Drawing approaches can effectively help the child develop creativity ,if involved in the task that explore and use activities that promote creativity .
According to Lowenfield (1987:143) "creativity means flexibility of thinking or fluency of ideas or to see things in new relationships or to think in ways that are different from other people."
Gibson (1980:236)supports that,creativity is the ability to solve problems in innovative ways.Creative thinking plays vital role in aquiring skills whether in fine arts or any field of human activities.Therefore to improve creativity through drawing children should be guided to draw images from their past experiences ,folk stories ,make use of their memory ,heavenly things are usually stimulative and exaggerative.
Elizabeth (1990)says,"Drawing is the marks on a surface to create images."Ronald (1993) postulates that , drawing can be represented as picture lines.
This means that drawing can be made from an imagination.
When teaching drawing ,pupils should be involved in most of the proceedings .Rousseau in Barker (1988:25)asserts ,"Let the child learn nothing because you have told him,but because he has learnt it."It is important for teachers to take a guiding role and let the children learn through doing. Pupils will show their creativeness through drawing ,hence their interests aroused.
Drawing is the basis of visual art and is a direct way of explaining ideas ,recording information ,discovering and expressing something about the world.(Riddell 1982:20)Betti(1980:10)simplifies drawing as ,"Visual thinking."Both Riddle and Betti concur that drawing has something to do with the mind of the eye.Thpughts are being put into visions .People are attracted to drawings because it offers us an exciting channel for our imagination.
This is because drawings can evoke memories ,enlight feelings and it can shed light on life impulses for example love,death ,dreams and emotions(Betti 1980) .
Berejena et al (1987:59)also agree that drawing "... is an activity which should allow immediate expression of children's ideas."The idea also supported by Betti (1980:13) "Drawing helps people interprete their experiences visually ,emotionally and aesthetically."In expressing all these there is communication coming out of drawings.
Croney (1983)views drawing as an art of hollowing paper as putting lines around an idea.
This implies that therefore before one starts to draw ,one should have an imagination in mind .The idea in starting a drawing is to bind the subject being drawn with a contour line .This should be done unthinkingly and possibly connected with the difficulty of converting from writing to drawing skills.
Croney further mentions drawing as concerned with solid forms that have height ,length and breath.
Therefore the lines in drawing are put around to form visiable solids.In other words drawing is about having solidity formed from contour lines.
When teaching drawing the outside edge is as the result of the inside form,that's the contour lines must be an expression of the type of solidity that lies inside it.Before we draw we must draft the method of analysing and understanding the type of solidity that lies inside the contour lines we use.
Ronald (1993)explains that drawing is the art of representing objects or forms by lines drawn ,shaded and other means,that's picture of lines .Ronald has four types of drawings:
•Trying to represent something in front of the artist.
•Trying to depict something from memory.
•Coping something in another medium.
•Creating something entirely from imagination.
Children should be motivated enough so that they can be able to show their creativity through imaginative drawing.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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16 October 2010
The implications of child art development to both the teachers and parents.
The teachers and parents are the major influencers of child's development stages in art and learning in general.So they can use this idea to nurture the skills of their children to monitor their skills whilst growing:
Whilst children making their scribbles they always show to their teachers and parents who should encourage them.The scribble can be made anywhere using anything.The activity may take a minute or less.As a teacher or parent should be in a position to praise them so that they continue developing their skills.
At representational stage child should be supplied with enough aids usefull for all the artworks.The child must given an interesting subject.A chair,a tree ,a,sheep etc are all uninteresting to a child.If the teacher wishes to include these objects choose a much larger subject, for example the parlour with father entertaining his frents (a chair will be included )The compound with the children playing(A tree will probably be included)A farm with the farmer and his animals(a sheep can be included)All these subjects require thought and wil take time to finish.lt is not a good picture if the child is finished in couple of minutes as he generally is asked to draw "a chair."The child should have various crayons of different colours so that child can explore his/her activities using colours as shown in the environment.The work should be freely done with little guidence which is necessary to ensure persistents and more efforts.
The introduction of other artists from textbooks,search engines and interacting with different peers across the globe make child's phere of influence wide.The use of environment must be empasised and identification of children's area of interest is helpful to guide in assisting the child to manipulate Art skills and knowledge.Suitable content given to exercise include:
•A street in the town showing houses and cars.
•The market with the shoppers and stalls.
•People carrying their loads to the market.
•Mother sewing and children playing around.
•Any story can be illustrated.
The lesson patterns should aim to help the child to draw a picture of the school with the teacher ringing the bell and some of the children running across the compound .Lesson procedure:
♣Take the children outside to refresh their memories of the outside of theschool and the compound.
♣Ask the children to shut their eyes and think of the school and the compound.
♣Children draw while the teacher goes round to give individual suggestions when necessary.
♣The children display their work their work whilst cleaning their places.
This is a simple lesson pattern yet effective .All the children are busy and should have plenty to do.The teacher guided them before they started .If some are very fast and have really done their best ,they can be given another paper to anything similar with the same activities in the lesson.For a child of any age ,patterns form a useful exercise as they can be simple for a small child and more complicated for older children.A pattern can be likened to a dance ,with rhythm and movement which is repeated over and over.
Always let the children choose own colours .Help them to use colours which look interesting together .Let them experiment with colours and mix their own colours.
Defferent shades can be obtained by using more of one colour and less of another .Help the children to see that two dark colours together do not show up as clearly as dark one and a light one side by side depends for its final quality on the way in which the subject is shown.Pictures do not have foot notes .The artist who wishes to communicate an idea or impression must do so by means of a picture.
The gang the child belongs should be monitored and encourage the child to influence the group to do art works and insists on using techniques in drawing.The network of the child whether online should be reguarded as useful and ensure that the child is not being diverted to immoral things.Each of the arts therefore has a particular language.Whether studying painting ,commercial art or cartoon can use language to express themselves .There is nothing misterious or difficult about the language of Art but an understanding of Art is important for the child's Education.
Whilst the rights of children and freedom need to be upheld it is also very important to ensure that the child is not moving away from the education and practice of good morals values.The works should not be continuously discouraged,avoid letting children copying and tracing.Always acknowledge to them that there is no bad art and art is not about reproducing someone's art. The children should be given the opportunity to visit galleries so that they can meet other peers and artist who continuously give them new techniques and the dynamics in Art and design in the world of arts and cross pollination of cultural activities over the internet.
Whilst children making their scribbles they always show to their teachers and parents who should encourage them.The scribble can be made anywhere using anything.The activity may take a minute or less.As a teacher or parent should be in a position to praise them so that they continue developing their skills.
At representational stage child should be supplied with enough aids usefull for all the artworks.The child must given an interesting subject.A chair,a tree ,a,sheep etc are all uninteresting to a child.If the teacher wishes to include these objects choose a much larger subject, for example the parlour with father entertaining his frents (a chair will be included )The compound with the children playing(A tree will probably be included)A farm with the farmer and his animals(a sheep can be included)All these subjects require thought and wil take time to finish.lt is not a good picture if the child is finished in couple of minutes as he generally is asked to draw "a chair."The child should have various crayons of different colours so that child can explore his/her activities using colours as shown in the environment.The work should be freely done with little guidence which is necessary to ensure persistents and more efforts.
The introduction of other artists from textbooks,search engines and interacting with different peers across the globe make child's phere of influence wide.The use of environment must be empasised and identification of children's area of interest is helpful to guide in assisting the child to manipulate Art skills and knowledge.Suitable content given to exercise include:
•A street in the town showing houses and cars.
•The market with the shoppers and stalls.
•People carrying their loads to the market.
•Mother sewing and children playing around.
•Any story can be illustrated.
The lesson patterns should aim to help the child to draw a picture of the school with the teacher ringing the bell and some of the children running across the compound .Lesson procedure:
♣Take the children outside to refresh their memories of the outside of theschool and the compound.
♣Ask the children to shut their eyes and think of the school and the compound.
♣Children draw while the teacher goes round to give individual suggestions when necessary.
♣The children display their work their work whilst cleaning their places.
This is a simple lesson pattern yet effective .All the children are busy and should have plenty to do.The teacher guided them before they started .If some are very fast and have really done their best ,they can be given another paper to anything similar with the same activities in the lesson.For a child of any age ,patterns form a useful exercise as they can be simple for a small child and more complicated for older children.A pattern can be likened to a dance ,with rhythm and movement which is repeated over and over.
Always let the children choose own colours .Help them to use colours which look interesting together .Let them experiment with colours and mix their own colours.
Defferent shades can be obtained by using more of one colour and less of another .Help the children to see that two dark colours together do not show up as clearly as dark one and a light one side by side depends for its final quality on the way in which the subject is shown.Pictures do not have foot notes .The artist who wishes to communicate an idea or impression must do so by means of a picture.
The gang the child belongs should be monitored and encourage the child to influence the group to do art works and insists on using techniques in drawing.The network of the child whether online should be reguarded as useful and ensure that the child is not being diverted to immoral things.Each of the arts therefore has a particular language.Whether studying painting ,commercial art or cartoon can use language to express themselves .There is nothing misterious or difficult about the language of Art but an understanding of Art is important for the child's Education.
Whilst the rights of children and freedom need to be upheld it is also very important to ensure that the child is not moving away from the education and practice of good morals values.The works should not be continuously discouraged,avoid letting children copying and tracing.Always acknowledge to them that there is no bad art and art is not about reproducing someone's art. The children should be given the opportunity to visit galleries so that they can meet other peers and artist who continuously give them new techniques and the dynamics in Art and design in the world of arts and cross pollination of cultural activities over the internet.
Importance of Social Professional Records in the Teaching and Learning of Religious and Moral Education.
Professional records are important to the primary school teacher,since it is the basis of promoting good teaching and learning conducive environment. Lets have a close look at the social record.
Social background for each individual child is important provided it is accurately recorded and kept in the teacher's file and the school's archives. Why?
Social record is the professional document which should have correct information of the child's religion ,family background , health history and moral development . How this has implications in child's learning activities? There are so many things the teacher can obliged to include in the social record book according to the institutional authorities or the requirements of other regulatory bodies. But in this case we shall only look at the above mentioned categories.
Religion of the child is very important to be noted by the teacher.It gives the knowledge on the composition of the class in terms of their religious backgrounds. If pupils are coming from different religious beliefs ,the teacher has to strictly adopt multi-faith approach when it comes to the teaching of moral subjects and religious facts. Some pupils has the tendences of their siblings or parents at home who look down other people's way of worshipping as they regards their system of worshipping as the most perfect one. A teacher who identified these religious differences will be equipped to monitor his/her children against looking down others ' way of worshipping. The teacher can also use other children as a resource persons when having lessons of different religions to develop certain morals.Religious knowledge will also help to identify some pupils who might resist or withdrawn from certain activites such as playing drums or other traditional instruments.Religion is the most influential which model certain attitudes in human behaviours and has its own certain rules ,at times this rules has frictions with educational system and morals at school. A teacher who has knowledge of this influences will be in a position to guide children in their learning without getting into unacceptable conflicts.Children need to be guided into accepted norms and moral values of the society they are living.
The family background will help the teacher to have a clear view of the kind of child he/she is prepared to deal with in teaching and learning. For example the position of the child in the family may influence his/her behaviour. Researchers who has studied the influences of family positons has identified that the first borns has certain general characteristics of being always domineering in every situation of group activities. The middle borns are neutral people who are not worried of other people,but believe in individualism or unique way of exploring things. And the last borns are love percettors ,they want to be loved in every thing they do they need extra attention. However all this is also factored by sexes ,such has being a first born girl followed by boys is different from being first born boy followed by girls and other numerous cases like single child which may also be affected by economic status.The teacher should know whether the child is living with both parents or other guardians. There are so many cases of child abuses reported in our media . The teacher can be an agent change to reduce rape cases by discussing with children how they can avoid being victimised by their guardians. The parents' trade is also the source of inspiration to the children and so on.
A teacher who has the knowledge of his/her class ' economic status is in advantage of planning lessons in relation to what kind economic ideology the learners can get them interested .The topic 'Living Together' can be taught differently to the poor families and rich one. Teaching children from rich family is not the same as teaching those from poor. At the same time there are middle income families.The economic status of the learners can be the source of intrinsic motivation which the teacher can influence negatively or positively.
Health history help the teacher to have a knowledge of whether this learner has physical and educational challenges associated with the health background from birth.
Moral development of the child in learning is achieved if the teacher have records of all outistanding characteristics reflected through the child's behaviours. These records both negative and positive aspects of morality should be continually checked for any changes of these characteristics.
Implications of the social records to the teachers is to seek suitable attention,correct supervision ,avoid truancy necessited by child 's experiences. There many things a teacher can consider according to the social records of the child which we cannot write on this small space.
Social background for each individual child is important provided it is accurately recorded and kept in the teacher's file and the school's archives. Why?
Social record is the professional document which should have correct information of the child's religion ,family background , health history and moral development . How this has implications in child's learning activities? There are so many things the teacher can obliged to include in the social record book according to the institutional authorities or the requirements of other regulatory bodies. But in this case we shall only look at the above mentioned categories.
Religion of the child is very important to be noted by the teacher.It gives the knowledge on the composition of the class in terms of their religious backgrounds. If pupils are coming from different religious beliefs ,the teacher has to strictly adopt multi-faith approach when it comes to the teaching of moral subjects and religious facts. Some pupils has the tendences of their siblings or parents at home who look down other people's way of worshipping as they regards their system of worshipping as the most perfect one. A teacher who identified these religious differences will be equipped to monitor his/her children against looking down others ' way of worshipping. The teacher can also use other children as a resource persons when having lessons of different religions to develop certain morals.Religious knowledge will also help to identify some pupils who might resist or withdrawn from certain activites such as playing drums or other traditional instruments.Religion is the most influential which model certain attitudes in human behaviours and has its own certain rules ,at times this rules has frictions with educational system and morals at school. A teacher who has knowledge of this influences will be in a position to guide children in their learning without getting into unacceptable conflicts.Children need to be guided into accepted norms and moral values of the society they are living.
The family background will help the teacher to have a clear view of the kind of child he/she is prepared to deal with in teaching and learning. For example the position of the child in the family may influence his/her behaviour. Researchers who has studied the influences of family positons has identified that the first borns has certain general characteristics of being always domineering in every situation of group activities. The middle borns are neutral people who are not worried of other people,but believe in individualism or unique way of exploring things. And the last borns are love percettors ,they want to be loved in every thing they do they need extra attention. However all this is also factored by sexes ,such has being a first born girl followed by boys is different from being first born boy followed by girls and other numerous cases like single child which may also be affected by economic status.The teacher should know whether the child is living with both parents or other guardians. There are so many cases of child abuses reported in our media . The teacher can be an agent change to reduce rape cases by discussing with children how they can avoid being victimised by their guardians. The parents' trade is also the source of inspiration to the children and so on.
A teacher who has the knowledge of his/her class ' economic status is in advantage of planning lessons in relation to what kind economic ideology the learners can get them interested .The topic 'Living Together' can be taught differently to the poor families and rich one. Teaching children from rich family is not the same as teaching those from poor. At the same time there are middle income families.The economic status of the learners can be the source of intrinsic motivation which the teacher can influence negatively or positively.
Health history help the teacher to have a knowledge of whether this learner has physical and educational challenges associated with the health background from birth.
Moral development of the child in learning is achieved if the teacher have records of all outistanding characteristics reflected through the child's behaviours. These records both negative and positive aspects of morality should be continually checked for any changes of these characteristics.
Implications of the social records to the teachers is to seek suitable attention,correct supervision ,avoid truancy necessited by child 's experiences. There many things a teacher can consider according to the social records of the child which we cannot write on this small space.
How a Teacher can choose a suitable story for Dramatisation?
The characteristics of a good story suitable for dramatisation should have a good moral were evil is punished and good rewarded.The story must have relatively few incidents and characters should be interesting.
The main reasons of teaching using drama is that drama can be effectively used in the book stage of the child book child approach.
In subjects like in Religious and Moral Education,Social Studies,Laguages etc the dramatisation from a good story made reference to teach pupils the required moral values.
After dramatisation the teacher can then lead pupils to the last child stage which is the evaluation or the application stage. Where pupils make their own decisions based on the story dramatised.
There are certain rules necessary to be observed when using drama these are:
Ensure the actors face the audience ,when speaking should do so audibly and don't exaggerate actions or even do other things unecessary to the activities of the drama. The learners must be assured to always learn from the drama and not to be over excited, otherwise they miss the purpose of the drama. Drama must meet the needs of the lesson objectives. And then always derole the characters after the play by discouraging other classmates from calling them in names of actors they used in the drama.
The benefits of drama are that it is enjoyable way of teaching and learning. Drama breaks the tension of serious methods and makes vividy in the learners ' minds.This helps pupils to remember and allows creativity as they develop it in their imagination.
Drama develops language skills ,improve pupils to pupils and teacher to pupils relationathips.Children build confidence in acting and nurture their talent for future careers in areas of public speaking ,film stars,movies soaps etc.
The drawbacks identified to be associated with dramatisatisation are that the learners may easily take it as intertainment than as a learning stiuations and thereby learning nothing, drama can easily stray from what is intended. Children can acquire unpopular nicknames which may results in invading their future participation . More so a lot of time is required in both preparation and presentation.Hence it can not be used frequently. Drama involves few pupils and if the actors are passive the lesson can be boring.
The main reasons of teaching using drama is that drama can be effectively used in the book stage of the child book child approach.
In subjects like in Religious and Moral Education,Social Studies,Laguages etc the dramatisation from a good story made reference to teach pupils the required moral values.
After dramatisation the teacher can then lead pupils to the last child stage which is the evaluation or the application stage. Where pupils make their own decisions based on the story dramatised.
There are certain rules necessary to be observed when using drama these are:
Ensure the actors face the audience ,when speaking should do so audibly and don't exaggerate actions or even do other things unecessary to the activities of the drama. The learners must be assured to always learn from the drama and not to be over excited, otherwise they miss the purpose of the drama. Drama must meet the needs of the lesson objectives. And then always derole the characters after the play by discouraging other classmates from calling them in names of actors they used in the drama.
The benefits of drama are that it is enjoyable way of teaching and learning. Drama breaks the tension of serious methods and makes vividy in the learners ' minds.This helps pupils to remember and allows creativity as they develop it in their imagination.
Drama develops language skills ,improve pupils to pupils and teacher to pupils relationathips.Children build confidence in acting and nurture their talent for future careers in areas of public speaking ,film stars,movies soaps etc.
The drawbacks identified to be associated with dramatisatisation are that the learners may easily take it as intertainment than as a learning stiuations and thereby learning nothing, drama can easily stray from what is intended. Children can acquire unpopular nicknames which may results in invading their future participation . More so a lot of time is required in both preparation and presentation.Hence it can not be used frequently. Drama involves few pupils and if the actors are passive the lesson can be boring.
Most teachers teach without being reflective to their pupils that the subjects interrelated.This will obviously help learners to learn effectively as they understand concepts on different subjects and how they are important in their life situations especially their career aspirations.
What is integration?
The idea of integration is linked to education premise which viewed as life itself , a complete system where all life activities are modelled, developed and perfected.People are interdependent ,which means they share ideas ,technological skills in all their relationships.In other words it relates similar concepts and skills across the curriculum. Integration refers to a way of bringing all related issues or concepts together.The system is the break down of system into further sub-systems which are absolutely related and connected .This can best understood in relation to each other as a whole system.Integration in teaching helps the learner to easily relate ideas ,issues ,concepts ,skills and attitudes in the same time instead of being dealt with in fragments which are uncoordinated in different subjects and somehow confused the learner as he tries to bring them together as related aspects of issues.This reduces compartmentalization of subjects.Subjects integration enhances the development of skills since skills are not confined to one subject only ,but also noticed in other subject areas.For instance ,investigating skills can be developed in social studies or languages.This approach helps learners to link related concepts in different subjects and the teacher can also teach the same concepts in several subjects.
Why integrate?
Integration focuses on coordination of concepts acquired by the learner in different subjects ,be it mathematics,languages,sciences , moral social development subjects and the life experiences as ,he/she undergoes in decisions to utilise them in life situations.
Integration emphases content to be balanced to the process of learning.Methods,beliefs and value systems one would have inorder to act.
Integrated teaching help to look at a field of study as viewpoint of links to other disciplines.It had being argued that it can increase the transfer of learning because learners perceive the similarities of concepts ,principles and strategies better than those who learn separate discipline with little emphasis on the interrelationships ,for example pupils have the opportunity to use the concepts learnt in one situation in different fields,like pupils might use mathematical concepts to solve science problems.Integrated curricula are more free to select familiar objects ,topics ,which can stimulate learners' interests and motivate them to learn.Integrated teaching have a better opportunity to build up a substantial relationship as they would meet to plan and teach cooperatively integrated unit.Interdepartmental relationship and cooperation usually increases.
What is integration?
The idea of integration is linked to education premise which viewed as life itself , a complete system where all life activities are modelled, developed and perfected.People are interdependent ,which means they share ideas ,technological skills in all their relationships.In other words it relates similar concepts and skills across the curriculum. Integration refers to a way of bringing all related issues or concepts together.The system is the break down of system into further sub-systems which are absolutely related and connected .This can best understood in relation to each other as a whole system.Integration in teaching helps the learner to easily relate ideas ,issues ,concepts ,skills and attitudes in the same time instead of being dealt with in fragments which are uncoordinated in different subjects and somehow confused the learner as he tries to bring them together as related aspects of issues.This reduces compartmentalization of subjects.Subjects integration enhances the development of skills since skills are not confined to one subject only ,but also noticed in other subject areas.For instance ,investigating skills can be developed in social studies or languages.This approach helps learners to link related concepts in different subjects and the teacher can also teach the same concepts in several subjects.
Why integrate?
Integration focuses on coordination of concepts acquired by the learner in different subjects ,be it mathematics,languages,sciences , moral social development subjects and the life experiences as ,he/she undergoes in decisions to utilise them in life situations.
Integration emphases content to be balanced to the process of learning.Methods,beliefs and value systems one would have inorder to act.
Integrated teaching help to look at a field of study as viewpoint of links to other disciplines.It had being argued that it can increase the transfer of learning because learners perceive the similarities of concepts ,principles and strategies better than those who learn separate discipline with little emphasis on the interrelationships ,for example pupils have the opportunity to use the concepts learnt in one situation in different fields,like pupils might use mathematical concepts to solve science problems.Integrated curricula are more free to select familiar objects ,topics ,which can stimulate learners' interests and motivate them to learn.Integrated teaching have a better opportunity to build up a substantial relationship as they would meet to plan and teach cooperatively integrated unit.Interdepartmental relationship and cooperation usually increases.
Analysis of Various Evaluation Methods the Teacher can Use!
Teachers who want to evalute their pupils' achievements fairly and honestly provide a broad base on which to determine final performance as far as academic is concerned.
Inorder to check pupil's achievements in their curriculum activities ,the teacher can evaluation analysis of pupil's performance at the end of lesson,day,week ,term or year.There are variety of methods of evaluation on how the teacher can implement and assess learners.
Evaluation is done to identify the areas of strength and weakness during the pupils' learning performance.It can be carried after specific period and thereafter done on regular basis as it is the candlelight of what needs to be done to improve teaching and learning to achieve aims,goals and objectives of learning.
It can be noted that evaluation is an important aspect to both the teacher and the learners.The teacher can evaluate pupils by giving them marks or grades , even rewards for excelling well so that they can be motivated or spot areas of weakness and how can be improved.
The teacher can evaluate his teaching methods,learner's organisation,introductions to the lessons,learning environment ,media,objectives of the lessons or the content taught.
The teacher can evaluate pupils' performances by assessing them during the course of the lesson through,asking them oral questions,their groupwork activities ,their moods during lessons as well as meeting the objectives of the lesson.
Evaluation can be done by giving pupils task to write in their exercise books at the end of the lesson.The pupils are exposed to this because ,the teacher wants to check the pupils' understanding of the concepts,their capacity of thinking and how will achieve at the end of every given exercise.If they grasped the concept then their performance will be very high and if their performance is low then the teacher has to reteach the lesson again or give the few who failed the remadial exercise.Evaluation can be tested to find if the learners can apply the knowledge elsewhere in different life situations.
Evaluation can also be done through giving learners some weekly ,fortnight tests.The tests are given after atleast two or three topics covered to check pupils' memory and skill development in learning.The teacher can ask questions which demand recalling,application of knowledge,use of different skills in various situations.These challenging tests should review whether pupils achieve well in every topic in the test .Thus ,it's a way of checking their weak areas .This will help them to be assisted before sit for examinatin.Tests create a challenging base to pupils,ie it creates a competitive area,reinforce what they had learnt and how can be used in different life situation.Because of marks,grades or other rewards given ,pupils will be in a position to work hard and achieve better.Tests given encourage students to review and clarify concepts.Teachers can also found the progress of their learners and work mainly on the areas of weakness.
Assignments done by pupils away from school in their home area can be evaluated.The teacher can check how learners can remember to do assigned task at home and how extra effort they put on their academic work at home.The teacher will then be able to check weak and strong areas on those given assignments.The pupils' achievements can be observed in laboratory demostrations ,for example on the topic on nutrients ,pupils will be asked to identify nutrients found in particular foods .By so doing the teacher will be able to evaluate how the pupils have achieved in carrying the experiments.
The pupils can also be asked to give presentations for example samples in home economics, by so doing the teacher is able to evaluate how each pupil will achieve to construct those samples.
When pupils are carrying projects either individually or in groups.The teacher can evaluate how each pupil can able to do a project alone,what talented is s/he and how can be assisted to be motivated and perfect further.Projects like taking survey of people's activities in a certain community or reporting sports events.The other projects can be done in groups such as garden,studying the local physical environment .The teacher can evaluate how these individuals can able to work as a team, and how can they be organised next time to produce even results.
So it can be noted there are so many evaluation needed to be taken in learning and teaching. There are so many other evaluations left like,media,content and so on.It is important to carry evaluation ,because a variety of evaluative methods are suitable to different students who do well on different types of measures.
Therefore the teacher can seriously assess pupil's work in the coursework ,by so doing the teacher will be able to check where the student is not doing well and what new strategy need to be taken for the learner to achieve the set goals.
Inorder to check pupil's achievements in their curriculum activities ,the teacher can evaluation analysis of pupil's performance at the end of lesson,day,week ,term or year.There are variety of methods of evaluation on how the teacher can implement and assess learners.
Evaluation is done to identify the areas of strength and weakness during the pupils' learning performance.It can be carried after specific period and thereafter done on regular basis as it is the candlelight of what needs to be done to improve teaching and learning to achieve aims,goals and objectives of learning.
It can be noted that evaluation is an important aspect to both the teacher and the learners.The teacher can evaluate pupils by giving them marks or grades , even rewards for excelling well so that they can be motivated or spot areas of weakness and how can be improved.
The teacher can evaluate his teaching methods,learner's organisation,introductions to the lessons,learning environment ,media,objectives of the lessons or the content taught.
The teacher can evaluate pupils' performances by assessing them during the course of the lesson through,asking them oral questions,their groupwork activities ,their moods during lessons as well as meeting the objectives of the lesson.
Evaluation can be done by giving pupils task to write in their exercise books at the end of the lesson.The pupils are exposed to this because ,the teacher wants to check the pupils' understanding of the concepts,their capacity of thinking and how will achieve at the end of every given exercise.If they grasped the concept then their performance will be very high and if their performance is low then the teacher has to reteach the lesson again or give the few who failed the remadial exercise.Evaluation can be tested to find if the learners can apply the knowledge elsewhere in different life situations.
Evaluation can also be done through giving learners some weekly ,fortnight tests.The tests are given after atleast two or three topics covered to check pupils' memory and skill development in learning.The teacher can ask questions which demand recalling,application of knowledge,use of different skills in various situations.These challenging tests should review whether pupils achieve well in every topic in the test .Thus ,it's a way of checking their weak areas .This will help them to be assisted before sit for examinatin.Tests create a challenging base to pupils,ie it creates a competitive area,reinforce what they had learnt and how can be used in different life situation.Because of marks,grades or other rewards given ,pupils will be in a position to work hard and achieve better.Tests given encourage students to review and clarify concepts.Teachers can also found the progress of their learners and work mainly on the areas of weakness.
Assignments done by pupils away from school in their home area can be evaluated.The teacher can check how learners can remember to do assigned task at home and how extra effort they put on their academic work at home.The teacher will then be able to check weak and strong areas on those given assignments.The pupils' achievements can be observed in laboratory demostrations ,for example on the topic on nutrients ,pupils will be asked to identify nutrients found in particular foods .By so doing the teacher will be able to evaluate how the pupils have achieved in carrying the experiments.
The pupils can also be asked to give presentations for example samples in home economics, by so doing the teacher is able to evaluate how each pupil will achieve to construct those samples.
When pupils are carrying projects either individually or in groups.The teacher can evaluate how each pupil can able to do a project alone,what talented is s/he and how can be assisted to be motivated and perfect further.Projects like taking survey of people's activities in a certain community or reporting sports events.The other projects can be done in groups such as garden,studying the local physical environment .The teacher can evaluate how these individuals can able to work as a team, and how can they be organised next time to produce even results.
So it can be noted there are so many evaluation needed to be taken in learning and teaching. There are so many other evaluations left like,media,content and so on.It is important to carry evaluation ,because a variety of evaluative methods are suitable to different students who do well on different types of measures.
Therefore the teacher can seriously assess pupil's work in the coursework ,by so doing the teacher will be able to check where the student is not doing well and what new strategy need to be taken for the learner to achieve the set goals.
Using Specific Techniques Skillfully a Teacher can vary Environment to Enhance Learning
To enhance learning ,the teacher should make use of stimulus variation through specific techniques ,skillfully so that learners will grasp the concepts better and the teacher's set objectives will be successful.
There are variety of teaching techniques that can be implemented.These techniques used can vary so that the pupils can be caught either ways for them to understand the concepts . The teacher will find it simple to deliver the lesson and it become successful.Inaddition the teacher can vary the learning environment by use of various teaching media,pupils' activities and fieldtrips.
The teacher should set clear achievable objectives,the specific content from the syllabus ,methods and organisation .These plan of work help the teacher to make a meaning evaluation of the lesson and suggest on what specific techniques to be employed next.
Every lesson done ,after thoroughly planned is more successful than the one done haphazadly. When planning lesson from the content to be covered. The teacher consider appropriate methods of teaching,how learners can be organised and the suitable media.However these do not work alone for learners to learn.The teacher should plan the suitable introduction which easily put learner into learning mood.The stimulus variations done by the teacher consciously or unconsciously help to make the environment vary to suit every pupil's interests.
Pragmatism way of teaching acknowledges the need to involve the learner more effectively ,since ,he is the cause for learning.Therefore the teacher 's methods can begin from explaination,demostrations then the learner get involved to try, what is explained and demostrated.For example when teaching on how to conserve water.The teacher explain what the lesson is all about.Then make demostrations of how people can conserve water in the community.
The pupils then taken outside to local clean water sources and the teacher guides pupils to discover the importance of conserving water and how actually can we conserve water.When pupils are grouped and given different tasks,such as writing posters to make community awareness of conserving water and other do role plays,dramas of proving the need to make use of clean water. Learners obviously get involved in their own learning.
The teacher can also make use of resource persons found in the community,such as local councillor,health worker,community development specialist this way the learners get from the different angles why it is important to conserve their precious resources such as water.
When pupils involve in the projects to research from internet,surrounding communities on how they use resources such as clean water the teacher is there specifically to supervise,guide and help the slow learners.The supervision will help the teacher to be assured that pupils had understood what the teacher has introduced to them.Through guiding and helping the teacher is stressing on achieving the objectives of the lesson.
Grouping pupils is also useful in varying learning environemt.It had already proved that other children learn more effectively from their peers.The pupil to pupil interactions in their groups doing task given to them by their teacher will help them in learning more skills.
When pupils are carrying out their given tasks,the teacher should not just sit at the comfortable chair and be a spactator.Rather the teacher should move around in the pupil's groups and clarify some of the issues,guide them to be in the learning mood and supervise them in this case the teacher pupils interaction is greatly improving.
After their groupwork the pupils should be directed to give feedback of what they were doing in their groups the report back help other pupil to understand from the effort done by others in the groups.
The various teaching media is also useful in varying environment for teaching and learning environment.However the media should be of different different in styles,colours or be pictures,physical environment ,models etc.
The pupils should make use of these media in their group activities and the teacher should also discuss with pupils these media.
There are variety of teaching techniques that can be implemented.These techniques used can vary so that the pupils can be caught either ways for them to understand the concepts . The teacher will find it simple to deliver the lesson and it become successful.Inaddition the teacher can vary the learning environment by use of various teaching media,pupils' activities and fieldtrips.
The teacher should set clear achievable objectives,the specific content from the syllabus ,methods and organisation .These plan of work help the teacher to make a meaning evaluation of the lesson and suggest on what specific techniques to be employed next.
Every lesson done ,after thoroughly planned is more successful than the one done haphazadly. When planning lesson from the content to be covered. The teacher consider appropriate methods of teaching,how learners can be organised and the suitable media.However these do not work alone for learners to learn.The teacher should plan the suitable introduction which easily put learner into learning mood.The stimulus variations done by the teacher consciously or unconsciously help to make the environment vary to suit every pupil's interests.
Pragmatism way of teaching acknowledges the need to involve the learner more effectively ,since ,he is the cause for learning.Therefore the teacher 's methods can begin from explaination,demostrations then the learner get involved to try, what is explained and demostrated.For example when teaching on how to conserve water.The teacher explain what the lesson is all about.Then make demostrations of how people can conserve water in the community.
The pupils then taken outside to local clean water sources and the teacher guides pupils to discover the importance of conserving water and how actually can we conserve water.When pupils are grouped and given different tasks,such as writing posters to make community awareness of conserving water and other do role plays,dramas of proving the need to make use of clean water. Learners obviously get involved in their own learning.
The teacher can also make use of resource persons found in the community,such as local councillor,health worker,community development specialist this way the learners get from the different angles why it is important to conserve their precious resources such as water.
When pupils involve in the projects to research from internet,surrounding communities on how they use resources such as clean water the teacher is there specifically to supervise,guide and help the slow learners.The supervision will help the teacher to be assured that pupils had understood what the teacher has introduced to them.Through guiding and helping the teacher is stressing on achieving the objectives of the lesson.
Grouping pupils is also useful in varying learning environemt.It had already proved that other children learn more effectively from their peers.The pupil to pupil interactions in their groups doing task given to them by their teacher will help them in learning more skills.
When pupils are carrying out their given tasks,the teacher should not just sit at the comfortable chair and be a spactator.Rather the teacher should move around in the pupil's groups and clarify some of the issues,guide them to be in the learning mood and supervise them in this case the teacher pupils interaction is greatly improving.
After their groupwork the pupils should be directed to give feedback of what they were doing in their groups the report back help other pupil to understand from the effort done by others in the groups.
The various teaching media is also useful in varying environment for teaching and learning environment.However the media should be of different different in styles,colours or be pictures,physical environment ,models etc.
The pupils should make use of these media in their group activities and the teacher should also discuss with pupils these media.
Who is a teacher? As a profession ,the major task and responsibility of the teacher as well as teacher ethics and law when discharging the professional duty.
Good(1973)says ,a teacher is a person who is employed for the purpose of guiding pupils learning in an educational institution.
A person who is experienced in particular field and is able to instructs others.A teacher is a person who completed an education course and has been certificated thereto.
Analytically a teacher systematically assists others in a way of doing things.
The teacher can only be after being qualified.The main emphasis on qualification makes teaching a profession.
Profession is an occupation requiring length education ,a sense of vocation (experties) and the exercise of judgement in the interest of clients as an overiding value.
The profession is a threefold that includes length of education ,exercise of judgements and experties.
The clients are overiding value meaning to say the clients are of great importance ,as a teacher the clients are pupils,parents and community members.
Oldroyd et al (1996:54) say professionalism is,"the quality and attitude of serving one's clients to the best of one's ability." The two things emphasised quality and attitude.The teacher retains the profession because of attitude and quality.In teaching we must not satisfied with average performance(medioca).
The teacher 's task are mainly in three categories:
♣to develop knowledge appropriate to the age and capabilities of the learner.Teacher are not instilling ,but developing the knowledge.
♣help maintain certain cherished values.
♣taking knowledge and values to"dark places".
Teacher intiate learners into societal(vaskinoro)
VASKINORO means value education to develop into learners a particular vision ,values ,skills ,knowledge ,norms ,roles ,attitudes etc.
S} skills
Effective good teacher show concern for staff ,childer and community.
The Teacher's Key Result Areas/Key Responsibility Areas are:
•Presentation and monitoring
•Reflection and evaluation
•Participation in co-curricular activities
•Any other duty as delegated by superordinates.
The delegation must be in context with tour of duty.A teacher must have a sound knowledge of the following:
♥qualities of a good teacher inorder of frequency. Sound personality and commitment beyond call of duty.
♥Sympathy and tact ,skill must sympathise with stakeholders ie community ,parents etc.
♥Open mindedness and don't reject people on face value.
♥Have sense of humour to spise the classroom.
Pupils learn in relation to cognition ,affection and psychomotor.Motivation ,reinforcement ,gendr social class and ability.
The characteristics of effective teaching is to relate them with the key result areas.Clarity of expectations and direction.
Task oriented classroom ,variation of activities ,involve learners in a well structured lesson.
The teacher can motivating learners ,monitoring progress ,utilising questioning techniques and adequate coverage of learning objectives.
The teacher and Law.
Make reference to statutory instrument from your employer.
Teacher Ethics
The teacher must be morally good ,considering moral values of the society he/she is serving.
A morally upright teacher have the following:
Profound understanding morally ,coginition of the learner .Should have patience ,courtesy and self control.
Good appearance with regard to dress and look out.Loyalty and respect of both authority and property.Revered moral behaviour ,meaning to behave like a teacher,talk,laugh ,walk like a teacher.
Religious self restrain to appreciate different religions and to where belong only.
Good(1973)says ,a teacher is a person who is employed for the purpose of guiding pupils learning in an educational institution.
A person who is experienced in particular field and is able to instructs others.A teacher is a person who completed an education course and has been certificated thereto.
Analytically a teacher systematically assists others in a way of doing things.
The teacher can only be after being qualified.The main emphasis on qualification makes teaching a profession.
Profession is an occupation requiring length education ,a sense of vocation (experties) and the exercise of judgement in the interest of clients as an overiding value.
The profession is a threefold that includes length of education ,exercise of judgements and experties.
The clients are overiding value meaning to say the clients are of great importance ,as a teacher the clients are pupils,parents and community members.
Oldroyd et al (1996:54) say professionalism is,"the quality and attitude of serving one's clients to the best of one's ability." The two things emphasised quality and attitude.The teacher retains the profession because of attitude and quality.In teaching we must not satisfied with average performance(medioca).
The teacher 's task are mainly in three categories:
♣to develop knowledge appropriate to the age and capabilities of the learner.Teacher are not instilling ,but developing the knowledge.
♣help maintain certain cherished values.
♣taking knowledge and values to"dark places".
Teacher intiate learners into societal(vaskinoro)
VASKINORO means value education to develop into learners a particular vision ,values ,skills ,knowledge ,norms ,roles ,attitudes etc.
S} skills
Effective good teacher show concern for staff ,childer and community.
The Teacher's Key Result Areas/Key Responsibility Areas are:
•Presentation and monitoring
•Reflection and evaluation
•Participation in co-curricular activities
•Any other duty as delegated by superordinates.
The delegation must be in context with tour of duty.A teacher must have a sound knowledge of the following:
♥qualities of a good teacher inorder of frequency. Sound personality and commitment beyond call of duty.
♥Sympathy and tact ,skill must sympathise with stakeholders ie community ,parents etc.
♥Open mindedness and don't reject people on face value.
♥Have sense of humour to spise the classroom.
Pupils learn in relation to cognition ,affection and psychomotor.Motivation ,reinforcement ,gendr social class and ability.
The characteristics of effective teaching is to relate them with the key result areas.Clarity of expectations and direction.
Task oriented classroom ,variation of activities ,involve learners in a well structured lesson.
The teacher can motivating learners ,monitoring progress ,utilising questioning techniques and adequate coverage of learning objectives.
The teacher and Law.
Make reference to statutory instrument from your employer.
Teacher Ethics
The teacher must be morally good ,considering moral values of the society he/she is serving.
A morally upright teacher have the following:
Profound understanding morally ,coginition of the learner .Should have patience ,courtesy and self control.
Good appearance with regard to dress and look out.Loyalty and respect of both authority and property.Revered moral behaviour ,meaning to behave like a teacher,talk,laugh ,walk like a teacher.
Religious self restrain to appreciate different religions and to where belong only.
Specific Roles of the teacher.
In the school teacher is a tutor/instructor who guides and directs the process of learning by use of relevant instructional materials and methodology.
The teacher is well acumed with the content to be taught.Then anticipates the potential causes of troubles , dangers and takes appropriate measures to stop these troubles before it grow into unmanageable situation.
An effective supervisor who doesn't make learners feel they are threatened under professional supervision ,but also assures them that no harm can come to them.Basic safety rules and conducive to sustainable learning environment. The teacher needs to watch out and be alert for high achievers as well as under achievers.
Teacher is responsible for pupils' learning needs ,guidance and supervison while they are at school.Under child learning teacher acts as liason officer between the child and parents as well as peers by attending to the physical well being of pupils and make valuable suggestions in regards to children 's health and keep a first aid kits just in case a child may get injured at school.
For emotional well being the teacher comforts and reassures the needy and maladjusted children.A good teacher creates a health ,moral and spiritual environment and be a good role model. The teacher observes children and have full knowledge of children's social background and intimately offer guidance and counselling whenever it is necessary.
Jacinta and Regina(1987)say every teacher by nature of the job is a leader.The teacher should work hard and honestly to earn the respect of pupils and collegues by being wise and confident.A leader possesses intergrity ,self control ,perseverance and responsibility to those s/he teaches or co-operate with in the local environment.
The teacher should therefore tirelessly read widely to acquire valueable dynamic knowledge and better himself/herself to adheres to the contemporaries.Teacher is a life long learners who is the fueller of pragmatism.
As a tutor the teacher should make the teaching seems simple and interesting to the learner.A lesson isn't taught until it has being learned and it cannot be learnt until it has been taught.
There is an absolute need to provide pupils with mental enrichment , by stretching their horizons and challenge them ,use problem solving as well as child centred methods of teaching. A teacher who humbly respects children is ready to learn from their needs and experiences.
A teacher is a diagnostician ,who diagonises the strengths and weaknesses of children and quarative measures in individualised instruction as well as remedial instruction.
Effective supervision by the teacher requires a genuine interests in and concerns for children.The teacher should not ditactes ,but guides the processes of learning as sharing ideas with the learners not imposing on them.A good teacher is always fair and do justice,
A teacher should be also responsible for managing pupils' resources and various learning programmes.The ability to identify areas of weaknesses in teaching and learning and being capable to correct whatever is going wrong.
A teacher manages the curriculum ,resources,methods of teaching ,innovations ,evaluation and communication with various stakeholders.
There is need for a teacher to have skills to work as individual as well as in a team work and be responsible enough to contributes positively for the good of the organisation.A teacher should be co-operative and work towards the common goals with others and being prepared to learn from one another.
As staff they learn to share the resources available at an institution and remember as a team definitely you succeed ,but divided obviously you fall.The success of your organisation is a respect of your community you are serving ,you need to respect and work harmoniously with your colleagues ,above all respect of those in authority.
Teacher's Role Out of School in the Community should work as a jack of all trades between the school community and the government.(In the macro society of the community)
The teacher is expected to make visits to the community where the children come.This is the powerful effort to have much accummed social background information of the learners.The teacher should without fail attend community development meetings and work closely with other community change agents like NGOs ,Religious Organisations ,Health workers ,Environmental agencies ,Agricultural experts etc.
Teacher participates to spearhead the community developmental projects.Part of educating children is to actively model them to be responsible citizens.If children see their teacher as anchor of community development projects like road maintenance,building classroom blocks,clinic or establishing self help projects together with other development partners their perception about education remains positive.
Inconclusion we identified the wide roles the professional teacher can take both at school and in the community as a development agent. Teacher should be groomed to be mediators of social development for good reasons.
The teacher is well acumed with the content to be taught.Then anticipates the potential causes of troubles , dangers and takes appropriate measures to stop these troubles before it grow into unmanageable situation.
An effective supervisor who doesn't make learners feel they are threatened under professional supervision ,but also assures them that no harm can come to them.Basic safety rules and conducive to sustainable learning environment. The teacher needs to watch out and be alert for high achievers as well as under achievers.
Teacher is responsible for pupils' learning needs ,guidance and supervison while they are at school.Under child learning teacher acts as liason officer between the child and parents as well as peers by attending to the physical well being of pupils and make valuable suggestions in regards to children 's health and keep a first aid kits just in case a child may get injured at school.
For emotional well being the teacher comforts and reassures the needy and maladjusted children.A good teacher creates a health ,moral and spiritual environment and be a good role model. The teacher observes children and have full knowledge of children's social background and intimately offer guidance and counselling whenever it is necessary.
Jacinta and Regina(1987)say every teacher by nature of the job is a leader.The teacher should work hard and honestly to earn the respect of pupils and collegues by being wise and confident.A leader possesses intergrity ,self control ,perseverance and responsibility to those s/he teaches or co-operate with in the local environment.
The teacher should therefore tirelessly read widely to acquire valueable dynamic knowledge and better himself/herself to adheres to the contemporaries.Teacher is a life long learners who is the fueller of pragmatism.
As a tutor the teacher should make the teaching seems simple and interesting to the learner.A lesson isn't taught until it has being learned and it cannot be learnt until it has been taught.
There is an absolute need to provide pupils with mental enrichment , by stretching their horizons and challenge them ,use problem solving as well as child centred methods of teaching. A teacher who humbly respects children is ready to learn from their needs and experiences.
A teacher is a diagnostician ,who diagonises the strengths and weaknesses of children and quarative measures in individualised instruction as well as remedial instruction.
Effective supervision by the teacher requires a genuine interests in and concerns for children.The teacher should not ditactes ,but guides the processes of learning as sharing ideas with the learners not imposing on them.A good teacher is always fair and do justice,
A teacher should be also responsible for managing pupils' resources and various learning programmes.The ability to identify areas of weaknesses in teaching and learning and being capable to correct whatever is going wrong.
A teacher manages the curriculum ,resources,methods of teaching ,innovations ,evaluation and communication with various stakeholders.
There is need for a teacher to have skills to work as individual as well as in a team work and be responsible enough to contributes positively for the good of the organisation.A teacher should be co-operative and work towards the common goals with others and being prepared to learn from one another.
As staff they learn to share the resources available at an institution and remember as a team definitely you succeed ,but divided obviously you fall.The success of your organisation is a respect of your community you are serving ,you need to respect and work harmoniously with your colleagues ,above all respect of those in authority.
Teacher's Role Out of School in the Community should work as a jack of all trades between the school community and the government.(In the macro society of the community)
The teacher is expected to make visits to the community where the children come.This is the powerful effort to have much accummed social background information of the learners.The teacher should without fail attend community development meetings and work closely with other community change agents like NGOs ,Religious Organisations ,Health workers ,Environmental agencies ,Agricultural experts etc.
Teacher participates to spearhead the community developmental projects.Part of educating children is to actively model them to be responsible citizens.If children see their teacher as anchor of community development projects like road maintenance,building classroom blocks,clinic or establishing self help projects together with other development partners their perception about education remains positive.
Inconclusion we identified the wide roles the professional teacher can take both at school and in the community as a development agent. Teacher should be groomed to be mediators of social development for good reasons.
Specific Roles of the teacher.
In the school teacher is a tutor/instructor who guides and directs the process of learning by use of relevant instructional materials and methodology.
The teacher is well acumed with the content to be taught.Then anticipates the potential causes of troubles , dangers and takes appropriate measures to stop these troubles before it grow into unmanageable situation.
An effective supervisor who doesn't make learners feel they are threatened under professional supervision ,but also assures them that no harm can come to them.Basic safety rules and conducive to sustainable learning environment. The teacher needs to watch out and be alert for high achievers as well as under achievers.
Teacher is responsible for pupils' learning needs ,guidance and supervison while they are at school.Under child learning teacher acts as liason officer between the child and parents as well as peers by attending to the physical well being of pupils and make valuable suggestions in regards to children 's health and keep a first aid kits just in case a child may get injured at school.
For emotional well being the teacher comforts and reassures the needy and maladjusted children.A good teacher creates a health ,moral and spiritual environment and be a good role model. The teacher observes children and have full knowledge of children's social background and intimately offer guidance and counselling whenever it is necessary.
Jacinta and Regina(1987)say every teacher by nature of the job is a leader.The teacher should work hard and honestly to earn the respect of pupils and collegues by being wise and confident.A leader possesses intergrity ,self control ,perseverance and responsibility to those s/he teaches or co-operate with in the local environment.
The teacher should therefore tirelessly read widely to acquire valueable dynamic knowledge and better himself/herself to adheres to the contemporaries.Teacher is a life long learners who is the fueller of pragmatism.
As a tutor the teacher should make the teaching seems simple and interesting to the learner.A lesson isn't taught until it has being learned and it cannot be learnt until it has been taught.
There is an absolute need to provide pupils with mental enrichment , by stretching their horizons and challenge them ,use problem solving as well as child centred methods of teaching. A teacher who humbly respects children is ready to learn from their needs and experiences.
A teacher is a diagnostician ,who diagonises the strengths and weaknesses of children and quarative measures in individualised instruction as well as remedial instruction.
Effective supervision by the teacher requires a genuine interests in and concerns for children.The teacher should not ditactes ,but guides the processes of learning as sharing ideas with the learners not imposing on them.A good teacher is always fair and do justice,
A teacher should be also responsible for managing pupils' resources and various learning programmes.The ability to identify areas of weaknesses in teaching and learning and being capable to correct whatever is going wrong.
A teacher manages the curriculum ,resources,methods of teaching ,innovations ,evaluation and communication with various stakeholders.
There is need for a teacher to have skills to work as individual as well as in a team work and be responsible enough to contributes positively for the good of the organisation.A teacher should be co-operative and work towards the common goals with others and being prepared to learn from one another.
As staff they learn to share the resources available at an institution and remember as a team definitely you succeed ,but divided obviously you fall.The success of your organisation is a respect of your community you are serving ,you need to respect and work harmoniously with your colleagues ,above all respect of those in authority.
Teacher's Role Out of School in the Community should work as a jack of all trades between the school community and the government.(In the macro society of the community)
The teacher is expected to make visits to the community where the children come.This is the powerful effort to have much accummed social background information of the learners.The teacher should without fail attend community development meetings and work closely with other community change agents like NGOs ,Religious Organisations ,Health workers ,Environmental agencies ,Agricultural experts etc.
Teacher participates to spearhead the community developmental projects.Part of educating children is to actively model them to be responsible citizens.If children see their teacher as anchor of community development projects like road maintenance,building classroom blocks,clinic or establishing self help projects together with other development partners their perception about education remains positive.
Inconclusion we identified the wide roles the professional teacher can take both at school and in the community as a development agent. Teacher should be groomed to be mediators of social development for good reasons.
The teacher is well acumed with the content to be taught.Then anticipates the potential causes of troubles , dangers and takes appropriate measures to stop these troubles before it grow into unmanageable situation.
An effective supervisor who doesn't make learners feel they are threatened under professional supervision ,but also assures them that no harm can come to them.Basic safety rules and conducive to sustainable learning environment. The teacher needs to watch out and be alert for high achievers as well as under achievers.
Teacher is responsible for pupils' learning needs ,guidance and supervison while they are at school.Under child learning teacher acts as liason officer between the child and parents as well as peers by attending to the physical well being of pupils and make valuable suggestions in regards to children 's health and keep a first aid kits just in case a child may get injured at school.
For emotional well being the teacher comforts and reassures the needy and maladjusted children.A good teacher creates a health ,moral and spiritual environment and be a good role model. The teacher observes children and have full knowledge of children's social background and intimately offer guidance and counselling whenever it is necessary.
Jacinta and Regina(1987)say every teacher by nature of the job is a leader.The teacher should work hard and honestly to earn the respect of pupils and collegues by being wise and confident.A leader possesses intergrity ,self control ,perseverance and responsibility to those s/he teaches or co-operate with in the local environment.
The teacher should therefore tirelessly read widely to acquire valueable dynamic knowledge and better himself/herself to adheres to the contemporaries.Teacher is a life long learners who is the fueller of pragmatism.
As a tutor the teacher should make the teaching seems simple and interesting to the learner.A lesson isn't taught until it has being learned and it cannot be learnt until it has been taught.
There is an absolute need to provide pupils with mental enrichment , by stretching their horizons and challenge them ,use problem solving as well as child centred methods of teaching. A teacher who humbly respects children is ready to learn from their needs and experiences.
A teacher is a diagnostician ,who diagonises the strengths and weaknesses of children and quarative measures in individualised instruction as well as remedial instruction.
Effective supervision by the teacher requires a genuine interests in and concerns for children.The teacher should not ditactes ,but guides the processes of learning as sharing ideas with the learners not imposing on them.A good teacher is always fair and do justice,
A teacher should be also responsible for managing pupils' resources and various learning programmes.The ability to identify areas of weaknesses in teaching and learning and being capable to correct whatever is going wrong.
A teacher manages the curriculum ,resources,methods of teaching ,innovations ,evaluation and communication with various stakeholders.
There is need for a teacher to have skills to work as individual as well as in a team work and be responsible enough to contributes positively for the good of the organisation.A teacher should be co-operative and work towards the common goals with others and being prepared to learn from one another.
As staff they learn to share the resources available at an institution and remember as a team definitely you succeed ,but divided obviously you fall.The success of your organisation is a respect of your community you are serving ,you need to respect and work harmoniously with your colleagues ,above all respect of those in authority.
Teacher's Role Out of School in the Community should work as a jack of all trades between the school community and the government.(In the macro society of the community)
The teacher is expected to make visits to the community where the children come.This is the powerful effort to have much accummed social background information of the learners.The teacher should without fail attend community development meetings and work closely with other community change agents like NGOs ,Religious Organisations ,Health workers ,Environmental agencies ,Agricultural experts etc.
Teacher participates to spearhead the community developmental projects.Part of educating children is to actively model them to be responsible citizens.If children see their teacher as anchor of community development projects like road maintenance,building classroom blocks,clinic or establishing self help projects together with other development partners their perception about education remains positive.
Inconclusion we identified the wide roles the professional teacher can take both at school and in the community as a development agent. Teacher should be groomed to be mediators of social development for good reasons.
The Roles of a Teacher at school and in the Community.
The teacher as a professional person is guided by general code of conduct ,which reminded and directed him/her on what is expected of him/her during the tour of his/her duty.
Society has registered great concerns about the general conduct of teachers.Many teachers are involved in dicourous behaviours .Top of the list of the misbehaviours are excessive liquor consumption ,improper association with minors ,corruption and insubordination.
There are key responsibility areas a school teacher is expected to do by the institution and the community where the learners reside.
According to the concise Oxford dictionary (1982) role ,"it is an actor's part ,one's function ,what a person or thing is appointed or expected to do."
Roles ,therefore refers to the parts played by someone in life ,in an activity or institution .However each person may play different roles in a day,season or in one's life ,for example a teacher may be a husband,wife,mother,father,community chairperson,brother ,sister ,businessperson and his/her behaviour changes automatically and spontaneously as performing these roles at different times locations or any other situations according to the people around them for any such specific social gatherings or functions.
The roles are flexible and fluid. Roles are rarely played in the same manner because circumstances change the same applies to the teacher's roles.
Background History of Teacher's Roles were centred mainly in the classroom and was largely influenced and felt by people living and working inside the school.(micro society of the school).This role was isolated from the community around the school.
The teacher was regarded as a transmitter of bookish knowledge and the teaching and learning situation was a one way process.
The Contemporary Roles of a Teacher is now influenced by the general goals of education in a society.The teacher is now a person with full professional responsibilities for the education of children and other people in society.
The teaching and learning situation is regarded as a two way process .
The progressivism in education sector broadened the teacher's roles to include a large variety of functions both in school and in the community.
Wright (1988)says a teacher has many roles ,the roles has no boundaries ,it is diffuse.
The teacher is an agent of social change in the society,that's political ,social,cultural changes as well as other developmental changes.
While facilitating learning the teacher still transmits knowledge ,norms,values and acceptable moral attitudes for national or social development.
A teacher is closely watched by people with varying expectations be it the parents,government,politicians,religious organisations,charity organisations,community activists,women organisations,men's forum,individual groups and various other members of the community .These social organisations determine and influence the roles of teacher in the school and society as whole.
Society has registered great concerns about the general conduct of teachers.Many teachers are involved in dicourous behaviours .Top of the list of the misbehaviours are excessive liquor consumption ,improper association with minors ,corruption and insubordination.
There are key responsibility areas a school teacher is expected to do by the institution and the community where the learners reside.
According to the concise Oxford dictionary (1982) role ,"it is an actor's part ,one's function ,what a person or thing is appointed or expected to do."
Roles ,therefore refers to the parts played by someone in life ,in an activity or institution .However each person may play different roles in a day,season or in one's life ,for example a teacher may be a husband,wife,mother,father,community chairperson,brother ,sister ,businessperson and his/her behaviour changes automatically and spontaneously as performing these roles at different times locations or any other situations according to the people around them for any such specific social gatherings or functions.
The roles are flexible and fluid. Roles are rarely played in the same manner because circumstances change the same applies to the teacher's roles.
Background History of Teacher's Roles were centred mainly in the classroom and was largely influenced and felt by people living and working inside the school.(micro society of the school).This role was isolated from the community around the school.
The teacher was regarded as a transmitter of bookish knowledge and the teaching and learning situation was a one way process.
The Contemporary Roles of a Teacher is now influenced by the general goals of education in a society.The teacher is now a person with full professional responsibilities for the education of children and other people in society.
The teaching and learning situation is regarded as a two way process .
The progressivism in education sector broadened the teacher's roles to include a large variety of functions both in school and in the community.
Wright (1988)says a teacher has many roles ,the roles has no boundaries ,it is diffuse.
The teacher is an agent of social change in the society,that's political ,social,cultural changes as well as other developmental changes.
While facilitating learning the teacher still transmits knowledge ,norms,values and acceptable moral attitudes for national or social development.
A teacher is closely watched by people with varying expectations be it the parents,government,politicians,religious organisations,charity organisations,community activists,women organisations,men's forum,individual groups and various other members of the community .These social organisations determine and influence the roles of teacher in the school and society as whole.
Child Centred Education is good for children's development
Contemporary researches in education had discovered that involving the learner in his/her own learning is making him/her more interested and motivated to meet the aims and objectives of the education system.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) was the godfather of child centered education or progressivism.He was born in Geneva in Switzerland.He was educated as an orthodox Calvinist ,joined catholism and later rejoined Calvinism.Eventually he settled for the religion of nature.
His father was poor ,who combined the professions of cobbler and dancing master.His mother died when he was an infant and he brought up under the guardian of his Aunt.
At the age of 12 Rousseau left school and was apprenticed to various professions and he hated them all.He was not stick to one partner as he moved from one love affair to another and eventually ,settled for an illeterate wife.His children was kept at an orphanage home as he didn't able to keep them under his guardianship.
Rousseau's philosophy put forward an ideology called naturalism. He was a writer ,a philosopher and a social theorist.
Rousseau's naturalism was rooted in environment romanticism ,which is love of nature.The most popular doctrine under his name called 'noble savage'.His philosophy was rooted in utilitarianism (Usefuness of education)Naturalism is a philosophical outlook which calls for the need to return to nature inorder to solve social problems.Rousseau was against civilisation and bookish knowledge which he believed that can corrupt the innocent child.He is against the belief of traditions of many people who were born with original sin ,but rather their inherent good which was spoiled by civilisation.Barker(1988)says a child is born good but society spoils him/her.Even the muslim believe every child born as an Islam ,but later converted into christians,hindus or ther religions by parents and the community. Inother words they refer to say every child is born with total submission to Allah or turned to be against him by people surrounding him.
Rousseau in the novel Emile Rousseau presents a view that the innate goodness will flower when they are kept or raised out of contact in a corrupt society and a free to learn not from books ,but from direct contact with nature (naturalism). Rousseau praises the noble savage man ,that is in a civilised premitive person,for his natural state, genuineness and honesty.Gordon and Brown (1989)cited Rousseau says, God makes all things good ,but man maddles with him so that they become evil.
In educational ideas Rousseau argues that the beginning and ending of education is the child .The child is the most valuable ,so child who should be seen learning and the teacher being the facilitator.
The child's interests and values(the child's world) are completely different from those of adults hence the child is not a miniature adult.(small adult) young immature adult.
He emphasised that children percieved the world differently from the way adult evaluate and solve problems.By this implications the children's interests and values must come first in the children's education.
Rousseau in Bramreld(1950)says ,nature would develop them before they are men.However ,if we try to invert this order we shall produce forced fruits on immature and flavourless fruits which will be rotten before it ripes.By forcing children to become adults through making them do what we want and teaching them to lie ,cheat and deceive us, so as to get out of trouble.
We succeed in developing pedants(people who stick to rules )and do not fit propery in our society because they are not independent thinkers or problem solvers.
Venkates (1998:167)supports this by saying,"we cannot impart information mechanically .We can develop the natural tendencies of children and exite their curiosity."Children should be actively engaged in their education when they are ready to learn.Their learning needs are never identical.
According to Rousseau there are three bad things about the education system of his time:
♦Corporal punishment was in rampant use in schools.Rousseau argues that young children are very innocent and if the child reacts badly it will be a result of ill treatment.
♦There was little education to talk about because many people went out uneducated.
♦The curriculum was prescriptive because classes were at the centre of curriculum at the expense of sciences.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) was the godfather of child centered education or progressivism.He was born in Geneva in Switzerland.He was educated as an orthodox Calvinist ,joined catholism and later rejoined Calvinism.Eventually he settled for the religion of nature.
His father was poor ,who combined the professions of cobbler and dancing master.His mother died when he was an infant and he brought up under the guardian of his Aunt.
At the age of 12 Rousseau left school and was apprenticed to various professions and he hated them all.He was not stick to one partner as he moved from one love affair to another and eventually ,settled for an illeterate wife.His children was kept at an orphanage home as he didn't able to keep them under his guardianship.
Rousseau's philosophy put forward an ideology called naturalism. He was a writer ,a philosopher and a social theorist.
Rousseau's naturalism was rooted in environment romanticism ,which is love of nature.The most popular doctrine under his name called 'noble savage'.His philosophy was rooted in utilitarianism (Usefuness of education)Naturalism is a philosophical outlook which calls for the need to return to nature inorder to solve social problems.Rousseau was against civilisation and bookish knowledge which he believed that can corrupt the innocent child.He is against the belief of traditions of many people who were born with original sin ,but rather their inherent good which was spoiled by civilisation.Barker(1988)says a child is born good but society spoils him/her.Even the muslim believe every child born as an Islam ,but later converted into christians,hindus or ther religions by parents and the community. Inother words they refer to say every child is born with total submission to Allah or turned to be against him by people surrounding him.
Rousseau in the novel Emile Rousseau presents a view that the innate goodness will flower when they are kept or raised out of contact in a corrupt society and a free to learn not from books ,but from direct contact with nature (naturalism). Rousseau praises the noble savage man ,that is in a civilised premitive person,for his natural state, genuineness and honesty.Gordon and Brown (1989)cited Rousseau says, God makes all things good ,but man maddles with him so that they become evil.
In educational ideas Rousseau argues that the beginning and ending of education is the child .The child is the most valuable ,so child who should be seen learning and the teacher being the facilitator.
The child's interests and values(the child's world) are completely different from those of adults hence the child is not a miniature adult.(small adult) young immature adult.
He emphasised that children percieved the world differently from the way adult evaluate and solve problems.By this implications the children's interests and values must come first in the children's education.
Rousseau in Bramreld(1950)says ,nature would develop them before they are men.However ,if we try to invert this order we shall produce forced fruits on immature and flavourless fruits which will be rotten before it ripes.By forcing children to become adults through making them do what we want and teaching them to lie ,cheat and deceive us, so as to get out of trouble.
We succeed in developing pedants(people who stick to rules )and do not fit propery in our society because they are not independent thinkers or problem solvers.
Venkates (1998:167)supports this by saying,"we cannot impart information mechanically .We can develop the natural tendencies of children and exite their curiosity."Children should be actively engaged in their education when they are ready to learn.Their learning needs are never identical.
According to Rousseau there are three bad things about the education system of his time:
♦Corporal punishment was in rampant use in schools.Rousseau argues that young children are very innocent and if the child reacts badly it will be a result of ill treatment.
♦There was little education to talk about because many people went out uneducated.
♦The curriculum was prescriptive because classes were at the centre of curriculum at the expense of sciences.
The general points to be reflective and effective teacher in developing language
A teacher to be effective and reflective to the profession is needed to employ some of the critical characters which are beneficial to excute the job well.
Teacher's attitude should allow children to learn to speak confidently and the teacher 's attitude is the major influencer of such environment. Build up to a good linguistic environment ,the teacher should display useful objects and pictures that the children can talk about. The teacher should not always interfere with children's communication,but should be a listener who later correct grammar mistakes in planned lessons . If the meaning is clear allow them to continue with their discussions some of the errors will disappear natually as children's language develops. This is mostly a problem to second language learners.
No teaching is effective without teaching and learning media. Language develops well using concrete media rather than talking abstractly. The aids displayed must be meaningful to the language and can easily be illustrated. Futhermore these aids must provide the context for teaching meaning ,tense and other language structures .Useful media includes ,puppets ,flannel -graphs,audios ,flip charts and many more.
The teacher must always do revision with children ,even if the children excelled well in all the work given . Discussions help them to widen their understanding on different angles. The teacher should be alert for signs that certain language points and need to be reviwed . Some errors children do are useful evidence to plan a lesson for helping them in developing their language.A reflective teacher is not just rush to proceed with sllybus topics only ,but also adjust to the needs of the class to master all the language skills effectively.
A teacher who do some research using internet ,newspapers,the social forums and so on help children that is not always being an outdated teacher. The teacher must accept advice from other people and apply according to own decisions.
On teaching vocabulary the teacher should employ two sides which making children able to hear and say the word and understand what it means. Then the children should be able to read these words.
When testing firstly,the teacher made tests must have a number of different purposes. Test should be a strong tool of reinforcement to the concepts taught. Assessing some errors occur and go through the main emphasis of the topics taught. As a result the test must reflect language specifically in that topic .If children done badly don't put all the blame to the learners and yourself ,but may be the environment is beyond your control and some materials are difficult to source or it may just needs further teaching.
Secondly the other category of testing is to find out how the objectives are achieved over a specific period of time that is on fortnightly,monthly or termly basis. The test based only on the concepts done in that specific period taught. It however may include children's experience such that children can learn to apply it elsewhere in their social experiences.
Lastly test can be planned to test learner's proficiency in the language they are learning in general.and positioning them in a scale from highest to lowest. Generally this is the major purpose why teachers are obliged to testing.In this case this is where the teacher try some language items to catch up with the learners' needs and motivate them.
Therefore the teacher should make use of all strategic of teaching basics to ensure children are not found as far as their communicative skills are developing.
Teacher's attitude should allow children to learn to speak confidently and the teacher 's attitude is the major influencer of such environment. Build up to a good linguistic environment ,the teacher should display useful objects and pictures that the children can talk about. The teacher should not always interfere with children's communication,but should be a listener who later correct grammar mistakes in planned lessons . If the meaning is clear allow them to continue with their discussions some of the errors will disappear natually as children's language develops. This is mostly a problem to second language learners.
No teaching is effective without teaching and learning media. Language develops well using concrete media rather than talking abstractly. The aids displayed must be meaningful to the language and can easily be illustrated. Futhermore these aids must provide the context for teaching meaning ,tense and other language structures .Useful media includes ,puppets ,flannel -graphs,audios ,flip charts and many more.
The teacher must always do revision with children ,even if the children excelled well in all the work given . Discussions help them to widen their understanding on different angles. The teacher should be alert for signs that certain language points and need to be reviwed . Some errors children do are useful evidence to plan a lesson for helping them in developing their language.A reflective teacher is not just rush to proceed with sllybus topics only ,but also adjust to the needs of the class to master all the language skills effectively.
A teacher who do some research using internet ,newspapers,the social forums and so on help children that is not always being an outdated teacher. The teacher must accept advice from other people and apply according to own decisions.
On teaching vocabulary the teacher should employ two sides which making children able to hear and say the word and understand what it means. Then the children should be able to read these words.
When testing firstly,the teacher made tests must have a number of different purposes. Test should be a strong tool of reinforcement to the concepts taught. Assessing some errors occur and go through the main emphasis of the topics taught. As a result the test must reflect language specifically in that topic .If children done badly don't put all the blame to the learners and yourself ,but may be the environment is beyond your control and some materials are difficult to source or it may just needs further teaching.
Secondly the other category of testing is to find out how the objectives are achieved over a specific period of time that is on fortnightly,monthly or termly basis. The test based only on the concepts done in that specific period taught. It however may include children's experience such that children can learn to apply it elsewhere in their social experiences.
Lastly test can be planned to test learner's proficiency in the language they are learning in general.and positioning them in a scale from highest to lowest. Generally this is the major purpose why teachers are obliged to testing.In this case this is where the teacher try some language items to catch up with the learners' needs and motivate them.
Therefore the teacher should make use of all strategic of teaching basics to ensure children are not found as far as their communicative skills are developing.
Teaching and learning Methods of Physical Education!
All methods of teaching methods used in PE lesson are greatly influenced to achieve the stated aims and objectives of the lesson. The teacher should consider:
basic facilities and equipment at school,
age ,interests ,physique ,ability of the pupils and the teacher,
the interaction of the teacher and pupils in teaching and learning relationships,
teacher's expertise in conducting games and activities planned in the lesson.
The Command Style: teacher can opt for command style in teaching in which the essence of this style is dominated by the teacher in all phases of decision-making. The pupils' role on the other hand is expected to be one of the total compliance.The teacher is in total control of all stages in lesson and analysis of the lesson's success.
If the teacher is going to demand adherence to a restricted set of performance criteria, then it is necessary that these criteria be clearly explained and illustrated to learners through demostrations. The demostration provides the most common and made clear to the children. These children are then asked to imitate the demostration . They do this at the same time.
The Small Group Style: pupils are organised into small groups and each member of the group has a functional role to perform in the carrying out of the given tasks. For example the groups of four pupipls can do a given assignment ,the other group B evaluates the performance whilst group C helps with the equipment and D is the scorer.
In the ball games when practicing the skill of shooting :
Group A shoots ten balls at a time,
Group B retrives the balls and gives them to group A,
Group C scores ,that's counting the successful and unsuccessful shots,
Group D checks on the body position and the general technique of group A 's chooting.
The groups change roles after group A shots ten balls.
The groups of pupils can be structured differently depending on what needs to be taught and achieved . Pupils can be grouped according to age,ability ,height weight interest sex or a combination of these factors.
The reciprocal Style:One pupil acts as the performer while another pupil assesses and evaluates the performance according to criteria carefully established and outlined by the teacher. Pupils change roles during the activity.
Pupils can evaluate their own performance whilst the teacher only note the descriptions of the performance to be accepted. for instance the pupil A: The performer Pupil B: Evaluate using the headstand:
Task 1:Base position ,kneel on one knee ,place hands on floor - shouder width apart. Place head on the mat in front of hands so that head and hands form triangle.
Task 2 :Move right leg forward ,then left leg. Both legs should now rest above elbows.
Task 3 :Shifting weight slightly forward ,slowly straighten and raise both legs. Point toes and extend body as high as possible . Hold position for ten seconds.
The Task Style: teacher only assigns pupils task to do ,then pupils choose the order in which to perform the assigned task. The decision is freely to look at where to operate and how you organise it at your own rate.
The teacher may say ,"I want you to make 20 balls bowling in cricket. After that ,I want you to batt , batt with your partner and catch the ball as thrown by partner.
The memory of pupils can only aided by clearly, carefully stated and described or written on the cards. If they are poor reades illustrative diagrams can be used together with simple descriptions.
basic facilities and equipment at school,
age ,interests ,physique ,ability of the pupils and the teacher,
the interaction of the teacher and pupils in teaching and learning relationships,
teacher's expertise in conducting games and activities planned in the lesson.
The Command Style: teacher can opt for command style in teaching in which the essence of this style is dominated by the teacher in all phases of decision-making. The pupils' role on the other hand is expected to be one of the total compliance.The teacher is in total control of all stages in lesson and analysis of the lesson's success.
If the teacher is going to demand adherence to a restricted set of performance criteria, then it is necessary that these criteria be clearly explained and illustrated to learners through demostrations. The demostration provides the most common and made clear to the children. These children are then asked to imitate the demostration . They do this at the same time.
The Small Group Style: pupils are organised into small groups and each member of the group has a functional role to perform in the carrying out of the given tasks. For example the groups of four pupipls can do a given assignment ,the other group B evaluates the performance whilst group C helps with the equipment and D is the scorer.
In the ball games when practicing the skill of shooting :
Group A shoots ten balls at a time,
Group B retrives the balls and gives them to group A,
Group C scores ,that's counting the successful and unsuccessful shots,
Group D checks on the body position and the general technique of group A 's chooting.
The groups change roles after group A shots ten balls.
The groups of pupils can be structured differently depending on what needs to be taught and achieved . Pupils can be grouped according to age,ability ,height weight interest sex or a combination of these factors.
The reciprocal Style:One pupil acts as the performer while another pupil assesses and evaluates the performance according to criteria carefully established and outlined by the teacher. Pupils change roles during the activity.
Pupils can evaluate their own performance whilst the teacher only note the descriptions of the performance to be accepted. for instance the pupil A: The performer Pupil B: Evaluate using the headstand:
Task 1:Base position ,kneel on one knee ,place hands on floor - shouder width apart. Place head on the mat in front of hands so that head and hands form triangle.
Task 2 :Move right leg forward ,then left leg. Both legs should now rest above elbows.
Task 3 :Shifting weight slightly forward ,slowly straighten and raise both legs. Point toes and extend body as high as possible . Hold position for ten seconds.
The Task Style: teacher only assigns pupils task to do ,then pupils choose the order in which to perform the assigned task. The decision is freely to look at where to operate and how you organise it at your own rate.
The teacher may say ,"I want you to make 20 balls bowling in cricket. After that ,I want you to batt , batt with your partner and catch the ball as thrown by partner.
The memory of pupils can only aided by clearly, carefully stated and described or written on the cards. If they are poor reades illustrative diagrams can be used together with simple descriptions.
Effectiveness of Teacher centred , Child Centred Approaches and Classrom displays.
Child centred is an approach used by the teacher whereby pupils are involved in activities and obtain different skills.The teacher is there to guide ,the child whilst learning using all five senses in discovery ,discussion ,project etc.
Teacher centred approach used by the teacher ,whereby learners have miminum participation in learning process.The teacher acts as a fountain of knowledge whilst pupils are passive recipients.For example ,story telling where the teacher is the one only have the stories to tell.Drilling method where the teacher only give facts towards examinations.
Similarities:Both are methods of teaching and involving learning.They involve teacher and pupils and develop listening skills.
These methods are both tested ,assessed and evaluated.All are introduced and have conclusion.Also both may cause disciplinary problems.
Differences:Child centred is time consuming than teacher centred.Where the teacher is the guide in child centred and a leader in teacher centred.
Child centred develops skills more than teacher centred,but is stressful to the part of the teacher due to some preparation.
Teacher centred is a traditional method whilst child centred is contemporary progressive method and promotes laziness in learners ,the child centred creates curiosity and develop all skills.
Teacher centred approach has disciplinary problems than the child centred which promotes pupil/pupil interaction than teacher centered, since child centred promotes effective learning than teacher centred.Nevertheless teacher centred approach covers wide coverage than child centred.
Displayed media that had been used for reinforcement skills.These displays gives the chance for pupils to read ,however these displays must be current ,for a period of a week or two.
Permanant displays end up being noticed.
Routine /Ritual Displays :Examples: timetable,duty roaster or rota
All these must be permanantly displayed.On the duty roaster inclusion of classroom cleaning ,book filling ,etc.
Every subjects must have a space for its own displays.
Flanel board for pasting some pictures ,for example flies.Children 's work should be also displayed and should be current so that they can be motivated.
Charts displayed must have purpose ,avoid wasting space by displaying useless media.All the displayed charts must have a title which is related to contents.Framed charts look presentable and smart to attract eyes of the reader.
The font and language used must be relevant to the level /standard of the children.
Classroom interactions has many forms which include teacher /pupil or pupil /pupil or media /pupil or pupil/pupil interactions.
Kyriacou(1994)says, classroom interaction denote the relationship between the teacher and pupils .This relationship is important to teaching and learning as it promote a conducive environment ,which effectively create a sound teacher rapport through:
Acceptance of the teacher's authority and established and sustained teacher authority in addition to mutual respect
How to establish and sustain Teacher Authority this is done in four ways:
♦need to sustain some status
♦to demostrate /teacher competence
♦exercise control over the classroom
♦exercise control over the discipline
By virtue of being a teacher ,you derive some status so you should maintain it ,as an example a learner from society full of drunkards may not respect teachers.
It is necessary to behave like a person with status.Just walk ,talk ,drink or dance like a teacher.
Appear confident and relaxed ,being sure of what you are doing.Exercise right of status in a position of a teacher.
Teacher Competent should have a general fountain of knowledge and show delight in pupils ' work and give them assistance.The teacher should be carefully mark children's work and show exactly where the child should improve or work on.
Smith and Laslant(1992)identify four rules in classroom management:
•get them in:teach them concepts in life and culture.
•get them out :associated classroom rules and rules be enforced.
•get on with it: be aware of the task on hand ,be cautious of classroom problems.
•get on with them:don't set them in "don'ts"
Be Vigilant, muutual respect is two way liking or regard pupils with high esteem such that they will reciprocate or regard you in esteem.
Learner who is lazy about the cause ,the teacher's duty is of the cause .Take account each learner as of infinitive value ,regards every learner as a genius and facilitates the enlisting of the hidden treasure.
Overall the establisment and maintaining of teacher authority are essential in establishing sound class interaction coupled with the establishment of mutual respect .However it should be done with caution.
Class display should be purposeful and frequently done in line with the children's developmental level.
Teacher centred approach used by the teacher ,whereby learners have miminum participation in learning process.The teacher acts as a fountain of knowledge whilst pupils are passive recipients.For example ,story telling where the teacher is the one only have the stories to tell.Drilling method where the teacher only give facts towards examinations.
Similarities:Both are methods of teaching and involving learning.They involve teacher and pupils and develop listening skills.
These methods are both tested ,assessed and evaluated.All are introduced and have conclusion.Also both may cause disciplinary problems.
Differences:Child centred is time consuming than teacher centred.Where the teacher is the guide in child centred and a leader in teacher centred.
Child centred develops skills more than teacher centred,but is stressful to the part of the teacher due to some preparation.
Teacher centred is a traditional method whilst child centred is contemporary progressive method and promotes laziness in learners ,the child centred creates curiosity and develop all skills.
Teacher centred approach has disciplinary problems than the child centred which promotes pupil/pupil interaction than teacher centered, since child centred promotes effective learning than teacher centred.Nevertheless teacher centred approach covers wide coverage than child centred.
Displayed media that had been used for reinforcement skills.These displays gives the chance for pupils to read ,however these displays must be current ,for a period of a week or two.
Permanant displays end up being noticed.
Routine /Ritual Displays :Examples: timetable,duty roaster or rota
All these must be permanantly displayed.On the duty roaster inclusion of classroom cleaning ,book filling ,etc.
Every subjects must have a space for its own displays.
Flanel board for pasting some pictures ,for example flies.Children 's work should be also displayed and should be current so that they can be motivated.
Charts displayed must have purpose ,avoid wasting space by displaying useless media.All the displayed charts must have a title which is related to contents.Framed charts look presentable and smart to attract eyes of the reader.
The font and language used must be relevant to the level /standard of the children.
Classroom interactions has many forms which include teacher /pupil or pupil /pupil or media /pupil or pupil/pupil interactions.
Kyriacou(1994)says, classroom interaction denote the relationship between the teacher and pupils .This relationship is important to teaching and learning as it promote a conducive environment ,which effectively create a sound teacher rapport through:
Acceptance of the teacher's authority and established and sustained teacher authority in addition to mutual respect
How to establish and sustain Teacher Authority this is done in four ways:
♦need to sustain some status
♦to demostrate /teacher competence
♦exercise control over the classroom
♦exercise control over the discipline
By virtue of being a teacher ,you derive some status so you should maintain it ,as an example a learner from society full of drunkards may not respect teachers.
It is necessary to behave like a person with status.Just walk ,talk ,drink or dance like a teacher.
Appear confident and relaxed ,being sure of what you are doing.Exercise right of status in a position of a teacher.
Teacher Competent should have a general fountain of knowledge and show delight in pupils ' work and give them assistance.The teacher should be carefully mark children's work and show exactly where the child should improve or work on.
Smith and Laslant(1992)identify four rules in classroom management:
•get them in:teach them concepts in life and culture.
•get them out :associated classroom rules and rules be enforced.
•get on with it: be aware of the task on hand ,be cautious of classroom problems.
•get on with them:don't set them in "don'ts"
Be Vigilant, muutual respect is two way liking or regard pupils with high esteem such that they will reciprocate or regard you in esteem.
Learner who is lazy about the cause ,the teacher's duty is of the cause .Take account each learner as of infinitive value ,regards every learner as a genius and facilitates the enlisting of the hidden treasure.
Overall the establisment and maintaining of teacher authority are essential in establishing sound class interaction coupled with the establishment of mutual respect .However it should be done with caution.
Class display should be purposeful and frequently done in line with the children's developmental level.
The Importance of Learning and Teaching Aids in the Education Process
The governments and other responsible authorities in schools spent a lot of funds buying audio-visual aids through the audio visual services but many teachers especially secondary school teachers hardly use teaching aids and they perceived them as unnecessary.
Teachers especially in primary Education should be encouraged to use as many teaching and learning aids as possible to set an environment which is stimulative and conducive to learning and in which pupils can be easily guided through the discovery of knowledge on their own.
Learning and teaching aids are items used to facilitates learning and teaching.These can be visual or audio .
Bruner(1966)defines learning as the teaching intend to evoke in the learner's mind the patterns of ideas similar to those which already exist in the teacher's mind .To show that the learner has learnt and must then put together those patterns by using more than one sense of the five senses of touch ,sight ,hearing ,smelling and feeling.Moreover the instruction that provided to the learner proceeded from a direct experience through the representation of pictures films etc to symbolic represantation as in words.
Concrete experience to facilitate learning and the acquisition retention and usability of abstract samples.The provision of a good learning environment is what distinguishes a good teacher from an inferior one .Whatever subjects or grade you teach ,the use of learning aids is always superior to the non-use of aids
There are a variety of learning aids that can be used to make a lesson more interesting and more clearly explained .Examples are:
•Fixed on the walls of the classroom are chalkboard,charts etc
•Electronics include computers,TVs ,Radios ,overhead Projectors
•Environment and Resource persons
Choice of learning Aids should fulfill the aims and objective of the lesson to be taught .An aid used in one lesson might not relay the same message when used in another lesson.
A teacher therefore should carefully plan and choose the aids to be used in one particular lesson .Learning aids if not propery chosen might misled the pupils instead of promoting understanding.
Points to consider when choosing Learning Aids:
♦Choose learning aids that are appropriate for each individual lesson.
♦Aids should be large enough to be seen by pupils sitting at the back of the class.
♦They should be easily understood by the all cognitive levels of pupils.
♦If two of more learning aids are to be used in one lesson .They should have some relationship to each other so that they connect well in the pupils' minds.
♦Choose aids which will encourage pupils active participation in class as well a securing their attention through out the lesson.
♦The teaching and learning aids should be as natural as possible and should assimilate the real thing.It is meaningless to colour on orange ,blue when it is yellow in real life.
♦Choose aids that you are able to manipulate.
Advantages of using Media:They arouse interests as little is learnt when one is not motivated. A motivated learner become attentive only if got interests thus correct use visuals aids can be used to arouse interests.
♥ They define facts and concepts precisely and easily .Here teaching aids are seen as a way of making abstract and complex concepts easier to understand on the part of the learner.
♥Audio-visual aids make learning appeal to various sense organs thereby making learning more real as well as helping learners remember what they would have learnt much more easily than without any teaching and learning aids.
Teachers especially in primary Education should be encouraged to use as many teaching and learning aids as possible to set an environment which is stimulative and conducive to learning and in which pupils can be easily guided through the discovery of knowledge on their own.
Learning and teaching aids are items used to facilitates learning and teaching.These can be visual or audio .
Bruner(1966)defines learning as the teaching intend to evoke in the learner's mind the patterns of ideas similar to those which already exist in the teacher's mind .To show that the learner has learnt and must then put together those patterns by using more than one sense of the five senses of touch ,sight ,hearing ,smelling and feeling.Moreover the instruction that provided to the learner proceeded from a direct experience through the representation of pictures films etc to symbolic represantation as in words.
Concrete experience to facilitate learning and the acquisition retention and usability of abstract samples.The provision of a good learning environment is what distinguishes a good teacher from an inferior one .Whatever subjects or grade you teach ,the use of learning aids is always superior to the non-use of aids
There are a variety of learning aids that can be used to make a lesson more interesting and more clearly explained .Examples are:
•Fixed on the walls of the classroom are chalkboard,charts etc
•Electronics include computers,TVs ,Radios ,overhead Projectors
•Environment and Resource persons
Choice of learning Aids should fulfill the aims and objective of the lesson to be taught .An aid used in one lesson might not relay the same message when used in another lesson.
A teacher therefore should carefully plan and choose the aids to be used in one particular lesson .Learning aids if not propery chosen might misled the pupils instead of promoting understanding.
Points to consider when choosing Learning Aids:
♦Choose learning aids that are appropriate for each individual lesson.
♦Aids should be large enough to be seen by pupils sitting at the back of the class.
♦They should be easily understood by the all cognitive levels of pupils.
♦If two of more learning aids are to be used in one lesson .They should have some relationship to each other so that they connect well in the pupils' minds.
♦Choose aids which will encourage pupils active participation in class as well a securing their attention through out the lesson.
♦The teaching and learning aids should be as natural as possible and should assimilate the real thing.It is meaningless to colour on orange ,blue when it is yellow in real life.
♦Choose aids that you are able to manipulate.
Advantages of using Media:They arouse interests as little is learnt when one is not motivated. A motivated learner become attentive only if got interests thus correct use visuals aids can be used to arouse interests.
♥ They define facts and concepts precisely and easily .Here teaching aids are seen as a way of making abstract and complex concepts easier to understand on the part of the learner.
♥Audio-visual aids make learning appeal to various sense organs thereby making learning more real as well as helping learners remember what they would have learnt much more easily than without any teaching and learning aids.
Every lesson is a unique thing influenced by the emotions of the teacher and learners.The teacher can make lesson more interesting through the effective use of stimulus variations to make learners motivated on grasping concepts.
According to longman dictionary stimulus variation is something which is the cause of activity. Stimulus variation is a way of enhancing children learning by helping them remain attentive.It is a way of maintaining students ' attention.
If the teacher talks too long students are bound interests or eye conduct to the teacher.The teacher should reduce talking such that pupils has interest in what they are doing through varying stimulus.
A teacher who is able to vary stimulus the lesson become effective as there is high participation in pupils and great achievements of the lesson objectives.
Positive results of learners who given a task in a more interesting lesson can perform well and there will be no disciplinary problems.
Forms of Stimulus Variation:
Vary Methodology :For example demostrations,games ,groupwork ,songs .
Introduce groupwork projects or individual projects ,like in Art and craft,music social studies etc.Introducing variation is because each and every pupil would have something which are interested in.
Dramatisation ,story telling and jokes are part of stimulating these unique learners at every angle. Give children current reading publications ,oral reports ,outdoor activities ,guest speakers ,tests in small groups and individual tests.
Different pupils prefer to learn in different modes so a teacher has to vary methodology use visual learning because it provide opportunities to see.
Vary questions or Variation in Questioning :
Questions is also a stimulus ,it provide pupils with the opportunity to talk.Questions themselves should be varied,for example low order and high order questions.
Varying of Non -verbal Gestures:In the lesson delivery the teacher should be able to use hands ,eyes ,body or even clap ,stamp feet or dance as a way of maintaining pupils interest in the lesson.
The teacher can even make strategic movements around the classroom or pointing to something written on the wall.
These gestures should have a specific purpose ,so that pupils should be able to decode what those gestures mean .
Over use of gestures might end up becoming a habit and then defeat the purpose of being a stimulus.
Verbal Gestures:These verbal gestures can be a way of asking pupils when you are teaching ,for instance ,look here,attention ,listen ,are we together ,stand up or sit down.
Movement Variation or Kinetic Variation:Varying movements by continuously changing locotion within the classroom .This captures pupils' attention and every position they are sitting they feel the distance.Pupils feel that the teacher is with them .The movements are a way of reducing the distance from pupils.
Sensory Change or Variation in Sensory Channels:Varying the senses that students are using.Children might require to touch ,see ,smell ,feel.
If these senses are not varied it means those pupils who interested in hearing are going to benefit and those pupils who are interested in touching are not benefiting.The introduction of addition sensory modes in a lesson.
Variation in Voice /Use of Voice :The use of pitch in voice projection as a stimulus ,should indicate ,relative important of information.That's it should indicate happiness or sorrow.In other words voice can be reduced .thus slowing speech pattern as a way of stimulating pupils' intersts.Variation can be lower volume or accent of voice.
Silence /Pose:Silence can indicate that what has just said is important or it can indicate that what happened is unacceptable.
Silence can also indicate the opportunity allowance for pupils to think and respond to the asked question.
Remain silent until pupils are also observe silence.
Variation in Interaction Style :Interaction style can be used as stimulus ,for example teacher/pupil or pupil/pupil or pupil /teacher.Variation in interaction so as to stimulate pupils inerests .Some variation interaction styles are used in groupwork or individual work.
Vary Marking Styles:An effective teacher should vary the marking /comments.
General Appearance/Variation in Appearance: The teacher must change dressing on daily basis and change of hairstyles.
Vary introduction and Conclusion:There so many ways of introducing lessons and making conclusion ,pupils get interested to easily get in the lesson if given the new lesson etraordinarily or when it is concluded in a creatively new note.
Problems in Implementing:Lack of resources ,teachers might want to use various instructional media.Teachers expertise ,might want to discharge duty ,but if lacks professionalism whatever done become meaningless.Wrong timing of variations ,,teachers may mis time their stimulus variations.Stories and jokes might be unrelated.Kinetic movement might disturb pupils' concentration.
Assignment Questions
(1)What is stimulus variation?
(2)Give reasons why a teacher should vary stimulus in the teaching and learning situation?
(3)Suggest ways teacher can vary stimulus on all subjects on the timetable?
(4)How can a teacher selects a three dimensional media as a stimulus in teaching a particular concept in Mathematics at any grade level of choice?
According to longman dictionary stimulus variation is something which is the cause of activity. Stimulus variation is a way of enhancing children learning by helping them remain attentive.It is a way of maintaining students ' attention.
If the teacher talks too long students are bound interests or eye conduct to the teacher.The teacher should reduce talking such that pupils has interest in what they are doing through varying stimulus.
A teacher who is able to vary stimulus the lesson become effective as there is high participation in pupils and great achievements of the lesson objectives.
Positive results of learners who given a task in a more interesting lesson can perform well and there will be no disciplinary problems.
Forms of Stimulus Variation:
Vary Methodology :For example demostrations,games ,groupwork ,songs .
Introduce groupwork projects or individual projects ,like in Art and craft,music social studies etc.Introducing variation is because each and every pupil would have something which are interested in.
Dramatisation ,story telling and jokes are part of stimulating these unique learners at every angle. Give children current reading publications ,oral reports ,outdoor activities ,guest speakers ,tests in small groups and individual tests.
Different pupils prefer to learn in different modes so a teacher has to vary methodology use visual learning because it provide opportunities to see.
Vary questions or Variation in Questioning :
Questions is also a stimulus ,it provide pupils with the opportunity to talk.Questions themselves should be varied,for example low order and high order questions.
Varying of Non -verbal Gestures:In the lesson delivery the teacher should be able to use hands ,eyes ,body or even clap ,stamp feet or dance as a way of maintaining pupils interest in the lesson.
The teacher can even make strategic movements around the classroom or pointing to something written on the wall.
These gestures should have a specific purpose ,so that pupils should be able to decode what those gestures mean .
Over use of gestures might end up becoming a habit and then defeat the purpose of being a stimulus.
Verbal Gestures:These verbal gestures can be a way of asking pupils when you are teaching ,for instance ,look here,attention ,listen ,are we together ,stand up or sit down.
Movement Variation or Kinetic Variation:Varying movements by continuously changing locotion within the classroom .This captures pupils' attention and every position they are sitting they feel the distance.Pupils feel that the teacher is with them .The movements are a way of reducing the distance from pupils.
Sensory Change or Variation in Sensory Channels:Varying the senses that students are using.Children might require to touch ,see ,smell ,feel.
If these senses are not varied it means those pupils who interested in hearing are going to benefit and those pupils who are interested in touching are not benefiting.The introduction of addition sensory modes in a lesson.
Variation in Voice /Use of Voice :The use of pitch in voice projection as a stimulus ,should indicate ,relative important of information.That's it should indicate happiness or sorrow.In other words voice can be reduced .thus slowing speech pattern as a way of stimulating pupils' intersts.Variation can be lower volume or accent of voice.
Silence /Pose:Silence can indicate that what has just said is important or it can indicate that what happened is unacceptable.
Silence can also indicate the opportunity allowance for pupils to think and respond to the asked question.
Remain silent until pupils are also observe silence.
Variation in Interaction Style :Interaction style can be used as stimulus ,for example teacher/pupil or pupil/pupil or pupil /teacher.Variation in interaction so as to stimulate pupils inerests .Some variation interaction styles are used in groupwork or individual work.
Vary Marking Styles:An effective teacher should vary the marking /comments.
General Appearance/Variation in Appearance: The teacher must change dressing on daily basis and change of hairstyles.
Vary introduction and Conclusion:There so many ways of introducing lessons and making conclusion ,pupils get interested to easily get in the lesson if given the new lesson etraordinarily or when it is concluded in a creatively new note.
Problems in Implementing:Lack of resources ,teachers might want to use various instructional media.Teachers expertise ,might want to discharge duty ,but if lacks professionalism whatever done become meaningless.Wrong timing of variations ,,teachers may mis time their stimulus variations.Stories and jokes might be unrelated.Kinetic movement might disturb pupils' concentration.
Assignment Questions
(1)What is stimulus variation?
(2)Give reasons why a teacher should vary stimulus in the teaching and learning situation?
(3)Suggest ways teacher can vary stimulus on all subjects on the timetable?
(4)How can a teacher selects a three dimensional media as a stimulus in teaching a particular concept in Mathematics at any grade level of choice?
Qur'ãn believed to be a copy of eternal scriptures written in heaven and reviewed chapter by chapter to the Prophet Muhammad. It is the direct word of Allah which guides the muslims what is in the Qur'ãn is sufficient and complete for Muslims. In as far as what is contained in other books if the Qur'ãn confirms the Muslims confirm as well. If the Qur'ãn rejects ,the Muslims also reject it. Moreso if the Qur'ãn doesn't speak about it ,the Muslims don't need it and don't accept or reject it.
Muslims from the prophet's teachings believed in one Supreme God Allah the almight,creator and sustainer of life. Allah is invisible ,eternal ,omnipotent(great power without limit),omniscient(present everywhere) and nothing else can be called Allah as the name has no plural.
Islam contradict the idea of some christians of trinity . The idea of trinity doctrine implies that God is in partnership with other divine beings thereby compromising his oneness to the Islam beliefs it amounts to a form of idolatry.
In the existence of the angels Muslims concur that angels created by Allah ,although he is alone as the God figure is surrounded and assisted by angels. These angels perform a variety of functions for example recording the deeds of a man throughout human life and they don't consider as divine in their own right.
Prophets are regarded as Allah's messengers whom his revelations has brought to mankind. The list of prophets include names like:Abraham,Ishmael,Isaac,Jacb,Moses ,Jesus and others. Muhammad was the last and the final of these messengers who was the greatest of all Allah's messengers.
Muslims believe in the day of judgement ,that upon death the body returns to Earth and the soul gets in to a state of sleep until ressurection day when Allah will judge. Man's deeds will be weighed on the judgement day and will be assigned to 'Jannah or Johannam' which are equivelant to heaven or hell respectively.One destiny depends on the moral records during the period of his /her stay on Earth. There is room for repentence during one's life. This is according to Qur'ãn:Surah 39:42, ''Allah receiveth souls at the time of their death ,and that which dieth not in its sleep .He keepth that for which He hath ordained death''.On resurrection Surah 75 devote to ''Qiyamat''(AYA) which means resurection or ''The rising of the dead'' (MMP).
Surah 75:1,3,6,40,AYA, ''I do call to witness the Resurrection Day ...Man think we cannot assemble his bones...Allah has the power to give life to the dead''.
According to the Islam the soul can have different destinies which may be either in heavenly gardern of paradise or the punishment of a burning hell.Surah 51:12-14( MMP)states the judgement day as when they will be tormented at the fire. So for the sinners taste your torment in the life of the world which is more painful and have no defender from Allah.
After the death a person's soul goes to the Barzakh or 'Partition' a place in which people will be after death waiting the judgement day.(Surah 23:99,100,AYA)The soul is conscious in the ''Chastisement of the Tomb''
In marriage views Islam promote polygamy ,nevertheless many Muslims are monogamous.This is because of the burden faced by many widows and orphans. Quran made room for polygamy as to marry two,three or four wives and do justice to them.
Another form of marriage called mut'ah is defined marriage as a special contract between couples through offer and acceptance of marriage for a specific period of time. Dowry (Islamuna) is the permanent marriage. But Sunnis regard ShÃãh as marriage for pleasure and the children are legitimate and have the same rights like those in the permanent marriage. Apparently Islam is one of the religion which force its followers to practice circumcision which believed started by Abraham to his sons Ishmael and Isaac. The major benefits of cirmcision is reduction of sexually transmitted disease including HIV and AIDS by 50-65% according to researches. Cancer both to a man and his wife as approved by medical practitioners. It also give ultimate sexual pleasure and good hygiene.
The daily life of a devout Muslim is to turn to Mecca five times a day in prayer (salãt) . On Friday is the sabbath day when the Muslims gathered in their Mosque for prayer and hear the haunting call of muezzin from the minaret of the Mosque. The Mosque is the place of worship where they call to Allah,study,legal and judicial activities ,consultation ,preaching ,guidance,education and preparation.For every place there is Muslim society there must be a Mosque. These Mosque are now found everywhere in the world even in non Islamic states.
The Muslims must observe five pillars found in Surah 33:40,2:144,24:56,2:183-1853,3:97 These are:
•(shahãddah)Muhammad the prophet is the messenger of Allah. No god but Allah.
•(salãt)A prayer facing towards Mecca five times a day.
•(zakãh)A charity to give a percentage of one's valueable property or income.
•(sawm)Fasting especially month-long of Ramadan celebration.
•(hajj)Pilgrimage, an obligation to every Muslim male to visit the holy city Mecca. Excuses is extended to those ill and poor.
When Muslim pilgrims at Mecca walk seven times around the Ka'bah and touch or kiss the black stone.
The Prophet Muhammad's death leads to massive division between the Sunnà and the ShÃ'ite Muslims ,The unity was later restored by succesors. However the Muslim tradition says the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ascended to heaven from the rock in the D
Muslims from the prophet's teachings believed in one Supreme God Allah the almight,creator and sustainer of life. Allah is invisible ,eternal ,omnipotent(great power without limit),omniscient(present everywhere) and nothing else can be called Allah as the name has no plural.
Islam contradict the idea of some christians of trinity . The idea of trinity doctrine implies that God is in partnership with other divine beings thereby compromising his oneness to the Islam beliefs it amounts to a form of idolatry.
In the existence of the angels Muslims concur that angels created by Allah ,although he is alone as the God figure is surrounded and assisted by angels. These angels perform a variety of functions for example recording the deeds of a man throughout human life and they don't consider as divine in their own right.
Prophets are regarded as Allah's messengers whom his revelations has brought to mankind. The list of prophets include names like:Abraham,Ishmael,Isaac,Jacb,Moses ,Jesus and others. Muhammad was the last and the final of these messengers who was the greatest of all Allah's messengers.
Muslims believe in the day of judgement ,that upon death the body returns to Earth and the soul gets in to a state of sleep until ressurection day when Allah will judge. Man's deeds will be weighed on the judgement day and will be assigned to 'Jannah or Johannam' which are equivelant to heaven or hell respectively.One destiny depends on the moral records during the period of his /her stay on Earth. There is room for repentence during one's life. This is according to Qur'ãn:Surah 39:42, ''Allah receiveth souls at the time of their death ,and that which dieth not in its sleep .He keepth that for which He hath ordained death''.On resurrection Surah 75 devote to ''Qiyamat''(AYA) which means resurection or ''The rising of the dead'' (MMP).
Surah 75:1,3,6,40,AYA, ''I do call to witness the Resurrection Day ...Man think we cannot assemble his bones...Allah has the power to give life to the dead''.
According to the Islam the soul can have different destinies which may be either in heavenly gardern of paradise or the punishment of a burning hell.Surah 51:12-14( MMP)states the judgement day as when they will be tormented at the fire. So for the sinners taste your torment in the life of the world which is more painful and have no defender from Allah.
After the death a person's soul goes to the Barzakh or 'Partition' a place in which people will be after death waiting the judgement day.(Surah 23:99,100,AYA)The soul is conscious in the ''Chastisement of the Tomb''
In marriage views Islam promote polygamy ,nevertheless many Muslims are monogamous.This is because of the burden faced by many widows and orphans. Quran made room for polygamy as to marry two,three or four wives and do justice to them.
Another form of marriage called mut'ah is defined marriage as a special contract between couples through offer and acceptance of marriage for a specific period of time. Dowry (Islamuna) is the permanent marriage. But Sunnis regard ShÃãh as marriage for pleasure and the children are legitimate and have the same rights like those in the permanent marriage. Apparently Islam is one of the religion which force its followers to practice circumcision which believed started by Abraham to his sons Ishmael and Isaac. The major benefits of cirmcision is reduction of sexually transmitted disease including HIV and AIDS by 50-65% according to researches. Cancer both to a man and his wife as approved by medical practitioners. It also give ultimate sexual pleasure and good hygiene.
The daily life of a devout Muslim is to turn to Mecca five times a day in prayer (salãt) . On Friday is the sabbath day when the Muslims gathered in their Mosque for prayer and hear the haunting call of muezzin from the minaret of the Mosque. The Mosque is the place of worship where they call to Allah,study,legal and judicial activities ,consultation ,preaching ,guidance,education and preparation.For every place there is Muslim society there must be a Mosque. These Mosque are now found everywhere in the world even in non Islamic states.
The Muslims must observe five pillars found in Surah 33:40,2:144,24:56,2:183-1853,3:97 These are:
•(shahãddah)Muhammad the prophet is the messenger of Allah. No god but Allah.
•(salãt)A prayer facing towards Mecca five times a day.
•(zakãh)A charity to give a percentage of one's valueable property or income.
•(sawm)Fasting especially month-long of Ramadan celebration.
•(hajj)Pilgrimage, an obligation to every Muslim male to visit the holy city Mecca. Excuses is extended to those ill and poor.
When Muslim pilgrims at Mecca walk seven times around the Ka'bah and touch or kiss the black stone.
The Prophet Muhammad's death leads to massive division between the Sunnà and the ShÃ'ite Muslims ,The unity was later restored by succesors. However the Muslim tradition says the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ascended to heaven from the rock in the D
For children to have interests in their own learning process there is need to develop their affective intellectual domains from knowledge level upto evaluation level so that they understand the meaning of learning system to them. Affective intellectual domains in learning system are many but now lets focus on application ,analysis ,synthesis and evaluation levels
Application level is closely related to comprehension ,but goes step further ,for example to test for comprehension a problem can be solved if the formula for solving it has been given. On application the learner should be able to use the concept elsewhere as a formula to solve a problem.
Example 1: On the topic: 'Crop plants and animals' ,key concept: 'Green plants need water ,carbon dioxide ,sunlight to make food' The question :'Why is it important for a farmer to understand how the green plants make food?
Example 2:On the topic: 'Health and pollution' Key concept:'People use the sense of sight ,hearing ,touch ,taste and smell to survive in the environment' The question: 'When would you use youe ears more than your eyes?'
On these two examples its covers on for infants and the other for juniours . The first question is obvious difficulty for infants and the second question is very simple for juniours so is only suitable infants.
Analysis level is the ability to break materials into parts and identify its organisational structure and relationship between parts. Children should be able to seperate the whole into its components. Learners are allowed to show in the form of diagrams and charts ,breakdown ,distinguish ,infer,select,seperate and subdivide.
Juniours on the topic:'Crop plants and animals'
Key concepts:'Green plants need water ,carbon dioxide and sunlight to make food'
Question:'How does a plant makes food during the period when it has shade leaves.Explain why it is so?
Infants topic:'Health and pollution'
Key concept:'People use the sense of sight hearing ,touch ,taste and smell to survive in the environment'.
Question:'What sense would you use to find more about a bird ,flower ,tree,lizard ,river ,fire,wind?'
Synthesis level involve the ability to combine separate components inorder to make a whole. Pupils are expected to design ,create device ,hypothesise ,modify and generalise. This is actually a problem solving situation requiring and element of creativity.
Juniour topic: 'Crop plants and animals'
Key concept:'Green plants need water'
Question:'How would you make a plant to make food?
Infant topic:'Health and pollution'
Key concept:'People use sense of sight ,hearing ,touch ,taste and smell to survive in the environment.'
Question:'Name two things you can explore by using your senses?'
Evaluation level is the highest of intellectual effort which means that pupils has to judge the value of an object ,solution ,person's abilities. This refers to creative thought applied to making judgements and evaluating ideas and information which may be ambigious related to value criteria. Pupils are expected to appraise ,compare ,justify and contrast.
Juniours topic:'Crop plant and animals'
Key concept:'Green plants need water ,carbon dioxide and sunlight to make food'
Question:'What would happen if green plants would no longer make food?'
Infants topic:'Health and pollution'
Key concept:'People use the sense of sight ,hearing ,touch ,taste and smell to survive in the environment'
Question:'Which of the sense do you think is the most important to us . Why?
*When asking question it is important to use the appropriate action verbs stating what pupils are expected to do.
Application level is closely related to comprehension ,but goes step further ,for example to test for comprehension a problem can be solved if the formula for solving it has been given. On application the learner should be able to use the concept elsewhere as a formula to solve a problem.
Example 1: On the topic: 'Crop plants and animals' ,key concept: 'Green plants need water ,carbon dioxide ,sunlight to make food' The question :'Why is it important for a farmer to understand how the green plants make food?
Example 2:On the topic: 'Health and pollution' Key concept:'People use the sense of sight ,hearing ,touch ,taste and smell to survive in the environment' The question: 'When would you use youe ears more than your eyes?'
On these two examples its covers on for infants and the other for juniours . The first question is obvious difficulty for infants and the second question is very simple for juniours so is only suitable infants.
Analysis level is the ability to break materials into parts and identify its organisational structure and relationship between parts. Children should be able to seperate the whole into its components. Learners are allowed to show in the form of diagrams and charts ,breakdown ,distinguish ,infer,select,seperate and subdivide.
Juniours on the topic:'Crop plants and animals'
Key concepts:'Green plants need water ,carbon dioxide and sunlight to make food'
Question:'How does a plant makes food during the period when it has shade leaves.Explain why it is so?
Infants topic:'Health and pollution'
Key concept:'People use the sense of sight hearing ,touch ,taste and smell to survive in the environment'.
Question:'What sense would you use to find more about a bird ,flower ,tree,lizard ,river ,fire,wind?'
Synthesis level involve the ability to combine separate components inorder to make a whole. Pupils are expected to design ,create device ,hypothesise ,modify and generalise. This is actually a problem solving situation requiring and element of creativity.
Juniour topic: 'Crop plants and animals'
Key concept:'Green plants need water'
Question:'How would you make a plant to make food?
Infant topic:'Health and pollution'
Key concept:'People use sense of sight ,hearing ,touch ,taste and smell to survive in the environment.'
Question:'Name two things you can explore by using your senses?'
Evaluation level is the highest of intellectual effort which means that pupils has to judge the value of an object ,solution ,person's abilities. This refers to creative thought applied to making judgements and evaluating ideas and information which may be ambigious related to value criteria. Pupils are expected to appraise ,compare ,justify and contrast.
Juniours topic:'Crop plant and animals'
Key concept:'Green plants need water ,carbon dioxide and sunlight to make food'
Question:'What would happen if green plants would no longer make food?'
Infants topic:'Health and pollution'
Key concept:'People use the sense of sight ,hearing ,touch ,taste and smell to survive in the environment'
Question:'Which of the sense do you think is the most important to us . Why?
*When asking question it is important to use the appropriate action verbs stating what pupils are expected to do.
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