15 October 2010

The Plight of Poverty for Teachers and Professionalism at Nyanhunzi primary School in Guruve District is deplorable!

Nyanhunzi primary school teachers are walking three kilometres every day to fetch clean water for their domestic use. They shared one room each think about this situation if you have a family with five members living in a single room. Thus the horrible dehuminized of a professional teacher who made great sacrifices and develop personally faced with such unacceptable dirty tricks of poverty. Above all the school has no electricity although some well wishers sponsored 22 poles for lining of the eletric cables. However there is need of dear $13000 to buy the transformer and cables to make the project successful.
Nyanhunzi primary is a school with an enrolment of 850 children and 22 teachers who do not easily be accessible to clean water, need electricity to pump water for use at school otherwise both teachers and school children are vulnerable to outbreak of any water borne diseases, if the situation is not looked at now than yesterday. The 22 member staff is living a deplorable life condition which need noone to doubt the urgent need of well wishers' funds to help this vulnerable people who are seeking Education and those who facilitate the child Education process.
The school is kindly appealing for a donation to those who can write for this cause a check of either $100,200 or even $1000 for their cause to raise $18 000 specifically for joining the eletric grid,establish a borehole and build five houses for the staff.
Anyone who need to assist can do so by write a check directed to Nyanhunzi Primary school Private Bag 2004 Guruve Zimbabwe.
Or contact the School Head Mrs Makusha
The teacher:Mr James Chamunorwa for more information :0026772107508.
We hope your support shall be the great achievement for child Education!

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