03 October 2010

The Importance Teaching and Learning of Physical Education in Schools

Children are mostly urged to be active and naturally children need activities are both physically and mentally influence. Their bodies are at vigorous physical and mental growth hence these activities reduce monotonous and lesson boredom to be specific. The school's mandate is to see children's growth and development in satisfying physical education.
The approaches to be excuted during physical education lessons should make provisions for the children's physical satisfaction of movements of various qualities and the mental satisfation of creative activities.
The physical education and other co -curricular activities has great contribution to the maintenance and improvement of health and provide wholesome leisure-time occupation. In education these useful aspects has great influence in enriching social interaction relationships and the development of attitudes of fair play.
Well excuted physical education discipline should develop the abilities ,will -power and self-discipline of every child as a full member of the integrated society.
Educational system of any state must set the requisite place and importance of physical and sport in establishing a balance and strength links between physical activities and cognitive development of the children in educational process.
The physical education generally aims at an increase of motor skills as children develop organic health ,vigour and physical fitness.
In the Physical Education lessons children are also expected to experience movements as a means of communication and expression. The children can develop high standards of performance in physical activities to which they are attracted and in which these children can show competence.
Children should develop the awareness of aesthetic qualities of movement ,where they are exposed to acquire suffient knowledge to become appreciative and intelligent spectators of wide range of sporting activities.
Learning how to co-operate with others as a team or group in exercising the natural learning processes of enquiry and discovery through physical movement. Children can experience a sense of achievement as frequently as possible.
The teamwork spirit can help in molding leadership qualities and develop a sense of self -control and confidence in growing children.
The time allocated for physical education vary from school to school depends on numerous factors. However for infants it is necessary to set 4 x 20 minute lesson per week , Infant classes need a lot exercises as they are at massive development stage that they should compansate most through acquiring most of the basic skills and these skills need to be constantly re-inforced.
The recommended types of lesson to be taught each week are one educational gymnastic(general movement),one dance and two ball games lessons so that every area of physical skill developed.
The juniour classes that is children of 9 to 12 years of age need atleast 3x 30 minutes lesson periods per week. The timetable should be flexible to allow children to have their physical education during cool hours of the day atleast once a week. Where facilities and equipment are a problem ,staggering the lessons should allow more flexibility of the timetable. The most useful types of lessons for these children should be involved in staggered as one educational gymnastic ,one dance and one ball game lessons per week.It is very essintial to give this level more time to ball game skills lessons as their level of development is now concerned in learning skills and ways to manipulate in a game situation..
Hygiene and Safety Rules of physical education emphasised that all areas should be free from health hazards like broken bottles ,tins ,scrap metal etc. If the ground is too wet or when the weather is too cold ,Physical Education lessons should be held indoors. All facilities and equipment used during lessons should be checked regularly for safety.The class should have a first aid kit and the Physical Education teacher should also ensure and observe thorough safe keeping of all pupils during the Physical activities .Children should be encouraged to be addressed in sporting attire and back to school uniform after the Physical Education lessons.
In the aquatic lessons ,children should have a shower or foot bath before entering the swimming pool, strictly used their individual towels,combs , sim suits and it is advisable not to allow children to chew gum or any other substance during Physical Education lessons. After the lesson children should wash their hands under running water.
All activities recommended in a physical Education lesss should be done seriously ,thus warm up ,skill development mini gaming and warm out or cool down ,if the teacher vary them from lesson to lesson it become so interesting.