The Gifted Children are generally associated with high performance on intelligence tests and academic achievement.However the high intelligence test scores and outstanding academic performance contribute to the determination of giftedness ,but there are other more considerations need to put forward.
The intelligence do not measure other giftedness charateristic nor influenced by academic achievement. These characteristics include leadership ability,originality ,foresight and outstanding performance in co-curricular activities are not measured by intelligence.
The only use of intelligence tests and academic performance as determinants of giftedness fails short of distinguish a gifted child. Because it sidelines pupils who have superior potential in other disciplines and below average in other areas. When we identifying giftedness we should be very specific in order to assist those pupils whom we say are gifted.
Lets have a look of some characteristics of giftedness:
When learning the gifted child usually learns easily even the work which is more challenging, has the capability and ability to comprehends it quickly whilst doing these tasks self motivated happly and in a fun mood. A gifted child has self driven intiatives in his/her own learning as it is simple ,more interesting and quest for more facts for him/her to independently learn effectively with very little explanation on new concepts and skills as compared to an average learner.
Characteristics of a gifted child in speech and vocabulary is oftenly evidenced by precosity ,that's knowledge or intelligence more than normal for the age . The gifted child use unusual words and the phraseology might reflect that of a person who is much years older,for example a child of eight years can work concepts level to a 13 years pupil. Even if average learners can have eloquence(fluent speaking) the gifted child is super above as far as expressing ideas and relationships.
Gifted child usually identfied as very active .The child cannot content with accepting passively what the teacher tells. The child has curiosity to explore and to discover things on his/her own. The creativity in gifedness tend to have wide range of interests and hobbies.The gifted child probes and seeks more knowledge at the fast pace that other learners.
The vivid imaginatination in abstract ideas ,gifted child has the will power to enjoy being occupied in planning and organising projects.
A gifted child has no problem of associating with any person of any calibre .That's why some analysts tend to believe that this is because of his/her rich vocabulary and ideas which are far advanced than their peers. The gifted child is more concerned about feelings of different age groups,professionals regardless of any status.
Human beings are hungry for information for this is the only way they learn new skills habits and change of behaviour so let do it! When doing your ordinary work do it exceptionally well.
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