A good teacher who make use of cyclic read is at the good chance to improve reading skills .How the teacher can plan cyclic reading lets follow it now.
Reading is an interaction through which an author's meaning encoded in written symbols becomes meaning in the reader 's mind. Thus decoding author's symbols.
Cyclic is revolving or recurring in circles .A series of occurance.
Therefore cyclic reading experiences what recur over a specific period of time . It is a form of reading instruction which may be viewed as a modification of the individualised approach. Which is an ideal approach to reading? The ideal method is teacher pupil not pupils alone. But in developing countries where teacher pupil ratio is very large in Zimbawe to be pecific cyclic reading in some schools where a teacher has over 65 pupils is very impossible.
Cyclic reading caters for the individual learner where the learner selects own opinions at own pace . It may also make use of basal readers which are series of books of progressive regreater difficult through the grade. The reading books are selected and the learning material produced ,inorder to meet abilities and needs of small groups rather than individuals. Oftenly all pupils in the same grade read from the same reader.
Various activities and learning stations are developed. Usually of equal sizes .
The groups organised circle through set of activities during the course of reading programme.. The centre is organised with games or other activities which stimulates vocabulary development.
The second station is for practise of comprehension skills and practices. The third station is for games and activities again to develop word recognition skills.
The forth is the area specifically for silent reading. The sixth for oral reading,seventh stationed for small groups conferences with the teacher. Some teachers may include another station for writing comprehension work .
As in the individual approach there is ocassional large group instruction for high frequency vocabulary skill teaching and sharing. Remember that cyclic reading approach seeks to favour small group through individual instructions. However this demands a reflective industrious teacher who move from pillar to post sourcing a variety of meaningful teaching materials.
These material can teach independently other groups when the teacher is occupied with other small group at a time.
Now lets get into the situation where the teacher has a class of 45 pupils and grouped them into heterogenious group ,not ability group to encourage fruitful assistance to the slower learners. A reminder it is a clear form of child abuse to call slower children dunderhead,silly,dull,poor or any other provocative word which demotivates the child to get out of place.
Then the teacher forms 5 groups of 9 children in a group . The teacher then displayed a chart showing each group activities of each day. And the groups are categorised as A-E.
Now all these five groups do the same things done by A but on the different day and the school days are 5 per week ,so that A can do the same exercise which B can do the next day and C can follow B the next day.
To make it clear lets follow A's activities of the week.
On monday the whole class is given instructions on key vocabulary words as well as key structure.
Tuesday the whole class again for 5 minutes a quick review of vocabulary and structure instructions on sequencing. Then A does vocabulary game uses 3 game boards and game cards with new words and some old ones.Groups of three within A group play the game .
On wednesday further instructions on the whole class ,silent reading using study questions will be on the board or chart.
Thursday group A is now involved in comprehension skills children in groups of 3s put together a story whose sentences have been cut. Together as A group they list the words they find in a passege . They then discuss how they were used and make their own oral questions.
The last day on friday they practise oral reading in threes. The following monday on the whole class the teacher led discussion of the passege . The whole class can hear from some excelling pupils in the same chapter who masttered and read favourite parts of the texts or some other oral meaningful stratergy.
On tuesday the class can share assignments ,drama,or favourites parts of the story. Then presentation of vocabulary for new passage or chapter.
Please take note that there is need for the teacher to have a clear chart ,for recording the skills and pupils ' progress through the various activities since pupils work independently on skills practice.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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30 October 2010
Improving reading habit in the classroom
The presence of reading materials does not feature as an important idea in most schools .This is mainly due to the following factors:
•Most teachers lack the intiative and creativity to start a library in the classroom.
•generally schools in the third world countries lack funding to set libraries in the form of PDAs or other electronic gadgets let alone to buy library books.
•teachers do not be recognised by school adminstration and other stakeholders to buy the reading materials that are essential in the classroom as not being priortised.
Reading is a skill need to be developed for the child to form a habit which shall be significant in the learning process.The child can achieves writing ,speaking and listening skills.Reading facilitates accessibility to world events and can improve academic success.It provides a way of learning which results in change and development .Because of these merits brought by making use of regular reading habit,it is therefore necessary to provide a reading facility in the classrooms.Since learners are tasked to variety of subjects ,they need supplementary information they get from their teachers and and various reading sources through their own extensive and intensive reading. A rich library would go a long way towards helping learners in this respect.
Teachers should realise that once a child learns to read ,a new world has been openned in imagery and will read extensively to quench the thirst of knowledge through extensive reading.Since this resource are not adequate it is the duty of the teacher to be very resourceful by scrounging for appropriate reading material to make a classroom library.Every effort must be made to have materials for all subjects available.
The library should have the following characteristics, it should be inviting and should be accessible.The available books should be attractively displayed on easily accessible stands.The setting facilities should be comfortable for the child to read properly and enjoy reading.
The library should have materials such as novels ,both in English and other vernacular languages of children.The reference books must be available to suplement information on Geography ,Science and History and Dictionaries.
The old and current magazines and newspapers compiled into booklets perhaps on cartoons,jokes,court cases,disasters and other developments or events taking place around the world.
The works produced by learners such as poems ,stories and rhymes.The booklets produced by the teacher such as maps ,chart ,pictures and models.
Pupils are geared to be responsible and honest by making use of the library whilst their teacher is not around or during their spare time.They are also being organised to be responsible for others and care of public property ,as well as reflect self-discipline.At the same time the child is being trained in the art of research.
It is also possible to set aside one period per week that could be used for library purposes.Here the children select books and sit quietly while reading .The teacher when planning fortnight tests should include information from library so that pupils would be motivated to always go to library to read.If the school in accessible to the internet useful information from the web pages is important to be available to children.
However it is important to monitor children when surfing the net so that they can be protected from adults pages.
Children should have a small notebook which they use to record new words.This will boost their vocabulary.
Pupils who finished their assigned work can be given the greenlight to go to the library so that they can not disturb others who are still busy doing the assigned work.This cuts down on idleness and may substitute extension work. Parents should be asked to plan their children 's library in consultation with their teacher.It may be necessary to have occational discussion periods when pupils are given an opportunity to discuss what they read from the library.
Creating a library will definitely cultivate children's reading interests.
•Most teachers lack the intiative and creativity to start a library in the classroom.
•generally schools in the third world countries lack funding to set libraries in the form of PDAs or other electronic gadgets let alone to buy library books.
•teachers do not be recognised by school adminstration and other stakeholders to buy the reading materials that are essential in the classroom as not being priortised.
Reading is a skill need to be developed for the child to form a habit which shall be significant in the learning process.The child can achieves writing ,speaking and listening skills.Reading facilitates accessibility to world events and can improve academic success.It provides a way of learning which results in change and development .Because of these merits brought by making use of regular reading habit,it is therefore necessary to provide a reading facility in the classrooms.Since learners are tasked to variety of subjects ,they need supplementary information they get from their teachers and and various reading sources through their own extensive and intensive reading. A rich library would go a long way towards helping learners in this respect.
Teachers should realise that once a child learns to read ,a new world has been openned in imagery and will read extensively to quench the thirst of knowledge through extensive reading.Since this resource are not adequate it is the duty of the teacher to be very resourceful by scrounging for appropriate reading material to make a classroom library.Every effort must be made to have materials for all subjects available.
The library should have the following characteristics, it should be inviting and should be accessible.The available books should be attractively displayed on easily accessible stands.The setting facilities should be comfortable for the child to read properly and enjoy reading.
The library should have materials such as novels ,both in English and other vernacular languages of children.The reference books must be available to suplement information on Geography ,Science and History and Dictionaries.
The old and current magazines and newspapers compiled into booklets perhaps on cartoons,jokes,court cases,disasters and other developments or events taking place around the world.
The works produced by learners such as poems ,stories and rhymes.The booklets produced by the teacher such as maps ,chart ,pictures and models.
Pupils are geared to be responsible and honest by making use of the library whilst their teacher is not around or during their spare time.They are also being organised to be responsible for others and care of public property ,as well as reflect self-discipline.At the same time the child is being trained in the art of research.
It is also possible to set aside one period per week that could be used for library purposes.Here the children select books and sit quietly while reading .The teacher when planning fortnight tests should include information from library so that pupils would be motivated to always go to library to read.If the school in accessible to the internet useful information from the web pages is important to be available to children.
However it is important to monitor children when surfing the net so that they can be protected from adults pages.
Children should have a small notebook which they use to record new words.This will boost their vocabulary.
Pupils who finished their assigned work can be given the greenlight to go to the library so that they can not disturb others who are still busy doing the assigned work.This cuts down on idleness and may substitute extension work. Parents should be asked to plan their children 's library in consultation with their teacher.It may be necessary to have occational discussion periods when pupils are given an opportunity to discuss what they read from the library.
Creating a library will definitely cultivate children's reading interests.
Helping Children who have mastered the basics to develop further in their Reading Skills
When children mastered the basics of reading and when they are capable of reading more than 100 words with on or few assistances can now need to be improved in fluency and speed in reading.
For every passage the teacher planned to read in a lesson should always study well in advance . Spot new words and discuss with the whole class before reading the pronunciation of the words and they meaning preferably accoording to the context to be read.The teacher also decide the difficulty it represents for the class .To reduce the difficulties the teacher prepare both words and sentence structures. When the passage is relatively simple the teacher can let the children read for themselves silently and then ask them about the words they read in the passage.
During the presentation of different reading lessons the teacher must vary the treatment and use different patterns to make each lesson live and unique ,so as to interestingly capture the attention.
The wordcards and sentence charts should be carefully done with the learners in mind and in view of how they can be organised.
Sometimes the teacher must read the text aloud for first impression and gist. Thereafter children must again read the passage on their own silently for them to understand the context.
In their groups children are expected to do some activities like relook at the passage,make some discussions and reveal the pictures if available about how is it linked with the written content.
Different groups can do given different task . Remember if the grouping is an ability grouping ,it is necessary to give the fast group opportunity to read silentily.
The teacher can also assess whether to take the whole class for loud reading sentence by sentence or to select the few who can get this help.
Dialogue texts can be in the form of play form with each speaker is name tacked and can read aloud.
The passege can also be dramatised and to make it more comprehensible and more interesting as it is delivered into real life.After the dramatisation the slow readers can be given another opportunity to read the passege again to benefit greatly.
After some evaluation and if the teacher found out that the passage is too difficult to the level of the learners ,the lesson can be replanned and taught later using more media or a resource person.
For every passage the teacher planned to read in a lesson should always study well in advance . Spot new words and discuss with the whole class before reading the pronunciation of the words and they meaning preferably accoording to the context to be read.The teacher also decide the difficulty it represents for the class .To reduce the difficulties the teacher prepare both words and sentence structures. When the passage is relatively simple the teacher can let the children read for themselves silently and then ask them about the words they read in the passage.
During the presentation of different reading lessons the teacher must vary the treatment and use different patterns to make each lesson live and unique ,so as to interestingly capture the attention.
The wordcards and sentence charts should be carefully done with the learners in mind and in view of how they can be organised.
Sometimes the teacher must read the text aloud for first impression and gist. Thereafter children must again read the passage on their own silently for them to understand the context.
In their groups children are expected to do some activities like relook at the passage,make some discussions and reveal the pictures if available about how is it linked with the written content.
Different groups can do given different task . Remember if the grouping is an ability grouping ,it is necessary to give the fast group opportunity to read silentily.
The teacher can also assess whether to take the whole class for loud reading sentence by sentence or to select the few who can get this help.
Dialogue texts can be in the form of play form with each speaker is name tacked and can read aloud.
The passege can also be dramatised and to make it more comprehensible and more interesting as it is delivered into real life.After the dramatisation the slow readers can be given another opportunity to read the passege again to benefit greatly.
After some evaluation and if the teacher found out that the passage is too difficult to the level of the learners ,the lesson can be replanned and taught later using more media or a resource person.
Writing Skills for children age range 9-12 Years.
Writing is the most difficult skill of all the skills the child learn at school.However this is one of the most interesting to a child since crawling stages until further introduced to in conventional in the infant classes at school.
Writing has its own two basic meanings which are putting language into its written form and writing meaningful sentences in a story or text.At the ages of 9-12 we all agreed that children are able to speak through their writing skills and follow language rules in writing their own compositions.
Therefore how the teacher can help children to write good sentences to make their composition meaningful and exciting? Let investigate it below to find out how the teacher can assist the children.
The purpose of writing exercises should be to reinforce the oral teaching of new words and structures and to expose the opportunity to develop writing skills in a variety of ways.
Children at this stage may likely to lost interests in schooling activities and regard coming to school as a noble idea.The teacher
must note that one of the demotivating factor is the difficult of this language skills and pupils need to be thoroughly prepared to make writing more exciting to them as much as possible.Hence the teacher is now obliged to prepare writing execrcise that help children rather than testing them.
Writing is merely metters on expressiveness or creativity ,of which pupils at this stage need to be taught to in controlled practice and groomed to transactional writing.Furthermore the types of writing necessary for other subjects in the curriculum are also of paramount significance to the children.
The teacher not directs children to do written work that leads them into making many mistakes. The reinforcement which accurately form correct habita are critical ways pupils can make use of their writings in developing their language in the learning process.Remember as a teacher that children always make naturally make a lot of errors and tend to reinforcing bad habits .The teacher's duty therefore is to let them continuously practise correct forms ,by doing the exercises not in purely mechanical way.The key to write well in any language is through preparation in language development and its structures.
Writing is the permanant form of communication which can be used by generations to come when they learn about their historical backgrounds and the way people were living in the past . When a child is capable of writing can also able to communicate with the society in different ways more conveniently.
Writing has its own two basic meanings which are putting language into its written form and writing meaningful sentences in a story or text.At the ages of 9-12 we all agreed that children are able to speak through their writing skills and follow language rules in writing their own compositions.
Therefore how the teacher can help children to write good sentences to make their composition meaningful and exciting? Let investigate it below to find out how the teacher can assist the children.
The purpose of writing exercises should be to reinforce the oral teaching of new words and structures and to expose the opportunity to develop writing skills in a variety of ways.
Children at this stage may likely to lost interests in schooling activities and regard coming to school as a noble idea.The teacher
must note that one of the demotivating factor is the difficult of this language skills and pupils need to be thoroughly prepared to make writing more exciting to them as much as possible.Hence the teacher is now obliged to prepare writing execrcise that help children rather than testing them.
Writing is merely metters on expressiveness or creativity ,of which pupils at this stage need to be taught to in controlled practice and groomed to transactional writing.Furthermore the types of writing necessary for other subjects in the curriculum are also of paramount significance to the children.
The teacher not directs children to do written work that leads them into making many mistakes. The reinforcement which accurately form correct habita are critical ways pupils can make use of their writings in developing their language in the learning process.Remember as a teacher that children always make naturally make a lot of errors and tend to reinforcing bad habits .The teacher's duty therefore is to let them continuously practise correct forms ,by doing the exercises not in purely mechanical way.The key to write well in any language is through preparation in language development and its structures.
Writing is the permanant form of communication which can be used by generations to come when they learn about their historical backgrounds and the way people were living in the past . When a child is capable of writing can also able to communicate with the society in different ways more conveniently.
Laboratory and Problemsolving Methods in Primary Education System
Laboratory is a method we entertain in learning by doing "observation of proceeding from concrete to abstract".It is more elaborative and practical form of inductive method" (Sidhu1967:72)
Pupils do not only listen for information but do something practical. This method combines play and activities .For example when dealing with fractions you can make everybody have one orange which is one whole you ask children to cut into two equal parts
(½+½) this is concrete.
Advantages:It is joyful and interesting for pupils as they do something with own hands as they use materials like oranges above and so on.
It is based on two sound psychological principles "proceed from concrete to abstract learning by doing"
Disadvantages: The method is not mathematical oriented hence does not give any trawning to the pupils
All the mathematics topic are not taught using this method.
Problem solving
A problem is a sort of obstruction or difficulty which has to overcome to reach the good .According to Yoakan and Sumpson "a problem occurs in a situation in which felt-difficulty to act is realised."It may be a purely mental difficult or it be physical and involve the manipulation of data. Think about a problem however is that it impress the individual who meets it as needing a solution.He recognised it as a challenge.."
It guides them on how to check to their results so to have confidence in the answers they obtain for example if you want to calculate 1800÷2=…
Advantages:It is especially suitable for mathematics which is a subject of problem
The learner get valuable social experience like patience ,co-operation and self confidence.
Disadvantages: Teachers burden becomes heavier ,real scientific approach to problem necessitates a lot of study and preparation on hs part.
All the topics and subject areas can not be covered by this method
CLASS: 2nd year infants
SUBCONCEPT:Addition of Fraction
Using the laboratory method on teaching addition to second year infants .
Activity 1
At this stage teacher and pupils discuss what is meant by fractions and types of fractions for instance simple and improper fractions.
Activity 2
Demostrating of Fractions by pupils with concrete objects for example everybody holding an orange divide it into two halves then have½+½ which will sum up to 1
Activity 3
At this stage the teacher show how fractions are add through show working while pupils observe.
Activity 4
Pupils at this stage are given work to do with the help of their objects they have to find different fraction as an exercise.
Activity 5
An explanation by the teacher summing up the addition of both fractions.
Pupils do not only listen for information but do something practical. This method combines play and activities .For example when dealing with fractions you can make everybody have one orange which is one whole you ask children to cut into two equal parts
(½+½) this is concrete.
Advantages:It is joyful and interesting for pupils as they do something with own hands as they use materials like oranges above and so on.
It is based on two sound psychological principles "proceed from concrete to abstract learning by doing"
Disadvantages: The method is not mathematical oriented hence does not give any trawning to the pupils
All the mathematics topic are not taught using this method.
Problem solving
A problem is a sort of obstruction or difficulty which has to overcome to reach the good .According to Yoakan and Sumpson "a problem occurs in a situation in which felt-difficulty to act is realised."It may be a purely mental difficult or it be physical and involve the manipulation of data. Think about a problem however is that it impress the individual who meets it as needing a solution.He recognised it as a challenge.."
It guides them on how to check to their results so to have confidence in the answers they obtain for example if you want to calculate 1800÷2=…
Advantages:It is especially suitable for mathematics which is a subject of problem
The learner get valuable social experience like patience ,co-operation and self confidence.
Disadvantages: Teachers burden becomes heavier ,real scientific approach to problem necessitates a lot of study and preparation on hs part.
All the topics and subject areas can not be covered by this method
CLASS: 2nd year infants
SUBCONCEPT:Addition of Fraction
Using the laboratory method on teaching addition to second year infants .
Activity 1
At this stage teacher and pupils discuss what is meant by fractions and types of fractions for instance simple and improper fractions.
Activity 2
Demostrating of Fractions by pupils with concrete objects for example everybody holding an orange divide it into two halves then have½+½ which will sum up to 1
Activity 3
At this stage the teacher show how fractions are add through show working while pupils observe.
Activity 4
Pupils at this stage are given work to do with the help of their objects they have to find different fraction as an exercise.
Activity 5
An explanation by the teacher summing up the addition of both fractions.
Traditional Teaching Methods: How are they used in Education System?
These are the old school of teaching which were teacher centred ,old fashioned ,routine teaching ,archaic.Examples are lecturing ,dictation ,drill ,teacher led discussion ,explanation.Lets discuss in detail the lecture method since all other traditional methods eminate from lecturing.
According to Staton(1960)defines lecture, as a process by which facts are transmitted from notebook of the teacher to the notebook of the student without passing the minds of either.Barker (1998)says a lecture is the earliest form of transmission of information from a scholar to the students.Oxford dictionary refers lecture as a discourse on subject.A lecture is one of the earliest and oldest instruction method and is still widely used in schools ,colleges ,universities,workshops ,symposia etc(Siyakwazi and Siyakwazi 1998)ascribe, Lecture as a very suitable for large section or classes over 500 students.
Kasambira (1993)points out that lecture method is greatly criticised by current progressive educators ,however its ability to survive the years has evidenced that the method processes some unique strength.
Staton adds ,the lecture method is a fine instructional device adapted to teaching almost any subject where the teacher dominates taking an active part while learners assume the passive receipient role.
Factors to Consider when Conducting the Lecture Method:
•The teacher should take into account the type of learners being taught.If the students' potential is limited ,the lecture method requires students to take notes and if students are not able to capture most of the important ideas held in the lecture.
•Students should be self motivated for lecture itself ,if you are a poor motivator consider the level of particular group of learners.Some students prefer the lecture method because it demands little direct participation and involvement.Less capable students tend to favour other methods which place more responsibility on them.
•The lesson must be short and precise to avoid boredom.Use of rhetoric questions ,illustrations ,voice variation ,audio visual aids is useful inorder to maintain pupil's interests and content should be summerised.
•During introduction give the a brief of what the lecture is going to take and lecture them what you have told them.Stick to a limited number of concepts and time.
•Make use of humour ,listen to oneself to see whether you are making sense or not.Maintain eye conduct with the class to reduce chances of talkin and other misbehaviours in the lesson.
•Ask evaluative questions whereby pupils judges decide and offer personal opinions and listen to them and consider their views.
Effective use of the Lecture Method:
The lecture method is effective as an introduction to a lesson with new topic not known to pupils .
The teacher must be very careful to take too long on lecture if used as an introduction since it is likely to be carried by own adoquancy and attempted to talk too much.
Variety can be introduced in the lesson by using learning media.Better teaching results are obtained through approach ,if judically blended with methods that call for active response from learners.
Lecture methods is constantly used by teachers particularly in high schools and learners of around 14 years and above old Advantages of Traditional Approach:It requires less preparation be cause of routine teaching.
The main tools are the voice ,lecture and the notes ,chalk and chalkboard,or projector ,because it is teacher centred ,that gives own view at own pace ,time ,so there is no time constraint and give lonely instructions.
They are use good for handling large groups ,also good when presenting factual material because the material is presented in direct and logical manner.
Disadvantages of Traditional Approach:There is little of learner participation .little adaptabiltiy and creativity.
The learners are fed of unfinished products ,just teacher's ideas and learners are treated as taburasa ,(empty vesels) or blanks into which facts has to be loaded.Paulo Fraire(1972) refers this as the banking system of education ,others cal it a teapot and cup,nutritive type of education.
The teacher's routines solists stereotype responses ,therefore it is boring and monotonous ,to pupils in primary schools .
According to Staton(1960)defines lecture, as a process by which facts are transmitted from notebook of the teacher to the notebook of the student without passing the minds of either.Barker (1998)says a lecture is the earliest form of transmission of information from a scholar to the students.Oxford dictionary refers lecture as a discourse on subject.A lecture is one of the earliest and oldest instruction method and is still widely used in schools ,colleges ,universities,workshops ,symposia etc(Siyakwazi and Siyakwazi 1998)ascribe, Lecture as a very suitable for large section or classes over 500 students.
Kasambira (1993)points out that lecture method is greatly criticised by current progressive educators ,however its ability to survive the years has evidenced that the method processes some unique strength.
Staton adds ,the lecture method is a fine instructional device adapted to teaching almost any subject where the teacher dominates taking an active part while learners assume the passive receipient role.
Factors to Consider when Conducting the Lecture Method:
•The teacher should take into account the type of learners being taught.If the students' potential is limited ,the lecture method requires students to take notes and if students are not able to capture most of the important ideas held in the lecture.
•Students should be self motivated for lecture itself ,if you are a poor motivator consider the level of particular group of learners.Some students prefer the lecture method because it demands little direct participation and involvement.Less capable students tend to favour other methods which place more responsibility on them.
•The lesson must be short and precise to avoid boredom.Use of rhetoric questions ,illustrations ,voice variation ,audio visual aids is useful inorder to maintain pupil's interests and content should be summerised.
•During introduction give the a brief of what the lecture is going to take and lecture them what you have told them.Stick to a limited number of concepts and time.
•Make use of humour ,listen to oneself to see whether you are making sense or not.Maintain eye conduct with the class to reduce chances of talkin and other misbehaviours in the lesson.
•Ask evaluative questions whereby pupils judges decide and offer personal opinions and listen to them and consider their views.
Effective use of the Lecture Method:
The lecture method is effective as an introduction to a lesson with new topic not known to pupils .
The teacher must be very careful to take too long on lecture if used as an introduction since it is likely to be carried by own adoquancy and attempted to talk too much.
Variety can be introduced in the lesson by using learning media.Better teaching results are obtained through approach ,if judically blended with methods that call for active response from learners.
Lecture methods is constantly used by teachers particularly in high schools and learners of around 14 years and above old Advantages of Traditional Approach:It requires less preparation be cause of routine teaching.
The main tools are the voice ,lecture and the notes ,chalk and chalkboard,or projector ,because it is teacher centred ,that gives own view at own pace ,time ,so there is no time constraint and give lonely instructions.
They are use good for handling large groups ,also good when presenting factual material because the material is presented in direct and logical manner.
Disadvantages of Traditional Approach:There is little of learner participation .little adaptabiltiy and creativity.
The learners are fed of unfinished products ,just teacher's ideas and learners are treated as taburasa ,(empty vesels) or blanks into which facts has to be loaded.Paulo Fraire(1972) refers this as the banking system of education ,others cal it a teapot and cup,nutritive type of education.
The teacher's routines solists stereotype responses ,therefore it is boring and monotonous ,to pupils in primary schools .
Teaching children functional writing skills
The main purpose of teaching language is to develop communicative skills for both social interaction and business communication.
Children are expected to be able to write meaningful and appropriate messeges in their writings. The teacher's main purpose is to give them lessons which are purposeful and relevant to their immediate environment and the demands of the marketplaces for each writing exercise ,so that each piece can bring real life in their way of education and social experiences.These learners should also have the strong feeling that they are writing for the reader for a specific message to be conveyed.
Inaddition the piece of their writings should appear as a transaction whereby the learners gets something done through the medium of communication.The possible functional writing should composed of:
•Events in the class ,the school an community news ,their work ,at home and in the classroom.
•The writing of scripts and posted in the forums in various sites online on educational issues or when interacting with their peers . The article which can be published in the newspapers,magazines etc.
•They can write small books ,e-books with exciting small stories for others to read online or offline in such a way they build library of such books and always perfecting themselves as they are growing up.
• Leaving messeges on the community or school notice boards for others to read or even post them on the social sites.
Letter writing
Writing letters is now one of the commonest thing done by everyone especially those who interact through social media. The posting of e-mails or writing on the wall is now an easy feature done daily by internetters.Using this communicative approach children can begin by writing short notices to their classmates ,not only in the same classroom ,but also even nationally or internationally ,for example:John, can you work me this problem 100 x96=
Madelene,Tell me about your weather in Zimbabwe? Thambiso.
The response they get can be either in note form or in voice over VOIP . From such activities the children can develop the skills of letter writing and the teacher should later introduce them to write formal letters for business. Take the opportunity to help children to learn appropreate language to different categories of people ,business people,friends,parents,older relatives,peers etc.If possible ,let them write genuine letters and post them off in hope of a reply.
They must be well versed with letters of thanks,requests and of giving an item of news.
Children are expected to be able to write meaningful and appropriate messeges in their writings. The teacher's main purpose is to give them lessons which are purposeful and relevant to their immediate environment and the demands of the marketplaces for each writing exercise ,so that each piece can bring real life in their way of education and social experiences.These learners should also have the strong feeling that they are writing for the reader for a specific message to be conveyed.
Inaddition the piece of their writings should appear as a transaction whereby the learners gets something done through the medium of communication.The possible functional writing should composed of:
•Events in the class ,the school an community news ,their work ,at home and in the classroom.
•The writing of scripts and posted in the forums in various sites online on educational issues or when interacting with their peers . The article which can be published in the newspapers,magazines etc.
•They can write small books ,e-books with exciting small stories for others to read online or offline in such a way they build library of such books and always perfecting themselves as they are growing up.
• Leaving messeges on the community or school notice boards for others to read or even post them on the social sites.
Letter writing
Writing letters is now one of the commonest thing done by everyone especially those who interact through social media. The posting of e-mails or writing on the wall is now an easy feature done daily by internetters.Using this communicative approach children can begin by writing short notices to their classmates ,not only in the same classroom ,but also even nationally or internationally ,for example:John, can you work me this problem 100 x96=
Madelene,Tell me about your weather in Zimbabwe? Thambiso.
The response they get can be either in note form or in voice over VOIP . From such activities the children can develop the skills of letter writing and the teacher should later introduce them to write formal letters for business. Take the opportunity to help children to learn appropreate language to different categories of people ,business people,friends,parents,older relatives,peers etc.If possible ,let them write genuine letters and post them off in hope of a reply.
They must be well versed with letters of thanks,requests and of giving an item of news.
Types of formal writing exercise in the classroom
In the recent previous article we discussed the importance of functional writing in developing the writing skills in in life like for letter writing ,e-mailing ,texting and other forms of sending message by writing symbols and numbers.
Formal exercises are very essential in the communicative approach ,hence the teacher can base them on developing language points that children find difficulties in hindering their communication.
In the classroom ,the teacher can employ the use of substitution tables to practise sentence structures,plan lesson with filling in blank spaces.Children are provided with choices of words covering the whole exercise ,for instance a set of 6 words for 6 sentence ,above or below the sentences themselves.Then children provide a choice of 2 or 3 words for the gap in each sentence.The teacher can also put the base form of a verb next to the sentence and the children change it into the correct tense form to fill the gap.
Other exercises children can do are:
Multiple choice questions which can be in different ways that's comprehension,structure or vocabulary.
Children can construct sentence following the model sentence provided by their teacher.
They can convert sentences to another ,for example ,verbs can be change into past tense or nouns and pronouns in to their singular or plural forms.
The children can also taught to synthesise two sentences into one without changing the meaning ,according to the teacher's demostration.
Punctuation is also one of the most important skills children should develop inorder for their writing to make sense to the reader.The teacher can give them exercise to copy for panctuation . This can be used to use punctuation marks or how to use capital letters correctly .After the teacher present the lesson can then give children exercise of quotation marks ,an unpantuated passage . Thereafter they should be told how many marks are required altogether ,before they copy it out putting them in the correct places.
Groupwork activities:
Working in their groups in the classroom set up is also a way of developing their skills and improve on personal and business interaction.When they are given a task to write in their groups. The teacher can divide them in groups to write short summary of the passage read.The other groups can be given different tasks like,write comprehension answers,which already prepared orally,the next group may list animals,objects or people mentioned in the passege.The last group if there are four groups can be tasked to draw pictures related to the passage and write simple sentences below the pictures.
In conclusion functional writing prepares children to communicate through writing script in both the classroom and their life long situations after formal education.
Formal exercises are very essential in the communicative approach ,hence the teacher can base them on developing language points that children find difficulties in hindering their communication.
In the classroom ,the teacher can employ the use of substitution tables to practise sentence structures,plan lesson with filling in blank spaces.Children are provided with choices of words covering the whole exercise ,for instance a set of 6 words for 6 sentence ,above or below the sentences themselves.Then children provide a choice of 2 or 3 words for the gap in each sentence.The teacher can also put the base form of a verb next to the sentence and the children change it into the correct tense form to fill the gap.
Other exercises children can do are:
Multiple choice questions which can be in different ways that's comprehension,structure or vocabulary.
Children can construct sentence following the model sentence provided by their teacher.
They can convert sentences to another ,for example ,verbs can be change into past tense or nouns and pronouns in to their singular or plural forms.
The children can also taught to synthesise two sentences into one without changing the meaning ,according to the teacher's demostration.
Punctuation is also one of the most important skills children should develop inorder for their writing to make sense to the reader.The teacher can give them exercise to copy for panctuation . This can be used to use punctuation marks or how to use capital letters correctly .After the teacher present the lesson can then give children exercise of quotation marks ,an unpantuated passage . Thereafter they should be told how many marks are required altogether ,before they copy it out putting them in the correct places.
Groupwork activities:
Working in their groups in the classroom set up is also a way of developing their skills and improve on personal and business interaction.When they are given a task to write in their groups. The teacher can divide them in groups to write short summary of the passage read.The other groups can be given different tasks like,write comprehension answers,which already prepared orally,the next group may list animals,objects or people mentioned in the passege.The last group if there are four groups can be tasked to draw pictures related to the passage and write simple sentences below the pictures.
In conclusion functional writing prepares children to communicate through writing script in both the classroom and their life long situations after formal education.
Simple ways Teachers can do image -building
Teachers are the role models in any class set up. Pupils tune into the image presented by their teachers from their mere appearance. They can precisely record every reaction ,impression of feelings ,initiatives of their teachers subconsciously. The behaviours of their teachers model them to their future impressions and form an image which would be part of their personality.Therefore how can a teacher consider some of the essentials in building self image.
The knowledge component is important as pupils must have a feeling that their teacher is well versed about themselves ,their social backgrounds and overall performance including academic and non academic potentials.The social background the teacher is expected to know is their families,home area ,the school and how to conduct the educational procedures and systems.Hence the teacher is obliged to effective reflective teaching supported by thorough lesson preparation.The teacher should not be over zealous to achieve this overnight . This knowledge is an experience accumulated step by step over the years.The newly qualified teachers feel advantaged by this essential knowledge .It is good for the beginners to fight their own way out to make great strides out of the knowledge problem and show pupils that they are teachers prepared to guide them in their learning processes.Teachers should utilise every opportunity to demostrate every knowledge of significant needs in the community and the school environment.Calling children by their names is a strike overhead to identify them in the system. Then the pupils will always realise what the teacher says about them as they mentioned their names.
Secondly image-building supported by firm impression of purpose .This component is important and should be taken seriously not to seek quick and easy popularity which can easily fade up through its practices.By discovering that their teachers are also human beings ,pupils tend to like their teachers and respect them.The firm impressions of purpose have both achieved by being thorough the teacher contributes to method of instructions and demands made to the pupils.In turn the sense of responsibility builds attention to detail ,serious work and pupils are assumed to be groomed into effective acceptable habit development.
Finally the image-building should lies on the component of strength and resolution .Pupils always put eyes to their teachers ,how they react whenever crisis araise. Teachers therefore should be calm ,pleasent and courteous.A teacher who is capable to demostrate when it becomes necessary and clear use of the rules and instructions.
The knowledge component is important as pupils must have a feeling that their teacher is well versed about themselves ,their social backgrounds and overall performance including academic and non academic potentials.The social background the teacher is expected to know is their families,home area ,the school and how to conduct the educational procedures and systems.Hence the teacher is obliged to effective reflective teaching supported by thorough lesson preparation.The teacher should not be over zealous to achieve this overnight . This knowledge is an experience accumulated step by step over the years.The newly qualified teachers feel advantaged by this essential knowledge .It is good for the beginners to fight their own way out to make great strides out of the knowledge problem and show pupils that they are teachers prepared to guide them in their learning processes.Teachers should utilise every opportunity to demostrate every knowledge of significant needs in the community and the school environment.Calling children by their names is a strike overhead to identify them in the system. Then the pupils will always realise what the teacher says about them as they mentioned their names.
Secondly image-building supported by firm impression of purpose .This component is important and should be taken seriously not to seek quick and easy popularity which can easily fade up through its practices.By discovering that their teachers are also human beings ,pupils tend to like their teachers and respect them.The firm impressions of purpose have both achieved by being thorough the teacher contributes to method of instructions and demands made to the pupils.In turn the sense of responsibility builds attention to detail ,serious work and pupils are assumed to be groomed into effective acceptable habit development.
Finally the image-building should lies on the component of strength and resolution .Pupils always put eyes to their teachers ,how they react whenever crisis araise. Teachers therefore should be calm ,pleasent and courteous.A teacher who is capable to demostrate when it becomes necessary and clear use of the rules and instructions.
Teaching and Learning by Dramatisation
Dramatisation has being described as synthetic art which involving the purposive coordination and control of the delicate organs of speech and muscles of the body. When combined with a sense of rhythm with the view to free and a sense of intelligence ,expression of emotions and ideas.
Pupils who involve in learning through dramatisation can improve on their speech ,habits and language's communicative skills in general.
Gwarinda(1993:73)says dramatisation is the method of teaching approach whereby pupils are made to acquire concepts through acting out a particular situation.For example the popular biblical story of a prodigal son can be used in the child book child approach.
Dramatics add to the geographical knowledge of areas to pupils and in other areas of specialisation like in capentry and other mechanical arts which facilitates the work of construction of the stages.
Drama has great social value on its nature of being cooperative enterprise and develops qualities of cooperation and social understanding. Dance and music can also made to the beauty of the drama.
As dramatics facilitates to foster the spirit of cooperation among actors. It also folds many opportunities for training in a teamwork and provides freedom for release of inhibitions to which there are subjected by the conventions of the society.
There are many activities done in a drama and as such children of diverse aptitudes can get chances to choose items from which they are best suited and certisfy their ages or desires, for instance self expression through various activities of the drama.
(1)Dramatic play: This is done by very young children ,for example the little boy zopming around saying I am an earoplane. The little girl being a mother to a doll.
(2)Impromptu dramatisation:Primary school children in lower grades can enjoy this . If a teacher give the a bible story immediately they want to dramatise it.They can use their own words and actions.
(3)Miming in this form of acting the actor speaks no words but communicate in thoughts and actions through movement of the body parts like use of gestures and facial expressions. It is more convenient to children found learning the parts by heart difficult because they can be told by the narrator and the other actors what they have to do is to act out the story in mime. Furthermore for it to be really effective the actions and gestures have to be greatly exagerated.
(4)Acting as a form of dramatisation there should be the combination of movement acting by miming with the inclusion of the dialogue. However some primary school children may have difficuties in learning scripted parts and speak them dramatically.
From all the different types of the dramatisation mentioned above the teacher should discuss the story with the children and assist them on how to act on different parts.Giving comments on the dramatised script is easy,but the planning and organisation of actors demands knowledge and a lot of work . When continue trying you shall comeup with the best drama which shall help you in your teaching profession.
Pupils who involve in learning through dramatisation can improve on their speech ,habits and language's communicative skills in general.
Gwarinda(1993:73)says dramatisation is the method of teaching approach whereby pupils are made to acquire concepts through acting out a particular situation.For example the popular biblical story of a prodigal son can be used in the child book child approach.
Dramatics add to the geographical knowledge of areas to pupils and in other areas of specialisation like in capentry and other mechanical arts which facilitates the work of construction of the stages.
Drama has great social value on its nature of being cooperative enterprise and develops qualities of cooperation and social understanding. Dance and music can also made to the beauty of the drama.
As dramatics facilitates to foster the spirit of cooperation among actors. It also folds many opportunities for training in a teamwork and provides freedom for release of inhibitions to which there are subjected by the conventions of the society.
There are many activities done in a drama and as such children of diverse aptitudes can get chances to choose items from which they are best suited and certisfy their ages or desires, for instance self expression through various activities of the drama.
(1)Dramatic play: This is done by very young children ,for example the little boy zopming around saying I am an earoplane. The little girl being a mother to a doll.
(2)Impromptu dramatisation:Primary school children in lower grades can enjoy this . If a teacher give the a bible story immediately they want to dramatise it.They can use their own words and actions.
(3)Miming in this form of acting the actor speaks no words but communicate in thoughts and actions through movement of the body parts like use of gestures and facial expressions. It is more convenient to children found learning the parts by heart difficult because they can be told by the narrator and the other actors what they have to do is to act out the story in mime. Furthermore for it to be really effective the actions and gestures have to be greatly exagerated.
(4)Acting as a form of dramatisation there should be the combination of movement acting by miming with the inclusion of the dialogue. However some primary school children may have difficuties in learning scripted parts and speak them dramatically.
From all the different types of the dramatisation mentioned above the teacher should discuss the story with the children and assist them on how to act on different parts.Giving comments on the dramatised script is easy,but the planning and organisation of actors demands knowledge and a lot of work . When continue trying you shall comeup with the best drama which shall help you in your teaching profession.
Children love stories,they make interesting images in the minds when listening to a story. Teaching by story telling is one of the best method of teaching ,the teacher can employ in any lesson presentation.
Oxford Dictionary defines,'' A story is a narrative of real or fictional events told inorder to amuse interests or illustrates something.'' A Story is therefore the action of narrating real or fictious.
The historical development of story telling dates back to the times when the societies began. Leaders of smallest social institutions,the family , such as parents,grandparents or other outspoken community members were always regarded as proficient good story tellers. The stories contributed to the moulding of children's charaters as stories carried many social values.
The teacher and primary school teacher in particular has assumed this important role of story telling. Since primary education is more concerned with teaching of moral values story telling becomes a very important method of teaching. Traditional folk stories ,therefore have great significance in the system of modern education.
The qualities of a good story according to Jacinta and Regina(1980)should have good morals were good behaviour is rewarded and evil deeds is punished and should be short precise to the point and not complicated to the children's cognitive conscience. Avoid stories with too many characters and too much dialogue , but should be dramatic and create much excitement. Weird stories which may frighten children should be avoided at all costs to promote a conducive learning environment.
A good story teller should have qualities that are abilities to use gestures,facial expressions,make use of the language that suits the cognitive level of the learners and to use appropriate aids ,like pictures ,audio-visual to motivate pupils.
Moreover the story teller 's appearance should not attract more attention than the story being told. The story teller must speak fluently ,using a clear voice tone and the expressions must be changed spontaneously to suits the moods of the story.
When using the story in a lesson ,the teacher can use story telling in an introduction and should be very short. In social and moral lessons story telling is best appropriate for use in the book stage of the child book child approach. It is necessary for the teacher to be observant of learners' reactions so as to take necessary measures.
Story telling has more benefits as an effective method of instruction ,because it involves many mediums of communication for example use of gestures,song and dance. It also moulds characters and provides enjoyment. Stories broadens the knowledge of the children and the cultural beliefs and activites. It also establishes good relationships among pupils and their teacher.
Story telling has also negative impacts as it can disadvantages learners ,if the story teller doesn't have the required skills.Extensively use of the story telling method tends to produce passive listeners who receive information without much probing questioning to understand much better. It is also the poor method of active participation by learners as it lessens the opportunity for them to learn by doing.
Oxford Dictionary defines,'' A story is a narrative of real or fictional events told inorder to amuse interests or illustrates something.'' A Story is therefore the action of narrating real or fictious.
The historical development of story telling dates back to the times when the societies began. Leaders of smallest social institutions,the family , such as parents,grandparents or other outspoken community members were always regarded as proficient good story tellers. The stories contributed to the moulding of children's charaters as stories carried many social values.
The teacher and primary school teacher in particular has assumed this important role of story telling. Since primary education is more concerned with teaching of moral values story telling becomes a very important method of teaching. Traditional folk stories ,therefore have great significance in the system of modern education.
The qualities of a good story according to Jacinta and Regina(1980)should have good morals were good behaviour is rewarded and evil deeds is punished and should be short precise to the point and not complicated to the children's cognitive conscience. Avoid stories with too many characters and too much dialogue , but should be dramatic and create much excitement. Weird stories which may frighten children should be avoided at all costs to promote a conducive learning environment.
A good story teller should have qualities that are abilities to use gestures,facial expressions,make use of the language that suits the cognitive level of the learners and to use appropriate aids ,like pictures ,audio-visual to motivate pupils.
Moreover the story teller 's appearance should not attract more attention than the story being told. The story teller must speak fluently ,using a clear voice tone and the expressions must be changed spontaneously to suits the moods of the story.
When using the story in a lesson ,the teacher can use story telling in an introduction and should be very short. In social and moral lessons story telling is best appropriate for use in the book stage of the child book child approach. It is necessary for the teacher to be observant of learners' reactions so as to take necessary measures.
Story telling has more benefits as an effective method of instruction ,because it involves many mediums of communication for example use of gestures,song and dance. It also moulds characters and provides enjoyment. Stories broadens the knowledge of the children and the cultural beliefs and activites. It also establishes good relationships among pupils and their teacher.
Story telling has also negative impacts as it can disadvantages learners ,if the story teller doesn't have the required skills.Extensively use of the story telling method tends to produce passive listeners who receive information without much probing questioning to understand much better. It is also the poor method of active participation by learners as it lessens the opportunity for them to learn by doing.
Story Telling/Narrative as a Method of Teaching and Learning in Primary Education
Stories are part of the oral heritages and pupils' experiences told and untold through the ages to the young by old age.(Barker and Gwarinda 1996).
Story telling entertains and educates listeners in primary school and marked efforts on the child 's social and moral growth.
When presenting lesson on story telling consider the ability level of children and the story must focus on the objectives of the lesson.
The content should be presented logically and systematically through choosing suitable words and ideas. The story teller must first have probing questions to identify the knowledge of the learners related to the story, so as to think with the new matter.When telling the story should know the story well,and speak fluently.
The important parts of the story must be emphasizes whilst making tone variations of the voice and different expressions.
It is necessary to avoid mannerism like "alright,aah,its like ,ok" and the story must be short and precise to avoid boredom and retain interests of listiners.
Well presented stories give joyment and train children in primary schools to be imaginative,improve listening skills and broaden experience of cultures.
If children frequently given the time to tell stories in the class help them to gain composure ,self confidence and fluency in speaking.
However ,if stories are not interesting pupils will not pay their attention.The stories must suit the listening span of the children ,for instance long stories are not suitable for infants.Also avoid story to have too many characters which may confuse children.
Stories should not over dramatised to meet the objectives of the lesson to be achieved.Narrative method for languages as it also guards the content of the linguistic ability.
Story telling entertains and educates listeners in primary school and marked efforts on the child 's social and moral growth.
When presenting lesson on story telling consider the ability level of children and the story must focus on the objectives of the lesson.
The content should be presented logically and systematically through choosing suitable words and ideas. The story teller must first have probing questions to identify the knowledge of the learners related to the story, so as to think with the new matter.When telling the story should know the story well,and speak fluently.
The important parts of the story must be emphasizes whilst making tone variations of the voice and different expressions.
It is necessary to avoid mannerism like "alright,aah,its like ,ok" and the story must be short and precise to avoid boredom and retain interests of listiners.
Well presented stories give joyment and train children in primary schools to be imaginative,improve listening skills and broaden experience of cultures.
If children frequently given the time to tell stories in the class help them to gain composure ,self confidence and fluency in speaking.
However ,if stories are not interesting pupils will not pay their attention.The stories must suit the listening span of the children ,for instance long stories are not suitable for infants.Also avoid story to have too many characters which may confuse children.
Stories should not over dramatised to meet the objectives of the lesson to be achieved.Narrative method for languages as it also guards the content of the linguistic ability.
Story Telling/Narrative as a Method of Teaching and Learning in Primary Education
Stories are part of the oral heritages and pupils' experiences told and untold through the ages to the young by old age.(Barker and Gwarinda 1996).
Story telling entertains and educates listeners in primary school and marked efforts on the child 's social and moral growth.
When presenting lesson on story telling consider the ability level of children and the story must focus on the objectives of the lesson.
The content should be presented logically and systematically through choosing suitable words and ideas. The story teller must first have probing questions to identify the knowledge of the learners related to the story, so as to think with the new matter.When telling the story should know the story well,and speak fluently.
The important parts of the story must be emphasizes whilst making tone variations of the voice and different expressions.
It is necessary to avoid mannerism like "alright,aah,its like ,ok" and the story must be short and precise to avoid boredom and retain interests of listiners.
Well presented stories give joyment and train children in primary schools to be imaginative,improve listening skills and broaden experience of cultures.
If children frequently given the time to tell stories in the class help them to gain composure ,self confidence and fluency in speaking.
However ,if stories are not interesting pupils will not pay their attention.The stories must suit the listening span of the children ,for instance long stories are not suitable for infants.Also avoid story to have too many characters which may confuse children.
Stories should not over dramatised to meet the objectives of the lesson to be achieved.Narrative method for languages as it also guards the content of the linguistic ability.
Story telling entertains and educates listeners in primary school and marked efforts on the child 's social and moral growth.
When presenting lesson on story telling consider the ability level of children and the story must focus on the objectives of the lesson.
The content should be presented logically and systematically through choosing suitable words and ideas. The story teller must first have probing questions to identify the knowledge of the learners related to the story, so as to think with the new matter.When telling the story should know the story well,and speak fluently.
The important parts of the story must be emphasizes whilst making tone variations of the voice and different expressions.
It is necessary to avoid mannerism like "alright,aah,its like ,ok" and the story must be short and precise to avoid boredom and retain interests of listiners.
Well presented stories give joyment and train children in primary schools to be imaginative,improve listening skills and broaden experience of cultures.
If children frequently given the time to tell stories in the class help them to gain composure ,self confidence and fluency in speaking.
However ,if stories are not interesting pupils will not pay their attention.The stories must suit the listening span of the children ,for instance long stories are not suitable for infants.Also avoid story to have too many characters which may confuse children.
Stories should not over dramatised to meet the objectives of the lesson to be achieved.Narrative method for languages as it also guards the content of the linguistic ability.
Writing Skills for children age range 9-12 Years.
Writing is the most difficult skill of all the skills the child learn at school.However this is one of the most interesting to a child since crawling stages until further introduced to in conventional in the infant classes at school.
Writing has its own two basic meanings which are putting language into its written form and writing meaningful sentences in a story or text.At the ages of 9-12 we all agreed that children are able to speak through their writing skills and follow language rules in writing their own compositions.
Therefore how the teacher can help children to write good sentences to make their composition meaningful and exciting? Let investigate it below to find out how the teacher can assist the children.
The purpose of writing exercises should be to reinforce the oral teaching of new words and structures and to expose the opportunity to develop writing skills in a variety of ways.
Children at this stage may likely to lost interests in schooling activities and regard coming to school as a noble idea.The teacher
must note that one of the demotivating factor is the difficult of this language skills and pupils need to be thoroughly prepared to make writing more exciting to them as much as possible.Hence the teacher is now obliged to prepare writing execrcise that help children rather than testing them.
Writing is merely metters on expressiveness or creativity ,of which pupils at this stage need to be taught to in controlled practice and groomed to transactional writing.Furthermore the types of writing necessary for other subjects in the curriculum are also of paramount significance to the children.
The teacher not directs children to do written work that leads them into making many mistakes. The reinforcement which accurately form correct habita are critical ways pupils can make use of their writings in developing their language in the learning process.Remember as a teacher that children always make naturally make a lot of errors and tend to reinforcing bad habits .The teacher's duty therefore is to let them continuously practise correct forms ,by doing the exercises not in purely mechanical way.The key to write well in any language is through preparation in language development and its structures.
Writing is the permanant form of communication which can be used by generations to come when they learn about their historical backgrounds and the way people were living in the past . When a child is capable of writing can also able to communicate with the society in different ways more conveniently.
Writing has its own two basic meanings which are putting language into its written form and writing meaningful sentences in a story or text.At the ages of 9-12 we all agreed that children are able to speak through their writing skills and follow language rules in writing their own compositions.
Therefore how the teacher can help children to write good sentences to make their composition meaningful and exciting? Let investigate it below to find out how the teacher can assist the children.
The purpose of writing exercises should be to reinforce the oral teaching of new words and structures and to expose the opportunity to develop writing skills in a variety of ways.
Children at this stage may likely to lost interests in schooling activities and regard coming to school as a noble idea.The teacher
must note that one of the demotivating factor is the difficult of this language skills and pupils need to be thoroughly prepared to make writing more exciting to them as much as possible.Hence the teacher is now obliged to prepare writing execrcise that help children rather than testing them.
Writing is merely metters on expressiveness or creativity ,of which pupils at this stage need to be taught to in controlled practice and groomed to transactional writing.Furthermore the types of writing necessary for other subjects in the curriculum are also of paramount significance to the children.
The teacher not directs children to do written work that leads them into making many mistakes. The reinforcement which accurately form correct habita are critical ways pupils can make use of their writings in developing their language in the learning process.Remember as a teacher that children always make naturally make a lot of errors and tend to reinforcing bad habits .The teacher's duty therefore is to let them continuously practise correct forms ,by doing the exercises not in purely mechanical way.The key to write well in any language is through preparation in language development and its structures.
Writing is the permanant form of communication which can be used by generations to come when they learn about their historical backgrounds and the way people were living in the past . When a child is capable of writing can also able to communicate with the society in different ways more conveniently.
Developing Listening Skills in Children
As teachers who are teaching juniors of age range from 9-11 years ,we expect the pupils to have frequently practiced simple listening exercises that develop their listening skills such as those done to infant grades like playing with gongs ,whistles and so on.Infants learning to distinguish different sounds and following simple instructions.To develop these skills for this age range the teacher should plan exercises which promote more advanced skills.Lets look at further ear training to enhence listening skills.
The teacher should be a role model ,good for children to clearly hear the sounds of words and ability to destinguish the differences between bed and bird, fit and feet, Hat and hurt etc.
The sounds of words should be presented with statements ,normally in a stream of speech . Children should be given enough time to hear from the sentences ,before expected to produce response . The teacher's fluency is good from the initial point maintaining medium fast and not to be slow or too fast.
However there are problems with second language learners ,like in Zimbabwe where most of children speak English language as a second language because their pronunciation is always linked to their mastered first language.A child who speak chishona for example can always interfers the pronunciation to English being taught at school.If the sounds of the two languages don't match ,then the problems arise .English has 12 pure vowels and 8 dipthtongs whilst chishona has only 5 vowels and consonants where sounds of letters like L and Q never exist in their language.Children of this calibre likely sounds words like seat /si't/ ,sit /sit/ ,firm /fě:m/ ,but /bût/ etc .According to MacGregor(1970:180)second language speakers use sounds like their first language and hear those sounds as spoken by others.
Children listen and do. So their behaviour correspond to what they heard ,for example if there is a chart with picture if you say out words children can point the picture matching the word said.Also the teacher can point the picture and children can say out the names of the pointed picture.
When giving exercise the teacher should begin with pairs of words live-leave ,cot -caught, and then more practice follow where more than two words are used like bed-bird-bud ,hut -heart -hat. The children should be allowed to use sentences,recite jingles and rhymes of the sounds.
The teacher should be a role model ,good for children to clearly hear the sounds of words and ability to destinguish the differences between bed and bird, fit and feet, Hat and hurt etc.
The sounds of words should be presented with statements ,normally in a stream of speech . Children should be given enough time to hear from the sentences ,before expected to produce response . The teacher's fluency is good from the initial point maintaining medium fast and not to be slow or too fast.
However there are problems with second language learners ,like in Zimbabwe where most of children speak English language as a second language because their pronunciation is always linked to their mastered first language.A child who speak chishona for example can always interfers the pronunciation to English being taught at school.If the sounds of the two languages don't match ,then the problems arise .English has 12 pure vowels and 8 dipthtongs whilst chishona has only 5 vowels and consonants where sounds of letters like L and Q never exist in their language.Children of this calibre likely sounds words like seat /si't/ ,sit /sit/ ,firm /fě:m/ ,but /bût/ etc .According to MacGregor(1970:180)second language speakers use sounds like their first language and hear those sounds as spoken by others.
Children listen and do. So their behaviour correspond to what they heard ,for example if there is a chart with picture if you say out words children can point the picture matching the word said.Also the teacher can point the picture and children can say out the names of the pointed picture.
When giving exercise the teacher should begin with pairs of words live-leave ,cot -caught, and then more practice follow where more than two words are used like bed-bird-bud ,hut -heart -hat. The children should be allowed to use sentences,recite jingles and rhymes of the sounds.
Second language usually learned after the saturation development of the first language.Lets review theories done for teaching second language.
Monitor model as was proposed by Krasion . He proposes five hypothesis to explain how language is learnt.
The acquisition /learning hypothesis claimed that acquisition and learning are two distinctive ways of developing competence in second language development. Acquisition is the subconscious process that involves naturalistic develop of language proficiency through understanding language and using language for meaningful interaction. Acquisition focuses on meaning rather than form. Learning is a conscious process in which rules of a language are developed. It is a product of formal instruction in a formal setting. The focus is on form ,the results is ability to monitor or dictect and correct errors. But it doesn't led to acquisition.
The monitor hypothesis learning a language doesn't result in acquisition or fluency ,but is responsible for editing what has been acquired through communication in a naturalistic way. Learning can not help in comprehension but in production.
Natural order hypothesis rules of a language are acquired in a predictable order, some rules tend to come earlier than others.The order isn't determined by formal simplicity it is independent of the order in which rules are learnt in the classroom.
In putting hypothesis speech can't be taught directly . It emerges on its own,if input is understood the necessary grammar is automatical provided.
Affective filter hypothesis,Krasion sees the learner's emotional state as an adjustable filter that freely passes or block inputs necessary to acquisition .
If the filter is up the input is block and doesn't reaches the (LAD) if it is down the input reaches LAD and become acquired.
Constructive analysis founded by Lado (1957)argues that compare the two languages. Areas of similarity are easy to acquire points of difference are likely to be difficult so focus on them.
Interlanguage theory proposes by Selinker .Second language is learned the same way as the first language and errors should be treated the way there are treated in the first language development. Errors should not be treated as annoying ,but as evidence that children is learning. Evidence of the system the children is learning or has learned at a point in the course. Evidence of the learner's progress ,evidence of the strategies the learner is using.
Beinsten deficit theory divided language into restricted codes and elaborated code.A restricted was the one spoken by the lower class. Elaborated code was the formal language spoken by the upper class and middle. The school language was the elaborated code. Thus children from the lower class entered school disadvantaged.
Benstan interpreted that disadvantage as deficiency and therefore defined the pupils as deficient.
Monitor model as was proposed by Krasion . He proposes five hypothesis to explain how language is learnt.
The acquisition /learning hypothesis claimed that acquisition and learning are two distinctive ways of developing competence in second language development. Acquisition is the subconscious process that involves naturalistic develop of language proficiency through understanding language and using language for meaningful interaction. Acquisition focuses on meaning rather than form. Learning is a conscious process in which rules of a language are developed. It is a product of formal instruction in a formal setting. The focus is on form ,the results is ability to monitor or dictect and correct errors. But it doesn't led to acquisition.
The monitor hypothesis learning a language doesn't result in acquisition or fluency ,but is responsible for editing what has been acquired through communication in a naturalistic way. Learning can not help in comprehension but in production.
Natural order hypothesis rules of a language are acquired in a predictable order, some rules tend to come earlier than others.The order isn't determined by formal simplicity it is independent of the order in which rules are learnt in the classroom.
In putting hypothesis speech can't be taught directly . It emerges on its own,if input is understood the necessary grammar is automatical provided.
Affective filter hypothesis,Krasion sees the learner's emotional state as an adjustable filter that freely passes or block inputs necessary to acquisition .
If the filter is up the input is block and doesn't reaches the (LAD) if it is down the input reaches LAD and become acquired.
Constructive analysis founded by Lado (1957)argues that compare the two languages. Areas of similarity are easy to acquire points of difference are likely to be difficult so focus on them.
Interlanguage theory proposes by Selinker .Second language is learned the same way as the first language and errors should be treated the way there are treated in the first language development. Errors should not be treated as annoying ,but as evidence that children is learning. Evidence of the system the children is learning or has learned at a point in the course. Evidence of the learner's progress ,evidence of the strategies the learner is using.
Beinsten deficit theory divided language into restricted codes and elaborated code.A restricted was the one spoken by the lower class. Elaborated code was the formal language spoken by the upper class and middle. The school language was the elaborated code. Thus children from the lower class entered school disadvantaged.
Benstan interpreted that disadvantage as deficiency and therefore defined the pupils as deficient.
How to become a good teacher?
A good teacher is the most useful of promoting the good learning environment to to be conducive.
A whole personal appearance is the one which define the habit of an individual.Good dressing ,cleanliness,good hair cut or style .
The teacher make a classroom environment more interesting through making use of various teaching methods,other motivational stimulus like use of pitch when speaking ,gestures,rhythmic movement around the classroom,portray what subject is taught and so on.
A good rapport between teacher and learners is encouraged,instil discipline in the classroom and proper control of all learning programmes.
Good introduction of lessons should be interesting and should link with the main part of the lesson.It can be a recap of the previous lesson or any new information related to the topic and good introduction help motivate learners to capture their attention. When introducing lesson it is important to vary activities using songs, stories etc.
The teacher, when delivering the content of the lesson should be well informed more on the level of learners their background and their living status and should be given the correct information.The content to be taught should be appropreate to the cognitive level of learners.A topic can be broken into two different levels.
In methods and organisation teacher should be able to explain things step by step and use small groups doing different task in the same concept,lesson at the same time.A good teacher cover essential parts.Whenever possible use of necessary illustrations would help to make the lesson live.
When learning it is necessary to use good questioning technique ,by avoid vague questions and make use of open ended questions which promote all learning skills and divergent thinking.Allow learners to think about your questions before answering .Don't repeat their answers because it discourage listening, but can also be good for reinforcing.A teacher should make use of teaching space,have a loud voice to be heard more clearly.When concluding/winding up the lesson teacher should touch all the main points,verify whether the main objects of the the lesson are achieved or not achieved through evaluation and assessment.A good teacher is the most useful of promoting the good learning environment to to be conducive.
A whole personal appearance is the one which define the habit of an individual.Good dressing ,cleanliness,good hair cut or style .
The teacher make a classroom environment more interesting through making use of various teaching methods,other motivational stimulus like use of pitch when speaking ,gestures,rhythmic movement around the classroom,portray what subject is taught and so on.
A good rapport between teacher and learners is encouraged,instil discipline in the classroom and proper control of all learning programmes.
Good introduction of lessons should be interesting and should link with the main part of the lesson.It can be a recap of the previous lesson or any new information related to the topic and good introduction help motivate learners to capture their attention. When introducing lesson it is important to vary activities using songs, stories etc.
The teacher, when delivering the content of the lesson should be well informed more on the level of learners their background and their living status and should be given the correct information.The content to be taught should be appropreate to the cognitive level of learners.A topic can be broken into two different levels.
In methods and organisation teacher should be able to explain things step by step and use small groups doing different task in the same concept,lesson at the same time.A good teacher cover essential parts.Whenever possible use of necessary illustrations would help to make the lesson live.
When learning it is necessary to use good questioning technique ,by avoid vague questions and make use of open ended questions which promote all learning skills and divergent thinking.Allow learners to think about your questions before answering .Don't repeat their answers because it discourage listening, but can also be good for reinforcing.A teacher should make use of teaching space,have a loud voice to be heard more clearly.When concluding/winding up the lesson teacher should touch all the main points,verify whether the main objects of the the lesson are achieved or not achieved through evaluation and assessment.
A whole personal appearance is the one which define the habit of an individual.Good dressing ,cleanliness,good hair cut or style .
The teacher make a classroom environment more interesting through making use of various teaching methods,other motivational stimulus like use of pitch when speaking ,gestures,rhythmic movement around the classroom,portray what subject is taught and so on.
A good rapport between teacher and learners is encouraged,instil discipline in the classroom and proper control of all learning programmes.
Good introduction of lessons should be interesting and should link with the main part of the lesson.It can be a recap of the previous lesson or any new information related to the topic and good introduction help motivate learners to capture their attention. When introducing lesson it is important to vary activities using songs, stories etc.
The teacher, when delivering the content of the lesson should be well informed more on the level of learners their background and their living status and should be given the correct information.The content to be taught should be appropreate to the cognitive level of learners.A topic can be broken into two different levels.
In methods and organisation teacher should be able to explain things step by step and use small groups doing different task in the same concept,lesson at the same time.A good teacher cover essential parts.Whenever possible use of necessary illustrations would help to make the lesson live.
When learning it is necessary to use good questioning technique ,by avoid vague questions and make use of open ended questions which promote all learning skills and divergent thinking.Allow learners to think about your questions before answering .Don't repeat their answers because it discourage listening, but can also be good for reinforcing.A teacher should make use of teaching space,have a loud voice to be heard more clearly.When concluding/winding up the lesson teacher should touch all the main points,verify whether the main objects of the the lesson are achieved or not achieved through evaluation and assessment.A good teacher is the most useful of promoting the good learning environment to to be conducive.
A whole personal appearance is the one which define the habit of an individual.Good dressing ,cleanliness,good hair cut or style .
The teacher make a classroom environment more interesting through making use of various teaching methods,other motivational stimulus like use of pitch when speaking ,gestures,rhythmic movement around the classroom,portray what subject is taught and so on.
A good rapport between teacher and learners is encouraged,instil discipline in the classroom and proper control of all learning programmes.
Good introduction of lessons should be interesting and should link with the main part of the lesson.It can be a recap of the previous lesson or any new information related to the topic and good introduction help motivate learners to capture their attention. When introducing lesson it is important to vary activities using songs, stories etc.
The teacher, when delivering the content of the lesson should be well informed more on the level of learners their background and their living status and should be given the correct information.The content to be taught should be appropreate to the cognitive level of learners.A topic can be broken into two different levels.
In methods and organisation teacher should be able to explain things step by step and use small groups doing different task in the same concept,lesson at the same time.A good teacher cover essential parts.Whenever possible use of necessary illustrations would help to make the lesson live.
When learning it is necessary to use good questioning technique ,by avoid vague questions and make use of open ended questions which promote all learning skills and divergent thinking.Allow learners to think about your questions before answering .Don't repeat their answers because it discourage listening, but can also be good for reinforcing.A teacher should make use of teaching space,have a loud voice to be heard more clearly.When concluding/winding up the lesson teacher should touch all the main points,verify whether the main objects of the the lesson are achieved or not achieved through evaluation and assessment.
Playing games is one of the exciting activities children need to get involved in most of their time. Teachers can make use of games as they can make children learn subconsciously.
Games allow learners to play and learn . It is enjoyable and create active co-operation among children. The pupils can be presented with formal and informal atmosphere to participate. Games redeemed boredom ,increase opportunity for talking ,not demand pupils' mental capacity and make teacher pupils into more intimate relationship.
The structures of games include vocabulary which can use supermarket ,pharmacy ,butchery etc and spelling games in the form of crossword puzzle,target and ladder games.
When playing the game the child may asked 'What is my line of trade is that ,for example pharmacist,sales ,police ,manager ,driver or farmer. Using the flashcard written the the child may say "I am a ..."
The pupils can play miming games without objects ,by imitating activities. They can also play bus games to make prepositions or giving direction games saying or listening to commands. Like halfway down,towards this way ,east way ,using a map ,road signs etc.
The children can make telephone conversation by listening or speaking as they are learning the process of a telephone call.
A film script can help them how to use tendative language and learning vocabulary.
Eliminating suspects ,the teacher can plan such games where can brings in the classroom picture of criminals ,police officers ,thieves and use them to make description of suspects using descriptive words.
When selecting specific games the teacher must take into considerations the average age of the learners ,the teacher pupil ratio and the instructional media to be simple to them when using them to play.
The methods of instruction must be clear and straight forward before children follow them. It is recommended that the teacher gives instructions three or four times in trials before children get into the game.
These days there are children's personal computers with lots of educative electronic games and music which the teacher can recommend and encourage parents to buy one for their child to use even at home whilst doing homework or playing.
The major setbacks associated with use of games in learning and teaching situations includes the fact that games are more exciting so most of children easily lost the focus of learning as they are lured to playing the game and can easily become uncontrollable . The concepts may be overshadowed by the games,if rules are unclear gaming maybe waste of time .
Games allow learners to play and learn . It is enjoyable and create active co-operation among children. The pupils can be presented with formal and informal atmosphere to participate. Games redeemed boredom ,increase opportunity for talking ,not demand pupils' mental capacity and make teacher pupils into more intimate relationship.
The structures of games include vocabulary which can use supermarket ,pharmacy ,butchery etc and spelling games in the form of crossword puzzle,target and ladder games.
When playing the game the child may asked 'What is my line of trade is that ,for example pharmacist,sales ,police ,manager ,driver or farmer. Using the flashcard written the the child may say "I am a ..."
The pupils can play miming games without objects ,by imitating activities. They can also play bus games to make prepositions or giving direction games saying or listening to commands. Like halfway down,towards this way ,east way ,using a map ,road signs etc.
The children can make telephone conversation by listening or speaking as they are learning the process of a telephone call.
A film script can help them how to use tendative language and learning vocabulary.
Eliminating suspects ,the teacher can plan such games where can brings in the classroom picture of criminals ,police officers ,thieves and use them to make description of suspects using descriptive words.
When selecting specific games the teacher must take into considerations the average age of the learners ,the teacher pupil ratio and the instructional media to be simple to them when using them to play.
The methods of instruction must be clear and straight forward before children follow them. It is recommended that the teacher gives instructions three or four times in trials before children get into the game.
These days there are children's personal computers with lots of educative electronic games and music which the teacher can recommend and encourage parents to buy one for their child to use even at home whilst doing homework or playing.
The major setbacks associated with use of games in learning and teaching situations includes the fact that games are more exciting so most of children easily lost the focus of learning as they are lured to playing the game and can easily become uncontrollable . The concepts may be overshadowed by the games,if rules are unclear gaming maybe waste of time .
Effective Lesson for Primary Education
System Perrot in Cohen and Manon(1992)propose five presentation skills:
1.Set induction ,an introduction of setting the stage.
2.Clarity of explanations.
3.Use of examples.
4.Stimulus Variation is important in the lesson ,vary the way of lesson impression.
5.Closure or the conclusion of a lesson.
Barker (1994)says that effective lesson presentation has four major components
•Introduction 5 minutes
•Lesson development 10 minutes
•Application 10 minutes
•Conclusion 5minutes
If a lesson takes double 30 minutes only changes are on lesson development and application.
Introduction should be brief conscience and relevant into the start of the lesson .It should arouse learners' curiosity and link previous knowledge and new knowledge.Previous knowledge is a firm of reference or wish to build subject matter.Moreover introduction must be the link to the known to unknown or familiar to unfamiliar.It must be short and to the point.
Introduction is a motivational techniques which is an appertiser to the the learners .
Introduction can be song,story ,poem,drama etc.
Lesson Development planned in sequential stages which must be usually simple to complex or known to unknown ,as follows:
Stage one is acquiring the concept developing by demostrating ,explaining and use the media to make the learner understand the concept.
Stage two is application phase ,pupils participation and given opportunities for practice individually or in groups .
Stage three is class management aspects where the teacher put into practice ,classroom control ,for instances discipline,supervision ,identifying problems and rectifying them.
The teacher can use stimulus variations such as gestures,facial expressions and eye conduct as explaining the concepts of the lesson.
The use of gestures and facial expressions are an integral part of communication.It is one way of the teacher convey of meaning of language . Gestures should be clear and unambigious .
The teacher can able to position where everyone can see and ,also see the learners.
The movements by the teacher should be strategic to make learners move their eyes to give them mobility enough to maintain concentration.
The teacher should vary voice projection so as to avoid monotomy.The rapport must be used effectively by the teacher to show personal interest in pupils progress and cultivate a friendly working relationships.
Manners of the teacher should be well presentable through showing confidence,be relaxed ,self assured and purposeful.The teacher 's exposition is to be very informant,describing and explaining.
Methods and Activities are necessary that pupils learn through a variety of methods encompassing child-centred approaches ,for instances discovery learning ,enquiry,problem solving ,creative work and othe methods that develop an analytic mind.Learners should be developed to be seekers rather than receivers of knowledge so that they can cope with life later after learned something.
Activities should reflect desired learning outcomes ,for examples demostration for psycho motor skills ,drame and discussion for effective learning /experiments research for cognitive skills.Pupils must do activities which compose of story telling,reading of passages,class discussion,groupwork,reportback and written work
Application :Learners to be given the time to apply the new concepts or skills they introduced to them.It is necessary to apply to them in their groups so that they can assist each other before individual work.The written work or relevant activities should be related to concepts or skills introduced in the lesson only.
Conclusion: The teacher can ask pupils concerning the new concepts ,or make summary of the lesson by two or three learners or by the teacher. It can be a reportback by groups, or questioning and answering segment.
It is a consolidation phase which stresses on the important points ,recap of what has been learnt.
The way lessons can be concluded like introdution to lesson differ in many ways , it may be songs,poems etc.
The evaluation is done after the lesson ends.To evaluate is to appraise or determine the value of something against the set standards.
The analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson presentation.Evaluation should be analytical not narrative.It should be an assessment of teaching to produced a desired outcome in a series of recommendations and suggestions.Which provide a detailed critic appraisal of the planning ,preparation and presentation.
Use the following questions when evaluating:
•Did I teach the lesson or children?
•What caused children to learn or not?
•If objectives achieved or not why?
•What are my weak and strong points of my lesson?*
*On the strengths mentions things which make lesson a success.On weaknesses lists things you identified to make a lesson a failure.
What to evaluate ?:
•The teacher can make evaluation of how the lesson presented in terms of the personal capabilities,voice projection,language,impacts of the introduction and media
•The media used in the lesson how effective or its negative impacts to the learners as far as developing skills and grasping of concepts is concerned.
•The learner 's participation ,attitudes towards learning and their intellectual ability ,their discipline.How their organisation and tasks given, done effectively as individuals or in their groups.Are they affected by other feelings be it weather cold or hot,hunger ,thirsty etc.
NOTE:Learning should be a dynamic process that one continues to
1.Set induction ,an introduction of setting the stage.
2.Clarity of explanations.
3.Use of examples.
4.Stimulus Variation is important in the lesson ,vary the way of lesson impression.
5.Closure or the conclusion of a lesson.
Barker (1994)says that effective lesson presentation has four major components
•Introduction 5 minutes
•Lesson development 10 minutes
•Application 10 minutes
•Conclusion 5minutes
If a lesson takes double 30 minutes only changes are on lesson development and application.
Introduction should be brief conscience and relevant into the start of the lesson .It should arouse learners' curiosity and link previous knowledge and new knowledge.Previous knowledge is a firm of reference or wish to build subject matter.Moreover introduction must be the link to the known to unknown or familiar to unfamiliar.It must be short and to the point.
Introduction is a motivational techniques which is an appertiser to the the learners .
Introduction can be song,story ,poem,drama etc.
Lesson Development planned in sequential stages which must be usually simple to complex or known to unknown ,as follows:
Stage one is acquiring the concept developing by demostrating ,explaining and use the media to make the learner understand the concept.
Stage two is application phase ,pupils participation and given opportunities for practice individually or in groups .
Stage three is class management aspects where the teacher put into practice ,classroom control ,for instances discipline,supervision ,identifying problems and rectifying them.
The teacher can use stimulus variations such as gestures,facial expressions and eye conduct as explaining the concepts of the lesson.
The use of gestures and facial expressions are an integral part of communication.It is one way of the teacher convey of meaning of language . Gestures should be clear and unambigious .
The teacher can able to position where everyone can see and ,also see the learners.
The movements by the teacher should be strategic to make learners move their eyes to give them mobility enough to maintain concentration.
The teacher should vary voice projection so as to avoid monotomy.The rapport must be used effectively by the teacher to show personal interest in pupils progress and cultivate a friendly working relationships.
Manners of the teacher should be well presentable through showing confidence,be relaxed ,self assured and purposeful.The teacher 's exposition is to be very informant,describing and explaining.
Methods and Activities are necessary that pupils learn through a variety of methods encompassing child-centred approaches ,for instances discovery learning ,enquiry,problem solving ,creative work and othe methods that develop an analytic mind.Learners should be developed to be seekers rather than receivers of knowledge so that they can cope with life later after learned something.
Activities should reflect desired learning outcomes ,for examples demostration for psycho motor skills ,drame and discussion for effective learning /experiments research for cognitive skills.Pupils must do activities which compose of story telling,reading of passages,class discussion,groupwork,reportback and written work
Application :Learners to be given the time to apply the new concepts or skills they introduced to them.It is necessary to apply to them in their groups so that they can assist each other before individual work.The written work or relevant activities should be related to concepts or skills introduced in the lesson only.
Conclusion: The teacher can ask pupils concerning the new concepts ,or make summary of the lesson by two or three learners or by the teacher. It can be a reportback by groups, or questioning and answering segment.
It is a consolidation phase which stresses on the important points ,recap of what has been learnt.
The way lessons can be concluded like introdution to lesson differ in many ways , it may be songs,poems etc.
The evaluation is done after the lesson ends.To evaluate is to appraise or determine the value of something against the set standards.
The analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson presentation.Evaluation should be analytical not narrative.It should be an assessment of teaching to produced a desired outcome in a series of recommendations and suggestions.Which provide a detailed critic appraisal of the planning ,preparation and presentation.
Use the following questions when evaluating:
•Did I teach the lesson or children?
•What caused children to learn or not?
•If objectives achieved or not why?
•What are my weak and strong points of my lesson?*
*On the strengths mentions things which make lesson a success.On weaknesses lists things you identified to make a lesson a failure.
What to evaluate ?:
•The teacher can make evaluation of how the lesson presented in terms of the personal capabilities,voice projection,language,impacts of the introduction and media
•The media used in the lesson how effective or its negative impacts to the learners as far as developing skills and grasping of concepts is concerned.
•The learner 's participation ,attitudes towards learning and their intellectual ability ,their discipline.How their organisation and tasks given, done effectively as individuals or in their groups.Are they affected by other feelings be it weather cold or hot,hunger ,thirsty etc.
NOTE:Learning should be a dynamic process that one continues to
Like the plan done in business to make is smooth running and functions well. In education system to be successful the teacher has to go through scheming and lesson planning.
Since lesson planning is an extension of schemes of work or certain aspects that are found under the scheming are also applicable to lesson planning.
According to Kasambira(1983) a lesson plan is a short carefully written outline which contain information on the teacher's objectives ,topic ,skills or strategies and activities for each specific period. In short lesson plans are specific learning activites which involve a given scheme of work.
Importance of lesson planning is to ensure learning is to occur carefully in an organised classroom activities based on clearly stated objectives , introduction ,content and conclusion are essentially stated logically.It is only through thoughtful planning that the teacher and the learners can work together towards clearly understood purposes.
In all daily lesson plans the teacher provides materials to be learned by pupils as stated in a systemised and structured lesson, with important ideas to be learnt and understood. The teacher will be prepared and does not teach anyhow without direction ,because the lesson plan is toilored to achieve set objectives . Lesson plan can be used for future reference and can improve on weakness. Hence ensures coherence with the respect of learners and content which can be assessed by the administration or supervisors who checking on how well the teacher can prepare and implement what had being planned in an actual learning and teaching situation. Ability to prepare a professional teaching plan can be tested and evidenced.
Major considerations the teacher can take before lesson planning are who is to be taught ? A good lesson plan takes a cognitive level of learners to be taught . What kind of class is it? The ability levels of learners whether mixed or not is it a sharp class ? What is to be taught and the materials of the lesson should be in line with the objectives of the lesson. Objectives will then guide you on what to emphasise ,that is what is in alignment with the aims of the syllabus and schemes of work. How is it to be taught ?The determination of methods is now clear to serve the purpose of the lesson based on ways of conducting learning. However the methods of instruction must vary to avoid monotony. This will be the major determination of pacing the lesson and activities to involve the learners.
The formatted detailed lesson plan vary from institution to another institution. But generally must include the subject to be taught as per class timetable ,number of pupils ,date ,topic ,theme ,content to be taught ,concept ,moral values,objectives ,sources of matter,teaching and learning aids ,assumed knowledge of the learners experiences ,introduction should be interesting and related to the lesson topic ,lesson development stages and the conclusion to consolidate the new concepts learned.
Finally after the lesson the teacher should evaluate the lesson taught immediately considering the effectiveness of the method of command and instruction,the media used ,the performance of the learners and identifies the weaknesses and strength of the lesson. So that it is now easier to state the remedial,extension work ,The way forward to the next lessons is now easier to be drafted.
Since lesson planning is an extension of schemes of work or certain aspects that are found under the scheming are also applicable to lesson planning.
According to Kasambira(1983) a lesson plan is a short carefully written outline which contain information on the teacher's objectives ,topic ,skills or strategies and activities for each specific period. In short lesson plans are specific learning activites which involve a given scheme of work.
Importance of lesson planning is to ensure learning is to occur carefully in an organised classroom activities based on clearly stated objectives , introduction ,content and conclusion are essentially stated logically.It is only through thoughtful planning that the teacher and the learners can work together towards clearly understood purposes.
In all daily lesson plans the teacher provides materials to be learned by pupils as stated in a systemised and structured lesson, with important ideas to be learnt and understood. The teacher will be prepared and does not teach anyhow without direction ,because the lesson plan is toilored to achieve set objectives . Lesson plan can be used for future reference and can improve on weakness. Hence ensures coherence with the respect of learners and content which can be assessed by the administration or supervisors who checking on how well the teacher can prepare and implement what had being planned in an actual learning and teaching situation. Ability to prepare a professional teaching plan can be tested and evidenced.
Major considerations the teacher can take before lesson planning are who is to be taught ? A good lesson plan takes a cognitive level of learners to be taught . What kind of class is it? The ability levels of learners whether mixed or not is it a sharp class ? What is to be taught and the materials of the lesson should be in line with the objectives of the lesson. Objectives will then guide you on what to emphasise ,that is what is in alignment with the aims of the syllabus and schemes of work. How is it to be taught ?The determination of methods is now clear to serve the purpose of the lesson based on ways of conducting learning. However the methods of instruction must vary to avoid monotony. This will be the major determination of pacing the lesson and activities to involve the learners.
The formatted detailed lesson plan vary from institution to another institution. But generally must include the subject to be taught as per class timetable ,number of pupils ,date ,topic ,theme ,content to be taught ,concept ,moral values,objectives ,sources of matter,teaching and learning aids ,assumed knowledge of the learners experiences ,introduction should be interesting and related to the lesson topic ,lesson development stages and the conclusion to consolidate the new concepts learned.
Finally after the lesson the teacher should evaluate the lesson taught immediately considering the effectiveness of the method of command and instruction,the media used ,the performance of the learners and identifies the weaknesses and strength of the lesson. So that it is now easier to state the remedial,extension work ,The way forward to the next lessons is now easier to be drafted.
Like the plan done in business to make is smooth running and functions well. In education system to be successful the teacher has to go through scheming and lesson planning.
Since lesson planning is an extension of schemes of work or certain aspects that are found under the scheming are also applicable to lesson planning.
According to Kasambira(1983) a lesson plan is a short carefully written outline which contain information on the teacher's objectives ,topic ,skills or strategies and activities for each specific period. In short lesson plans are specific learning activites which involve a given scheme of work.
Importance of lesson planning is to ensure learning is to occur carefully in an organised classroom activities based on clearly stated objectives , introduction ,content and conclusion are essentially stated logically.It is only through thoughtful planning that the teacher and the learners can work together towards clearly understood purposes.
In all daily lesson plans the teacher provides materials to be learned by pupils as stated in a systemised and structured lesson, with important ideas to be learnt and understood. The teacher will be prepared and does not teach anyhow without direction ,because the lesson plan is toilored to achieve set objectives . Lesson plan can be used for future reference and can improve on weakness. Hence ensures coherence with the respect of learners and content which can be assessed by the administration or supervisors who checking on how well the teacher can prepare and implement what had being planned in an actual learning and teaching situation. Ability to prepare a professional teaching plan can be tested and evidenced.
Major considerations the teacher can take before lesson planning are who is to be taught ? A good lesson plan takes a cognitive level of learners to be taught . What kind of class is it? The ability levels of learners whether mixed or not is it a sharp class ? What is to be taught and the materials of the lesson should be in line with the objectives of the lesson. Objectives will then guide you on what to emphasise ,that is what is in alignment with the aims of the syllabus and schemes of work. How is it to be taught ?The determination of methods is now clear to serve the purpose of the lesson based on ways of conducting learning. However the methods of instruction must vary to avoid monotony. This will be the major determination of pacing the lesson and activities to involve the learners.
The formatted detailed lesson plan vary from institution to another institution. But generally must include the subject to be taught as per class timetable ,number of pupils ,date ,topic ,theme ,content to be taught ,concept ,moral values,objectives ,sources of matter,teaching and learning aids ,assumed knowledge of the learners experiences ,introduction should be interesting and related to the lesson topic ,lesson development stages and the conclusion to consolidate the new concepts learned.
Finally after the lesson the teacher should evaluate the lesson taught immediately considering the effectiveness of the method of command and instruction,the media used ,the performance of the learners and identifies the weaknesses and strength of the lesson. So that it is now easier to state the remedial,extension work ,The way forward to the next lessons is now easier to be drafted.
Since lesson planning is an extension of schemes of work or certain aspects that are found under the scheming are also applicable to lesson planning.
According to Kasambira(1983) a lesson plan is a short carefully written outline which contain information on the teacher's objectives ,topic ,skills or strategies and activities for each specific period. In short lesson plans are specific learning activites which involve a given scheme of work.
Importance of lesson planning is to ensure learning is to occur carefully in an organised classroom activities based on clearly stated objectives , introduction ,content and conclusion are essentially stated logically.It is only through thoughtful planning that the teacher and the learners can work together towards clearly understood purposes.
In all daily lesson plans the teacher provides materials to be learned by pupils as stated in a systemised and structured lesson, with important ideas to be learnt and understood. The teacher will be prepared and does not teach anyhow without direction ,because the lesson plan is toilored to achieve set objectives . Lesson plan can be used for future reference and can improve on weakness. Hence ensures coherence with the respect of learners and content which can be assessed by the administration or supervisors who checking on how well the teacher can prepare and implement what had being planned in an actual learning and teaching situation. Ability to prepare a professional teaching plan can be tested and evidenced.
Major considerations the teacher can take before lesson planning are who is to be taught ? A good lesson plan takes a cognitive level of learners to be taught . What kind of class is it? The ability levels of learners whether mixed or not is it a sharp class ? What is to be taught and the materials of the lesson should be in line with the objectives of the lesson. Objectives will then guide you on what to emphasise ,that is what is in alignment with the aims of the syllabus and schemes of work. How is it to be taught ?The determination of methods is now clear to serve the purpose of the lesson based on ways of conducting learning. However the methods of instruction must vary to avoid monotony. This will be the major determination of pacing the lesson and activities to involve the learners.
The formatted detailed lesson plan vary from institution to another institution. But generally must include the subject to be taught as per class timetable ,number of pupils ,date ,topic ,theme ,content to be taught ,concept ,moral values,objectives ,sources of matter,teaching and learning aids ,assumed knowledge of the learners experiences ,introduction should be interesting and related to the lesson topic ,lesson development stages and the conclusion to consolidate the new concepts learned.
Finally after the lesson the teacher should evaluate the lesson taught immediately considering the effectiveness of the method of command and instruction,the media used ,the performance of the learners and identifies the weaknesses and strength of the lesson. So that it is now easier to state the remedial,extension work ,The way forward to the next lessons is now easier to be drafted.
Marking Techniques and Helping to do corrections in Language lessons.
Children in the primary schools, their main purpose of learning language is for them to fully develop communicative skills.For them to be very successfull in their learning they need a lot of support when they are writing exercises. The teachers therefore should go through marking their work and should seriously emulate their efforts and view it sympathetically as they are still developing these skills.The plenty of oral practice is essential before they are directed into any written work. Following these oral sessions the teacher can easily spot some errors which can be avoided when they are writing. The comments teacher give to the child's written work should motivates the learner rather than being abusive which can left the learner more demotivated.
Children feel well satisfied and secured when the teacher go through their work and give them constructive comments.
The comments should convey the information received and application of rigorous assessment not necessarily the grammatical accuracy.
Usually the teacher should give children a purposeful written work ,so that when marking the more emphasis should be concentrated on that purpose. Generally if children are guided to perform according to a specific purpose they intent to get empowered and seek to know the reason why they get involved in such exercise. For example when you tasked pupils to write a letter to their parents asking for a money to go to a certain educational trip.The layout might be the focus not spelling errors ,accuracy of languge structures like prepositions and other points this is the major point supported by Chomsky's theory of natural way of learning a language.
If your marking system involve the use of symbols GR,W.O,SP, sometimes these learners has a problem to get these meanings.Thereafter your marking is more punitive than to be supportive and appreciative.
After the children's work is well marked and the areas they went wrong is clearly spotted,then of course they is a need to do some corrections.The teacher can now go through with them again into oral practice inorder to revise their weakness. The tacher 's eye conduct should be more improved to read every child so that they should not repeat the same mistakes again.This will help them to be more attentive and carefully listen to instructions from their teacher. Remember a well done oral work before written work can produce a good results with few mistakes. Then the corrections are rare. However the corrections must be done as soon as possible after the exercise , The reflective teacher is obliged to mark the children's work as soon as possible before they get into new written task of the same subject and children must taught to do corrections first before they write the next exercise which usually is completely different from this previous one as this can easily disrupts the lesson demands and easily lead the learner to be confused due to constant changes of the specific attention needed.The teacher should be well organised such that the major errors allocated are dealt with in a given enough time promptly before they go out of control.
Children feel well satisfied and secured when the teacher go through their work and give them constructive comments.
The comments should convey the information received and application of rigorous assessment not necessarily the grammatical accuracy.
Usually the teacher should give children a purposeful written work ,so that when marking the more emphasis should be concentrated on that purpose. Generally if children are guided to perform according to a specific purpose they intent to get empowered and seek to know the reason why they get involved in such exercise. For example when you tasked pupils to write a letter to their parents asking for a money to go to a certain educational trip.The layout might be the focus not spelling errors ,accuracy of languge structures like prepositions and other points this is the major point supported by Chomsky's theory of natural way of learning a language.
If your marking system involve the use of symbols GR,W.O,SP, sometimes these learners has a problem to get these meanings.Thereafter your marking is more punitive than to be supportive and appreciative.
After the children's work is well marked and the areas they went wrong is clearly spotted,then of course they is a need to do some corrections.The teacher can now go through with them again into oral practice inorder to revise their weakness. The tacher 's eye conduct should be more improved to read every child so that they should not repeat the same mistakes again.This will help them to be more attentive and carefully listen to instructions from their teacher. Remember a well done oral work before written work can produce a good results with few mistakes. Then the corrections are rare. However the corrections must be done as soon as possible after the exercise , The reflective teacher is obliged to mark the children's work as soon as possible before they get into new written task of the same subject and children must taught to do corrections first before they write the next exercise which usually is completely different from this previous one as this can easily disrupts the lesson demands and easily lead the learner to be confused due to constant changes of the specific attention needed.The teacher should be well organised such that the major errors allocated are dealt with in a given enough time promptly before they go out of control.
Writing is the activity of putting or sequencing letters or symbols to form words.Consolidation is to make stronger or more stronger to combine more single items to make a unity.
Basically teaching and learning of writing is concerned with two major things,thus automation and shaping of letters in developing children. This skills are very important as part of consolidating writing in the primary educatin.Think of the letters and write them . In this case children need to read then transcribe letters and sound them.In writing children need to make use of letters ,words and phrases.Because of this assumption it has being noted that writing lessons are given a lesser opportunity.
However the research has picked writing means grammar . This means that subject verb agreement is best noted in writing than in spoken language. The correct use of pronouns ,prepositions ,tenses is best elaborated in writing than when one speaking.
When speaking some broken language can sound correct . Things like correct puntuation is best elaborated on piece of written work(text).If a child is able to write correctly normally that child is able to read and comprehend correctly. This means that this kind of a learner has the ability to write a good composition and is also good in comprehension.
In teaching of writing the teacher must be clear on the methods and techniques. Written language is more clearer and expressive .It should always consists of the correct grammar. The teacher therefore must teach pupils inorder to be able to write and identify the correct grammartical sentences. The teacher must also help pupils to write correct sentences ,correct phrases formation and correct story formation.
The teacher should take into consideration that writing is a process when teaching writing seriously and can't taught once its a gradual continuous process.
The writing lessons on teaching how to write must differ on texts ,for example letter writing,reports,informative knowledge and composition writing. This is important taking into idea that primary school children don't know how to write and what to write.
Hence the primary school teacher should give children a good foundation of writing that :
•help them shape letters,
•word formation, and
•consolidation of senses to form meaning.
What the teacher should look when teaching writing are capping of letters,forming phrases form meaning and shaping letters
Points to note:
In the teaching of writing the teacher should plan written work,vary it,long exercise ,differ aspects of language ,give correct grammar and mark the work.
Now go through the exercise below to test whether can able to make it correct.
(1)Where where you on monday.
(2)we was eating when it started raining.
(3)After passing my examinations I am gone to college.
(4)Grandma always was tolding from to the child.
(5)It is far much better to to read at night than at in the afternoon.
These are some of the grammatical mistakes found in the classroom situation.
Basically teaching and learning of writing is concerned with two major things,thus automation and shaping of letters in developing children. This skills are very important as part of consolidating writing in the primary educatin.Think of the letters and write them . In this case children need to read then transcribe letters and sound them.In writing children need to make use of letters ,words and phrases.Because of this assumption it has being noted that writing lessons are given a lesser opportunity.
However the research has picked writing means grammar . This means that subject verb agreement is best noted in writing than in spoken language. The correct use of pronouns ,prepositions ,tenses is best elaborated in writing than when one speaking.
When speaking some broken language can sound correct . Things like correct puntuation is best elaborated on piece of written work(text).If a child is able to write correctly normally that child is able to read and comprehend correctly. This means that this kind of a learner has the ability to write a good composition and is also good in comprehension.
In teaching of writing the teacher must be clear on the methods and techniques. Written language is more clearer and expressive .It should always consists of the correct grammar. The teacher therefore must teach pupils inorder to be able to write and identify the correct grammartical sentences. The teacher must also help pupils to write correct sentences ,correct phrases formation and correct story formation.
The teacher should take into consideration that writing is a process when teaching writing seriously and can't taught once its a gradual continuous process.
The writing lessons on teaching how to write must differ on texts ,for example letter writing,reports,informative knowledge and composition writing. This is important taking into idea that primary school children don't know how to write and what to write.
Hence the primary school teacher should give children a good foundation of writing that :
•help them shape letters,
•word formation, and
•consolidation of senses to form meaning.
What the teacher should look when teaching writing are capping of letters,forming phrases form meaning and shaping letters
Points to note:
In the teaching of writing the teacher should plan written work,vary it,long exercise ,differ aspects of language ,give correct grammar and mark the work.
Now go through the exercise below to test whether can able to make it correct.
(1)Where where you on monday.
(2)we was eating when it started raining.
(3)After passing my examinations I am gone to college.
(4)Grandma always was tolding from to the child.
(5)It is far much better to to read at night than at in the afternoon.
These are some of the grammatical mistakes found in the classroom situation.
The significance of Involving Learners Actively in the Learning Processes.
Pupils who engage actively in their learning gain mentally ,physically and behaviourally.Their overal development is enhanced consciously and unconsciously .There are three domains of learning which are cognitive,psych-motor and affective need to developed within a learner.
Cognitive Development
According to Piaget ,young children reach a stage when they need to handle things in order to develop concepts.The concrete operational stage in the use of objects,pictures and role plays to cultivate intellectual behaviour.
However involving children in the learning depend heavily on their feelings that they are achieving something.The slow and some average learners may also find learning more interesting through a sense of achievement which can energise the rest of their life.Through the active learning the intelligent child earns the creativity of being an inventor.
Therefore well planned experimental lessons quickens thought ,invites discussion and suggests the next point in investigations.These lessons promotes discipline and facilitates learning as it is effective in meeting objectives and supporting the teacher.
Psycho-motor Development
Co-ordination of mind is a prerequisite for skill acquisition.For this co-ordination to be effective ,resulting in the production of swift and meaningful desired patterns of movement usually it requires a special arrangement of the lesson structure .
The skills of measuring ,manipulating ,handling equipment and specimens and all others are all acquired in similar pattern.These skills are useful in making a student responsible for his life in future by being ocuppied with anything profitable in future.
Affective Development
Learning is not on academic subjects only,but what can be learned explains what occurs in the world and in their immediate community.
Pupils should develop attitudes of inquiry ,discovery ,open mindedness ,divergent thinking and creativity.These may be against understanding of life experiences ,co-existence with natural disasters on earth and other non-aggressive tendencies.
This might sound contradictory,but through well -guided learning ,pupils can learn to appreciate themselves in broad context of all life matters by carefully observing other forms of life.Active minded citizens are an asset to the society as they will easily go into new problem with new solution, confidently and backing of their past simple experience.Children should be learned to perform developmental tasks.
A developmental task is one which arises at about certain period in life of an individual ,successful achievement of which leads to happiness and success with later tasks,while failure leads to sorrow in the individual disapproval by society and difficulty with later tasks.
Active learning in normal children builds a sense of integrity ,feelings of self satisfication and a general ease of nerves.
Naturally children are active,that's why they always like playing games or use hands to make toys for playing with them.The strong motivation provided by tactile stimulation is high correlated with the growth and development of the young children.Intellects ,skills and emotions are nurtured by experience.
Further Reading
Hass, Glen (1983)Curriculum Planning ,Allyn and Bacon ,Massachussets.
Hofman, H.(1973)"Touch and See" in Science and Children Volume ıı Number 3(November issue) .
Jenkins,E. and Whitfield,R.(1974)Readings in Science and Children in Step,McGraw-Hill,London.
Cognitive Development
According to Piaget ,young children reach a stage when they need to handle things in order to develop concepts.The concrete operational stage in the use of objects,pictures and role plays to cultivate intellectual behaviour.
However involving children in the learning depend heavily on their feelings that they are achieving something.The slow and some average learners may also find learning more interesting through a sense of achievement which can energise the rest of their life.Through the active learning the intelligent child earns the creativity of being an inventor.
Therefore well planned experimental lessons quickens thought ,invites discussion and suggests the next point in investigations.These lessons promotes discipline and facilitates learning as it is effective in meeting objectives and supporting the teacher.
Psycho-motor Development
Co-ordination of mind is a prerequisite for skill acquisition.For this co-ordination to be effective ,resulting in the production of swift and meaningful desired patterns of movement usually it requires a special arrangement of the lesson structure .
The skills of measuring ,manipulating ,handling equipment and specimens and all others are all acquired in similar pattern.These skills are useful in making a student responsible for his life in future by being ocuppied with anything profitable in future.
Affective Development
Learning is not on academic subjects only,but what can be learned explains what occurs in the world and in their immediate community.
Pupils should develop attitudes of inquiry ,discovery ,open mindedness ,divergent thinking and creativity.These may be against understanding of life experiences ,co-existence with natural disasters on earth and other non-aggressive tendencies.
This might sound contradictory,but through well -guided learning ,pupils can learn to appreciate themselves in broad context of all life matters by carefully observing other forms of life.Active minded citizens are an asset to the society as they will easily go into new problem with new solution, confidently and backing of their past simple experience.Children should be learned to perform developmental tasks.
A developmental task is one which arises at about certain period in life of an individual ,successful achievement of which leads to happiness and success with later tasks,while failure leads to sorrow in the individual disapproval by society and difficulty with later tasks.
Active learning in normal children builds a sense of integrity ,feelings of self satisfication and a general ease of nerves.
Naturally children are active,that's why they always like playing games or use hands to make toys for playing with them.The strong motivation provided by tactile stimulation is high correlated with the growth and development of the young children.Intellects ,skills and emotions are nurtured by experience.
Further Reading
Hass, Glen (1983)Curriculum Planning ,Allyn and Bacon ,Massachussets.
Hofman, H.(1973)"Touch and See" in Science and Children Volume ıı Number 3(November issue) .
Jenkins,E. and Whitfield,R.(1974)Readings in Science and Children in Step,McGraw-Hill,London.
Chart-making to enhance Learning and Teaching Environment.
The main purpose of charts are to aid learning and they should be good smart ,attractively eye-catching ,easily understood ,accurately informative ,clear and simple.
When making a chart the teacher should first sketch faintly using pencil and is literally placed centrally.
The carefully use of rule top /bottom to reach label help to make letters of the same height ,evently placed letters parallel to top and bottom of chart.
The font of title of the should be larger than the rest of the chart.Do not write ,but print size to adequate and check from the back of average classroom.
When using colours they should help to bring clarity and highlight for easier understanding. Colours add attractiveness ,interests to a chart.
The chart must be kept simple and uncrowded. The chart must emphasize main points that are necessary for the lesson in which the chart used. The carefully use of lines,dots ,etc in place of solid colour . They are often confusing.
The spellings must thoroughly double checked ,it is good to do it in pencil before inking in.When concentrates on the difficulty of making a letter the correct shape ,it is easy to make silly mistakes. It is advisable to use light coloured paper for dark inking or khaki for reds ,blue.
The used charts can be displayed after the competition of the conceptualization through considering the solely lesson illustrations or displays over a long period.Permanently displayed charts should be attractive ,interest and contain the contents to which inspection and warrant of contemplation. Hence it should achieve:
•present information that evokes critical consideration ,for example set of visuals which show something before and after an event .The techniques for ensuring that the visuals will be used beneficially are introduce them ,state their purpose and how long they will be on display. Indication of the expectations of answering or performing the exercise based on. Pupils will compare and in comparing will learn.
•offer some difficulty in an acceptable manner to the pupils. These tactics should help children to react positively to the displays.
The Rationale of Chart-making
The effectiveness of learning methods discovered :
♥read alone 10%
♥hearing 20%
♥seeing 50 %
♥doing 80%
♥say and do 90%
Teachers should know the rate of learning as it varies from fast to very slow even in a fast learners' class ,so that variation of teaching methods is essential .
The importance of visual aids in the learning process should not overlooked. Pupils who use two senses that's hearing and looking will learn faster than those only rely on hearing only.
The impact of chart in content subjects cannot be over-emphasized.
Teachers who are well convesant with the subject content are even self -deception to imagine that by explaining it in words alone to learners will grasp the concepts through imagination.
According to Dr Rambiwa ,"Provision and use of audio visual aids"The use of charts can increase the amount of learning taking place by 40 % Charts can be used for practical exercises.
When making a chart the teacher should first sketch faintly using pencil and is literally placed centrally.
The carefully use of rule top /bottom to reach label help to make letters of the same height ,evently placed letters parallel to top and bottom of chart.
The font of title of the should be larger than the rest of the chart.Do not write ,but print size to adequate and check from the back of average classroom.
When using colours they should help to bring clarity and highlight for easier understanding. Colours add attractiveness ,interests to a chart.
The chart must be kept simple and uncrowded. The chart must emphasize main points that are necessary for the lesson in which the chart used. The carefully use of lines,dots ,etc in place of solid colour . They are often confusing.
The spellings must thoroughly double checked ,it is good to do it in pencil before inking in.When concentrates on the difficulty of making a letter the correct shape ,it is easy to make silly mistakes. It is advisable to use light coloured paper for dark inking or khaki for reds ,blue.
The used charts can be displayed after the competition of the conceptualization through considering the solely lesson illustrations or displays over a long period.Permanently displayed charts should be attractive ,interest and contain the contents to which inspection and warrant of contemplation. Hence it should achieve:
•present information that evokes critical consideration ,for example set of visuals which show something before and after an event .The techniques for ensuring that the visuals will be used beneficially are introduce them ,state their purpose and how long they will be on display. Indication of the expectations of answering or performing the exercise based on. Pupils will compare and in comparing will learn.
•offer some difficulty in an acceptable manner to the pupils. These tactics should help children to react positively to the displays.
The Rationale of Chart-making
The effectiveness of learning methods discovered :
♥read alone 10%
♥hearing 20%
♥seeing 50 %
♥doing 80%
♥say and do 90%
Teachers should know the rate of learning as it varies from fast to very slow even in a fast learners' class ,so that variation of teaching methods is essential .
The importance of visual aids in the learning process should not overlooked. Pupils who use two senses that's hearing and looking will learn faster than those only rely on hearing only.
The impact of chart in content subjects cannot be over-emphasized.
Teachers who are well convesant with the subject content are even self -deception to imagine that by explaining it in words alone to learners will grasp the concepts through imagination.
According to Dr Rambiwa ,"Provision and use of audio visual aids"The use of charts can increase the amount of learning taking place by 40 % Charts can be used for practical exercises.
Comprehension is the ability of a reader to understand a message in the way the speaker is intending to be understood.
Sprosty (1993)says reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning from written work. It is viewed as an instructive process that the text and the reader. The reader will be using the knowledge of oral language. Comprehension refers to the predictious ,a reader has to foretell what is going to happen.
Comprehension requires practice ,where there is the need to read a lot inorder to understand and develop comprehension skills.If the reader is not attentive comprehension will not take place and if there is distruction again comprehension is difficulty. The teacher tend to be sensitive to distribution to enhence comprehension. Fluency ,accurate reading ,reading doesn't mean comprehension is effective.
The teacher can conduct a comprehension lesson through pre-reading exercise to capture the infamiliar words and discuss with children. During reading exercise have sentences or questions from every paragraph to improve their understanding. And post reading activities ask questions specifically from the passage .The teacher can then give a written exercise.
Pre-reading stage ,the teacher to discuss unfamiliar words with pupils to brainstorm on the passage. It is necessary to ensure that every child have understood what you want them to understand.
Secondly the teacher should do a model reading. Make children use words from comprehensiom and then the teacher give a brief summary of the passage.
The teacher should identify unfamiliar words and give to pupils their meanings with use of pictures to reinforce the word. Teacher can also do model reading on silent reading. Now ask questions from the passage referencing keywords.The teacher may ask children where they are getting their answers.
This approach calls for pupils to be able to deduce contextual meanings using the passege. Children may say out words or sentences to demostrate that they gave picked the meaning of the word.
How to go about the reading? The teacher can demostrate by reading aloud and contextual meaning. Give short summary and tell the theme of the whole passage then ask questions.
It is premised on the understanding that the best way to teach a child to swim is to throw the child to the deep of the swimming pool not to the shallow.Instead of teaching a child how to swim ,let the child learn on his own .It is therefore up to the teacher to introduce the complicated part of comprehension or the less complicated part.
The teacher may not even demostrate pupils to do silent reading instead you may ask children to do on their own. Given some work based on the passage that they have read. Children are then expected to answer questions refering back to the passage to show an understanding.
Barret's taxinomy of comprehension classify reading comprehension:
(a) literal comprehension which is simple knowledge of things focusing on ideas as they are explicitly stated in the passage.
(b)Recognition is the act of making sense out of issues in the passage ,pupils can see these words and able to communicate. Recognition can only mean remembering of detail and idea.
(c)Recall is simply retrieve,remembering or taking back knowledge,by classify ,summarise and synthesise to get the meaning.
At this stage pupils has the ability ,intonation being able to make meaning and make reference on what has read before.
At this stage pupils are able to make judgement .They able to see good or bad on the passage .At this level pupils are now able to pick facts and appreciate facts. They can able to pick emotions from the passage.
Sprosty L. (1995)Teaching Reading Language in Primary schools.
Module one :Teaching language.
Stagger ,C.R.(1993)The Teaching of Reading.
Sprosty (1993)says reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning from written work. It is viewed as an instructive process that the text and the reader. The reader will be using the knowledge of oral language. Comprehension refers to the predictious ,a reader has to foretell what is going to happen.
Comprehension requires practice ,where there is the need to read a lot inorder to understand and develop comprehension skills.If the reader is not attentive comprehension will not take place and if there is distruction again comprehension is difficulty. The teacher tend to be sensitive to distribution to enhence comprehension. Fluency ,accurate reading ,reading doesn't mean comprehension is effective.
The teacher can conduct a comprehension lesson through pre-reading exercise to capture the infamiliar words and discuss with children. During reading exercise have sentences or questions from every paragraph to improve their understanding. And post reading activities ask questions specifically from the passage .The teacher can then give a written exercise.
Pre-reading stage ,the teacher to discuss unfamiliar words with pupils to brainstorm on the passage. It is necessary to ensure that every child have understood what you want them to understand.
Secondly the teacher should do a model reading. Make children use words from comprehensiom and then the teacher give a brief summary of the passage.
The teacher should identify unfamiliar words and give to pupils their meanings with use of pictures to reinforce the word. Teacher can also do model reading on silent reading. Now ask questions from the passage referencing keywords.The teacher may ask children where they are getting their answers.
This approach calls for pupils to be able to deduce contextual meanings using the passege. Children may say out words or sentences to demostrate that they gave picked the meaning of the word.
How to go about the reading? The teacher can demostrate by reading aloud and contextual meaning. Give short summary and tell the theme of the whole passage then ask questions.
It is premised on the understanding that the best way to teach a child to swim is to throw the child to the deep of the swimming pool not to the shallow.Instead of teaching a child how to swim ,let the child learn on his own .It is therefore up to the teacher to introduce the complicated part of comprehension or the less complicated part.
The teacher may not even demostrate pupils to do silent reading instead you may ask children to do on their own. Given some work based on the passage that they have read. Children are then expected to answer questions refering back to the passage to show an understanding.
Barret's taxinomy of comprehension classify reading comprehension:
(a) literal comprehension which is simple knowledge of things focusing on ideas as they are explicitly stated in the passage.
(b)Recognition is the act of making sense out of issues in the passage ,pupils can see these words and able to communicate. Recognition can only mean remembering of detail and idea.
(c)Recall is simply retrieve,remembering or taking back knowledge,by classify ,summarise and synthesise to get the meaning.
At this stage pupils has the ability ,intonation being able to make meaning and make reference on what has read before.
At this stage pupils are able to make judgement .They able to see good or bad on the passage .At this level pupils are now able to pick facts and appreciate facts. They can able to pick emotions from the passage.
Sprosty L. (1995)Teaching Reading Language in Primary schools.
Module one :Teaching language.
Stagger ,C.R.(1993)The Teaching of Reading.
In an attempt to construct a sentence orally and in written form pupils face language problems.These problems can be solved through remediation ,the examples include misspelling,problem in subject verb agreement,misuse of tenses ,errors of lexs which is misuse of vocabulary ,errors in misuse of preposition ,in pantuation and knowledge of singular or plural wording.
Misspelling of words ,according to Sprosty (1995)points out that spelling is the correct sequence of letters in a word.If the arrangement of letters. In a word is not in correct order ,it gives raise to misspelling.
Baruah (1995)gives some of the causes of spelling errors as faulting pronunciation,insufficient practise ,visual presentantion ,ignorance of some rules of spelling and pupils need to have regular spelling exercises. They should carrying out spelling games,rhyms ,songs and many other activites.
Problems in subject verb agreement ,a subject should always in agreement with the verb when a subject is singular the verb should also be singular "John kicked a ball" likewise when subject is plular the verb should always plular ,for example "A teacher teaches children ,Teachers teach children".
Compound subjects(multiple subjects) are made up of two singular subjects joined by and ,for instance "Peter and Mary are hungry".Subjects may be made up of two or more phrases or clauses joined by 'and' like "Where he works and where he stays are completely different places"
When the words of a compound subjects refer to the same person or the same thing ,they are considered together as one unit. The verb is usually singular ,for example "Fish and chips is my favourite " .Subject joined by or ,nor ,either and neither when both subject are singular like: "Neither John nor Martha plays soccer." "Either the man or the women are on duty today.
When a sentence begin with introductory word.The number of verb is determined by the subject that follows take a look:" There are naught boys."
"There comes the bride,"
"There is shortage of rainfall in this area."
Words or phrases added to a singular subject don't make it plular,for example ,"Time and time again a team such as Dynamos ,Caps united and others wins the match."
Collective nouns are singular in nature but ther may be singular or plural in meaning .For instances "The Mhaka family is working in the field."
"The Mhaka familly are all doing different task"
"Sheep are crossing the river."
Some verbs may be a distant from their subjects. A series of lectures on reading is planned next. When the word order is changed or invertrd care must be taken to make the verb agree with the subject . At every corner where baggers singing loudly.
Misuse of tense ,problems with verbs pupils have problems deciding between the pastand past participle. They may confuse the past tense of a verb which is normally used by itself,for instances fell or did with its past participle which usually takes has ,have and had.For example has fallen ,have fallen ,had fallen and done.
A difficulty also araise with irregular verb where the past participle go went gone.
Have a chart on the present ,past and past participle.
Errors of lexs misuse of vocabulary of words in a given context. Words with similarity could be nouns ,adjectives,verbs ,adverbs for instance(All his dresses were destroyed by fire)Dress to be a noun to mean clothes. All his clothes werewere destroyed by fire.
{I accept to accompany you} "I agree to accompany you" Words should be used appropriately.
Errors in use of preposition ,preposition denote axact position of an object .Preposition are usually used before a noun phrase.For example John asked for the book, I am sitting on a chair.
The major problem of a learner is on the problem with propositon to use before the noun ''THe book is on the table''.
Pupils tend to over use preposition like ,at ,on ,in.
Errors of preposition may nat cause misunderstanding but they give appearance of imperfect careless construction {He came to my house in the beginning of the week} '' He came to my house at the beginning of the week.
Errors in punctuation ,the use of printed signs ,quatation mzrks,semi colon ,dash in-ph co-op,three dots apostrophe ,question mark ,exclamation mark,brackets ,full stop etc .
This are essential for dividing up written language units that convey meaning failure to use them will easily leads to miss understanding of iidea being conveyed. Pupils shpuld be told to distinguish one form the other each punctuation make should be taught separetely and function of each clearly stated.
An effective teacher needs to hunt for cause of language problems and provide solutions to every one of them .
Further Reading
Cook ,V(1988)Chomsky's Universal Grammar.
Gimson ,V.C.(1980)An Introductory to pronunciation of English.
Jowit,AM and Nnamons,MA(1985)common errors in English.
Misspelling of words ,according to Sprosty (1995)points out that spelling is the correct sequence of letters in a word.If the arrangement of letters. In a word is not in correct order ,it gives raise to misspelling.
Baruah (1995)gives some of the causes of spelling errors as faulting pronunciation,insufficient practise ,visual presentantion ,ignorance of some rules of spelling and pupils need to have regular spelling exercises. They should carrying out spelling games,rhyms ,songs and many other activites.
Problems in subject verb agreement ,a subject should always in agreement with the verb when a subject is singular the verb should also be singular "John kicked a ball" likewise when subject is plular the verb should always plular ,for example "A teacher teaches children ,Teachers teach children".
Compound subjects(multiple subjects) are made up of two singular subjects joined by and ,for instance "Peter and Mary are hungry".Subjects may be made up of two or more phrases or clauses joined by 'and' like "Where he works and where he stays are completely different places"
When the words of a compound subjects refer to the same person or the same thing ,they are considered together as one unit. The verb is usually singular ,for example "Fish and chips is my favourite " .Subject joined by or ,nor ,either and neither when both subject are singular like: "Neither John nor Martha plays soccer." "Either the man or the women are on duty today.
When a sentence begin with introductory word.The number of verb is determined by the subject that follows take a look:" There are naught boys."
"There comes the bride,"
"There is shortage of rainfall in this area."
Words or phrases added to a singular subject don't make it plular,for example ,"Time and time again a team such as Dynamos ,Caps united and others wins the match."
Collective nouns are singular in nature but ther may be singular or plural in meaning .For instances "The Mhaka family is working in the field."
"The Mhaka familly are all doing different task"
"Sheep are crossing the river."
Some verbs may be a distant from their subjects. A series of lectures on reading is planned next. When the word order is changed or invertrd care must be taken to make the verb agree with the subject . At every corner where baggers singing loudly.
Misuse of tense ,problems with verbs pupils have problems deciding between the pastand past participle. They may confuse the past tense of a verb which is normally used by itself,for instances fell or did with its past participle which usually takes has ,have and had.For example has fallen ,have fallen ,had fallen and done.
A difficulty also araise with irregular verb where the past participle go went gone.
Have a chart on the present ,past and past participle.
Errors of lexs misuse of vocabulary of words in a given context. Words with similarity could be nouns ,adjectives,verbs ,adverbs for instance(All his dresses were destroyed by fire)Dress to be a noun to mean clothes. All his clothes werewere destroyed by fire.
{I accept to accompany you} "I agree to accompany you" Words should be used appropriately.
Errors in use of preposition ,preposition denote axact position of an object .Preposition are usually used before a noun phrase.For example John asked for the book, I am sitting on a chair.
The major problem of a learner is on the problem with propositon to use before the noun ''THe book is on the table''.
Pupils tend to over use preposition like ,at ,on ,in.
Errors of preposition may nat cause misunderstanding but they give appearance of imperfect careless construction {He came to my house in the beginning of the week} '' He came to my house at the beginning of the week.
Errors in punctuation ,the use of printed signs ,quatation mzrks,semi colon ,dash in-ph co-op,three dots apostrophe ,question mark ,exclamation mark,brackets ,full stop etc .
This are essential for dividing up written language units that convey meaning failure to use them will easily leads to miss understanding of iidea being conveyed. Pupils shpuld be told to distinguish one form the other each punctuation make should be taught separetely and function of each clearly stated.
An effective teacher needs to hunt for cause of language problems and provide solutions to every one of them .
Further Reading
Cook ,V(1988)Chomsky's Universal Grammar.
Gimson ,V.C.(1980)An Introductory to pronunciation of English.
Jowit,AM and Nnamons,MA(1985)common errors in English.
In an attempt to construct a sentence orally and in written form pupils face language problems.These problems can be solved through remediation ,the examples include misspelling,problem in subject verb agreement,misuse of tenses ,errors of lexs which is misuse of vocabulary ,errors in misuse of preposition ,in pantuation and knowledge of singular or plural wording.
Misspelling of words ,according to Sprosty (1995)points out that spelling is the correct sequence of letters in a word.If the arrangement of letters. In a word is not in correct order ,it gives raise to misspelling.
Baruah (1995)gives some of the causes of spelling errors as faulting pronunciation,insufficient practise ,visual presentantion ,ignorance of some rules of spelling and pupils need to have regular spelling exercises. They should carrying out spelling games,rhyms ,songs and many other activites.
Problems in subject verb agreement ,a subject should always in agreement with the verb when a subject is singular the verb should also be singular "John kicked a ball" likewise when subject is plular the verb should always plular ,for example "A teacher teaches children ,Teachers teach children".
Compound subjects(multiple subjects) are made up of two singular subjects joined by and ,for instance "Peter and Mary are hungry".Subjects may be made up of two or more phrases or clauses joined by 'and' like "Where he works and where he stays are completely different places"
When the words of a compound subjects refer to the same person or the same thing ,they are considered together as one unit. The verb is usually singular ,for example "Fish and chips is my favourite " .Subject joined by or ,nor ,either and neither when both subject are singular like: "Neither John nor Martha plays soccer." "Either the man or the women are on duty today.
When a sentence begin with introductory word.The number of verb is determined by the subject that follows take a look:" There are naught boys."
"There comes the bride,"
"There is shortage of rainfall in this area."
Words or phrases added to a singular subject don't make it plular,for example ,"Time and time again a team such as Dynamos ,Caps united and others wins the match."
Collective nouns are singular in nature but ther may be singular or plural in meaning .For instances "The Mhaka family is working in the field."
"The Mhaka familly are all doing different task"
"Sheep are crossing the river."
Some verbs may be a distant from their subjects. A series of lectures on reading is planned next. When the word order is changed or invertrd care must be taken to make the verb agree with the subject . At every corner where baggers singing loudly.
Misuse of tense ,problems with verbs pupils have problems deciding between the pastand past participle. They may confuse the past tense of a verb which is normally used by itself,for instances fell or did with its past participle which usually takes has ,have and had.For example has fallen ,have fallen ,had fallen and done.
A difficulty also araise with irregular verb where the past participle go went gone.
Have a chart on the present ,past and past participle.
Errors of lexs misuse of vocabulary of words in a given context. Words with similarity could be nouns ,adjectives,verbs ,adverbs for instance(All his dresses were destroyed by fire)Dress to be a noun to mean clothes. All his clothes werewere destroyed by fire.
{I accept to accompany you} "I agree to accompany you" Words should be used appropriately.
Errors in use of preposition ,preposition denote axact position of an object .Preposition are usually used before a noun phrase.For example John asked for the book, I am sitting on a chair.
The major problem of a learner is on the problem with propositon to use before the noun ''THe book is on the table''.
Pupils tend to over use preposition like ,at ,on ,in.
Errors of preposition may nat cause misunderstanding but they give appearance of imperfect careless construction {He came to my house in the beginning of the week} '' He came to my house at the beginning of the week.
Errors in punctuation ,the use of printed signs ,quatation mzrks,semi colon ,dash in-ph co-op,three dots apostrophe ,question mark ,exclamation mark,brackets ,full stop etc .
This are essential for dividing up written language units that convey meaning failure to use them will easily leads to miss understanding of iidea being conveyed. Pupils shpuld be told to distinguish one form the other each punctuation make should be taught separetely and function of each clearly stated.
An effective teacher needs to hunt for cause of language problems and provide solutions to every one of them .
Further Reading
Cook ,V(1988)Chomsky's Universal Grammar.
Gimson ,V.C.(1980)An Introductory to pronunciation of English.
Jowit,AM and Nnamons,MA(1985)common errors in English.
Misspelling of words ,according to Sprosty (1995)points out that spelling is the correct sequence of letters in a word.If the arrangement of letters. In a word is not in correct order ,it gives raise to misspelling.
Baruah (1995)gives some of the causes of spelling errors as faulting pronunciation,insufficient practise ,visual presentantion ,ignorance of some rules of spelling and pupils need to have regular spelling exercises. They should carrying out spelling games,rhyms ,songs and many other activites.
Problems in subject verb agreement ,a subject should always in agreement with the verb when a subject is singular the verb should also be singular "John kicked a ball" likewise when subject is plular the verb should always plular ,for example "A teacher teaches children ,Teachers teach children".
Compound subjects(multiple subjects) are made up of two singular subjects joined by and ,for instance "Peter and Mary are hungry".Subjects may be made up of two or more phrases or clauses joined by 'and' like "Where he works and where he stays are completely different places"
When the words of a compound subjects refer to the same person or the same thing ,they are considered together as one unit. The verb is usually singular ,for example "Fish and chips is my favourite " .Subject joined by or ,nor ,either and neither when both subject are singular like: "Neither John nor Martha plays soccer." "Either the man or the women are on duty today.
When a sentence begin with introductory word.The number of verb is determined by the subject that follows take a look:" There are naught boys."
"There comes the bride,"
"There is shortage of rainfall in this area."
Words or phrases added to a singular subject don't make it plular,for example ,"Time and time again a team such as Dynamos ,Caps united and others wins the match."
Collective nouns are singular in nature but ther may be singular or plural in meaning .For instances "The Mhaka family is working in the field."
"The Mhaka familly are all doing different task"
"Sheep are crossing the river."
Some verbs may be a distant from their subjects. A series of lectures on reading is planned next. When the word order is changed or invertrd care must be taken to make the verb agree with the subject . At every corner where baggers singing loudly.
Misuse of tense ,problems with verbs pupils have problems deciding between the pastand past participle. They may confuse the past tense of a verb which is normally used by itself,for instances fell or did with its past participle which usually takes has ,have and had.For example has fallen ,have fallen ,had fallen and done.
A difficulty also araise with irregular verb where the past participle go went gone.
Have a chart on the present ,past and past participle.
Errors of lexs misuse of vocabulary of words in a given context. Words with similarity could be nouns ,adjectives,verbs ,adverbs for instance(All his dresses were destroyed by fire)Dress to be a noun to mean clothes. All his clothes werewere destroyed by fire.
{I accept to accompany you} "I agree to accompany you" Words should be used appropriately.
Errors in use of preposition ,preposition denote axact position of an object .Preposition are usually used before a noun phrase.For example John asked for the book, I am sitting on a chair.
The major problem of a learner is on the problem with propositon to use before the noun ''THe book is on the table''.
Pupils tend to over use preposition like ,at ,on ,in.
Errors of preposition may nat cause misunderstanding but they give appearance of imperfect careless construction {He came to my house in the beginning of the week} '' He came to my house at the beginning of the week.
Errors in punctuation ,the use of printed signs ,quatation mzrks,semi colon ,dash in-ph co-op,three dots apostrophe ,question mark ,exclamation mark,brackets ,full stop etc .
This are essential for dividing up written language units that convey meaning failure to use them will easily leads to miss understanding of iidea being conveyed. Pupils shpuld be told to distinguish one form the other each punctuation make should be taught separetely and function of each clearly stated.
An effective teacher needs to hunt for cause of language problems and provide solutions to every one of them .
Further Reading
Cook ,V(1988)Chomsky's Universal Grammar.
Gimson ,V.C.(1980)An Introductory to pronunciation of English.
Jowit,AM and Nnamons,MA(1985)common errors in English.
After children write their work ,the teacher has to look after children's work and give own comments after going through marking.
What is marking? It is the direct process of indicating what has been done correctly or incorrectly in the pupils crits or exercise work.
Creative work is children's own composed piece of writing.
Therefore marking children's composed piece of writing is done through the marks,symbols or signature the teacher show on the children's work as an indication that had gone through it.
The benefits associated with marking are ,it provides feedback regarding the children's effort . The teacher realise the success or failure of own efforts and requires the knowledge of the results for children's progress on the part of the children as removal of anxiety stress and examination stress.The kept up to date is a provision of immediate feedback which can help both teachers and parents to make decisions on the child's performance.Moreover the pupils have conformation and reassurance that the teacher is highly organised. However if not propery handled it can be a discouragement of learning through repeated failures . Anywhere marking is time consuming.
Significant issues about marking should focus on the linguistic ability of the child .Awarding a mark should be focus on the linguistic competency . There is need for regular discussions with individual to allow adequate feedback on performance .
The length of creative work differs from grade to grade ,for instance middle to upper grades their work most improve a little to feel the need of learning.
Infants about 3-5 lines
middle grades about 10-20 lines
upper grades about a page and half.
After awarding a mark write constructive criticism ,for example 60% Good improvement but too many errors ,for example 3%Good length but try to revise your work.
☺A comment like good or poor work to a child ,a child simply looks at the work and close the book then throw it away.
There is need to praise verbally or non-verbally. Help how do you help when marking indicate areas needing attention, indicates areas needing attention ,like spelling or grammar.
Guide ,by suggest ways of improving study techniques read widely to improve .Encourage things are getting better ,improvement has been noted. It shouldn't be a match -hunting exercise looking at the bad part of the essay where one is always penalising the pupils.But inform tell the child ,if the work is above or below examination standard. Marking of creative work should be done outside working hours to avoid disrupting when in contact with children.It is inadvisable to be done when on mentally or physically tired as affected by such factors like fatigue or irritation.
First let your class familiarise and understand your marking symbols ,like sp-spelling ,gr-grammar.A tick √ is used for something positive ,for instance good use of vocabulary or good use of phrase or facts.The tick should be above the phrase or point of interest. For a whole paragraph a tick should be in the margin in centre meaning a number of good words have been used.
An × is not allowed ,its not advisable .- is a negative way of communicating with a child. Circling is normally used in mathematics not in languages.Instead a line at the bottom indicates the part which is wrong for example E~glish for English.
A joining sign mis-spelling for misspelling ,a stroke is used to seperate two words which have been joined together for example I am/going to town. The child should encouraged to cancel the wrong parts with line using a pencil. Discourage use of brackets ,for unclear materials use a question mark.
Scoring should be according to mark category ,scaling of marks are subject to teacher's assessment of the class. At last upper grade level marks are awarded for othorgraphy.The level of error density determines the final mark.
90-100% Very good linguistic ability no gross errors.
75-85% Good -very Good linguistic ability with few major errors.
50-70% Fair and fairy good language , but few major errors.
30-45% Unflat to uncertain language.
±25% Broken language and frequent errors.
Combes ,B.(1998)Successful Teaching A practical Handbook.
Gwarinda, T.C.(1993)The Practice of Teaching .
What is marking? It is the direct process of indicating what has been done correctly or incorrectly in the pupils crits or exercise work.
Creative work is children's own composed piece of writing.
Therefore marking children's composed piece of writing is done through the marks,symbols or signature the teacher show on the children's work as an indication that had gone through it.
The benefits associated with marking are ,it provides feedback regarding the children's effort . The teacher realise the success or failure of own efforts and requires the knowledge of the results for children's progress on the part of the children as removal of anxiety stress and examination stress.The kept up to date is a provision of immediate feedback which can help both teachers and parents to make decisions on the child's performance.Moreover the pupils have conformation and reassurance that the teacher is highly organised. However if not propery handled it can be a discouragement of learning through repeated failures . Anywhere marking is time consuming.
Significant issues about marking should focus on the linguistic ability of the child .Awarding a mark should be focus on the linguistic competency . There is need for regular discussions with individual to allow adequate feedback on performance .
The length of creative work differs from grade to grade ,for instance middle to upper grades their work most improve a little to feel the need of learning.
Infants about 3-5 lines
middle grades about 10-20 lines
upper grades about a page and half.
After awarding a mark write constructive criticism ,for example 60% Good improvement but too many errors ,for example 3%Good length but try to revise your work.
☺A comment like good or poor work to a child ,a child simply looks at the work and close the book then throw it away.
There is need to praise verbally or non-verbally. Help how do you help when marking indicate areas needing attention, indicates areas needing attention ,like spelling or grammar.
Guide ,by suggest ways of improving study techniques read widely to improve .Encourage things are getting better ,improvement has been noted. It shouldn't be a match -hunting exercise looking at the bad part of the essay where one is always penalising the pupils.But inform tell the child ,if the work is above or below examination standard. Marking of creative work should be done outside working hours to avoid disrupting when in contact with children.It is inadvisable to be done when on mentally or physically tired as affected by such factors like fatigue or irritation.
First let your class familiarise and understand your marking symbols ,like sp-spelling ,gr-grammar.A tick √ is used for something positive ,for instance good use of vocabulary or good use of phrase or facts.The tick should be above the phrase or point of interest. For a whole paragraph a tick should be in the margin in centre meaning a number of good words have been used.
An × is not allowed ,its not advisable .- is a negative way of communicating with a child. Circling is normally used in mathematics not in languages.Instead a line at the bottom indicates the part which is wrong for example E~glish for English.
A joining sign mis-spelling for misspelling ,a stroke is used to seperate two words which have been joined together for example I am/going to town. The child should encouraged to cancel the wrong parts with line using a pencil. Discourage use of brackets ,for unclear materials use a question mark.
Scoring should be according to mark category ,scaling of marks are subject to teacher's assessment of the class. At last upper grade level marks are awarded for othorgraphy.The level of error density determines the final mark.
90-100% Very good linguistic ability no gross errors.
75-85% Good -very Good linguistic ability with few major errors.
50-70% Fair and fairy good language , but few major errors.
30-45% Unflat to uncertain language.
±25% Broken language and frequent errors.
Combes ,B.(1998)Successful Teaching A practical Handbook.
Gwarinda, T.C.(1993)The Practice of Teaching .
After children write their work ,the teacher has to look after children's work and give own comments after going through marking.
What is marking? It is the direct process of indicating what has been done correctly or incorrectly in the pupils crits or exercise work.
Creative work is children's own composed piece of writing.
Therefore marking children's composed piece of writing is done through the marks,symbols or signature the teacher show on the children's work as an indication that had gone through it.
The benefits associated with marking are ,it provides feedback regarding the children's effort . The teacher realise the success or failure of own efforts and requires the knowledge of the results for children's progress on the part of the children as removal of anxiety stress and examination stress.The kept up to date is a provision of immediate feedback which can help both teachers and parents to make decisions on the child's performance.Moreover the pupils have conformation and reassurance that the teacher is highly organised. However if not propery handled it can be a discouragement of learning through repeated failures . Anywhere marking is time consuming.
Significant issues about marking should focus on the linguistic ability of the child .Awarding a mark should be focus on the linguistic competency . There is need for regular discussions with individual to allow adequate feedback on performance .
The length of creative work differs from grade to grade ,for instance middle to upper grades their work most improve a little to feel the need of learning.
Infants about 3-5 lines
middle grades about 10-20 lines
upper grades about a page and half.
After awarding a mark write constructive criticism ,for example 60% Good improvement but too many errors ,for example 3%Good length but try to revise your work.
☺A comment like good or poor work to a child ,a child simply looks at the work and close the book then throw it away.
There is need to praise verbally or non-verbally. Help how do you help when marking indicate areas needing attention, indicates areas needing attention ,like spelling or grammar.
Guide ,by suggest ways of improving study techniques read widely to improve .Encourage things are getting better ,improvement has been noted. It shouldn't be a match -hunting exercise looking at the bad part of the essay where one is always penalising the pupils.But inform tell the child ,if the work is above or below examination standard. Marking of creative work should be done outside working hours to avoid disrupting when in contact with children.It is inadvisable to be done when on mentally or physically tired as affected by such factors like fatigue or irritation.
First let your class familiarise and understand your marking symbols ,like sp-spelling ,gr-grammar.A tick √ is used for something positive ,for instance good use of vocabulary or good use of phrase or facts.The tick should be above the phrase or point of interest. For a whole paragraph a tick should be in the margin in centre meaning a number of good words have been used.
An × is not allowed ,its not advisable .- is a negative way of communicating with a child. Circling is normally used in mathematics not in languages.Instead a line at the bottom indicates the part which is wrong for example E~glish for English.
A joining sign mis-spelling for misspelling ,a stroke is used to seperate two words which have been joined together for example I am/going to town. The child should encouraged to cancel the wrong parts with line using a pencil. Discourage use of brackets ,for unclear materials use a question mark.
Scoring should be according to mark category ,scaling of marks are subject to teacher's assessment of the class. At last upper grade level marks are awarded for othorgraphy.The level of error density determines the final mark.
90-100% Very good linguistic ability no gross errors.
75-85% Good -very Good linguistic ability with few major errors.
50-70% Fair and fairy good language , but few major errors.
30-45% Unflat to uncertain language.
±25% Broken language and frequent errors.
Combes ,B.(1998)Successful Teaching A practical Handbook.
Gwarinda, T.C.(1993)The Practice of Teaching .
What is marking? It is the direct process of indicating what has been done correctly or incorrectly in the pupils crits or exercise work.
Creative work is children's own composed piece of writing.
Therefore marking children's composed piece of writing is done through the marks,symbols or signature the teacher show on the children's work as an indication that had gone through it.
The benefits associated with marking are ,it provides feedback regarding the children's effort . The teacher realise the success or failure of own efforts and requires the knowledge of the results for children's progress on the part of the children as removal of anxiety stress and examination stress.The kept up to date is a provision of immediate feedback which can help both teachers and parents to make decisions on the child's performance.Moreover the pupils have conformation and reassurance that the teacher is highly organised. However if not propery handled it can be a discouragement of learning through repeated failures . Anywhere marking is time consuming.
Significant issues about marking should focus on the linguistic ability of the child .Awarding a mark should be focus on the linguistic competency . There is need for regular discussions with individual to allow adequate feedback on performance .
The length of creative work differs from grade to grade ,for instance middle to upper grades their work most improve a little to feel the need of learning.
Infants about 3-5 lines
middle grades about 10-20 lines
upper grades about a page and half.
After awarding a mark write constructive criticism ,for example 60% Good improvement but too many errors ,for example 3%Good length but try to revise your work.
☺A comment like good or poor work to a child ,a child simply looks at the work and close the book then throw it away.
There is need to praise verbally or non-verbally. Help how do you help when marking indicate areas needing attention, indicates areas needing attention ,like spelling or grammar.
Guide ,by suggest ways of improving study techniques read widely to improve .Encourage things are getting better ,improvement has been noted. It shouldn't be a match -hunting exercise looking at the bad part of the essay where one is always penalising the pupils.But inform tell the child ,if the work is above or below examination standard. Marking of creative work should be done outside working hours to avoid disrupting when in contact with children.It is inadvisable to be done when on mentally or physically tired as affected by such factors like fatigue or irritation.
First let your class familiarise and understand your marking symbols ,like sp-spelling ,gr-grammar.A tick √ is used for something positive ,for instance good use of vocabulary or good use of phrase or facts.The tick should be above the phrase or point of interest. For a whole paragraph a tick should be in the margin in centre meaning a number of good words have been used.
An × is not allowed ,its not advisable .- is a negative way of communicating with a child. Circling is normally used in mathematics not in languages.Instead a line at the bottom indicates the part which is wrong for example E~glish for English.
A joining sign mis-spelling for misspelling ,a stroke is used to seperate two words which have been joined together for example I am/going to town. The child should encouraged to cancel the wrong parts with line using a pencil. Discourage use of brackets ,for unclear materials use a question mark.
Scoring should be according to mark category ,scaling of marks are subject to teacher's assessment of the class. At last upper grade level marks are awarded for othorgraphy.The level of error density determines the final mark.
90-100% Very good linguistic ability no gross errors.
75-85% Good -very Good linguistic ability with few major errors.
50-70% Fair and fairy good language , but few major errors.
30-45% Unflat to uncertain language.
±25% Broken language and frequent errors.
Combes ,B.(1998)Successful Teaching A practical Handbook.
Gwarinda, T.C.(1993)The Practice of Teaching .
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