29 September 2010


Besides varying the teaching methods to suit the different teaching and learning situation .The teacher should arrange the setting stratergy for all the learners.Braine et al (1990)say ,"do not feel obliged to maintain the same seating plan for every type of lesson.If you plan a lesson in which there is an element of class instruction and boardwork ,the seating plan will need to be arranged so that all pupils can see the chalkboard."The seating arrangements in the classroom adds or subtracts meaning to the learning context. Pupils should be helped and encouraged to make maximum use of the space and furniture available. All pupils should be comfortably sit in such a way that they can be able to see the board,their teacher and is a well ventilated clean area, without straining themselves.The teacher's table should be infront or backwards depends with the teacher and should be freely visited by every child who need assistance during children 's work.There should be enough space for pupils to move freely between the desks during lesson activities.
Good seating arrangements promote co-operation and entail pupil to pupil interaction and teacher to pupil interaction.
The teacher should delegate duties to the pupils.Kasambira(1993)suggests class routines and responsibilities should be established very quickly.Every pupil should know what is expected him/her. Have an idea on how things are done and how each person contributes to the wellbeing of the classroom environement.
Routines and responsibilities such as collection of exercise books ,group leaders,disribution of materials and collection ,work procedures and homeworks .These duties should be kept clear ,brief ,definite and enforceable .
In other words teachers should involve children generally from 9 years and above ,in the drafting and making of class roles,rules and duties .This way children are trained to be responsible for their own learning and for their future in the society.It will also convient for the teacher to deal with misbehaviour because children for themselves will help their teacher to report those disturbing others in the classroom learning situations.
The good relationship between the teacher and pupils will be enhenced as these children realised their responsiblity,roles and occupied most of their time learning something purposeful in their life.
Delegation of duties also is the best way to motivate children in the context that no one will feel inferior as everyone is assured a role to do in class without favouring or neglecting any learner. At the same time the teacher should fair as much as possible and avoid segregation when delegating.
Teachers should avoid the commonly practiced tendencies of delegating only the fast learners, perceiving the inclusive education of motivating the gifted child to take the leadership roles always. Whilst sidlining the slow learners who will obviously become the trouble makers and perpetuate misbehaviours in the classroom.
Labelling children negatively has detrimental effects of self-fulling prophecy,which might trigger compensatory behaviour.This behaviours might led slow learners to bully other children after school.Teachers should treat all pupils equally regardless of whatever academic,social or economic status.Don't give a child a role just because you will aim for his parents who are rich and will give some incentives by simply favouring their child instead of doing what is fair enough for disciplinary management. Some children become more challengeable if they discovered other children are given more attention then them .
The teacher can make an environment conducive for learning as he organises pupils such that will not disturb each other during learning.To be persistant with stimulus variation the teacher should make use of gestures,variation in voice projection,rythmic movements around the classroom and not adhere to classroom especially during the hot weathers ,but also go outside. Make use of shades of tree whilst children refresh from cool well ventilated places whilst embarking on field trips, used local environment as the best media among other numerous advantages of conducive learning environment..

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