinction is the total disappearance of a particular behaviour due to lack of reinfocement. Food paired with bell the dog salivates,but after some time the bell alone the salivation declines until it didn't salivates any longer ,it is now clever and doesn't salivate to the bell sound again.
Educational implications of this classical conditioning learning theory ,pupils should associate school with cheerfulness,reinforcement or reward is very important.
The dog learned a new behaviour,the teacher should also encourage child ,for giving comments 'very good'.
Learning should importantly be entrusted ,to allow children to generalise what they learn in the four walls of their learning environment. Unless learners reinforced otherwise they will forge.
Behaviourists subscribed to the idea that in the study of psychology it is important to study the relationship between external observable input which they regard as the stimulus and the output stimulus response. Without concerning with such abstracts concepts such as mind, purpose ,free will and so on. The behaviourists connected to stimulus and response. In their view learning occurs on the basis of an association between stimulus and response and sweetens with some the form of rewards and also spied with punishments.
Ivoun Pavlov(1849-1936) a Russian physiologist produced the theory of learning through classical conditioning. The word 'classical' means the first theories of learning. And the word 'conditioning' refers to learning a behaviour modification.
Therefore in classical conditioning ,Pavlov basically discovered that learning is when there is some other previous neutral stimulus appeared at or just before the preventation of stimuli. In fact Pavlov collected saliva from a dog through a tube from its cheeks after being presented with food. In this way the dog salivated in the sight of food.
The theory is a reflex action which he observed the dog salivated in front of food container and even in the sound if experimented the footsteps of the food bearer.
Another neutral stimulus Pavlov experimented was a bell ringing to find out if the dog salivates when giving it food first by rang the bell ,but it didn't. He then involves the bell immediately followed by food and continuously ringing the bell first and then accompany the bell sound with the food, since the food salivates the dog. This was done in a number of times.
After the conditioning the bell sound without being accompanied by food salivates the dog.It is a reflex action. At first the bell is neutral ,but it ceases to be neutral after conditioning hence it is now a conditioning stimulus.
Stimulus generalisation ,Pavlov shifted to the sound of buzer instead of a bell till the dog salivated because the sound of the buzer sounded like a bell.
Differential conditioning according to Pavlov the dog presented with a horn sound like of a bell then it salivated.
Lets come back to the bell paired with food of course the dog salivates ,but changing to the horn paired with the bell only ,then horn alone without being paired ,the dog is now in position to distinguish the sound of the bell and the horn.
Extinction is the total disappearance of a particular behaviour due to lack of reinfocement. Food paired with bell the dog salivates,but after some time the bell alone the salivation declines until it didn't salivates any longer ,it is now clever and doesn't salivate to the bell sound again.
Educational implications of this classical conditioning learning theory ,pupils should associate school with cheerfulness,reinforcement or reward is very important.
The dog learned a new behaviour,the teacher should also encourage child ,for giving comments 'very good'.
Learning should importantly be entrusted ,to allow children to generalise what they learn in the four walls of their learning environment. Unless learners reinforced otherwise they will forge.
Learning is a permanent change in behaviour. It is concerned with cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains.
Behaviourists subscribed to the idea that in the study of psychology it is important to study the relationship between external observable input which they regard as the stimulus and the output stimulus response. Without concerning with such abstracts concepts such as mind, purpose ,free will and so on. The behaviourists connected to stimulus and response. In their view learning occurs on the basis of an association between stimulus and response and sweetens with some the form of rewards and also spied with punishments.
Ivoun Pavlov(1849-1936) a Russian physiologist produced the theory of learning through classical conditioning. The word 'classical' means the first theories of learning. And the word 'conditioning' refers to learning a behaviour modification.
Therefore in classical conditioning ,Pavlov basically discovered that learning is when there is some other previous neutral stimulus appeared at or just before the preventation of stimuli. In fact Pavlov collected saliva from a dog through a tube from its cheeks after being presented with food. In this way the dog salivated in the sight of food.
The theory is a reflex action which he observed the dog salivated in front of food container and even in the sound if experimented the footsteps of the food bearer.
Another neutral stimulus Pavlov experimented was a bell ringing to find out if the dog salivates when giving it food first by rang the bell ,but it didn't. He then involves the bell immediately followed by food and continuously ringing the bell first and then accompany the bell sound with the food, since the food salivates the dog. This was done in a number of times.
After the conditioning the bell sound without being accompanied by food salivates the dog.It is a reflex action. At first the bell is neutral ,but it ceases to be neutral after conditioning hence it is now a conditioning stimulus.
Stimulus generalisation ,Pavlov shifted to the sound of buzer instead of a bell till the dog salivated because the sound of the buzer sounded like a bell.
Differential conditioning according to Pavlov the dog presented with a horn sound like of a bell then it salivated.
Lets come back to the bell paired with food of course the dog salivates ,but changing to the horn paired with the bell only ,then horn alone without being paired ,the dog is now in position to distinguish the sound of the bell and the horn.
Extinction is the total disappearance of a particular behaviour due to lack of reinfocement. Food paired with bell the dog salivates,but after some time the bell alone the salivation declines until it didn't salivates any longer ,it is now clever and doesn't salivate to the bell sound again.
Educational implications of this classical conditioning learning theory ,pupils should associate school with cheerfulness,reinforcement or reward is very important.
The dog learned a new behaviour,the teacher should also encourage child ,for giving comments 'very good'.
Learning should importantly be entrusted ,to allow children to generalise what they learn in the four walls of their learning environment. Unless learners reinforced otherwise they will forge.
Behaviourists subscribed to the idea that in the study of psychology it is important to study the relationship between external observable input which they regard as the stimulus and the output stimulus response. Without concerning with such abstracts concepts such as mind, purpose ,free will and so on. The behaviourists connected to stimulus and response. In their view learning occurs on the basis of an association between stimulus and response and sweetens with some the form of rewards and also spied with punishments.
Ivoun Pavlov(1849-1936) a Russian physiologist produced the theory of learning through classical conditioning. The word 'classical' means the first theories of learning. And the word 'conditioning' refers to learning a behaviour modification.
Therefore in classical conditioning ,Pavlov basically discovered that learning is when there is some other previous neutral stimulus appeared at or just before the preventation of stimuli. In fact Pavlov collected saliva from a dog through a tube from its cheeks after being presented with food. In this way the dog salivated in the sight of food.
The theory is a reflex action which he observed the dog salivated in front of food container and even in the sound if experimented the footsteps of the food bearer.
Another neutral stimulus Pavlov experimented was a bell ringing to find out if the dog salivates when giving it food first by rang the bell ,but it didn't. He then involves the bell immediately followed by food and continuously ringing the bell first and then accompany the bell sound with the food, since the food salivates the dog. This was done in a number of times.
After the conditioning the bell sound without being accompanied by food salivates the dog.It is a reflex action. At first the bell is neutral ,but it ceases to be neutral after conditioning hence it is now a conditioning stimulus.
Stimulus generalisation ,Pavlov shifted to the sound of buzer instead of a bell till the dog salivated because the sound of the buzer sounded like a bell.
Differential conditioning according to Pavlov the dog presented with a horn sound like of a bell then it salivated.
Lets come back to the bell paired with food of course the dog salivates ,but changing to the horn paired with the bell only ,then horn alone without being paired ,the dog is now in position to distinguish the sound of the bell and the horn.
Extinction is the total disappearance of a particular behaviour due to lack of reinfocement. Food paired with bell the dog salivates,but after some time the bell alone the salivation declines until it didn't salivates any longer ,it is now clever and doesn't salivate to the bell sound again.
Educational implications of this classical conditioning learning theory ,pupils should associate school with cheerfulness,reinforcement or reward is very important.
The dog learned a new behaviour,the teacher should also encourage child ,for giving comments 'very good'.
Learning should importantly be entrusted ,to allow children to generalise what they learn in the four walls of their learning environment. Unless learners reinforced otherwise they will forge.
The relationship between Physical Education and Sporting Disciplines.
The relationship between Physical Education and Sports: Wherever possible a link should be developed between the Physical Education and the sporting in general.
During the athletics competitions ,the teacher should scheme and plan Physical Education lessons in athletics skills since children will involve in althletics sporting activities.
Educational gymnastics lessons in the Physical Education should lead to the formation of gymnastic clubs, which shall be competiting sporting competitions or gymnastics displays on parents' day,community functions ,national special holidays or other special occassions.
Physical Educationball game skills must help pupils to master essential skills necessary for playing in the sporting competition at school ,cluster,district ,reginal ,national or international competitions for every game situation.
Educational Gymnastics is generally referred to the basic skills and techniques for supporting ,transferring and managing the body's weight through activities such as running ,juming ,balancing ,rocking ,rolling ,weight on hands and suspension with or without apparatus.Gymnastics is concerned mainly with the performer to be flexible ,strong and aesthetics on movement with the purpose to achieve even more difficult skills.
The two major forms of gymnastics recognised worldover are Olympic Gymnastics which are basically competitive in nature as it demands a lot of prescribed movements to be performed, Educational Gymnastics which based upon the analysis of human movement.
In educational gymnastics all of us has a body and what are we moving of the body ,that's either the whole or parts. When we move in space this is where we move in general or own space.
In moving the body or body parts with a certain amount of speed ,tension and energy this is how body movement done. At the same time we move in relation to other people ,apparatus and so forth.
At infant level the pupils are at the stage where they learn mostly by doing , where the physical and mental development are closely aligned. Therefore teachers should make use of activities at this stage. The infants are developing underlying abilities such as perception .selective attention ,spatial number and language awareness,relationships ,schemes and so on.Which usually the future mental and physical progress will definitely rely on .
In juniors the needs become different. The childern now find specific skills more challenging and they are motivated to practice independently to achieve high standards. These pupils should exposed to essential opportunities as it is likely that at a later stage their progress will be hindered .
The most suitable methods of teaching are guided discovery and problem-solving in which the pupils learn about themselves, their capabilities and limitations and they learn to understand movement.This can provide a platform on which to build not only more skilled gymnastics movement at a later stage ,but also skilled movement in other areas.
At the same time as children are developing should be encouraged to select ,think ,practice and be creative in their own movements. However the teacher must emphasize the quality to ensure improvement in skill and give a sense of achievement.
Minor and Major Games are simpler activities chosen for infants and much complex physical activities are chosen for juniours.
Participation in games should meet the expectations of pupils to have fun ,development and improvement in basic skills. The children should increase body awareness and improve body image.
The provision of success ,confidence and sense of self-worth , overall improvements of muscle co-ordination and fitness.Pupils can develop awareness of potential in a variety of sporting skills as they develop the sense of sportsmanship ,fair play through co-operation and consideration for others.
Therefore the teacher can generally consider activities which is challenging ,stimulate and interesting to be realistic enough for success to be realised.
The teacher must ensure safety precautions are observed as pupils focus on participation ,learning and experience rather than on competition to win. The selected activities should involve all pupils ,who progress slowly from the known to the unknown and from the simple to complex. The repetition of activities is necessary and provides reinforcement of learning. The skills to be taught should be broken down into simple step by step components where children balance vigorously in passive activities. Pupils will be molded to be firm ,patient and kind to children to involve them in games as they making rules as possible.
Outdoor Physical Educationactivities should be done in a specially organised times in the afternoon or preferably during weekends. Children's attention should be drawn to the conservation of resources.
Most of the activities can be carried out in the school 's play centre .The school 's outdoor area with trees ,poles ,rocks ,ropes ,ladders etc . After proper organisation hiking expeditions involving a number of other activities can be carried out.
Infants outdor activities include:
swinging twisting climbing
turning balancing turning
hanging sliding donkey ,horse bicycle riding shooting with bow and arrow
Juniors involve in :
introductory orienteering canoeing
hiking bicycling camping
back packing .
During the athletics competitions ,the teacher should scheme and plan Physical Education lessons in athletics skills since children will involve in althletics sporting activities.
Educational gymnastics lessons in the Physical Education should lead to the formation of gymnastic clubs, which shall be competiting sporting competitions or gymnastics displays on parents' day,community functions ,national special holidays or other special occassions.
Physical Educationball game skills must help pupils to master essential skills necessary for playing in the sporting competition at school ,cluster,district ,reginal ,national or international competitions for every game situation.
Educational Gymnastics is generally referred to the basic skills and techniques for supporting ,transferring and managing the body's weight through activities such as running ,juming ,balancing ,rocking ,rolling ,weight on hands and suspension with or without apparatus.Gymnastics is concerned mainly with the performer to be flexible ,strong and aesthetics on movement with the purpose to achieve even more difficult skills.
The two major forms of gymnastics recognised worldover are Olympic Gymnastics which are basically competitive in nature as it demands a lot of prescribed movements to be performed, Educational Gymnastics which based upon the analysis of human movement.
In educational gymnastics all of us has a body and what are we moving of the body ,that's either the whole or parts. When we move in space this is where we move in general or own space.
In moving the body or body parts with a certain amount of speed ,tension and energy this is how body movement done. At the same time we move in relation to other people ,apparatus and so forth.
At infant level the pupils are at the stage where they learn mostly by doing , where the physical and mental development are closely aligned. Therefore teachers should make use of activities at this stage. The infants are developing underlying abilities such as perception .selective attention ,spatial number and language awareness,relationships ,schemes and so on.Which usually the future mental and physical progress will definitely rely on .
In juniors the needs become different. The childern now find specific skills more challenging and they are motivated to practice independently to achieve high standards. These pupils should exposed to essential opportunities as it is likely that at a later stage their progress will be hindered .
The most suitable methods of teaching are guided discovery and problem-solving in which the pupils learn about themselves, their capabilities and limitations and they learn to understand movement.This can provide a platform on which to build not only more skilled gymnastics movement at a later stage ,but also skilled movement in other areas.
At the same time as children are developing should be encouraged to select ,think ,practice and be creative in their own movements. However the teacher must emphasize the quality to ensure improvement in skill and give a sense of achievement.
Minor and Major Games are simpler activities chosen for infants and much complex physical activities are chosen for juniours.
Participation in games should meet the expectations of pupils to have fun ,development and improvement in basic skills. The children should increase body awareness and improve body image.
The provision of success ,confidence and sense of self-worth , overall improvements of muscle co-ordination and fitness.Pupils can develop awareness of potential in a variety of sporting skills as they develop the sense of sportsmanship ,fair play through co-operation and consideration for others.
Therefore the teacher can generally consider activities which is challenging ,stimulate and interesting to be realistic enough for success to be realised.
The teacher must ensure safety precautions are observed as pupils focus on participation ,learning and experience rather than on competition to win. The selected activities should involve all pupils ,who progress slowly from the known to the unknown and from the simple to complex. The repetition of activities is necessary and provides reinforcement of learning. The skills to be taught should be broken down into simple step by step components where children balance vigorously in passive activities. Pupils will be molded to be firm ,patient and kind to children to involve them in games as they making rules as possible.
Outdoor Physical Educationactivities should be done in a specially organised times in the afternoon or preferably during weekends. Children's attention should be drawn to the conservation of resources.
Most of the activities can be carried out in the school 's play centre .The school 's outdoor area with trees ,poles ,rocks ,ropes ,ladders etc . After proper organisation hiking expeditions involving a number of other activities can be carried out.
Infants outdor activities include:
swinging twisting climbing
turning balancing turning
hanging sliding donkey ,horse bicycle riding shooting with bow and arrow
Juniors involve in :
introductory orienteering canoeing
hiking bicycling camping
back packing .
The Importance Teaching and Learning of Physical Education in Schools
Children are mostly urged to be active and naturally children need activities are both physically and mentally influence. Their bodies are at vigorous physical and mental growth hence these activities reduce monotonous and lesson boredom to be specific. The school's mandate is to see children's growth and development in satisfying physical education.
The approaches to be excuted during physical education lessons should make provisions for the children's physical satisfaction of movements of various qualities and the mental satisfation of creative activities.
The physical education and other co -curricular activities has great contribution to the maintenance and improvement of health and provide wholesome leisure-time occupation. In education these useful aspects has great influence in enriching social interaction relationships and the development of attitudes of fair play.
Well excuted physical education discipline should develop the abilities ,will -power and self-discipline of every child as a full member of the integrated society.
Educational system of any state must set the requisite place and importance of physical and sport in establishing a balance and strength links between physical activities and cognitive development of the children in educational process.
The physical education generally aims at an increase of motor skills as children develop organic health ,vigour and physical fitness.
In the Physical Education lessons children are also expected to experience movements as a means of communication and expression. The children can develop high standards of performance in physical activities to which they are attracted and in which these children can show competence.
Children should develop the awareness of aesthetic qualities of movement ,where they are exposed to acquire suffient knowledge to become appreciative and intelligent spectators of wide range of sporting activities.
Learning how to co-operate with others as a team or group in exercising the natural learning processes of enquiry and discovery through physical movement. Children can experience a sense of achievement as frequently as possible.
The teamwork spirit can help in molding leadership qualities and develop a sense of self -control and confidence in growing children.
The time allocated for physical education vary from school to school depends on numerous factors. However for infants it is necessary to set 4 x 20 minute lesson per week , Infant classes need a lot exercises as they are at massive development stage that they should compansate most through acquiring most of the basic skills and these skills need to be constantly re-inforced.
The recommended types of lesson to be taught each week are one educational gymnastic(general movement),one dance and two ball games lessons so that every area of physical skill developed.
The juniour classes that is children of 9 to 12 years of age need atleast 3x 30 minutes lesson periods per week. The timetable should be flexible to allow children to have their physical education during cool hours of the day atleast once a week. Where facilities and equipment are a problem ,staggering the lessons should allow more flexibility of the timetable. The most useful types of lessons for these children should be involved in staggered as one educational gymnastic ,one dance and one ball game lessons per week.It is very essintial to give this level more time to ball game skills lessons as their level of development is now concerned in learning skills and ways to manipulate in a game situation..
Hygiene and Safety Rules of physical education emphasised that all areas should be free from health hazards like broken bottles ,tins ,scrap metal etc. If the ground is too wet or when the weather is too cold ,Physical Education lessons should be held indoors. All facilities and equipment used during lessons should be checked regularly for safety.The class should have a first aid kit and the Physical Education teacher should also ensure and observe thorough safe keeping of all pupils during the Physical activities .Children should be encouraged to be addressed in sporting attire and back to school uniform after the Physical Education lessons.
In the aquatic lessons ,children should have a shower or foot bath before entering the swimming pool, strictly used their individual towels,combs , sim suits and it is advisable not to allow children to chew gum or any other substance during Physical Education lessons. After the lesson children should wash their hands under running water.
All activities recommended in a physical Education lesss should be done seriously ,thus warm up ,skill development mini gaming and warm out or cool down ,if the teacher vary them from lesson to lesson it become so interesting.
The approaches to be excuted during physical education lessons should make provisions for the children's physical satisfaction of movements of various qualities and the mental satisfation of creative activities.
The physical education and other co -curricular activities has great contribution to the maintenance and improvement of health and provide wholesome leisure-time occupation. In education these useful aspects has great influence in enriching social interaction relationships and the development of attitudes of fair play.
Well excuted physical education discipline should develop the abilities ,will -power and self-discipline of every child as a full member of the integrated society.
Educational system of any state must set the requisite place and importance of physical and sport in establishing a balance and strength links between physical activities and cognitive development of the children in educational process.
The physical education generally aims at an increase of motor skills as children develop organic health ,vigour and physical fitness.
In the Physical Education lessons children are also expected to experience movements as a means of communication and expression. The children can develop high standards of performance in physical activities to which they are attracted and in which these children can show competence.
Children should develop the awareness of aesthetic qualities of movement ,where they are exposed to acquire suffient knowledge to become appreciative and intelligent spectators of wide range of sporting activities.
Learning how to co-operate with others as a team or group in exercising the natural learning processes of enquiry and discovery through physical movement. Children can experience a sense of achievement as frequently as possible.
The teamwork spirit can help in molding leadership qualities and develop a sense of self -control and confidence in growing children.
The time allocated for physical education vary from school to school depends on numerous factors. However for infants it is necessary to set 4 x 20 minute lesson per week , Infant classes need a lot exercises as they are at massive development stage that they should compansate most through acquiring most of the basic skills and these skills need to be constantly re-inforced.
The recommended types of lesson to be taught each week are one educational gymnastic(general movement),one dance and two ball games lessons so that every area of physical skill developed.
The juniour classes that is children of 9 to 12 years of age need atleast 3x 30 minutes lesson periods per week. The timetable should be flexible to allow children to have their physical education during cool hours of the day atleast once a week. Where facilities and equipment are a problem ,staggering the lessons should allow more flexibility of the timetable. The most useful types of lessons for these children should be involved in staggered as one educational gymnastic ,one dance and one ball game lessons per week.It is very essintial to give this level more time to ball game skills lessons as their level of development is now concerned in learning skills and ways to manipulate in a game situation..
Hygiene and Safety Rules of physical education emphasised that all areas should be free from health hazards like broken bottles ,tins ,scrap metal etc. If the ground is too wet or when the weather is too cold ,Physical Education lessons should be held indoors. All facilities and equipment used during lessons should be checked regularly for safety.The class should have a first aid kit and the Physical Education teacher should also ensure and observe thorough safe keeping of all pupils during the Physical activities .Children should be encouraged to be addressed in sporting attire and back to school uniform after the Physical Education lessons.
In the aquatic lessons ,children should have a shower or foot bath before entering the swimming pool, strictly used their individual towels,combs , sim suits and it is advisable not to allow children to chew gum or any other substance during Physical Education lessons. After the lesson children should wash their hands under running water.
All activities recommended in a physical Education lesss should be done seriously ,thus warm up ,skill development mini gaming and warm out or cool down ,if the teacher vary them from lesson to lesson it become so interesting.
Educational Sports management in Zimbabwean Primary and Secondary Schools!
There is a relationship between physical education(PE) and sports for the development of a school child both physically ,mentally and socially.
Physical Education is conducted ,facilited and supervised by teachers .Physical Education is a process and it should be gradual develop the whole person.It is child-centred and development of self .Usually Physical Education is a compulsory subject and inclusive of all special needs children together with other members of the community. It is the foundation of developing a child physically in a strategically ,systematic well organised logical manner.
Whilst sports regarded for competition and recreation.Sports are organised and professionally conducted by coaches ,sports specialists and particular extraordinary teachers.
Sport is a product which can be offered in markets and advertising while promoting other products.Sports centred on special talents to be developed and displayed for sale.
Usually sporting is voluntary and exclusive to the talented and interested sports persons who has glamour for sporting activities and is aiming for excellence so that it can be marketable.
Why People getting involved in Sports? Since sporting is also one of major recreation activities people get involved to have friends , get fun and excitement.It is the most fun way of doing something after get involved in tedious office work and look somewhere to enjoy yourself with others.
Sporting has organisational skills which can be mastered and manipulated by sports person to make it more exciting and people interested in learning these new skills ,recover from injury whilst releasing stress and pressure.
The need for every to be fit ,maintains good healthy body and lose weight ,sporting is the most cheapest and realiable way to maintain upright posture,discipline, sense of wellbeing or belong to a certain group of organised people through doing regular skills and activities.
Above all sporting is now the major source of investment opportunities as it attracts a lot of people and income.Take for example Portugal developed huge infrastractures to host the 2006 Euro cup and South Africa is not an exception as it bounds to be the major developed country in Africa after won the hosting of 2010 world cup and done it successfully.
Why is sport so Important? It plays a vital role in everyday life ,sports promote civic and national pride.The major persuit of health and enjoyable leaisure .It has a significant impact on the economy and assist in the community and society.As a result it extend the country 's influence internationally and prestige whilst promoting trade and stability.
Structure of Youth sporting Games , all schools in Zimbabwe are mandated by the policy of Ministry of Education Sports ,Arts and Culture to ensure that every child gets the opportunity to learn Physical Education ,above all schools are supervised by Better School Programme of Zimbabwe (BSPZ)to get a child's right to participate in interschool sports competitions.The National Association of Primary Heads(NAPH)conduct sports for primary schools and on secondary schools contacted by National Association for Secondary School Heads(NASH).
Competitions start at school level where children are grouped in houses or school clubs and then compete in interhouses competitions within the schools.
After the schools interhouse/club competitions ,teachers together with interested local persons select the best talented children who will going to participate with others from the local schools in the cluster competitions.
From the cluster the most excelling sports person children compete in districts competitions ,then province ,national and very few got the opportunity to compete internationally.
Sports Management and Co-ordination in all these competitions are co-ordinated from cluster competitions up to international level by co-ordinators who work with teachers in managing sports generally on updating files for all competitions.
However there is much need for improvement in developing schools sports for the 13,15 and 17 years age groups to make the development programme much effective.These include:
•writing information ,working with media houses in every cluster ,district and province.Keeping game note and magazines or having website to post their activities.
•Seeking sponsorship from cluster level and fundraising commitee that will effectively work with sponsors ,media, public and promoting sports whilst giving incentives.
•Make a government policy to ensure that those children who excel in sports and marketable to sports clubs, reginal and international clubs have a share to develop their areas of origin to develop their areas.
Physical Education is conducted ,facilited and supervised by teachers .Physical Education is a process and it should be gradual develop the whole person.It is child-centred and development of self .Usually Physical Education is a compulsory subject and inclusive of all special needs children together with other members of the community. It is the foundation of developing a child physically in a strategically ,systematic well organised logical manner.
Whilst sports regarded for competition and recreation.Sports are organised and professionally conducted by coaches ,sports specialists and particular extraordinary teachers.
Sport is a product which can be offered in markets and advertising while promoting other products.Sports centred on special talents to be developed and displayed for sale.
Usually sporting is voluntary and exclusive to the talented and interested sports persons who has glamour for sporting activities and is aiming for excellence so that it can be marketable.
Why People getting involved in Sports? Since sporting is also one of major recreation activities people get involved to have friends , get fun and excitement.It is the most fun way of doing something after get involved in tedious office work and look somewhere to enjoy yourself with others.
Sporting has organisational skills which can be mastered and manipulated by sports person to make it more exciting and people interested in learning these new skills ,recover from injury whilst releasing stress and pressure.
The need for every to be fit ,maintains good healthy body and lose weight ,sporting is the most cheapest and realiable way to maintain upright posture,discipline, sense of wellbeing or belong to a certain group of organised people through doing regular skills and activities.
Above all sporting is now the major source of investment opportunities as it attracts a lot of people and income.Take for example Portugal developed huge infrastractures to host the 2006 Euro cup and South Africa is not an exception as it bounds to be the major developed country in Africa after won the hosting of 2010 world cup and done it successfully.
Why is sport so Important? It plays a vital role in everyday life ,sports promote civic and national pride.The major persuit of health and enjoyable leaisure .It has a significant impact on the economy and assist in the community and society.As a result it extend the country 's influence internationally and prestige whilst promoting trade and stability.
Structure of Youth sporting Games , all schools in Zimbabwe are mandated by the policy of Ministry of Education Sports ,Arts and Culture to ensure that every child gets the opportunity to learn Physical Education ,above all schools are supervised by Better School Programme of Zimbabwe (BSPZ)to get a child's right to participate in interschool sports competitions.The National Association of Primary Heads(NAPH)conduct sports for primary schools and on secondary schools contacted by National Association for Secondary School Heads(NASH).
Competitions start at school level where children are grouped in houses or school clubs and then compete in interhouses competitions within the schools.
After the schools interhouse/club competitions ,teachers together with interested local persons select the best talented children who will going to participate with others from the local schools in the cluster competitions.
From the cluster the most excelling sports person children compete in districts competitions ,then province ,national and very few got the opportunity to compete internationally.
Sports Management and Co-ordination in all these competitions are co-ordinated from cluster competitions up to international level by co-ordinators who work with teachers in managing sports generally on updating files for all competitions.
However there is much need for improvement in developing schools sports for the 13,15 and 17 years age groups to make the development programme much effective.These include:
•writing information ,working with media houses in every cluster ,district and province.Keeping game note and magazines or having website to post their activities.
•Seeking sponsorship from cluster level and fundraising commitee that will effectively work with sponsors ,media, public and promoting sports whilst giving incentives.
•Make a government policy to ensure that those children who excel in sports and marketable to sports clubs, reginal and international clubs have a share to develop their areas of origin to develop their areas.
Physical Education develop a primary school child to mature physically
This is believed that when pupils involved in learning physical activities is developed through ball games,athletics ,educational gymnastics ,aquatics ,creative dance and other outdoors education.They developed motor skills ,intellectually and emotionally.
Physical growth and development is functional fitness,organic of body fitness and be prepared to meet any activity organic or body fitness is composed of mascular power ,strength ,flexibility ,endurance and speed.
Girls mature faster than boys in their skeletal appearance as they grow up .The legs grow faster than the arms ,the arms faster than the trunk and trunk faster than the head.Therefore this faster growth demands use of physical activites as the need for constant development.Physical Characteristics of Children are rapid increase in strength especially in boys.They tend to be robust acting and noise .
By age of 10-13 there is better co-ordination and skills are becoming automatic.Some girls begin menstrurating ,developing breasts and pubic hairs around 10 years and above.
Around this age these girls show an increase in concern for their complexion ,appearance and figure.
They begin to develop skills in sports as they have imaginery and romantic attachment.
Social Development/Fitness relates to a man's relationship with others .There are many opportunities in Physical Education for the satisfication of social needs of children.There are many group and team games which require co-operation of the members to reach the desired goals ,for instances ralley ball,soccer or netball.
There is development of sportsmanship which means being humble in success (victory) and being gracious in defeat and considering a point to an opponent.
Peer activities equip pupils with skills and knowledge .They will use to persue leisure time activities and for recreation uses.For this purpose ,many sports that have a carryover value should be taught in elementary schools.These sports can also enjoyed by adults which are soccer,netball,tennis,cricket,basketball etc.
Knowledge of skills and rules in this sports will also make pupils appreciate the performance of those who are experts in their area,and become intelligent spectators of a broad sports events and activities in life or when persued in various media -fora.
Anold (1970) says Physical Education is an intergral part of the education process which enhances and harmonises the physical ,intellectuall,social ,emotional and moral aspects of an individual personality through physical activity. Stanley(1977) adds that Physical Education is through the physical activity of althletic nature as well as the Education of the physique .It is the curriculum that is followed in the school gymnasium and the school play ground.
Jewet and Nixon(1988)says Pphysical Education seeks to develop an individual totally ,that's physically ,socially ,morally ,emotionally through activities of an atheletic in nature.
Emotional Development relates to feeling of worth and basic of security .There are emotional needs for recognition ,belonging ,feelings of hostility ,agression .Physical Education contributes greatly in meeting all these emotional needs through participation in a number of activities ,a timid child learns to take place with others and his/her self esteem is enhanced.
The bold and selfish child learns that one can not monopolise opportunity .The neglected child gains the respect of others through some particular skills which s/he can exhibit.
The feelings of anger ,hostility can be satisfactorilly expressed through kicking a ball, running a race or bushing a squash ball.
Thus physical Education is an enhence of team spirit as children learn to work together in a mood of exercising to strengthen body muscles and reduce boredom.
Physical growth and development is functional fitness,organic of body fitness and be prepared to meet any activity organic or body fitness is composed of mascular power ,strength ,flexibility ,endurance and speed.
Girls mature faster than boys in their skeletal appearance as they grow up .The legs grow faster than the arms ,the arms faster than the trunk and trunk faster than the head.Therefore this faster growth demands use of physical activites as the need for constant development.Physical Characteristics of Children are rapid increase in strength especially in boys.They tend to be robust acting and noise .
By age of 10-13 there is better co-ordination and skills are becoming automatic.Some girls begin menstrurating ,developing breasts and pubic hairs around 10 years and above.
Around this age these girls show an increase in concern for their complexion ,appearance and figure.
They begin to develop skills in sports as they have imaginery and romantic attachment.
Social Development/Fitness relates to a man's relationship with others .There are many opportunities in Physical Education for the satisfication of social needs of children.There are many group and team games which require co-operation of the members to reach the desired goals ,for instances ralley ball,soccer or netball.
There is development of sportsmanship which means being humble in success (victory) and being gracious in defeat and considering a point to an opponent.
Peer activities equip pupils with skills and knowledge .They will use to persue leisure time activities and for recreation uses.For this purpose ,many sports that have a carryover value should be taught in elementary schools.These sports can also enjoyed by adults which are soccer,netball,tennis,cricket,basketball etc.
Knowledge of skills and rules in this sports will also make pupils appreciate the performance of those who are experts in their area,and become intelligent spectators of a broad sports events and activities in life or when persued in various media -fora.
Anold (1970) says Physical Education is an intergral part of the education process which enhances and harmonises the physical ,intellectuall,social ,emotional and moral aspects of an individual personality through physical activity. Stanley(1977) adds that Physical Education is through the physical activity of althletic nature as well as the Education of the physique .It is the curriculum that is followed in the school gymnasium and the school play ground.
Jewet and Nixon(1988)says Pphysical Education seeks to develop an individual totally ,that's physically ,socially ,morally ,emotionally through activities of an atheletic in nature.
Emotional Development relates to feeling of worth and basic of security .There are emotional needs for recognition ,belonging ,feelings of hostility ,agression .Physical Education contributes greatly in meeting all these emotional needs through participation in a number of activities ,a timid child learns to take place with others and his/her self esteem is enhanced.
The bold and selfish child learns that one can not monopolise opportunity .The neglected child gains the respect of others through some particular skills which s/he can exhibit.
The feelings of anger ,hostility can be satisfactorilly expressed through kicking a ball, running a race or bushing a squash ball.
Thus physical Education is an enhence of team spirit as children learn to work together in a mood of exercising to strengthen body muscles and reduce boredom.
Why is it necessary to study child development?
The more you learn about children 's physical development then you are in a position to deal with their physical needs.
We want to gain an insight into our own past and remind us to see how it shaped us in to adults. This is a provocative area of inquiry and as a teacher you can be interested in the wellbeing of the children in your class. It is also an interesting area for policy makers and implemeters like teachers to have an insight of child physical abuse and mental retardation.
Development is the growth and change of pattern forward movement that begins at conception and continues throughout the entire lifespan. It is quite complex and a product of several processes get involved.
Human physical development involves ,genes,environment ,motivation,gradual differentiation of the body and it influences other areas of human development.
Therefore physical development is the simple changes in the child's size,weight and quantitative changes that bring about other physical and anatomic changes.
Physical development hence involves weight gain ,height change,growth of limps ,head ,enlarging size of the brain ,lungs,heart,feets and hands .
This occurs in a predictable pattern,therefore any deviation to this pattern it is a cause of concern. The periodic phases of physical growth:
Infant 0-24 months,
Early childhood 24 months- 5/6 years,
Middle childhood 6- 11/12 years,
Adolesence 12-20 years
Adulthood 20 years++
Conception and prenatal development starts at the fusion of male sperm and woman ovum. When the two united then this is the conception in the fallopian tube.
Geminal period is then the multiplication of cells and the attachment to the embryo.
Embryonic (6-8 weeks) is characterised by differentiation and growth of anatomic featus.
Changes during this 8 weeks ,14 grammes to 3,2 kilogrammes on average at birth.
Physical after birth is characterised by periods relative attitudes and periods of busting growth of different components to human's general development -growth of muscles,liver ,kidney,heart etc.
Infancy and adolescency are the most fastest periods of growth and relative slow growth is ranging from 4-10 years old.
Body parts like brain and head growth are very sharp growth changes between birth to 3 years.
Reproductive organs growth are very little at infancy and very rapid at adolescence. This is influenced by hormones called androgens and estrogens.The growth of lympoid tissues ,for example apendics are relatively slow at birth to 6 years and very rapidly at adolescence.The physical development growth is sharply influenced by environment,nutrition,diseases and genetic formation.
The implications to the primary teacher is to give children enough physical activities to influence their growth. Naturally children are readly in need physical activities, which the teacher is required to plan in rhythmic patterns that improves the control of their muscles and the body. The activities must be varied to provide wide range to suit the loco-motor processes. In addition the the teacher should give children guidance and and counselling on areas of sex related attitudes.
The more you learn about children 's physical development then you are in a position to deal with their physical needs.
We want to gain an insight into our own past and remind us to see how it shaped us in to adults. This is a provocative area of inquiry and as a teacher you can be interested in the wellbeing of the children in your class. It is also an interesting area for policy makers and implemeters like teachers to have an insight of child physical abuse and mental retardation.
Development is the growth and change of pattern forward movement that begins at conception and continues throughout the entire lifespan. It is quite complex and a product of several processes get involved.
Human physical development involves ,genes,environment ,motivation,gradual differentiation of the body and it influences other areas of human development.
Therefore physical development is the simple changes in the child's size,weight and quantitative changes that bring about other physical and anatomic changes.
Physical development hence involves weight gain ,height change,growth of limps ,head ,enlarging size of the brain ,lungs,heart,feets and hands .
This occurs in a predictable pattern,therefore any deviation to this pattern it is a cause of concern. The periodic phases of physical growth:
Infant 0-24 months,
Early childhood 24 months- 5/6 years,
Middle childhood 6- 11/12 years,
Adolesence 12-20 years
Adulthood 20 years++
Conception and prenatal development starts at the fusion of male sperm and woman ovum. When the two united then this is the conception in the fallopian tube.
Geminal period is then the multiplication of cells and the attachment to the embryo.
Embryonic (6-8 weeks) is characterised by differentiation and growth of anatomic featus.
Changes during this 8 weeks ,14 grammes to 3,2 kilogrammes on average at birth.
Physical after birth is characterised by periods relative attitudes and periods of busting growth of different components to human's general development -growth of muscles,liver ,kidney,heart etc.
Infancy and adolescency are the most fastest periods of growth and relative slow growth is ranging from 4-10 years old.
Body parts like brain and head growth are very sharp growth changes between birth to 3 years.
Reproductive organs growth are very little at infancy and very rapid at adolescence. This is influenced by hormones called androgens and estrogens.The growth of lympoid tissues ,for example apendics are relatively slow at birth to 6 years and very rapidly at adolescence.The physical development growth is sharply influenced by environment,nutrition,diseases and genetic formation.
The implications to the primary teacher is to give children enough physical activities to influence their growth. Naturally children are readly in need physical activities, which the teacher is required to plan in rhythmic patterns that improves the control of their muscles and the body. The activities must be varied to provide wide range to suit the loco-motor processes. In addition the the teacher should give children guidance and and counselling on areas of sex related attitudes.
Physical Education Themes and Awareness of basic effort actions
A theme is a particular aspect of movement chosen by the teacher as the focal point around which can build series of lessons. Through a variety of movement experiences given to the children . The teacher gradually emphasize this one element ,showing how it is excuted in many different situtions and how it can itself be clarified and developed. Examples of themes are balance,gross body action,spatial and dynamic etc.
The balance can be developed in different lessons like:
lesson 1
Balance on different body parts.
Lesson 2
Vary the shape of the body in balance.
Lesson 3
Achieve balance by swinging into balance.
Jumping into balance.
Rolling into balance.
Twisting into balance.
Lesson 4
Recovering from balance.
Lesson 5
Partner work.
Lesson 6
Using apparatus onwards :
♦Flat surfaces of varying textures;
♦Flat surfaces of varying levels;
♦Flat surfaces of varying sizes and shapes;
♦Sloping surfaces at varying angles ,which may be wide ,narrow or rounded ;
♦Swinging surfaces such as trapeze or rope ladder;
♦Vertical surfaces ,for example poles;
♦Moving surfaces.
Themes concerned with gross body action:
Body awareness: Body shapes ,twisting ,turning ,balance and over-balance , transferring weight from one body part to another.
Travelling ,stopping ,change of speed ,flight.
Themes of particular body parts:
•Use of hands and arms.
•Use of legs and feet.
•Emphasis on body surfaces in rolling ,falling and rovery.
•Relationship of hands and feet to each other.
Spatial and dynamic themes:
•Levels and directions.
•Changes of speed.
•Tension and release.
•Rhythmic patterns.
•Spatial patterns in movement and apparatus.
•Relationships -partner work ,working in pairs or in small groups
•Symmetry and asymmetry.
Creative Dance:
Creative dance is planned in activities for exploration and discovery of active participation in a wide range of fields in creative movements.
In creative dance movements are done in response to different stimuli .The movement can be very simple or quite disciplined ,for example in the case of traditional dance.
The Stimuli in Dance:
♥mouths sounds
♥verbal tasks like calls and commands
♥percussion (drums)
♥known songs
♥music instrumental such as guitars,turmborines ,recorded music etc.
Visual Stimulation:
♥Observation through sight as others make movements. televison ,films ant theatre.
♥Paintings ,sculpture and architecture.
♥Natural sources of power for instance sea and wind.
♥Mechanical sources of power like machinery.
Literary Stimulation:
Symbolic of the original movement concept ,through hearing or reading same story ,poem or prose in a newspaper,historical records,biblical sources ,mythology ,fiction and characters portrayed in songs just to list a few.
Themes in Creative Dance:
Creative dance is not just done ,but should also be taught. When teaching creative dance the teacher must isolate themes. The teaching should begin with simple themes as progressing to much more complicated themes:
Body awareness:
Total stir of the whole body activities should involved in actions ,for example galloping,spinning ,stepping ,turning ,leaping ,hopping ,jumping ,locomotion on body actions.
The aspects of body action are:
♦the body as a unit in motion and stillness.
♦asymetric and symetric use of the body
♦weight transference.
Activities can be based on different parts of the body ,head,feet,hands,knees,legs,arms,fingers,knees ,arms fingers,waist ,hips,belly and shoulders.
These activities can be based on the movement of two related parts or on more than two related parts.
The Awareness of basic effort actions:
The whole body or parts of the body can be regulated into activities by time ,weight,speed and body flow.These activities can comprise of:
•thrusting and slashing
•floating and gliding
•wringing and pressing
•sustained or sudden
•flicking and dabbing
•rigid or flexible
Dance movements can built actions .For example in some Zimbabwe cultural dance Mbakumba,Jerusalema, Nxuzu and muchongoyo actions like foot stamping , can be hard ,flexible but sudden or vigorous ,thrusting and fast.
Awareness of Space:
Dancing can take place in activities like of using the whole space,specific areas,body zones,extension of given space and near or far ,high or low.
The balance can be developed in different lessons like:
lesson 1
Balance on different body parts.
Lesson 2
Vary the shape of the body in balance.
Lesson 3
Achieve balance by swinging into balance.
Jumping into balance.
Rolling into balance.
Twisting into balance.
Lesson 4
Recovering from balance.
Lesson 5
Partner work.
Lesson 6
Using apparatus onwards :
♦Flat surfaces of varying textures;
♦Flat surfaces of varying levels;
♦Flat surfaces of varying sizes and shapes;
♦Sloping surfaces at varying angles ,which may be wide ,narrow or rounded ;
♦Swinging surfaces such as trapeze or rope ladder;
♦Vertical surfaces ,for example poles;
♦Moving surfaces.
Themes concerned with gross body action:
Body awareness: Body shapes ,twisting ,turning ,balance and over-balance , transferring weight from one body part to another.
Travelling ,stopping ,change of speed ,flight.
Themes of particular body parts:
•Use of hands and arms.
•Use of legs and feet.
•Emphasis on body surfaces in rolling ,falling and rovery.
•Relationship of hands and feet to each other.
Spatial and dynamic themes:
•Levels and directions.
•Changes of speed.
•Tension and release.
•Rhythmic patterns.
•Spatial patterns in movement and apparatus.
•Relationships -partner work ,working in pairs or in small groups
•Symmetry and asymmetry.
Creative Dance:
Creative dance is planned in activities for exploration and discovery of active participation in a wide range of fields in creative movements.
In creative dance movements are done in response to different stimuli .The movement can be very simple or quite disciplined ,for example in the case of traditional dance.
The Stimuli in Dance:
♥mouths sounds
♥verbal tasks like calls and commands
♥percussion (drums)
♥known songs
♥music instrumental such as guitars,turmborines ,recorded music etc.
Visual Stimulation:
♥Observation through sight as others make movements. televison ,films ant theatre.
♥Paintings ,sculpture and architecture.
♥Natural sources of power for instance sea and wind.
♥Mechanical sources of power like machinery.
Literary Stimulation:
Symbolic of the original movement concept ,through hearing or reading same story ,poem or prose in a newspaper,historical records,biblical sources ,mythology ,fiction and characters portrayed in songs just to list a few.
Themes in Creative Dance:
Creative dance is not just done ,but should also be taught. When teaching creative dance the teacher must isolate themes. The teaching should begin with simple themes as progressing to much more complicated themes:
Body awareness:
Total stir of the whole body activities should involved in actions ,for example galloping,spinning ,stepping ,turning ,leaping ,hopping ,jumping ,locomotion on body actions.
The aspects of body action are:
♦the body as a unit in motion and stillness.
♦asymetric and symetric use of the body
♦weight transference.
Activities can be based on different parts of the body ,head,feet,hands,knees,legs,arms,fingers,knees ,arms fingers,waist ,hips,belly and shoulders.
These activities can be based on the movement of two related parts or on more than two related parts.
The Awareness of basic effort actions:
The whole body or parts of the body can be regulated into activities by time ,weight,speed and body flow.These activities can comprise of:
•thrusting and slashing
•floating and gliding
•wringing and pressing
•sustained or sudden
•flicking and dabbing
•rigid or flexible
Dance movements can built actions .For example in some Zimbabwe cultural dance Mbakumba,Jerusalema, Nxuzu and muchongoyo actions like foot stamping , can be hard ,flexible but sudden or vigorous ,thrusting and fast.
Awareness of Space:
Dancing can take place in activities like of using the whole space,specific areas,body zones,extension of given space and near or far ,high or low.
Electronic Gaming Craze can Help to Improve Children's Creative and Intelligent way of Education!
The new era of technological advancement has swept across the globe ,a large number of educational materials through the internet are organised through games.
While playing electronic games,researchers had discovered that children learn better and get motivated in a edutainment environment.
Games designed and organised to be played as treasure hunts,mathematical ,spelling puzzels or musical refreshers.Through gaming children's intelligence develop as they interacting with intensely detailed and realistic simulation of a wide variety of different situations which they are learning and expriencing instantly.
Electronic games are plays that usually comprised of a single person with a computer device or more people following as programmed software with strict set of rules. There are some electronic games which has an option to be played with single person or in groups of twos or more people playing the same game using an electronic device.It is now common to see tens of people gathered in some places playing computer games.
Electronic games include computer programed software ,video,console and arcade games.Computer games are played entirely on a PC , laptop or palmtop.Whilst video and console games are connected to a monitor or TV set and a game player ,whereas arcade games placed in public spaces.
Playing electronic games make people busy and interesting.Game playing oriented a purpose.They help children to relieve tension ,give them chance to express their feelings ,emotions ,fears and worries. Children can be conditiond by the system of electronic games to develop news skills and attitudes as a new way of discovering the world order of doing things.
Morally games develop children to respect each other and construct knowledge whilst discover their world. Furthermore games promote groupwork ,create sense of imagination and satisfy a sense of creativity.
Children's gaming activities develop their skills ,such as fine motor skills,listening ,language development like speaking and gross motor- skills co-ordination.They effectively develop socially as they exposed to rich playing experiences.
Electronic gamers are discovered to be highly intelligent individuals who fully developed a logical problem solving capacity.According to James Gee a researcher's recommendations ,that electronic gamers are active problems solvers who subscribed to the belief that mistakes are not errors ,but opportunities for improvements. Electronic gamers spend a lot of time playing with the software searching for new ways to overcome challenges as they stimulated to form and test hypotheses constantly.
Inconclusion electronic games are both entertaining and educative in nature ,hence children learn to spot the focal point,areas of interests and easily get where the problem usually araised. A child who given access to electronic games is both creative and intelligent than those without much access ,although some believed in creativity and intelligence as inborn talents.
While playing electronic games,researchers had discovered that children learn better and get motivated in a edutainment environment.
Games designed and organised to be played as treasure hunts,mathematical ,spelling puzzels or musical refreshers.Through gaming children's intelligence develop as they interacting with intensely detailed and realistic simulation of a wide variety of different situations which they are learning and expriencing instantly.
Electronic games are plays that usually comprised of a single person with a computer device or more people following as programmed software with strict set of rules. There are some electronic games which has an option to be played with single person or in groups of twos or more people playing the same game using an electronic device.It is now common to see tens of people gathered in some places playing computer games.
Electronic games include computer programed software ,video,console and arcade games.Computer games are played entirely on a PC , laptop or palmtop.Whilst video and console games are connected to a monitor or TV set and a game player ,whereas arcade games placed in public spaces.
Playing electronic games make people busy and interesting.Game playing oriented a purpose.They help children to relieve tension ,give them chance to express their feelings ,emotions ,fears and worries. Children can be conditiond by the system of electronic games to develop news skills and attitudes as a new way of discovering the world order of doing things.
Morally games develop children to respect each other and construct knowledge whilst discover their world. Furthermore games promote groupwork ,create sense of imagination and satisfy a sense of creativity.
Children's gaming activities develop their skills ,such as fine motor skills,listening ,language development like speaking and gross motor- skills co-ordination.They effectively develop socially as they exposed to rich playing experiences.
Electronic gamers are discovered to be highly intelligent individuals who fully developed a logical problem solving capacity.According to James Gee a researcher's recommendations ,that electronic gamers are active problems solvers who subscribed to the belief that mistakes are not errors ,but opportunities for improvements. Electronic gamers spend a lot of time playing with the software searching for new ways to overcome challenges as they stimulated to form and test hypotheses constantly.
Inconclusion electronic games are both entertaining and educative in nature ,hence children learn to spot the focal point,areas of interests and easily get where the problem usually araised. A child who given access to electronic games is both creative and intelligent than those without much access ,although some believed in creativity and intelligence as inborn talents.
Electronic Games can Improve Intelligence in Children's Education!
Intelligence is almost a housedhold word,the concept has been described in many different ways for example,the ability to think abstractly to recognise relationships and learn to adjust to new situation and circumstances.But what exactly it means to be intelligent?
According to Davies(1983:434)in Mwamwenda (1995:191) Intelligence is the ability to learn quickly,solve problems ,understand complex and abstract issues and generally behave in a reasonable rational and purposeful manner.
Mwamwenda(1995:191)further asserts that intelligence is,"what enables a person to think ,act and behave in a manner that is normally acceptable to his society ,thus facilitating his adjustment socially ,intellectually and physically.
Therefore intelligence refers to a person's ability to adjust to his environment and behave in rationality.
Earlier views of intelligence has two factor theory.According to this theory intelligence is made up of two factors or abilities which are general and specific intelligence,and was advanced by Charlse Spearman.
General intelligence is highly determined to be successful in any performance activities in major general performance on intelligent tests items.
Specific intelligence ,is specific to a particular abilities or tests.
Thurstone further argues that intelligence could be broken down into a number of primary abilities.He developed primary ability test with the following mental abilities.
Primary abilities includes verbal meaning of comprehension ability to understand the meaning of words.Word fluency means the ability to express itself fluently in words.Spatial visualisation is to visualise objects and figures as they rotate ,whilst numerical ability to work with figures.
Intelligence also include memory,the ability to store and recall information,reasoning as the capability to plan and solve problems in terms of rules principles and experience.Perceptual speed at which objects can be accurately perceived.
Howard Gardner (1983)says that intelligence is not a single something.In his contemporary approaches to intelligence he come up with seven types of intelligence and the eighth one added to the list by critics of the gardner's theory, these are known as frames of mind:
♦Linguistic(verbal intelligence) the ability to communicate.
♦Logical mathematical intelligence in problem-solving in analytical and ligical way.
♦Spartial intelligence which is the ability to understand space.
♦Musical intelligence ,the ability to analyse and compose music or play musical instruments.
♦Movements ability intelligence to be able to control body movements.
♦Intra personal intelligence ,the degree to which you know and understand yourself and your behaviour.
♦Inter personal intelligence where an individual has comprehension and sensitivity for other people.
Among the seven intelligence categories emphasised by Gardner. The role of brain conditioned in our culture to be intelligent. These intelligence are located in a specific area in the brain.Intelligence could be impaired if the brain damaged.
He was criticised for his musical abilities as one of the seven primary types of intelligence.Critics point out there are brilliant sports persons in soccer,basket ball,criket,etc ,surgeons ,researchers ,gardners or farmers.This lead to assume that there should be the eight intelligent type.
The media and internet are the comfortable zone of gaming and gamers.Culture will determine the type of intelligence to be developed,for example through games children can able to identify the point of interests and work out possibilities of improving performances and become successful.Gaming skills can now shared globally ,even for the children from one corner to the other in another far corner can play the game at the same time.Well designed games help children to think in ways we never think is possible.They begin to think in the new innovative ways.
Electronic games just like ,books ,magazines ,movies,and other TV programmes are pools of things beneficial in human lives through providing education and entertainment. Which is now referred as 'Edutainment'.
According to Davies(1983:434)in Mwamwenda (1995:191) Intelligence is the ability to learn quickly,solve problems ,understand complex and abstract issues and generally behave in a reasonable rational and purposeful manner.
Mwamwenda(1995:191)further asserts that intelligence is,"what enables a person to think ,act and behave in a manner that is normally acceptable to his society ,thus facilitating his adjustment socially ,intellectually and physically.
Therefore intelligence refers to a person's ability to adjust to his environment and behave in rationality.
Earlier views of intelligence has two factor theory.According to this theory intelligence is made up of two factors or abilities which are general and specific intelligence,and was advanced by Charlse Spearman.
General intelligence is highly determined to be successful in any performance activities in major general performance on intelligent tests items.
Specific intelligence ,is specific to a particular abilities or tests.
Thurstone further argues that intelligence could be broken down into a number of primary abilities.He developed primary ability test with the following mental abilities.
Primary abilities includes verbal meaning of comprehension ability to understand the meaning of words.Word fluency means the ability to express itself fluently in words.Spatial visualisation is to visualise objects and figures as they rotate ,whilst numerical ability to work with figures.
Intelligence also include memory,the ability to store and recall information,reasoning as the capability to plan and solve problems in terms of rules principles and experience.Perceptual speed at which objects can be accurately perceived.
Howard Gardner (1983)says that intelligence is not a single something.In his contemporary approaches to intelligence he come up with seven types of intelligence and the eighth one added to the list by critics of the gardner's theory, these are known as frames of mind:
♦Linguistic(verbal intelligence) the ability to communicate.
♦Logical mathematical intelligence in problem-solving in analytical and ligical way.
♦Spartial intelligence which is the ability to understand space.
♦Musical intelligence ,the ability to analyse and compose music or play musical instruments.
♦Movements ability intelligence to be able to control body movements.
♦Intra personal intelligence ,the degree to which you know and understand yourself and your behaviour.
♦Inter personal intelligence where an individual has comprehension and sensitivity for other people.
Among the seven intelligence categories emphasised by Gardner. The role of brain conditioned in our culture to be intelligent. These intelligence are located in a specific area in the brain.Intelligence could be impaired if the brain damaged.
He was criticised for his musical abilities as one of the seven primary types of intelligence.Critics point out there are brilliant sports persons in soccer,basket ball,criket,etc ,surgeons ,researchers ,gardners or farmers.This lead to assume that there should be the eight intelligent type.
The media and internet are the comfortable zone of gaming and gamers.Culture will determine the type of intelligence to be developed,for example through games children can able to identify the point of interests and work out possibilities of improving performances and become successful.Gaming skills can now shared globally ,even for the children from one corner to the other in another far corner can play the game at the same time.Well designed games help children to think in ways we never think is possible.They begin to think in the new innovative ways.
Electronic games just like ,books ,magazines ,movies,and other TV programmes are pools of things beneficial in human lives through providing education and entertainment. Which is now referred as 'Edutainment'.
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