02 October 2010

The special children needs children in the primary school education system

It is necessary for teachers to understand and appreciate the possible needs of special children because they are going to meet them or have already done so in the classroom.This article will enable us in a number of ways to deal with different forms of disability ,their causes and possible ways of helping the special needs children.
Teachers should be able to identify and explain what are regarded as special needs children .You should also note that fast learners can be regarded as special needs children.
We usually get worried when some of our pupils are not able to perform some tasks set for them. In levels of child development we expect children to do particular tasks successfully.In mathematics for example ,we expect a child in 5th or 6th year of formal primary education to be able to do Addition,Subtraction,Division and Multiplication.If
the child fails to do these mathematical operations we then conclude that the child has special problems which needs special attention.
The problems of a child who lags behind in basic conceptual development and general academic performance is one of the difficult problems we have to face.These children may be retarded in their development or may be affected by social backgrounds,which can be sour family relations or poverty.
These problems are because of the physical or social problems resulted in persistent failure to achieve what the other children can achieve.The permanent failure causes the child to be worried of life ,hate education and the society in general.
Even a fast learner who excel in class activities than the average learners is a special child.Therefore it is necessary to know these special children so that no pupil will be disadvantaged in the learning situation.
Types of Disability and their Natural Causes
There are many natural causes of disabilities in children and the effects on the their education capabilities.Lets discuss the following:
Physical handicaps
Emotional handicaps
Severe subnormality
Mental handicaps
Educational Subnormality(ESN)
Physically Handcapped Children
Physically handicapped children are those children who are:
Blind and Partially (blind) sighted.
Deaf and partially (deaf)hearing.
Physically handicapped and delicate.
The blind and partially sighted have problems of seeing objects.The blind children cannot see anything completely .But the partially sighted can see things very faintly.These people need special teaching methods .The problems arising from partial seeing are difficult to detect.Some children became blind in their mother's womb .
Generally 60% of the cases of blindness are caused by genetic factors.Infections account for 15%,injury and accidents for 15% while diseases account for 10%.Fries in Africa for example carry a disease called onchocerciasis especially in hot areas and can cause blindness.
Ignorance and poverty can lead to some cases of blindness in children because of poor sanitation and hygiene practices .Some mothers don't wash their children's faces results in these children lost sight.This is because the eyes secrete mucus which can attracts flies and then left germs which in turn cause blindness.
Because of religious beliefs some parents don't go to the medical centres for treatments or to take advice from this health experts because of their church doctrines,for example apostolic sects in African societies never go to hospitals.Most of children lost their sight simply by not practicing proper hygienic standards in their homes.

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