To enhance learning ,the teacher should make use of stimulus variation through specific techniques ,skillfully so that learners will grasp the concepts better and the teacher's set objectives will be successful.
There are variety of teaching techniques that can be implemented.These techniques used can vary so that the pupils can be caught either ways for them to understand the concepts . The teacher will find it simple to deliver the lesson and it become successful.Inaddition the teacher can vary the learning environment by use of various teaching media,pupils' activities and fieldtrips.
The teacher should set clear achievable objectives,the specific content from the syllabus ,methods and organisation .These plan of work help the teacher to make a meaning evaluation of the lesson and suggest on what specific techniques to be employed next.
Every lesson done ,after thoroughly planned is more successful than the one done haphazadly. When planning lesson from the content to be covered. The teacher consider appropriate methods of teaching,how learners can be organised and the suitable media.However these do not work alone for learners to learn.The teacher should plan the suitable introduction which easily put learner into learning mood.The stimulus variations done by the teacher consciously or unconsciously help to make the environment vary to suit every pupil's interests.
Pragmatism way of teaching acknowledges the need to involve the learner more effectively ,since ,he is the cause for learning.Therefore the teacher 's methods can begin from explaination,demostrations then the learner get involved to try, what is explained and demostrated.For example when teaching on how to conserve water.The teacher explain what the lesson is all about.Then make demostrations of how people can conserve water in the community.
The pupils then taken outside to local clean water sources and the teacher guides pupils to discover the importance of conserving water and how actually can we conserve water.When pupils are grouped and given different tasks,such as writing posters to make community awareness of conserving water and other do role plays,dramas of proving the need to make use of clean water. Learners obviously get involved in their own learning.
The teacher can also make use of resource persons found in the community,such as local councillor,health worker,community development specialist this way the learners get from the different angles why it is important to conserve their precious resources such as water.
When pupils involve in the projects to research from internet,surrounding communities on how they use resources such as clean water the teacher is there specifically to supervise,guide and help the slow learners.The supervision will help the teacher to be assured that pupils had understood what the teacher has introduced to them.Through guiding and helping the teacher is stressing on achieving the objectives of the lesson.
Grouping pupils is also useful in varying learning environemt.It had already proved that other children learn more effectively from their peers.The pupil to pupil interactions in their groups doing task given to them by their teacher will help them in learning more skills.
When pupils are carrying out their given tasks,the teacher should not just sit at the comfortable chair and be a spactator.Rather the teacher should move around in the pupil's groups and clarify some of the issues,guide them to be in the learning mood and supervise them in this case the teacher pupils interaction is greatly improving.
After their groupwork the pupils should be directed to give feedback of what they were doing in their groups the report back help other pupil to understand from the effort done by others in the groups.
The various teaching media is also useful in varying environment for teaching and learning environment.However the media should be of different different in styles,colours or be pictures,physical environment ,models etc.
The pupils should make use of these media in their group activities and the teacher should also discuss with pupils these media.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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