30 September 2010


Adolescents has behaviours which teachers and parents should appreciate first before apply comprehensive solution to assit them at this rapid growth confused period in their life time and in their education process.Every society has its own acceptable standards of behaviours which may be differ from one another. And societies has defferent expectations for the development of its own children. Failure to achieve these expectation children's development in the society and their future responsibilities is adversely threatened. Children 's failure to achieve the expected developments will definitely meet social disapproval. This social disapproval could brought about sorrow in their life and resulted into problem behaviours. For example failing the education curricular set by society's standards such as o' levels would be a great blow to the child 's future as far as making good career advancement.
Some of the most problem behaviours also found in adolesents at school like hyperactive ,over anxiousness ,withdrawal reaction ,have already been mentioned in the previous articles.
Problems of Children who has difficulties in adjusting personally and socially to the environment are likely to have problem behaviours.Emotionally disturbed children are a problem even to those around them. Identity and values which contribute to personality ,can affect every individual 's way of behaving. Problems in children could be said to be of personality problems.
Teachers classify problems in children ,for behaviours that might be normal simply because the child's patterns of behaviour do not conform to acceptable standards.
The age of the children are very important in determining their problems, some children show immature behaviour for the benefits derived from the situation like crying unnecessarily. This is because such children realised that after crying they can get whatever they want from adults. The children can have satisfiction attention immediately ,because of their helplessness stance, they got and does't stop this habit.This habit may be a form of problem behaviour.Parents ,teachers and adults in general are likely to have common mistakes of developing children with adverse attitudes towards them. Children can develop real problem behaviours as they can avoid sharing articles with friends lest that action can be regarded as taking things that not belong to them. Such children become withdrawn or aggressive as a defensive mechanism against accusations.The safest thing to do is never to overlook any form problem behaviour displayed by children.
The information above is useful for teachers to be aware of problems regarding children's learning behaviours especially those at adolesents because their development rates differs immensely . Some behave like little infancy and some are far away need responsibility independently as individual despite being regarded as children. Teachers should never overlook any form of problem behaviour displayed by school children .There are no guarantees that children will grow out of some problematic behaviours such as stealing ,cheating ,dodging ,bullying ,etc. If a problem behaviour is tolerated at a certain age,the chances are higher that these children would develop the behaviour into a habitual form of adjustment. Any form of problem behaviour displayed by children should be treated as a signal for possible troubles in the near future .Teachers should be made to remedy it immediately.
Lying ,exagerating of facts and stealing ,according to Durojaiye(1980:54)are some of the most common anti-social behaviours of adolesents children at school in African societies.Although we cannot say the children worldover because of lack of evidence. As teachers however there is need to know and be aware of these problem behaviours that can retarded adolesents children's learning and socialisation conditioning.

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