07 October 2010


DBAE is a comprehensive approach to the teaching of Art Education.It recognises the cognitive aspect has to be highlighted in teaching of Art as a subject ,with its own content made up of knowledge skills and attitudes.It must be accorded the same status as any other subject in the school curriculum.
DBAE is concerned with addressing the issue of content in Art Education.It realises that Art Education is not limited to drawing and painting.In addition to these ,there are also analytical and critical skills to be learnt.
DBAE advocates for the teaching of Art Education that covers content in four areas ie production,history ,criticism and aesthetics.
Art production is concerned with making use of Art media to create works of Art.It provides opportunity for learners to express themselves visually.The learners use materials and visual concepts to convey their own ideas and feelings.Learn about the making of Art gives students an understanding of the efforts and skills used by Artists to communicate ,developing visual communication which deffers from talking and writing.
How to engage learners in Art Production?
Through the use Art media to reflect various aesthetic qualities in both two and three dimensions. Media used to reflect the images found in the visual environment .
Make use of media to produce decorative and functional Art objects.Then direct personal involvement in the creative process of Art production helps learners to understand how artists create and how they express ideas in them.
This understanding provides learners with greater appreciation of the contribution of Artists to human achievement .
Art history contributes to an understanding of Art works by providing information about who created the Art works ,what functions do they serve ,the cultural context in which they were made ,how have they changed overtime ,why have they changed.Art works reflect time and culture of people who produce them.They provided a record of how people,places and things look.
How to engage learners in learning Art History? Involve them in reading and writing social and cultural aspects of Art.Identify different Artists in society and their Art works.
Demostrate the uses or functions of different types of Art in society.Such as pottery and drawings from stones and caves.
Recognise the cultural ,ideological and commercial roles of art.Different Art objects and variations according to time.
Art works help to bring us more immediately and vividly into contact with past and present civilisation.
When people learn Art works from the past and present they begin to understand how Art reflects the values of society and how it is influenced by social ,political and economical beliefs of society and its contributions to the Art.
Art criticism is concerned with making critical judgements and talking about Art.
How do learners engage in Art criticism?
Identify tools and media used produce Art objects and the visual elements in the Art objects .
Use Art vocabulary describe the qualities of art elements/objects .Evaluate their own and other people's art according to selected criteria.Interprete messages portrayed in Art and Art objects.
Identify the source of ideas in Art objects(inspiration). Discourage students from attacking one another.Criticism should enhance confidence in students.They should realise that when criticising their works its not personal attack but a critique of artwork.
Aesthetics is the inner most feeling and appreciation way you respond to Art work.Aesthetic concerned with the appreciation of visual form and also concerned with how people respond to Art works.
How do learners engaged in aesthetics?Respond with feeling to the visual aesthetics aspects of nature .Recognise and admire the roles of art and artists in society.Be emotional to different forms of visual art in the environment. Admire the works of Art produced by other people of other times in other places.
Visit place where Art is found exhibited for various purposes .Partcipate in verbal discussions about Art and Art objects.
Talking about Art appreciation,looking at artwork.
Teaching to be observant,by spotting the difference through realise the relationship between things in the environment that's the harmony in nature and to respect th environment.
The role of the teacher changed from an instructor to that of providing material for learners to express themselves when mainly teach Art for self expression,problem solving ,knowledge to make human producers of Art.
The other purpose is appreciation skills where the human being is a consumer to produce aesthetic aspect of the world.
Our world is full of Art hence we call the Subject Art Education.(DBAE).

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