25 September 2010


With the advent of massive migration and global interaction pupils are easily make relationships with those from Islam world.
Islam is a religion of 1 in 5 of the world population making it one of the largest religion like christians and catholics combined in their numbers. It is the fastest growing major religion with some powerful states like Iran,Algeria,Lybia,United States Emirates,Pakistan,Indonesia and so on are regarded as Islamic states. Even in other christian dominant states like USA,Britain,France, Zimbabwe etc islamic mosques are also found and on Friday most of their business closed at noon to go to the mosques.So it is necessary for multi-faith approach to be adopted in the teaching of religious and moral education in the primary schools to promote tolerance and peace among other morals of mutual depth in learning world religions .For the benefit of the student and substantive teacher they must have a knowledge of the Muslims which started to held its world stage dominance in religious practice around 700 AD.
Islam means submission ,'surrender' or 'commitment' to Allah which expresses the innermost attitude of hearkened to the preaching of Mohammed. Muslim refers to one who makes or does Islam.
Like the the concerns of Buddha about the beliefs of Hindu in many gods, the founder of Islam Muhammad questioned the religious practices of his day. He was born in Mecca Saudi Arabia about 570 AD, or between 560-632 AD.His father , Abd Allãh died before Muhammad's birth and his mother Aminah died when he was six years old.
During that time Arabs worship many gods for instance Sun God,Moon God and other natural things like rocks mountains ,pools etc that was centred in the Mecca valley at the scared site of Ka'bah a simple cubelike building where black meteriote was revered.
Ka'bah was believed in Islam world to be originally built by Adam and was latter re-built by his grand-grandsons Abraham and Ishmael. It become a santuary for the 360 idols ,with each representing a day of their lunar year.
The Prophet Muhammad was worried of the religious practices and vowed interests of religion and honour among the Quraysh chiefs his tribe. He was dissatisfied with primitive survivals in Arabian religion , the idolatrous polytheism and animism , which ,Qur'ãn surah 6:137 states, the immortality of religious convocations and fairs the drinking ,gambling and dancing that were fashionable and the burial alive of unwanted infant daughters practiced all over Arabia. Surah are chapters of their holy book ,Qur'ãn or Koran.
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as populary known in the Islam world was called to be a prophet when he was about 40 years old nearby mountain cave called Ghãr Hirã' where he received revelations from Allah through the Angel Gabriel in the form of visions ,from then on he was convinced that there is only one God 'Allah' and he is the last prophets of Allah for Jesus was one of the prophets , not son of God as reviewed by some Christian counterparts. Jesus in Islam believed that he was a messenger of God who came through the virgin Marry. To them isn't God nor part of the trinity ,but only differs from other prophets in his milaculous works and wasn't crucified and didn't die a natural death.He was taken upto heaven and will return to Earth again towards the day of judgement . Muslims have a high view of Jesus .but equating him to Allah is a blasphemy.
Muslim acknowledges different scared scriptures which include the Torah of Moses,Psalms of David,Gospels of Jesus and the Qur'ãn. The Qur'ãn is Allah's most recent and final word which divided into three categories: (1)Holy Qur'ãn been revealed to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel in its words and meanings are viewed in inspired Arabic.
(2)Hadíth or sunnah deeds of utterance and silent approval of the prophet .A hadíth records actions or sayings of the prophet Muhammad's companons and the successors. The meaning is viewed as inspired in Islam.
(3) Sharí'ah law based on the principles of the Quar'ãn regulates the entire life in the religious ,political and social scene.The acts of man categorised in:
•What is considered absolute duty(fard) thus rewards for acting or punishment for failing to act.
•Commendable or meritorious actions (mustahabb) involving rewards without punishment for omission.
•Permissible actions(jã'iz, mubãh)is legally indifferent.
•Reprehensible actions (makrűh)disapproves but not punishes.
•Forbidden actions(harãm)which calls for punishment.

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