In the school teacher is a tutor/instructor who guides and directs the process of learning by use of relevant instructional materials and methodology.
The teacher is well acumed with the content to be taught.Then anticipates the potential causes of troubles , dangers and takes appropriate measures to stop these troubles before it grow into unmanageable situation.
An effective supervisor who doesn't make learners feel they are threatened under professional supervision ,but also assures them that no harm can come to them.Basic safety rules and conducive to sustainable learning environment. The teacher needs to watch out and be alert for high achievers as well as under achievers.
Teacher is responsible for pupils' learning needs ,guidance and supervison while they are at school.Under child learning teacher acts as liason officer between the child and parents as well as peers by attending to the physical well being of pupils and make valuable suggestions in regards to children 's health and keep a first aid kits just in case a child may get injured at school.
For emotional well being the teacher comforts and reassures the needy and maladjusted children.A good teacher creates a health ,moral and spiritual environment and be a good role model. The teacher observes children and have full knowledge of children's social background and intimately offer guidance and counselling whenever it is necessary.
Jacinta and Regina(1987)say every teacher by nature of the job is a leader.The teacher should work hard and honestly to earn the respect of pupils and collegues by being wise and confident.A leader possesses intergrity ,self control ,perseverance and responsibility to those s/he teaches or co-operate with in the local environment.
The teacher should therefore tirelessly read widely to acquire valueable dynamic knowledge and better himself/herself to adheres to the contemporaries.Teacher is a life long learners who is the fueller of pragmatism.
As a tutor the teacher should make the teaching seems simple and interesting to the learner.A lesson isn't taught until it has being learned and it cannot be learnt until it has been taught.
There is an absolute need to provide pupils with mental enrichment , by stretching their horizons and challenge them ,use problem solving as well as child centred methods of teaching. A teacher who humbly respects children is ready to learn from their needs and experiences.
A teacher is a diagnostician ,who diagonises the strengths and weaknesses of children and quarative measures in individualised instruction as well as remedial instruction.
Effective supervision by the teacher requires a genuine interests in and concerns for children.The teacher should not ditactes ,but guides the processes of learning as sharing ideas with the learners not imposing on them.A good teacher is always fair and do justice,
A teacher should be also responsible for managing pupils' resources and various learning programmes.The ability to identify areas of weaknesses in teaching and learning and being capable to correct whatever is going wrong.
A teacher manages the curriculum ,resources,methods of teaching ,innovations ,evaluation and communication with various stakeholders.
There is need for a teacher to have skills to work as individual as well as in a team work and be responsible enough to contributes positively for the good of the organisation.A teacher should be co-operative and work towards the common goals with others and being prepared to learn from one another.
As staff they learn to share the resources available at an institution and remember as a team definitely you succeed ,but divided obviously you fall.The success of your organisation is a respect of your community you are serving ,you need to respect and work harmoniously with your colleagues ,above all respect of those in authority.
Teacher's Role Out of School in the Community should work as a jack of all trades between the school community and the government.(In the macro society of the community)
The teacher is expected to make visits to the community where the children come.This is the powerful effort to have much accummed social background information of the learners.The teacher should without fail attend community development meetings and work closely with other community change agents like NGOs ,Religious Organisations ,Health workers ,Environmental agencies ,Agricultural experts etc.
Teacher participates to spearhead the community developmental projects.Part of educating children is to actively model them to be responsible citizens.If children see their teacher as anchor of community development projects like road maintenance,building classroom blocks,clinic or establishing self help projects together with other development partners their perception about education remains positive.
Inconclusion we identified the wide roles the professional teacher can take both at school and in the community as a development agent. Teacher should be groomed to be mediators of social development for good reasons.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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