Life is the most precious of all things and human beings live it only once. if lost its forever, except those who believe in those religions that their will be another life is another story altogether. Moreover if not properly taken care of it invite more sorrow and not fully enjoyed.School as institutions which groom children to be responsible for their future it is good to be diligently exercise utmost of good faith in order to live a conducive life threatening free environment.Children are the most valuable resources for the future . Educational practitioners should assist children to have positive attitudes towards their lives and those of fellow citizens.Ultimately they will join the wider community as responsible citizens with a relevance for life. There are many forms of violence found in schools which needs to be dealt with so that they will not be perpetuated for the safety of all school children .
When children enter school ,they take great pride in identifying themselves with such institutions ,especially on reputable achievements as in sports ,social functions or in academics.However if school exerts too much pressure on them ,they will hate school routines,their teachers or even themselves .Low self-esteem and generally negative attitudes may subsequently induce pupils to find some alternatives means of easing the pressure upon them .Pupils may resort to use of drugs and drinking intoxicants like alcohol .Intially ,the use of such dangerous substance is due to external force but the act might become habitual.The latter is self -styled because they will be deriving pleasure from the exercise.
The drug addicts are likely to become bullying ,deviant,truency or abuse other children sexually or physically.They may be boastful ,outspoken or withdrawn , and violent in situations where their emotions are evoked and generally lose concentration on their school work.Persistant and continued use of dangerous substance and alcohol may prove detrimental to the health when the user deteriolates physically and nervous system affected .When let children abused we are destroying our future.
When school-going pupils mix with their peers who have dropped out of or left school,there are certain undiserable elements they may develop in order to be recognised as suitable members of such sub-groups.Lack of recreation and work to do for school leavers and drop-outs make it easier for them to use substance abusively.Some children join school from home backgrounds that contribute largely to their violent attitudes .Restrictive home backgrounds ruled with "iron hands" deny children a certain degree of freedom .When such children have a chance to mix freely with others ,they may exercise too much freedom which may infringe that of others.Children who frequently witness squabbles ,fight and violent situations at home end up traumatised and insecure. If children suffered a major trauma ,they may feel that life has gone out of control.Trauma rocks children 's very sense of the world as a safe place ,rock any sense of security in being in the world. When away from home they may assume such behaviour because of they want to exercise self-defence and protection.Home-backgrounds with permissive kind of leadership do not provide an overall control of children ,where acceptable codes of conduct are stressed and positively reinforced. It is left to the children to decide what to and what not to do.One way in which many children cope with this is to try to impose some sense of order on their outer world,when inside everything feels all shaken up,disturbed and topsy-turvy.Blume (1990)says, "attempts to control things that don't matter ,just to control something. " Hence some children develop obsessive-compulsive rituals after trauma .Such rituals are an attempt to organise and over the place thrown wide open.This is why for the children ,the successful completion of ordering rituals ,without being interrupted by someone trying to hurry them on,can feel like a matter of life or death.
But rituals or compulsive ordering behaviour only offer temporary relief .All too often ,without professional help ,feelings evoked by trauma will remain unprocessed and as long as they are not processed and ,the neurotic symptoms will persist. However ,if all concerned parents and guardians humanely and maturely groom children ,then schools will find it easy to play their complementary role of unwanted stigmas that may corrupt children.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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